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Bus/Financial Extraits de Traduction
Source (Japanese) | Cible (English) |
日本株式市場の下落は、新規参入の好機 | Japan Pullback Presents Buying Opportunity |
世界経済と企業業績の見通しへの期待を背景に、日経平均株価は今年、再び史上最高値を更新する見込みです。 | Driven by a positive global economic outlook and strong corporate earnings, the Nikkei Index is poised for new highs this year. |
XXXは、株式投資家に対し、株式市場への資金追加を推奨しています。 | XXX recommends that stock investors increase their stock market exposure. |
円安ドル高の継続と、日本企業による今月発表された今期決算における穏やかな収益予想が、最近の東京株式市場の低迷を招いています。 | Recent weakness in the Tokyo stock market can be attributed to the continued depreciation of the yen against the US dollar and tempered earnings forecasts from Japanese companies during this month's earnings season. |
しかし、米国経済のソフトランディングと半導体ブームの継続は、東京株式市場を押し上げるでしょう。 | However, a soft landing for the US economy and the ongoing chip boom are expected to support the Tokyo market. |
昨晩の米国連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)議事録はタカ派的で、2%のインフレ目標のさらなる進展は見られず、インフレリスクには引き続き高度な注意が必要であり、必要であれば金融引き締めをさらに強化する可能性が示唆されました。 | The minutes from last night's Federal Reserve meeting struck a hawkish tone, indicating that further progress is needed to reach the 2% inflation target. |
米国株のNVIDIAは、第1四半期の売上高が予想を上回り、時間外取引で株価が1000ドルを突破しました。 | Inflation risks remain a key concern, and the Fed is prepared to further tighten policy if necessary. |
このことは、本日の日経平均株価の上昇につながるでしょう。 | Nvidia's better-than-expected first-quarter earnings, which sent its share price soaring past $1000 in after-hours trading, are likely to boost the Nikkei Index at the open today. |
Extraits de Traduction Bus/Financial
Bus/Financial Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Learning Objectives | 本章學習目標 |
After reading this chapter, you should be able to: | 閱讀本章後,您應該能夠: |
1-1. | 1-1. |
Discuss the benefits of strategic management | 討論策略管理的益處 |
1-2. | 1-2. |
Explain how globalization, innovation, and environmental sustainability influence strategic management | 解釋全球化、創新和環境永續性如何影響策略管理 |
1-3. | 1-3. |
Discuss the differences between the theo- ries of organizations | 討論組織理論之間的差異 |
1-4. | 1-4. |
Discuss the activities where learning orga- nizations excel | 討論學習型組織擅長的活動 |
1-5. | 1-5. |
Describe the basic model of strategic man- agement and its components | 描述策略管理的基本模型及其組成部分 |
1-6. | 1-6. |
Identify some common triggering events that act as stimuli for strategic change | 識別一些常見的觸發事件,作為策略變革的刺激因素 |
1-7. | 1-7. |
Explain strategic decision-making modes | 解釋策略決策模式 |
1-8. | 1-8. |
Use the strategic audit as a method of analyzing corporate functions and activities | 使用策略審計作為分析公司職能和活動的方法 |
1-9. | 1-9. |
Explain the employment opportunities in Strategic Management | 解釋策略管理中的就業機會 |
American Airlines—Keeps Slipping Behind the Competition | 美國航空——持續落後於競爭對手 |
Much of our work in strategy is about aligning the organization around those resources, capabilities, and activities that differentiate us in the market. | 我們在戰略方面的工作,很大程度上是圍繞著那些使我們在市場上與眾不同的資源、能力和活動來調整組織。 |
However, an equally important element of strategy is keeping the conventional operations of the business up to the median expectation of customers. | 然而,戰略中一個同樣重要的因素是保持企業的傳統運營達到客戶的平均期望。 |
