Engineering Patent Glossary
English to Indonesian
Term Concepts: 412
Price: €20.00
Engineering Patent Glossary
412 Term Concepts |
0 sales
English to Indonesian
engineering, engineering (general)
A collection of terms in general Engineering field for patent translation use.
Wine & viticulture Glossary (technical)
English to Italian
Term Concepts: 3,952
Price: €50.00
Wine & viticulture Glossary (technical)
3,952 Term Concepts |
0 sales
English to Italian
wine, viticulture, oenology
Glossary for highly specialised technical documents in the field of wine & viticulture
Spanish to Croatian IATE terminology package
Spanish to Croatian
Term Concepts: 156,041
Price: €9.50
Spanish to Croatian IATE terminology package
156,041 Term Concepts |
0 sales
Spanish to Croatian
Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.
CJKI Glossary of Nuclear Energy Terms
Japanese to Chinese
Term Concepts: 11,790
Price: $8.00
CJKI Glossary of Nuclear Energy Terms
11,790 Term Concepts |
0 sales
Japanese to Chinese
Comprehensive Japanese-Chinese glossary of over 11,780 nuclear energy terms.
German to Lithuanian IATE terminology package
German to Lithuanian
Term Concepts: 206,245
Price: €9.50
German to Lithuanian IATE terminology package
206,245 Term Concepts |
0 sales
German to Lithuanian
Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.
Food & Cooking Termbase Ar-En
English to Arabic
Term Concepts: 172
Price: €5.00
Food & Cooking Termbase Ar-En
172 Term Concepts |
0 sales
English to Arabic
cooking, food industry
This Termbase is for the Restaurant industry related Translation:Vegetables,Fruits,Spices,Sea Fruits
Legal Glossary #1
English to French
Term Concepts: 50
Price: €1.00
50 Term Concepts |
6 sales
English to French
General and Legal, from EN-FR
CJKI Glossary of Animal Science Terms
English to Chinese
Term Concepts: 13,154
Price: $6.00
CJKI Glossary of Animal Science Terms
13,154 Term Concepts |
0 sales
English to Chinese
Comprehensive English-Chinese glossary of over 13,150 animal science terms.
Croatian to Swedish IATE terminology package
Croatian to Swedish
Term Concepts: 126,962
Price: €9.50
Croatian to Swedish IATE terminology package
126,962 Term Concepts |
0 sales
Croatian to Swedish
Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.
Slovenian to Maltese IATE terminology package
Slovenian to Maltese
Term Concepts: 155,840
Price: €9.50
Slovenian to Maltese IATE terminology package
155,840 Term Concepts |
0 sales
Slovenian to Maltese
Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.