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Sample Translation Activism
Activism Sample Translation
Source (Spanish) | Target (English) |
El concepto de activismo o militancia se puede generalizar como la dedicación intensa a una dada línea de acción en la vida pública, ya sea en el campo social, político o religioso. | The concept of activism or militancy can be generalized as intense dedication to a given course of action in the public sphere, be it in the social, political, or religious field. |
También se entiende por activismo la estimación primordial de la acción, en contraposición al quietismo. | Activism is also understood as the prioritization of action, as opposed to inaction. |
La prensa, a veces, usa el término «activismo» como sinónimo de manifestación o protesta. | The press sometimes uses the term 'activism' as a synonym for demonstration or protest. |
En la ciencia política también puede ser sinónimo de militancia, particularmente a favor de una causa. | In political science, it can also be synonymous with militancy, particularly in support of a cause. |
Dentro del marco legal y electoral de las democracias representativas, usualmente toma la forma de cabildeo —redactar cartas, efectuar reuniones o hacer expresiones a la prensa y a dirigentes políticos en pro de la postura de preferencia; promover o simplemente seguir ciertos comportamientos que están diseñados o se estima que contribuyan a la causa —tal como boicotear ciertos productos de consumo, o ejecutar la preferencia por otros en las compras individuales o grupales, o efectuar manifestaciones o demostraciones organizadas, tales como marchas de simpatizantes, obtención de firmas a favor de la causa, y otras similares. | Within the legal and electoral framework of representative democracies, it usually takes the form of lobbying - composing letters, calling meetings or holding conferences supporting a position for the press and political leaders; promoting or simply following certain behaviours that are designed or expected to contribute to the cause - such as boycotting certain consumer products, or show preference for others in individual or group purchases, or carry out organized protests or demonstrations, such as supporter marches, collection of signatures for the cause, and other similar forms. |
Sample Translation Entertainment
Entertainment Sample Translation
Source (Spanish) | Target (English) |
Hollywood y el Star System | Hollywood and the Star System |
En Estados Unidos, el cine tuvo un éxito arrollador, por una peculiar circunstancia social: al ser un país de inmigrantes, muchos de los cuales no hablaban el inglés, tanto el teatro como la prensa o los libros les estaban vedados por la barrera idiomática, y así el cine mudo se transformó en una fuente muy importante de esparcimiento para ellos. | In the US, cinema had an overwhelming success, due to a peculiar social circumstance: being a country of immigrants, many of which did not speak English, the theatre along with the press or books were barred to them because of the language barrier, and so silent film become a very important source of recreation. |
Viendo las perspectivas de este negocio, y basándose en su patente sobre el kinetoscopio, Thomas Alva Edison intentó tomar el control de los derechos sobre la explotación del cinematógrafo. | Seeing the perspectives from this business, and basing them in his patent for the kinetoscope, Thomas Alva Edison tried to take control of the rights of the cinematographer exploitation. |
El asunto no solo llegó a juicio, de Edison contra los llamados productores independientes, sino que se libró incluso a tiro limpio. | The case of Edison against the so-called independent producers didn't only make it to trial, he got off scot-free. |
Como consecuencia, los productores independientes emigraron desde Nueva York y la costa este, donde Edison era fuerte, hacia el oeste, recientemente pacificado. | As a consequence, the independent producers emigrated from New York and the east coast, where Edison was powerful, to the recently pacified west. |
En un pequeño poblado llamado Hollywood, encontraron condiciones ideales para rodar: días soleados casi todo el año, multitud de paisajes que pudieran servir como locaciones, y la cercanía con la frontera de México, en caso de que debieran escapar de la justicia. | In a small settlement called Hollywood, they found ideal filming conditions: sunny weather almost all year, a multitude of landscapes that could serve as locations, and the proximity to the Mexican border, in case they needed to escape the law. |
Así nació la llamada Meca del Cine, y Hollywood se transformó en el más importante centro cinematográfico del mundo. | And so the so-called Mecca of cinema was born, and Hollywood became the most important cinematographic centre in the world. |
Sample Translation Advertising
Advertising Sample Translation
Source (Spanish) | Target (English) |
