Clothing played a large role in Renaissance society, as clothing in the Renaissance was all about defining and showing off one's social status. |
Bekledningen spilte en viktig rolle i renessansen. Klærne var med på å definere og vise frem sosial status. |
Germanic, Italian and French fashions heavily influenced the rest of Europe in the period. |
Det tyske, italienske og franske motebildet påvirket resten av Europa i denne perioden. |
Clothing was one of the main ways that the wealthy displayed their wealth to the world, and so it was the wealthy that set the fashions and trends that were to be followed. |
Gjennom klærne kunne de rike synliggjøre sin velstand, og slik satte de preg på motebildet og trendene. |
Because of the great difference in wealth and class in Renaissance Europe there are several different fashions, ranging from what the wealthiest would wear to what peasants might wear. |
Grunnet de store økonomiske forskjellene i Europa under renessansen eksisterte det ulike retninger i motebildet. Fra hva de rikeste ville kle seg i, til det de fattigste hadde på seg. |
Because of the ever-changing times of the Renaissance, fashions also changed more rapidly in this era than in eras before it. |
Ettersom renessansen var en periode med store skiftninger, endret også motebildet seg raskere i denne epoken enn tidligere. |
The wealthy displayed their wealth by wearing expensive fabrics such as silk, brocade, velvet, and cotton (Cotton was at this time in history kind of hard to come by in and was thus a 'wealthy' fabric). |
De rike viste frem sin velstand ved å bruke dyre stoffer som silke, brokade, fløyel og bomull. Bomull var på denne tiden vanskelig å få tak i og ble derfor ansett som et materiale forbeholdt overklassen. |
Furs were also popular among those who could afford them, and oftentimes furs were used by the wealthy as lining on the inside of their garments. |
Pels var også populært blant de som hadde råd til å kjøpe det, og ble ofte brukt som fôr inni klærne. |
Darker colors were the fashion as elaborate embroidery and jewels were often sewn into the fabrics, and dark colors were able to show those features off more. |
Mørkere farger var også populært da de fremhevet forseggjorte broderier og juveler som ofte ble sydd inn i stoffene. |
For the wealthy, style was much more important than function. |
For de rike var stil viktigere enn funksjon. |