Hi, my name is Mais Hamad
Giving life and spirit to the text
Native in: Arabic
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About Me
Country: United Arab Emirates
Joined: almost 8 years ago
- ProZ.com
Keywords: أمراض وزراعة الكلى, لغسيل الكلى, الوجبات السريعة, وحدة غسيل الكلى, تحتوي على نسب عالية, كمية الملح, Municipality Council, كمية السعرات الحرارية, amounts relating, Opportunities Arising, role of women, negative impact, risk for heart, high intake, الستيرولات النباتية, تناول كميات كبيرة, attendance discussed, lose weight, الحمية الغذائية, active ingredient
Payment methods accepted: PayPal
Preferred currency: United States Dollar (USD - $)
$0.07 to $0.12/ word*
5 years experience, highly experienced in health and medical related documents. experienced in POA, .MOA, MOU, and other legal documents. Love what you do and you will never have to work in your life. This makes all the difference in the world.
*The listed rates are a general range for this translator. Every project is different and many factors affect translation rates including the complexity of your source text, file format, deadline, etc. Please contact this translator with the details of your translation job for a more specific rate quote.
689 Translation Units
6 Term Concepts
My Experience
Years of experience: 5
- 2003 BA at University of Jordan
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