Real Estate/ Immobilier

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Comprehensive real estate terminology package created from online real estate listing descriptions.

Price €1.50
Seller gleeeso Liath Gleeson
Language Pair French to English
Fields real estate
Term Concepts 573
Sales 2
Seller available to work in this field Yes (View Profile)

Packaged for your productivity

This is a comprehensive database of essential real estate terminology, compiled during translation of online listing descriptions from major French real estate websites. Includes creative descriptors for listings, technical building and feature specifications, translations of French governmental construction regulation abbreviations, and vocabulary for a wide variety of buildings and properties. This glossary provides everything you need to translate standard real estate texts with accuracy and flair. This terminology package includes the following files:

  • TBX
  • CSV (UTF-8, UTF-16LE BOM, and CafeTran)
  • XLSX


The buyer of this package created by Liath Gleeson is entitled to use it for her/his own translation work. Redistribution (reselling, publicizing or any other form of multiplication) is expressly forbidden.