Those conventional operations can slip for a variety of reasons that often have to do with a lack of investment and a lack of focus by management while dealing with significant changes in the market. | 這些傳統運營可能會因為各種原因而下滑,這些原因通常與缺乏投資以及管理層在應對市場重大變化時的注意力分散有關。 |
American Airlines is one of the legacy carriers in the United States and was a pioneer in the passenger airline industry. | 美國航空公司是美國的傳統航空公司之一,也是客運航空業的先驅。 |
The end of airline regulation in 1978 led to a roller coaster of profitability for the industry that was tied to dramatic fluctuations in fuel prices, too much airframe capacity, route saturation, and a business model that was not oriented to customer service. | 1978 年航空業管制的結束導致該行業的盈利能力像坐過山車一樣,這與燃油價格的劇烈波動、機身容量過剩、航線飽和以及不以客戶服務為導向的商業模式有關。 |
The regulatory change took existing business models and made them almost instantly obsolete. | 在新的環境下,許多傳奇航空公司倒閉了,包括東方航空公司、泛美航空公司和布蘭尼夫航空公司,與此同時,許多專業航空公司最終被允許擴展其服務,包括西南航空公司和人民捷運航空公司。 |
Competitor moves changed what was once accepted as conventional operations while at the same time creating new competitive reasons that customers should choose one airline over another. | 監管的變化使現有的商業模式幾乎在一夜之間就過時了。 |
American Airlines responded to the new environment by creating the first airline mileage program in May 1981. | 競爭對手的舉措改變了曾經被認為是傳統運營的方式,同時也創造了新的競爭理由,讓客戶選擇一家航空公司而不是另一家。 |
Prior to deregulation, there was no incentive for a customer to be loyal to a particular airline. | 美國航空公司在 1981 年 5 月創建了第一個航空里程計劃,以此應對新環境。 |
American aimed to reward loyalty with a combination of perks. | 在放鬆管制之前,客戶沒有理由忠於某家特定的航空公司。 |
This remained a competitive advantage for American until most of the other airlines matched the offering. | 美國航空公司的目標是用各種福利來獎勵忠誠度。 |
This is the nature of competitive advantages. | 這一直是美國航空公司的競爭優勢,直到大多數其他航空公司也紛紛效仿。 |
What was once | 這就是競爭優勢的本質。 |
an advantage becomes the expectation in the industry as soon as competitors match it. | 一旦競爭對手也開始提供同樣的服務,曾經的優勢就會變成行業的期望。 |
However, over the years since, American Airlines has been a laggard in the industry. | 然而,在此後的幾年中,美國航空公司一直是行業中的落後者。 |
Others innovate and American Airlines follows slowly. | 其他公司不斷創新,而美國航空公司則步履緩慢。 |
■Continental Airlines introduced the Mobile Boarding Pass in early 2007; American did so at the end of 2008. | ■美國大陸航空公司在 2007 年初推出了手機登機牌;美國航空公司在 2008 年底才推出。 |
■United founded the Star Alliance of carriers in 1997; American helped found the One World Alliance 2 years later in 1999. | ■聯合航空公司於 1997 年創立了星空聯盟;美國航空公司在 2 年後的 1999 年幫助創立了寰宇一家聯盟。 |
This inability to differentiate itself along with some questionable debt practices pushed the company into bankruptcy in 2011. | ■達美航空公司在 1955 年率先採用了樞紐輻射式航線系統;美國航空公司在 1981 年放鬆管制後才開始採用。 |
It was unable to compete with its major competitors who had gone through bankruptcy years earlier and combined operations (United Airlines joined with Continental Airlines and Delta Airlines joined with Northwest Airlines). | 這種無法差異化的情況,加上一些有問題的債務操作,導致該公司在 2011 年陷入破產。 |
American emerged from bankruptcy in December of 2013 only by merging (being acquired by) with US Airways. | 它無法與其主要競爭對手競爭,這些競爭對手多年前就已經破產並合併了業務(聯合航空公司與美國大陸航空公司合併,達美航空公司與西北航空公司合併)。 |
The result was the largest airline in the world in terms of both passenger traffic and flying capacity. | 美國航空公司在 2013 年 12 月才得以脫離破產,方法是與全美航空公司合併(被其收購)。 |
