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- S'est inscrit il y a environ 9 ans
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I am a native speaker of Chinese, and a freelance translator between English and Chinese (simplified & traditional) with experience of more than 8 years. I received the PhD degree of Communication and Information System in 2011, and now I am an engineer in a research institute in Beijing.
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Extraits de Traduction Journalism
Journalism Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
第二届中德媒体论坛5月17日至20日在德国首都柏林举行。 | The second China-Germany Media Forum was held in the German capital, Berlin, from May 17th to 20th. |
继去年5月在中国上海举行首次论坛后,20位中德主流媒体负责人再次聚首,围绕本届论坛的主题——“中欧关系的未来”进行了坦诚交流。 | After the first forum, held last May in Shanghai, China, 20 heads of mainstream media in China and Germany came together again, and had candid exchanges around the current forum's theme — "The future of China-EU relations". |
本届论坛的议题包括“数字化中国与世界”、“当前世界经济危机及其影响”、“中东动荡与世界能源安全”和“2020年的中国与欧洲”。 | The forum was jointly sponsored by the Global Times and the German Bosch Stiftung. |
人民日报社社长张研农就“数字化中国与世界”这一议题发表了主旨演讲,强调公信力和社会责任感应该是新媒体和传统媒体的共同价值观。 | The issues of the current forum included "Digital China and the world", "The present world economic crisis and its impact", "The turmoil in the Middle East and the world's energy security" and "China and Europe in 2020". |
德国《日报》总编辑因内斯•普尔说,中国的发展并不意味着欧洲的衰落,中国的发展会给欧洲带来新的机遇。 | Zhang Yannong, President of People's Daily, delivered a keynote speech around the topic "Digital China and the world", stressing that the credibility and the social responsibility should be the common values of new media and traditional media. |
中国的经济规模不断扩大已经并将继续惠及全世界。 | Ines Pohl, Chief Editor of the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung, said, "China's development does not mean the decline of Europe, and China's development will bring new opportunities to Europe. The continuous expansion of China's economic scale has benefited the whole world and will continue to do so." |
Extraits de Traduction Marketing
Marketing Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
A Week in Miyazaki | 宫崎一周游 |
Explore at your leisure with these itineraries | 如下行程将开启您的休闲之旅 |
Miyazaki promises a wealth of cultural, geological and culinary discoveries for those keen to explore one of Japan's warmest, most tropical prefectures. | 对于那些想体验日本最温暖、最具热带风情特色的游客来说,宫崎以其丰富的文化内涵、地理景致和诱人美食,让人觉得不虚此行。 |
Whether it be coastal vistas in Hyuga, island tranquility at Aoshima, exploring caves at Udo-jingu, 'Little Kyoto' at Obi Castle Town, soaking up palm trees or trying Miyazaki's famous jitokko grilled chicken or chicken nanban dishes, Miyazaki has something for everyone. | 无论是领略日向的沿海景观,还是青岛的静谧唯美;无论是探索鹈户神宫与饫肥城的“小京都”,亦或者观看沐浴在水中的棕榈,再或者尝尝宫崎著名“小田原”烤鸡肉或鸡肉南蛮菜,丰富多彩的宫崎期待大家的光临。 |
Why not consider one of the following routes on your next visit to Miyazaki? | 您下次来宫崎旅行时,何不考虑从下列线路中任选其一呢? |
Both itineraries start and end at Miyazaki Station: | 宫崎站有两条往返线路: |
Northern Route via Hyuga | 穿越日向的北线 |
Explore the prefecture's capital city before heading north by train along the Nippou Main Line: | 在沿Nippou干线乘车北行前,先探索一番县首府景致: |
• Miyazaki City: Start the morning seeing some of the city's sights, like Miyazaki Shrine | • 宫崎市:清晨起程,领略城市部分景点,如宫崎神社 |