Compuesto generalmente por un departamento de diseño gráfico, un director de arte, un redactor publicitario creativo cuya tarea principal consiste en la concepción y codificación del contenido de la campaña. | Generally composed of a graphic design department, an artistic director, a creative copywriter whose main task consists of the conception and codification of the campaign content. |
Este es el trabajo que hace el departamento de creación, en el que la dirección artística lo componen los directores de arte y los copies (redactores). | This is the work that the creative department does, in which the art direction is composed by the artistic directors and the copies (copywriters). |
Los redactores tienen la función de redactar y realizar los mensajes, adecuándolos a los soportes seleccionados por el departamento de medios. | The copywriters have the role of drafting and carrying out the messages, tailoring them to selected software for the media department. |
En dicha sección y dependiendo de los distintos tipos de intereses de cada empresa con una Agencia Publicitaria determinada, los creadores pueden poseer las funciones de creación de imágenes corporativas, o distintos ambientes pintorescos en relación al interés de dicha empresa. | In the aforementioned section and depending on the different types of interests of each company with a particular advertising agency, the creators can possess the functions for creating corporate images, or different picturesque settings in relation to the interest of that company. |
El departamento creativo es aquel que lleva toda la Publicidad ya que es aquel que conoce bien al cliente, sus necesidades en el departamento de medios se deciden, de manera eficiente, los espacios donde se ubicarán las piezas realizadas por el departamento creativo. | The creative department takes on all the advertising, given that it is that department that knows the client's needs well, in the media department they effectively decide the spaces in which the pieces completed by the creative department will take place. |
Estas decisiones se realizan utilizando software específico que contiene las últimas mediciones de audiencia disponibles. | These decisions are made using specific software which contains the latest audience measurements available. |
Ellos permiten cargar información específica de la campaña (target, zona de cobertura, tasa de repetición) y devuelven el rating de los programas, en el caso de TV, o el tiraje de diarios y revistas. | These allow specific campaign information to be loaded (target, coverage zone, repetition rate) and return the programme rating, in the case of TV, or the circulation of newspapers and magazines. |
En torno a este software existen otros, que permiten a los planificadores de medios a realizar informes para las marcas que los contratan. | Regarding this software, there are others that allow media planners to make reports to the brands that hire them. |
Sample Translation Business
Business Sample Translation
Source (Spanish) | Target (English) |
Hay dos caras de la mercadotecnia: la mercadotecnia estratégica y la mercadotecnia operativa. | There are two sides to marketing: strategic marketing and operative marketing. |
La mercadotecnia estratégica es el elemento que define y encuadra las líneas maestras de comunicación y comercialización de la empresa, para aprovechar las oportunidades del mercado. | Strategic marketing is the element that defines and frames the guidelines of communication and marketing of the company, to take advantage of market opportunities. |
Traza los objetivos y los caminos que luego deberán seguir las tácticas de mercadotecnia (mercadotecnia operativa) en aras de lograr un mayor resultado con la menor inversión y esfuerzo, definiendo el posicionamiento de la empresa frente al mercado elegido para ser destinatario de las acciones de comunicación y venta. | It traces the objectives and pathways that the marketing tactics will have to follow (operative marketing) in order to achieve a better result with lower investment and effort, defining the company's position in the market selected to be the target of the communication and sales activities. |
Dentro de desarrollo de la estrategia de mercadotecnia se integran actividades como: | Activities are integrated within the marketing strategy development such as: |
Conocer las necesidades (problemas) y deseos actuales y futuros de los clientes. | Getting to know the needs (problems) and current and future desires of the clients. |
Identificar diferentes grupos de posibles consumidores y prescriptores en cuanto a sus gustos y preferencias o segmentos de mercado. | Identifying different groups of possible consumers and subscribers regarding their tastes and preferences or market sectors. |
Valorar el potencial e interés de esos segmentos, atendiendo a su volumen, poder adquisitivo, competencia o grado de apremio en querer resolver el problema o colmar el deseo. | Valuing the potential of these sectors, according to their volume, buying power, competence or level of urgency in wanting to resolve the problem of fulfill a desire. |