Ever since deregulation, but especially as a result of the dramatic worldwide recession of 2008–2010, the airlines have looked for ways to ensure that they would remain profitable. | 合併後的公司就客運量和運力而言,成為世界上最大的航空公司。 |
With those moves customers have been treated to charges for checked luggage (something that provides over US$1 billion in revenue a year), food and beverage service on board, premium cabin seats or seats that were just closer to the front, early boarding, and, with the new bargain class tickets, carry-on luggage. | 自從放鬆管制以來,特別是在 2008-2010 年全球經濟嚴重衰退之後,航空公司一直在尋找確保盈利的方法。 |
In 2017, the then CEO of American Airlines proudly announced to investors that “I don’t think we’re ever going to lose money again,” Then the Covid-19 pandemic struck. | 由於採取了這些措施,乘客不得不支付托運行李費(這每年為航空公司帶來超過 10 億美元的收入)、機上餐飲服務費、高級艙座位費或僅僅是靠近前面的座位費、提前登機費,以及新的廉價艙機票的隨身行李費。 |
While American has pursued these upcharges, they have once again found that they are behind their competitors. | 2017 年,當時的美國航空公司首席執行官自豪地向投資者宣布:「我認為我們永遠不會再虧損了。」然後,2019 冠狀病毒病疫情襲來。 |
The company has dramatically increased its debt as it tries to renovate its fleet of planes, something that the competitors did years earlier. | 雖然美國航空公司一直在追求這些額外收費,但他們再次發現自己落後於競爭對手。 |
While the competitors crafted together mobile apps that allow customers to choose premium products at will, American was unable to deliver these convenience choices to customers. | 該公司在試圖更新其機隊的過程中大幅增加了債務,而競爭對手多年前就已經這樣做了。 |
In 2019, the carrier’s on-time ranking was among the worst and it cancelled more flights than any other domestic airline. | 當競爭對手精心打造移動應用程式,允許客戶隨意選擇高級產品時,美國航空公司卻無法為客戶提供這些便利的選擇。 |
The company seems to be perpetually in a state of trying to catch up to basic industry expectations, leaving little room for real competitive differentiation.1 | 2019 年,該航空公司的準點率排名墊底,而且取消的航班比其他任何一家美國國內航空公司都多。 |
The Study of Strategic Management | 該公司似乎一直處於努力追趕行業基本期望的狀態,幾乎沒有空間進行真正的差異化競爭。 |
Strategic management is a set of managerial decisions and actions that help determine the long-term performance of an organization. | 策略管理研究 |
It includes environmental | 策略管理是一套管理決策和行動,有助於決定組織的長期績效。 |
1-1. | 它包括環境 |
Discuss the benefits of strategic management | 1-1. |
analysis (both external and internal), strategy formulation (focusing on a few competitive advantages while ensuring that the organization also meets the table- stakes expectations of customers), strategy implementation (the complex effort to align employee action to deliver on the strategy promise of the organization), as well as evaluation and reassessment. | 討論策略管理的益處 |
Originally called business policy, strategic management has advanced substantially with the concentrated efforts of researchers and practitioners. | (外部和內部)分析、策略制定(側重於一些競爭優勢,同時確保組織也能滿足客戶的基本期望)、策略實施(使員工行動一致以兌現組織策略承諾的複雜努力),以及評估和重新評估。 |
Today, we recognize both a science and an art to the application of strategic management techniques. | 最初稱為商業政策,策略管理在研究人員和從業人員的共同努力下取得了長足的進步。 |
PHASES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT | 今天,我們認識到應用策略管理技術既是一門科學,也是一門藝術。 |
The concepts and processes of effective strategic management have been developed over many decades by both researchers and practitioners. | 策略管理的階段 |
They are used successfully by the largest business organizations in the world as well as the newest startups. | 有效的策略管理概念和流程是由研究人員和從業人員經過幾十年的發展而成的。 |