• Hyuga City: Hop onto the train and head for the panoramic, coastal views from Umagase at Cape Hyuga | • 日向市:搭上火车去日向海角感受来自Umagase的全景海岸 |
• Mimitsu: Before heading back to the city, drop by this traditional port town setting located between Miyazaki and Hyuga. | • 美美津:返程前,顺道在位于宫崎和日向之间古色古香的港口城市下车,赏游一番。 |
➡︎ Read more about Hyuga... | ➡︎ 点击了解更多日向信息…… |
Extraits de Traduction Social Sciences
Social Sciences Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
NYC Common Online Charter School Application | 纽约特许学校通用网上申请 |
Thank you for your interest in applying to a NYC charter school. | 感谢您对申请纽约特许学校有兴趣。 |
Please create an account for your family with an email address or cell phone number. | 请通过电子邮件地址或手机号码为您的家庭创建一个账户。 |
This account allows you to apply to multiple schools for each child in your family. | 该帐户允许您为家里的每个孩子申请多个学校。 |
Non Discrimination Statement: A charter school shall not discriminate against or limit the admission of any student on any unlawful basis, including ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability, intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, race, creed, religion or ancestry. | 非歧视声明:特许学校不得基于任何非法的原因而歧视或限制任何学生入学,包括民族、国籍、性别、残疾、智力、成就或才能、运动能力、种族、信仰、宗教或血统。 |
A school may not require any action by a student or family (such as an admissions test, interview, essay, attendance at an information session, etc.) in order to submit an application. | 学校不得要求学生或家庭参与任何活动(如入学考试、面试、论文、出席咨询会等)以提交申请。 |
The schools below are accepting applications for the grade your student is entering. | 以下学校正在接受申请,且适合您的学生所在年级。 |
They are listed in order of distance from the student's home address. | 它们按照离学生家庭住址的距离远近列表显示。 |
Click on the title of each column to sort the list by CSD, network, or borough. | 点击每一列的标题,可按照学区(CSD)、学校联盟或行政区域对列表进行排序。 |
Extraits de Traduction Tourism & Travel
Tourism & Travel Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
As one of our brand's upscale international hotels in North Chengdu, this Crowne Plaza® hotel features beautifully landscaped grounds that instantly take you from a Chengdu airport hotel to a luxurious resort. | 这家皇冠假日酒店®是我们品牌在成都北部的高端国际酒店之一,有着风景优美的庭院,瞬间把您从成都机场酒店带到了豪华度假胜地。 |
Our hotel boasts 326 finely-appointed guest rooms, each with air conditioning, a minibar, bathrobes, satellite TV service, and free Wi-Fi — all designed for your comfort and convenience away from home. | 我们酒店拥有326间精心布置的客房,每间客房都配有空调、小酒吧、浴袍、卫星电视服务以及免费Wi-Fi——所有这些都是为了让出门在外的您感觉到舒适和方便而设计。 |
Meeting facilities range from the elegant VIP reception room to the open-layout grand ballroom. | 从优雅的贵宾接待室到开放式布局的大宴会厅,我们的会议设施一应俱全。 |
Dining1 | 餐饮1 |
Cafe 198 features casual, all day dining with a view of the park. | 198咖啡厅是一家舒适悠闲的全日制餐厅,并且能让您欣赏到园林美景。 |
It offers both a la carte and buffet selections of international foods and local Asian dishes. | 餐厅提供国际菜、亚洲本地菜组合的自助餐及零点菜单。 |
Our restaurant is open from 6:30am to 10pm daily, allowing you to grab breakfast on the way to a work event or to dine with us for a late dinner. | 我们餐厅的营业时间为每日上午6:30到晚上10:00,所以您既可以在赶去商务活动之前点一份早餐,也可以在坐下来享用晚餐。 |
You can always find a table at The Aqua Café, which serves guests all day. | 您通常可以在水叮当咖啡馆找到位子,这里是全天营业的。 |
While the décor has been recently updated, the comfortable dining area also offers a picturesque view of our neighboring golf course. | 餐厅的装修近期才刚刚翻新,舒适的餐饮区域还可看到邻近高尔夫球场如画一般的美景。 |
