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- Kenya
- Joined about 1 year ago
- academic, bilingualism, automation
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Swahili (generic)
I do both English and Swahili Transcriptions and Translations on all topics.
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electrical engineering
engineering (electrical)
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Sample Translation Electrical Engineering
Engineering (Electrical) Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Swahili (generic)) |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. | Atomu ni chembechembe ndogo za maada ambazo huzingatia sifa za maada, zimeundwa na protoni, elektroni, na nyutroni. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. | Protoni zina chaji chanya, Elektroni zina chaji hasi ambayo inafuta chaji chanya ya protoni. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. | Nyutroni ni chembechembe ambazo ni sawa na protoni lakini zina chaji ya kutoelekezwa (neutral). |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. | Hakuna tofauti kati ya chaji chanya na chaji hasi isipokuwa kwamba chembechembe zenye chaji sawa hukataa kila mmoja na chembechembe ambazo zina chaji tofauti huvutaana. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. | Ikiwa protoni chanya pekee na elektroni hasi pekee zitawekwa karibu, zitakuja pamoja kuunda atomu ya hidrojeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. | Kukataa na kuvuta (nguvu kati ya chembechembe zilizo na chaji iliyosimama) inajulikana kama Nguvu Elektrostatiki na nadharia inaonyesha kuwa inaweza kuenea hadi kufikia mbali isiyo na kikomo, lakini inapungua kadri umbali kati ya chembechembe unavyoongezeka. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. | Wakati atomu inakosa elektroni moja au zaidi, inabakia na chaji chanya, na wakati atomu ina angalau elektroni moja ya ziada, inakuwa na chaji hasi. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. | Kuwa na chaji chanya au chaji hasi kunafanya atomu kuwa ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. | Atomu hupata na kupoteza protoni na nyutroni pekee kupitia mchakato wa kufyonza (fusion), kufissioni (fission), na kuoza kwa mnururisho (radioactive decay). |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. | Licha ya kwamba atomu zimeundwa na chembe nyingi na vitu vimeundwa na atomu nyingi, zinajitokeza kwa njia sawa na chembe zenye chaji kwa kuhusiana na jinsi wanavyokataa na kuvuta. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. | Katika atomu, protoni na nyutroni hujumuika kuunda kiini kilichoshikamana kwa karibu. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). | Kiini hiki kimezungukwa na wingu kubwa la elektroni zinazozunguka karibu nayo kwa umbali, lakini zinashikiliwa karibu na protoni kwa mvuto wa umeme (nguvu elektrostatiki tuliyozungumzia hapo awali). |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. | Wingu hilo lipo kama safu za ganda/zawadi zinazopishana ambapo ganda za ndani za valensi zimejaa elektroni na zimeshikamana kwa karibu na atomu. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. | Ganda za nje za uendeshaji hazina elektroni isipokuwa zile ambazo zimepata nishati na kusonga kwenye ganda za uendeshaji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). | Na nishati ya kutosha, elektroni itatoka kwenye atomu (linganisha na kasi ya kutoroka kwa roketi ya anga). |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. | Wakati elektroni katika ganda la uendeshaji inapunguza mwendo na kuanguka kwenye ganda lingine la uendeshaji au ganda la valensi, photon hutolewa. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. | Hii inajulikana kama Athari ya Picha (photoelectric effect). |
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