Over time, business practitioners and academic researchers have expanded and refined these con- cepts. | 從世界上最大的商業組織到最新的初創公司,都在成功地運用這些概念和流程。 |
One of the most critical drivers of business success is the leadership team’s ability to design and implement a strategy for the company. | 隨著時間的推移,企業從業者和學術研究人員對這些概念進行了擴展和完善。 |
Increasing risks of error, costly mistakes, and even economic ruin are causing today’s leaders to take strategic manage- ment seriously in order to keep their companies competitive in an increasingly volatile environment that must deal with everything from new competitors to pandemics. | 企業成功的最關鍵驅動因素之一是領導團隊設計和實施公司策略的能力。 |
As organizations develop, they appear to evolve through the following four phases of strategic management:2 | 錯誤風險增加、代價高昂的錯誤,甚至經濟崩潰,都促使今天的領導者認真對待策略管理,以便在日益動盪的環境中保持公司的競爭力,應對從新的競爭對手到疫情的各種挑戰。 |
Phase 1—Basic financial planning: Managers initiate serious planning when they are requested to propose the following year’s budget. | 隨著組織的發展,它們似乎會經歷以下四個策略管理階段: |
Projects are proposed on the basis of very little analysis, with most information coming from within the firm. | 第一階段——基本財務規劃:當管理者被要求提出下一年度預算時,他們就會開始認真規劃。 |
The sales force usually provides the small amount of environmental information used in this effort. | 項目的提出幾乎沒有經過什麼分析,大部分資訊都來自公司內部。 |
Such simplistic operational planning only pretends to be strategic management, yet it is quite time consuming. | 銷售人員通常會提供少量用於這項工作的環境資訊。 |
Normal company activities are often suspended for weeks while managers try to cram ideas into the proposed budget. | 這種過於簡單的操作規劃只是假裝是策略管理,但卻非常耗時。 |
The time horizon is often only one year. | 正常的公司活動經常會因此暫停數週,而管理人員則試圖將各種想法塞進擬議的預算中。 |
Phase 2—Forecast-based planning: As annual budgets become less useful at stimulat- ing long-term success, managers attempt to propose five-year plans. | 時間跨度通常只有一年。 |
In addition to internal information, managers gather any available environmental data—usually on an ad hoc basis—and extrapolate current trends. | 第二階段——基於預測的規劃:由於年度預算在激勵長期成功方面的作用越來越小,管理者開始嘗試提出五年計劃。 |
This phase is also time consum- ing, often involving a full month or more of managerial activity to make sure all the proposed budgets fit together. | 除了內部資訊外,管理者還會收集任何可用的環境數據(通常是在臨時的基礎上),並推斷當前的趨勢。 |
The process gets very political as managers compete for larger shares of limited funds. | 這個階段也很耗時,通常需要管理人員花費整整一個月或更長時間來確保所有擬議的預算都能相互配合。 |
Seemingly endless meetings take place to evaluate proposals and justify assumptions. | 由於管理者要爭奪有限資金中更大的份額,這個過程變得非常政治化。 |
The time horizon is usually three to five years, with most of it being guesswork. | 看似無休止的會議一個接一個,目的是評估提案和證明假設的合理性。 |
Phase 3—Externally oriented (strategic) planning: Frustrated with highly political five- year plans that consistently fail to deliver results, top management takes control of the planning process by initiating a formal strategic planning system. | 時間跨度通常是三到五年,其中大部分都是猜測。 |
The company seeks to increase its responsiveness to changing markets and competition by thinking and acting with more processes and rigor. | 第三階段——外部導向(策略性)規劃:由於對高度政治化的五年計劃一再未能取得成果感到沮喪,高層管理人員開始建立正式的策略規劃體系,從而掌控規劃過程。 |
Planning is taken out of the hands of lower-level managers and concentrated in a planning staff whose task is to develop strategic plans that are well grounded. | 公司試圖通過更嚴謹的流程和行動來提高對不斷變化的市場和競爭的反應能力。 |
