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POLSKO-ANGIELSKI GLOSARIUSZ NOWOCZESNYCH FINANSOWYCH, PRAWNYCH I INNYCH TERMINÓW. This Polish-English Glossary of Modern Financial, Legal and Other Terms focuses on providing the English equivalents of new and updated Polish terms across many fields.
Price | €18.00 |
Seller | Eugene Bergman |
Language Pair | Polish to English |
Fields |
finance |
Term Concepts | 7,742 |
Sales | 1 |
Seller available to work in this field | Yes (View Profile) |
Customer Feedback and Ratings | Maria |
This Polish-English Glossary of Modern Financial, Legal and Other Terms focuses on providing the English equivalents of new and updated Polish terms from the fields of law (contract law, patent law, etc.), accounting, banking, commerce, ecology, economics, financial reports information technology, literature military, commerce, economics, oil and gas industry and pipelines, space research, stock-exchange trading, vital statistics, weaponry, etc. Composed by a translator with forty years of experience in rendering Polish scientific and technical articles and literary works into English.
a wista = at sight, on call, on demand
abiturient = candidate for secondary-school certificate; graduate
abonament - subscription; commutation ticket
abordaź = boarding (of a ship as an act of war)
absolutorium = vote of acceptance of report; completion of higher education, diploma comes with completion of Master’s thesis
absorpcja kar = concurrence of penalties
a conto, wpłata = earnest money
adamaszkowy = damask (adj.)
adamowym stroju, w = birthday suit, buff, stark-naked
adhezja = contract
adhezyjny = adhesion (adj.)
adiutant = adjutant
administracja rządowa = government administration, bureaucracy
admiralski statek = flagship
adres dla doręczeń = address for delivery
a. zwrotny = return address
adresat = addressee, target
adresowalność = addressability
adresowanie bezpośrednie = direct addressing
a. indeksowe = indexed addressing
a. niejawne = implied addressing, implicit addressing
a. proste = immediate addressing
a. stronicowe = page addressing
adwokat główny strony = leading counsel
adwokat-karnik = criminal lawyer
adwokatura = the legal profession, the Bar
afazja = aphasia
afekcie, w = under an emotional strain
afekcie w, zbrodnia = crime of passion
afekt = emotion, disturbance
afera = scam, affair, notoriety
a. gospodarcza = scam, swindle
aferzysta = crook, swindler, con artist
afisz = poster
agencja towarzyska = escort service
agenda = memorandum-book; department
agendy = functions
agio = exchange premium (in bank clearings)
a. poźyczki = loan premium
agrafka = clasp, brooch, safety pin
agrest = gooseberry
ajerkoniak = egg liqueur
ajerwódka = vodka flavored with sweet-sedge
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The buyer of this package created by Eugene Bergman, Ph. D. is entitled to use it for her/his own translation work. Redistribution (reselling, publicizing or any other form of multiplication) is expressly forbidden.