Hi, my name is Cristina Gómez Villacastin
Also a lawyer
I'm unavailable today
Language Pairs:
- English to Spanish
- Italian to Spanish
- French to Spanish
Fields of Expertise:
- legal
- finance
- engineering (aerospace)
About Me
Country: Spain
Joined: about 8 years ago
CAT tools: Trados Studio 2014, Wordfast Pro 4
- ProZ.com
Payment methods accepted: Wire transfer
Preferred currency: Euro (EUR - €)
I hold a degree in law and I am a sworn translator
15,683 Translation Units
0 Term Concepts
My Experience
Years of experience: 22
- 1999 BA at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- 2003 MIT at Universidad de la Laguna
- 2001 Graduate (Other) at Sampere school of Translators and Interpreters
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