Consultants might provide the sophisticated and innovative techniques that the planning staff uses to gather information and forecast future trends. | 規劃不再由低層管理者負責,而是集中在一個規劃部門手中,其任務是制定有充分依據的策略計劃。 |
Organizations start competitive intelligence units. | 顧問可能會提供先進和創新的技術,供規劃部門用於收集資訊和預測未來趨勢。 |
Upper- level managers meet once a year at a resort “retreat” led by key members of the planning staff to evaluate and update the current strategic plan. | 企業開始建立競爭情報部門。 |
Such top-down planning emphasizes formal strategy formulation and leaves the implementation issues to lower-management levels. | 高層管理者每年都會在一個度假勝地舉行一次由規劃部門主要成員領導的「務虛會」,以評估和更新當前的策略計劃。 |
Top management typically develops long-term plans with help from consultants but minimal input from lower levels. | 這種自上而下的規劃強調正式的策略制定,而將實施問題留給低層管理層。 |
Phase 4—Strategic management: Realizing that even the best strategic plans are worthless without the input and commitment of lower-level managers, top management forms planning groups of managers and key employees at many levels, from various departments and workgroups. | 高層管理人員通常會在顧問的幫助下制定長期計劃,但很少聽取低層的意見。 |
They develop and integrate a | 第四階段——策略管理:高層管理人員意識到,即使是最好的策略計劃,如果沒有低層管理者的參與和承諾,也毫無價值,因此他們組成了由各個層級、各個部門和工作組的管理人員和關鍵員工組成的規劃小組。 |
series of plans focused on emphasizing the company’s true competitive advantages while simultaneously addressing areas of the organization that have fallen behind competitors. | 他們制定並整合了一系列計劃,重點強調公司的真正競爭優勢,同時解決組織中落後於競爭對手的領域。 |
Strategic plans are expected to detail the implementation, evaluation, and control issues. | 策略計劃應詳細說明實施、評估和控制問題。 |
Rather than attempting to perfectly forecast the future, the plans emphasize probable scenarios and contingency strategies. | 這些計劃不再試圖完美地預測未來,而是強調可能的方案和應急策略。 |
The sophisticated (though often flawed) annual five-year strategic plan revision is replaced with a continuous process at all levels of the organization throughout the year. | 複雜(儘管經常有缺陷)的年度五年策略計劃修訂被一種貫穿全年的持續過程所取代。 |
Strategic information, previously available only centrally to top management, is used by people throughout the organization. | 策略資訊以前只集中提供給高層管理人員,現在則由整個組織的人員使用。 |
Instead of a large, centralized planning staff, internal and external planning consultants are available to help guide group strategy discussions. | 內部和外部規劃顧問不再是一個龐大、集中的規劃部門,而是可以幫助指導小組策略討論。 |
Although top management may still initiate the strategic planning process, the resulting strategies may come from anywhere in the organization. | 儘管高層管理人員可能仍然會啟動策略規劃過程,但最終的策略可能會來自組織中的任何地方。 |
Planning is typically interactive across levels and is no longer strictly top down. | 規劃通常是跨層級互動的,不再是嚴格的自上而下。 |
People at all levels are now involved. | 現在,各個層級的人員都參與其中。 |
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Art/Literary Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
For Kant, the French Revolution had been a turning-point in world history, the evidence that his long-held belief in the ineluctable progress of mankind towards a republican, cosmopolitan existence, was demonstrably true. | 康德认为,法国大革命是世界历史的转折点,证明了他长期以来对人类不可阻挡地走向共和、世界主义存在的信念是千真万确的。 |
For others, however, in particular for those who had lived through the Revolution and its aftermath, the lessons to be drawn were often very different. | 然而,对其他人来说,尤其是对那些亲身经历过大革命及其后果的人来说,从中吸取的教训往往截然不同。 |