Our Hao Chi Gourmet Restaurant offers assorted styles of Chinese cuisine for lunch and dinner and a breakfast buffet that includes Western style food. | 滋味馆风味餐厅荟萃各种类型的中式午餐和晚餐,以及包含西式风格的自助早餐。 |
The open kitchen lets you observe the skill of chefs preparing regional favorites. | 开放式厨房可以让您欣赏到大厨们在准备人气本地菜时的好身手。 |
Try the Hong Kong style milk tea while you’re there for a taste of what locals enjoy year round. | 当您在那儿品尝当地人常年享受的美味时,别忘了来一杯港式奶茶。 |
The restaurant can accommodate up to 68 guests, keeping your wait to a minimum so you can move on to the next meeting on your busy schedule. | 餐厅可以容纳多达68位客人,尽量减少您的等待时间,以便让您尽快投入繁忙日程中的下一个会议。 |
Traditional Cantonese cuisine meets Shanghai's modern atmosphere at the House of Fame Chinese Restaurant. | 在名人堂中餐厅,传统粤菜与上海现代气息融合。 |
Choose from a wide selection of gourmet specialties using our sleek iPad menus. | 使用井然有序的iPad菜单,从多种多样的特色美食中挑选。 |
The restaurant also offers six private rooms and two semi private rooms ideal for a dinner time business meeting. | 餐厅还提供六个私人包间和两个半私人包间,是商务会议晚餐的理想选择。 |
Whether you desire a causal lunch or a fine dinner with colleagues, stop by to dine amidst modern Chinese décor. | 不管您想要的是休闲午餐还是和同事共享的高档晚餐,都可以光临此处,在拥有现代中国装潢的环境下享用美食。 |
Dining2 | 餐饮2 |
Canal Luna Chinese Restaurant, on the first floor, is the place to go for Cantonese delicacies as well as samples of local cuisine. | 位于一楼的御公馆中餐厅融地道粤菜和精选本地美食于一堂。 |
The graceful atmosphere is relaxing, and our service is especially superb. | 优雅的就餐气氛伴您收获一份轻松舒适,而且我们的服务尤为出色。 |
The restaurant features a spacious public dining area, as well as 12 private dining rooms. | 餐厅拥有宽敞的公共用餐区和12间包房。 |
Restaurant hours are 11:30am to 2pm for lunch and then again from 6pm to 10pm for dinner. | 餐厅的午餐供应时间是上午11:30至下午2点,晚餐供应时间是下午6点至晚上10点。 |
If you are looking to dine on authentic Chinese dishes with ancient and elegant traditional décor surrounding you, then The Canal Luna Chinese Restaurant is here to please. | 如果您想在古典优雅的传统环境中享用地道中国菜,那么御公馆中餐厅便是您的理想去处。 |
The menu features both original Cantonese and local Sichuan cuisines. | 菜单上既有地道粤菜,也有本地川菜。 |
It also has 7 private dining rooms for intimate business meetings or personal dinners. | 它还有7个包间,适合于私密的商务会议或者个人宴请。 |
With its food court layout and interactive kitchens, the All Day Dining Pan Asian Restaurant gives you the chance to sample any of a wide selection of international cuisines all day. | 全日制泛亚餐厅有着美食广场式布局和交互式的厨房,让您有机会全天品尝到多种多样的世界各地美食。 |
These market style dining options ensure you and everyone in your party is happy with each dish. | 这些市场风格的就餐选择可确保您和聚餐中的每个人对每种菜品都满意。 |
A la carte and buffet items include a number of Western Asian fusion dishes, along with barbecue and international dishes, such as fresh Norwegian salmon. | 以散点和自助形式提供的菜单包括一系列西亚融合美食,以及烧烤和国际美食,如新鲜的挪威三文鱼。 |
The restaurant is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. | 本餐厅可提供早餐、午餐和晚餐。 |
With its relaxing garden views and a casual atmosphere, the rustic Wa en Izakaya Restaurant offers a unique dining experience in a barn themed dining room. | 乡村风格的Wa en居酒屋餐厅有令人舒心的花园美景和休闲的氛围,提供谷仓主题餐厅的独特用餐体验。 |
Stop in for a healthy lunch or dinner, and watch the skillful chefs prepare your order with the freshest ingredients in the open kitchen. | 进来享用一顿健康的午餐或者晚餐,顺便观看娴熟的大厨们在开放式厨房使用新鲜食材为您准备佳肴。 |
Choose from fresh sushi, vegetable based dishes and a variety of other options designed to nourish the busy traveler. | 选择新鲜的寿司、蔬菜菜肴以及其他专为繁忙旅客打造的各式营养美食。 |