Definir el "Avatar" o "buyer persona". | Defining the 'Avatar' or 'buyer persona'. |
Teniendo en cuenta las ventajas competitivas de la empresa, orientarla hacia oportunidades de mercado, desarrollando un plan de mercadotecnia periódico con los objetivos de posicionamiento buscados. | Taking into account the competitive advantages of the company, guiding it toward opportunities in the market, developing a regular marketing plan with the aims of search positioning. |
Sample Translation Tourism
Tourism Sample Translation
Source (Portuguese) | Target (English) |
De acordo com Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE (2008), apesar de toda a vocação do setor turístico brasileiro ele não tem ampliado de forma significativa seu peso na riqueza produzida pelo país. | According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE (2008), despite all the talent in the Brazilian tourism sector, it has not significantly been developing its influence on the wealth produced in this country. |
Desde 2003, a participação do turismo no PIB tem oscilado pouco, representando cerca de 3,6% do produto interno bruto nacional (PIB). | Since 2003, tourism participation in GDP has not oscillated much, representing around 3.6% of national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). |
Na classificação do Índice de Competitividade em Viagens e Turismo de 2009, que mensura os fatores preponderantes à consolidação de negócios no setor turístico de cada país, o Brasil ficou em 45º lugar mundial, sendo o segundo colocado entre países da América Latina e o quinto no continente americano. | In the 2009 Competitiveness of Travel and Tourism Index, which measures the major factors in the consolidation of businesses in the tourist sector of every country, Brazil placed 45th worldwide, being the second Latin American country and the fifth country on the American continent. |
O mesmo relatório classificou o Brasil em quarto lugar mundial no quesito potencial turístico na área de recursos humanos, nos aspectos culturais e naturais, sendo que, quando considerado somente seus recursos naturais, o Brasil posiciona-se no segundo lugar do ranking mundial. | The same report put Brazil in fourth place worldwide for touristic potential in human resources, in natural and cultural respects, being that, considering only its natural resources, Brazil places second in the world ranking. |
Atualmente, existem dois programas com o objetivo de promover o desenvolvimento do ecoturismo, o Programa Nacional de Ecoturismo da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (S.D.S/M.M.A) e o Programa de Visitação nos Parques Nacionais da Secretaria de Biodiversidade e Florestas (S.B.F/ M.M.A, 2006). | Currently, two programmes exist with the aim of promoting the development of ecotourism, the National Programme for Ecotourism of the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (S.D.S/M.M.A) and the National Park-Visiting Programme for the Secretariat of Biodiversity and Forests (S.B.F/M.M.A, 2006). |
Ambos tem por objetivo de fomentar a participação das comunidades tradicionais em atividades de desenvolvimento ecoturístico brasileiro. | Both programmes aim to encourage participation of traditional communities in activities for the development of Brazilian ecotourism. |
Em 2008 foi criada a Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo para suprir a necessidade de divulgação de pesquisas nessa área, tornando-se referência científica em ecoturismo no país. | In 2008 the Brazilian Ecotourism Magazine was created to meet the need for dissemination of studies in this area, becoming a scientific reference for ecotourism in the country. |
Ela tem periodicidade quadrimestral e é editada pela Sociedade Brasileira de Ecoturismo, a mais importante entidade científica da área no Brasil. | It is a quarterly publication and it is edited by the Brazilian Ecotourism Society, the most important scientific entity in the area in Brazil. |
O Congresso Nacional de Ecoturismo, com periodicidade bienal, é o maior evento do segmento no Brasil, e também é organizado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Ecoturismo. | The biennial National Ecotourism Convention is the biggest event of the sector in Brazil, and it is also organized by the Brazilian Ecotourism Society. |
Os mais destacados pesquisadores brasileiros das temáticas do Ecoturismo são: Adyr Balastreri Rodrigues, Davis Grube, Marta de Azevedo Irvin, Paulo dos Santos Pires, Sidnei Raimundo, Suzana Machado Padua, e Zysman Neiman, dentre outro | The most distinguished Brazilian researchers on the themes of ecotourism are Adyr Balastreri Rodrigues, Davis Grube, Marta de Azevedo Irvin, Paulo dos Santos Pires, Sidnei Raimundo, Suzana Machado Padua, and Zysman Neiman, among others. |
Até 2003, o mercado brasileiro possuía cerca de 250 operadoras especializadas em ecoturismo, sendo que 70 delas localizadas na cidade de São Paulo no ano 2000. | Until 2003, the Brazilian market had around 250 providers specialized in ecotourism, 70 of those based in the city of São Paolo in the year 2000. |
