The global human rights movement has become more expansive since the 1990s, including greater representation of women's rights and economic justice as part of the human rights umbrella. |
विश्व मानव अधिकारको आन्दोलन सन् १९९०को दशक पछि झन् वृहत भएर आएको छ, महिला अधिकार र आर्थिक न्यायको पाटो पनि मानव अधिकारको छाता मुनि समेटिएको छ । |
Economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights gained new prominence. |
आर्थिक, समाजिक तथा सास्कृतिक अधिकारहरु अझ बढि प्रकाशमा आएका छन् । |
Advocates for women's human rights (sometimes identifying as part of the feminist movement), criticized the early human rights movement for focusing on male concerns and artificially excluding women's issues from the public sphere. |
महिलाहरुका मानव अधिकारका अभियन्ताहरुले (कहिले काहिँ महिलावादी अभियानकै पाटोको रुपमा चिनाइने) शुरुका मानव अधिकार आन्दोलनलाई पुरुषकै चासोका विषयहरुमा मात्रै ध्यान दिएको र कृतिम रुपमा महिलाका मुद्दाहरुलाई सार्वजनीक बहसबाट बाहिर गरेको भनेर आलोचना गरे । |
Women's rights have nevertheless gained prominence in the international human rights movement, particularly insofar as they include protection from gender-based violence. |
जे होस् महिला अधिकारले अन्तरराष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आन्दोलनमा प्राथमिकता हाँसिल गरिसक्यो, विशेष गरि लैङ्गिक हिँसाबाट सुरक्षाको सवालमा । |
In Latin America, the issue of women's human rights intersects with the struggle against authoritarian governments. |
लाटिन अमेरिकामा महिलाका मानव अधिकारका मुद्दाहरु अधिनायकवादि सरकारहरुका विरुद्धको सघर्सषसग गाँसिएर आउँछ । |
In many cases (see: the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo) women's groups were some of the most prominent advocates of human rights in general. |
मानव अधिकारका प्रमुख अभयन्ताहरुमा प्रायजसो महिला समूहहरुनै हन्थे । (हे: द मदर्स अफ द प्लाजा द् मायो) |
Mainstream acceptance of women's human rights within the international human rights movement has increased since 1989. |
अन्तरराष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आन्दोलनको मुलधारमा महिलाहरुको मानव अधिकारको समावेश सन् १९८९ देखि बढ्न थालेको छ । |
The authority of the United Nations human rights framework diminished in the 1990s, partly due to the emphasis on economic liberalization that followed the Cold War. |
शीत युद्धको पछि आर्थिक स्वतन्त्रतामा दिइएको जोडका कारणले गर्दा पनि सयुक्त राष्ट्र सघको मानव अधिकारको ढाँचाको प्रभाव सन् १९९० को दशकमा घट्यो । |
The 1990s also saw a call to "defend the defenders" of human rights—to protect human rights activists from violence and repression. |
सन् १९९० को दशकमा 'रक्षकहरुको प्रतिरक्षा' को लागि पनि आवाज उठ्यो - मानव अधिकारकर्मीहरुलाई हिँसा र दमनबाट बचाउन । |
Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of attacks on the activists. |
दुर्भाग्यवश, अभियन्ताहरु माथिको आक्रमणको सख्या बढ्दो छ । |
The movement has come to a standstill as individuals continue to push for liberation but are unable to report their findings out of fear of harm or death. |
मानिसहरुले स्वतन्त्रताकालागि दवाव जारीनै राखेका छन् तर उनीहरुले पत्ता लगाएका कुराहरु आफुलाई हानी हुने वा आफ्नो हत्या नै हुने डरले रिपोर्ट गर्न सकेका छैनन् र आन्दोलन साम्य प्राय भएको छ । |
The number of female activists has been growing since the beginning of the Feminist movement however, there have been increased number of attacks on women. |
महिलावादी आन्दोलनको शुरुआतदेखिनै महिला अभियन्ताहरुको सख्या बढ्दै छ, तर महिलाहरु प्रति आक्रमण बढ्दो छ । |
Recently, the Taliban targeted the female activists to send a message. |
हालसालै तालिबानले आफ्नो त्रास देखाउन महिला अभियन्ताहरुलाई निशाना बनाए । |
The internet has expanded the power of the human rights movement by improving communication between activists in different physical locations. |
विभिन्न भौगोलिक स्थानमा रहेका अभियन्ताहरु बीचको सचारलाई राम्रो बनाएर इन्टरनेटले मानव अधिकारको आन्दोलनको शक्तिलाई बढाएको छ । |
This is known as mediated mobilization. |
यसलाई मेलमिलापको माध्यमले गरिएको परिचालन भनिन्छ । |
Individuals who are using their voices to communicate about the injustices are now able to communicate with like minded people who use their voices through participatory journalism. |
अन्यायका बारेका आवाज उठाइरहेका मानिसहरु अब सहभागिमूलक पत्रकारिताको माध्यमबाट आफ्नो आवाज उठाउने उस्तै सोच भएका मानिसहरुसग कुराकानी गर्न सक्छन् । |
The human rights movement has historically focused on abuses by states, and some have argued that it has not attended closely enough to the actions of corporations. |
मानव अधिकारको आन्दोलन ऐतिहाँसिक रुपमै राज्यले गरेका उलङ्घनहरुमा केन्द्रित हुन्छन् र कतिले यो पनि भन्छन् कि यसले ब्यापारिक सस्थानहरुको गतिविधीहरुलाई त्यति ध्यान दिएको छैन ।
In the 1990s, some first steps were taken towards holding corporations accountable for human rights abuses. |
१९९०को दशकमा मानव अधिकार उलङ्घनका लागि ब्यापारिक सस्थाहरुलाई जवाफदेहि बनाउन केहिँ प्राथमिक कदमहरु चालिए । |
For example, the Parliament of Britain approved a resolution to censure British Petroleum for funding Colombian death squads. |
उदाहरणको लागि, बेलायतको ससदले कोलम्बियाको देथ स्वाडलाई आर्थिक सहयोग गरकोले ब्रिटिस पेट्रोलियमको निन्दा गर्ने प्रस्ताव पारित गरे । |