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Art/Literary Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Gōkura Senjin was born in Kosugi, Toyama Prefecture. | 乡仓千韧出生在富山县小杉町。 |
His studies at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts focused on Japanese painting, and he exhibited his work mostly at In-ten Exhibitions held by the Japan Art Institute. | 他在东京美术学校的学习专注于日本绘画,主要在日本艺术学会举办的院展中展出他的作品。 |
His warm representations of familiar plants and small animals brought him fame, but a trip to India inspired him to a passion for Buddhist subjects. | 对熟悉的植物和小动物的温暖表达风格使他声名鹊起,但一次印度之行激发了他对佛教主题的创作热情。 |
This museum has one of his early works in its collection: "Early Winter," a carefully drawn scene of a lonely winter landscape. | 本博物馆收藏了一幅他的早期作品:《初冬》,这幅画细致地描绘了一个凄凉冬日的景象。 |
Gōkura Kazuko is Gōkura Senjin's daughter. | 乡仓和子是乡仓千韧的女儿。 |
Like her father, she was active in the In-ten Exhibitions, and was highly regarded for her colorful, daringly composed flower-and-bird paintings. | 和她的父亲一样,她在院展中也很活跃,以其丰富多彩、构图大胆的花鸟画而获得高度评价。 |
When she was in her 70s she grew fond of plum trees and began to paint them: the two works in our collection, a pair of screens depicting red and white blooming plum trees called "Endless Spring Day," and a painting called "Hazy Light" are both masterpieces. | 在她70多岁的时候,她渐渐喜欢上了梅花,并开始画梅花:我们收藏的这两幅作品,都是描绘红白相间的梅花,一幅名叫《无尽春日》,另一幅名叫《微弱阳光》,两幅作品都是杰作。 |
Extraits de Traduction Advertising Copy of Dublin Golf Club (都柏林高尔夫俱乐部广告文案)
Advertising Copy of Dublin Golf Club (都柏林高尔夫俱乐部广告文案) Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Golf is a baby with only a few hundreds years of history under its belt in this 1000-year old city rich in heritage and personality. | 与这座饱含历史及人文底蕴的千年古城相比,只有几百年发展历史的高尔夫运动还只不过是个嗷嗷待哺的婴儿。 |
Like the people, the courses are a charismatic collection of beauty, brut force from prevailing winds whipping off the Irish Sea and hospitality only Dubliners can serve up. | 和这里的人一样,这座球场是那么的超凡脱俗,美丽而又透着一股天然粗犷的气息,源自爱尔兰海的恒风,还有都柏林人特有的热情。 |
Locals love to chat, will welcome you into their club like a life-long member and set your compass straight with some helpful hints as you step foot on to the course. | 当地人都能说会道,他们会将您视作终身会员一般,热情地欢迎您来到俱乐部,从您踏入球场的那一刻起,会给您体贴入微的帮助和指导。 |
For the less hardy, Dublin’s courses provide a happy medium. | 对于球技不是那么灵光的客人,都柏林球场也提供了折中的选择,让您的旅程依旧充满快乐。 |
Legendary links accessible by day trip so you can absorb the cultural candor of urban life. | 您可以选择一日游,一览附近众多的传奇景点,真切感受这里的城市生活。 |
To really understand the fabric of the city you need to spend some time in a pub one evening. | 要真正了解这座城市的精髓,您还得挑个晚上的时间找个酒吧尽情的消磨时光,慢慢地感受。 |
The great thing is this fits perfectly with some post game banter between your playing foursome, allowing you to relive the day and tell some stories over a “jar”. | 最棒的事情莫过于参加完四人对抗赛之后找点乐子,尽情地放松自己,说说藏在心底的故事。 |
There’s 1000’s of pubs to choose from that will provide a window into the soul of the Irish people. | 这里散落着1000多间酒吧,从这些纷繁热闹的酒吧里,您可以真实地感受到爱尔兰人身上那种特别的格调和情怀。 |
Mon expérience
8 ans.
- 2011 PhD à Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- 2006 BA/BS à Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Science and Technology Translators' Association of the Chinese Academy (Adhéré le : 2014)
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March 2025
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