Neste ano, estima-se que o ecoturismo tenha sido praticado por meio milhão de pessoas no Brasil, gerando emprego para trinta mil trabalhadores, por intermédio de cinco mil empresas e instituições privadas. | This year, it is estimated that half a million people in Brazil engaged in ecotourism, creating jobs for thirty thousand workers through five thousand businesses and private institutions. |
Dentre as 32 operadoras americanas, canadenses, francesas, italianas e sulamericanas que operavam para a América do Sul, na data da pesquisa, apenas 10 (31,25%) oferecam o destino Brasil. | From the 32 American, Canadian, French, Italian and South American providers that operated in South America, at the time of study, only 10 (31.25%) offered Brazil as a destination. |
Nesses pacotes, apenas três produtos eram comercializados: Amazônia e Pantanal (em 80% dos casos) e Foz do Iguaçu (com 40% das ocorrências). | In these packages, only three products were commercialized: the Amazon and Pantanal (in 80% of cases) and Foz do Iguaçu (with an incidence of 40%) |
Sample Translation Communications
Communications Sample Translation
Source (Spanish) | Target (English) |
Una telecomunicación es toda transmisión y recepción de señales de cualquier naturaleza, típicamente electromagnéticas, que contengan signos, sonidos, imágenes o, en definitiva, cualquier tipo de información que se desee comunicar a cierta distancia. | Telecommunication is all transmission and reception of any type of signal, typically electromagnetic, which contains symbols, sounds, images or, ultimately, any type of information to be communicated over a certain distance. |
Por metonimia, también se denomina telecomunicación (o telecomunicaciones, indistintamente) a la disciplina que estudia, diseña, desarrolla y explota aquellos sistemas que permiten dichas comunicaciones; de forma análoga, la ingeniería de telecomunicaciones resuelve los problemas técnicos asociados a esta disciplina. | By metonymy, telecommunication (or telecommunications, interchangeably) also refers to the discipline that studies, designs, develops and explores those systems that permit such communications; in a similar fashion, telecommunication engineering resolves the technical problems associated with this discipline. |
Las telecomunicaciones son una infraestructura básica del contexto actual. | Telecommunications are a basic infrastructure of the modern context. |
La capacidad de poder comunicar cualquier orden militar o política de forma casi instantánea ha sido radical en muchos acontecimientos históricos de la Edad Contemporánea —el primer sistema de telecomunicaciones moderno aparece durante la Revolución Francesa—. | The ability to communicate any political or military order almost instantly has been radical in many historical events of the modern age - the first modern telecommunications system appeared during the french revolution. |
Pero además, la telecomunicación constituye hoy en día un factor social y económico de gran relevancia. | But also, telecommunications today constitutes a hugely relevant economic and social factor. |
Así, estas tecnologías adquieren una importancia como su utilidad en conceptos de la globalización o la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento; que se complementa con la importancia de las mismas en cualquier tipo de actividad mercantil, financiera, bursátil o empresarial. | In this way, these technologies acquire an importance like their use in concepts such as globalization or the knowledge and information society; which is complemented by their importance in any business, trade, finance, or commercial activity. |
Los medios de comunicación de masas también se valen de las telecomunicaciones para compartir contenidos al público, de gran importancia a la hora de entender el concepto de sociedad de masas. | Mass media also use telecommunications to share content with the public - very important when it comes to understanding the concept of mass society. |
La telecomunicación incluye muchas tecnologías como la radio, televisión, teléfono y telefonía móvil, comunicaciones de datos, redes informáticas o Internet. | Telecommunications includes many technologies such as radio, TV, telephone and mobile, data communications, information networks or the internet. |
Gran parte de estas tecnologías, que nacieron para satisfacer necesidades militares o científicas, ha convergido en otras enfocadas a un consumo no especializado llamadas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, de gran importancia en la vida diaria de las personas, las empresas o las instituciones estatales y políticas. | A large part of these technologies, which were born to satisfy scientific or military demand, have converged into others focused on non-specialized consumption, called communication and information technology - very important in the daily life of people, businesses, or political and state institutions. |
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