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I have a medical education background and rich experience in the medical fields in China and Canada. I am proficient in medical documents translating and editing. Of course, I also accepted job from other domains such as nutrition, history, literature....
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Extraits de Traduction Health
Health Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | 健康的定义随时间而变化。 |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | 从生物医学的视角来讲,早期的健康定义侧重于身体机能的主题,健康被视为一种正常的功能状态,且不时地受到疾病的干扰。 |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | 如果以此定义健康,那么健康就是: “一种以解剖、生理和心理完整为特征的状态;有能力履行个人在家庭、工作和社区当中的角色;有能力应对来自于身体、生物、心理和社会的压力 “。 |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | 随后,在1948年,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了一个与以往截然不同的,目标更高的定义,该定义把个人的健康和社会的康乐联系起来。 所以,健康不仅仅是指没有疾病,而应该是身体,精神和社会的全面健康。 |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | 尽管这一定义因具有创新性而受到一些人的欢迎,但也有人批评它含糊不清,过于宽泛,而且无法衡量。 |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | 在很长一段时间里,它被视为不切实际的理想而束之高阁,大多数关于健康的讨论又回到了生物医学模式的实用性上。 |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | 正如从将疾病视为一种状态到将其视为一种过程的转变一样,健康的定义也发生了同样的转变。 |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | 世卫组织在 20 世纪 80 年代的推进” 促进健康运动“ 的发展中再次发挥了领导作用。 |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | 这带来了一个新的健康概念,即健康不是一种状态,而是一种弹性的动态,换句话说,是一种生活的资源”。 |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | 1984 年世卫组织修订的健康定义将其界定为 "个人或群体实现愿望和满足需求,以及改变或应对环境的程度。健康是日常生活的一种资源,而不是生活的目标;它是一个积极的概念,强调社会和个人资源以及身体能力"。 |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | 因此,健康指的是维持自身的稳定和从冒犯中恢复的能力。 |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | 心理、智力、情感和社会健康是指一个人应对压力、掌握技能和维持关系的能力,所有这些共同为培养弹性能力和独立生活的能力提供了资源。 |
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