进食障碍,又称摄食障碍,是一種精神病,它指的是會影響當事人的生理與心理的異常進食習慣。 |
Eating disorder is a category of mental disorders where aberrant eating patterns negatively affect the patient's physical and psychological well-being. |
進食障礙包括短時間大量進食的「狂食症」;吃得太少導致體重偏輕的「厭食症」;大量進食後再想辦法吐出來的暴食症;會去吃非食物物品的「異食癖」,以及會將食物吐出再食入的反芻症候群。 |
Eating disorders include include binge eating disorder, where the patient eats a large amount of food within a short period of time; anorexia nervosa, where the patient becomes underweight through extreme food restriction; bulimia nervosa, where the patient first binge, then try to trigger vomit to purge the food; pica, where the patient eats non-food items; and rumination syndrome, where the patient regurgitates and eat the regurgitated food again. |
肥胖症本身並不是一種進食障礙。 |
Obesity in itself is not a form of eating disorder. |
進食障礙的成因並不明朗,遺傳與環境因子都可能有影響。 |
The causes of eating disorders are unclear; genetic and environmental factors can both play a role. |
患者所處文化對纖瘦體態的追求也可能會催生進食障礙,舉例而言,有約12%的舞者患有此症。 |
Social and cultural aesthetic preferences for slim body shape may also lead to eating disorders. For example, 12% professional dancers are affected by such conditions. |
性虐待的受害者也比較容易患有進食障礙。 |
In addition, sexual abuse survivors are prone to develop eating disorders. |
異食癖與反芻疾候群則較常在智能障礙患者上看到。 |
Pica and rumination disorder occur more often among people with cognitive impairment. |
在同一時間,一個人只會被診斷出一種進食障礙。 |
At any given time, a patient may only be diagnosed with one type of eating disorders. |
治療對許多進食障礙都有可能有效,方式包含諮商、適切的飲食,和對催吐行為的控制,偶爾也需要住院治療。 |
Many treatment are effective in treating eating disorders, including counselling, balanced diet, and behaviour monitoring to prevent purge. Occasionally patients may require hospitalisation. |
藥物可以用來控制一些進食障礙的伴隨症狀。 |
Medications can help managing certain complications. |
在發病五年後,大約70%的厭食症患者會康復,而狂食症患者也有50%會在五年後復原。 |
About 70% of people with anorexia nervosa and 50% of people with bulimia nervosa recover within five years of onset. |
暴食症患者的復原情形較不確定,估計在20%到60%之間。 |
Recovery rates of binge eating disorder vary widely, estimated as between 20% and 60% |
患有厭食症或狂食症都會增加死亡風險。 |
Both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa contribute to elevated mortality. |
在发达国家,每年有1.6%的女性及0.8%的男性患上暴食症。 |
In developed countries, 1.6% of all women and 0.8% of all men have binge eating disorder.
有0.4%的年輕女性會患上厭食症,另外1.3%則患上狂食症。 |
0.4% of young women suffer from anorexia nervosa, another 1.3% from bulimia nervosa. |
在女性的一生中,得到厭食症的機會是4%,狂食症與暴食症都是2%。 |
Throughout her life time, the risks of a woman developing anorexia nervosa is 4%, and her risks of developing binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa are both 2%.
厭食症與狂食症在女性身上較為常見,發病率約為男性的十倍,發病的時間點大多是在童年晚期或是剛成年時。 |
Women are 10 times more likely than men to be affected by anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Typical onset occurs in late teenage or early adulthood.
其他的進食障礙的發生率較不明朗。 |
The prevalence of other types of eating disorders are unclear. |
相對於已開發國家,发展中国家的進食障礙盛行率似乎較低。 |
In contrast to developed countries, developing countries see relative lower prevalence of eating disorders. |