Public health has been described as "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals." |
Sante piblik te dekri kòm "syans ak atizay pou bare maladi, pou pwolonje dire lavi epi fè pwomosyon lasante atravè efò òganize ak chwa eklere sosyete a, òganizasyon yo, kominote pliblik kou prive ak moun yo." |
It is concerned with threats to the overall health of a community based on population health analysis. |
Sa ki enterese l se menas ki peze sou sante global yon kominote sou baz analiz ki fèt sou sante popilasyon an. |
The population in question can be as small as a handful of people or as large as all the inhabitants of several continents (for instance, in the case of a pandemic). |
Popilasyon konsène an ka tou piti menm jan ak yon ponyen moun oswa li ka men lajè menm jan ak abitan plizyè kontinan (pa egzanp, nan ka yon pandemi). |
Public health has many sub-fields, but typically includes the interdisciplinary categories of epidemiology, biostatistics and health services. |
Sante piblik gen plizyè sou-kategori, men alabaz li enkli kategori entèdisiplinè epidemyoloji, byo-estatistik ak sèvis sante yo. |
Environmental health, community health, behavioral health, and occupational health are also important areas of public health. |
Sante anviwònmantal, sante kominotè, sante konpòtmantal ak sante nan milye travay se domèn ki enpòtan tou nan sante piblik. |
The focus of public health interventions is to prevent and manage diseases, injuries and other health conditions through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behavior, communities, and (in aspects relevant to human health) environments. |
Entèvansyon sante piblik yo gen objektif pou prevni epi jere maladi, blesi ak lòt pwoblèm sante gras ak siveyans ka yo epi fè pwomosyon pou konpòtman sen, kominote ak anviwònman (nan sa ki gen aspè ak sante moun) sen. |
Its aim is to prevent health problems from happening or re-occurring by implementing educational programs, developing policies, administering services and conducting research. |
Misyon l se pou li anpeche ka konplikasyon sante yo rive oswa parèt ankò pandan l ap enplemante pwogram edikasyonèl, devlope politik, administre sèvis epi dirije rechèch. |
In many cases, treating a disease or controlling a pathogen can be vital to preventing it in others, such as during an outbreak. |
Nan plizyè ka, trete maladi oswa kontwole yon ajan patojèn ka trè enpòtan pou prevni l nan lòt ka, tankou pandan yon pandemi. |
Vaccination programs and distribution of condoms to prevent the spread of communicable diseases are examples of common preventive public health measures, as are educational campaigns to promote vaccination and the use of condoms (including overcoming resistance to such). |
Pwogram vaksinasyon ak distribisyon prezèvatif pou prevni pwopagasyon maladi se egzanp mwayen mezi prevantif sante piblik, menm jan ak kanpay edikasyon pou fè pwomosyon vaksinasyon ak itilizasyon prezèvatif (ki enkli batay kont rezistans ak sa yo). |