The Revolution of 1789, when the French had briefly created a constitutional monarchy, had, said Richard Price, been the moment when the seed which “Montesquieu, Fénelon, Turgot, etc.” had sown in France had “taken root and is now growing up to a glorious harvest. To the information they conveyed by their writings we owe those revolutions in which every friend of mankind is now exulting.” | 理查德·普莱斯 (Richard Price) 说,1789 年的革命,即法国人短暂地建立君主立宪制的那一刻,是“孟德斯鸠 (Montesquieu)、费奈隆 (Fénelon)、杜尔哥 (Turgot) 等人在法国播下的种子‘已经生根,现在正在长成丰硕的果实。’我们之所以能够进行这场让全人类的朋友都为之欢欣鼓舞的革命,要归功于他们通过著作所传递的信息”。 |
Those revolutions, which had forced the King to defer to the Estates-General, and then led to a new constitution in 1791, had been the true children of the Enlightenment. | 这些革命迫使国王听命于三级会议,并最终在 1791 年促成了新宪法的诞生,它们是启蒙运动的真正产物。 |
Subsequent events, however—the trial and execution of the King and Queen, and the creation of the so-called Reign of Terror—cast a very different light on the whole process. | 然而,随后的事件——国王和王后的审判和处决,以及所谓“恐怖统治”的建立——却为整个进程蒙上了一层截然不同的阴影。 |
Between 1793 and 1794 the Committee of Public Safety, dominated by the “incorruptible” Maximilien Robespierre, and the very young demagogue Louis-Antoine Léon Saint-Juste, began an attempt to transform France not merely into a republic, but into what Robespierre called “a Virtuous Republic,” one which would “substitute morality for egoism, honesty for love of honor, principles for conventions, duties for decorum, the empire of reason for the tyranny of fashion.” | 1793 年至 1794 年间,由“廉洁无私”的马克西米连·罗伯斯庇尔 (Maximilien Robespierre) 和年轻的煽动家路易斯·安托万·莱昂·圣鞠斯特 (Louis-Antoine Léon Saint-Juste) 主导的公共安全委员会 开始尝试将法国不仅转变为一个共和国,而且转变为罗伯斯庇尔所说的“一个道德共和国”,一个“用道德代替利己主义,用诚实代替对荣誉的热爱,用原则代替习俗,用责任代替礼仪,用理性帝国代替时尚的暴政”的共和国。 |
And such a republic, in Robespierre’s view, could only be created though terror, “without which virtue has no power.” | 在罗伯斯庇尔看来,这样的共和国只能通过恐怖来建立,“没有恐怖,美德就毫无力量”。 |
Thousands, and not only aristocrats and other more obvious “enemies of the Revolution,” but even its intended beneficiaries, like the unfortunate seamstress Mary Angelica Plaisant who was overheard to say that she did not give a “a fig for the nation,” lost their heads to Dr Joseph-Ignace Guillotin’s new humane instrument of execution, the “National Razor,” in order to protect the purity of the new republic. | 成千上万的人,不仅包括贵族和其他更明显的“革命的敌人”,甚至包括那些原本应该成为革命受益者的人,比如那位不幸的女裁缝玛丽·安吉丽卡·普莱森特 (Mary Angelica Plaisant),就因为被人听到她说她“对国家不屑一顾”而被送上了断头台。 |
The Terror wholly altered the subsequent perception of the Revolution and demonstrated to what lengths “licentiousness” as opposed to “liberty”—as James Madison had expressed it—would inevitably lead. | 为了维护新共和国的纯洁性,约瑟夫·伊尼亚斯·吉约坦 (Joseph-Ignace Guillotin) 医生发明了一种新的人道处决工具——“民族剃刀 (National Razor)”。 |
What he called the “possibility of setting law on the throne,” wrote the German poet Friedrich Schiller in 1794, in bitter resignation, had been nothing but a “vain hope.” | 恐怖统治彻底改变了后世对大革命的看法,并如詹姆斯·麦迪逊 (James Madison) 所言,证明了“放纵” (licentiousness) 与“自由” (liberty) 相对立,将不可避免地导致怎样的结局。 |
Now, with the Revolution in effect dissolved into a form of autocracy, the whole world had turned on the one hand “to the savage state, on the other to complete lethargy. In other words, to the two extremes of human depravity, and both united in single epoch!” | 德国诗人弗里德里希·席勒 (Friedrich Schiller) 在 1794 年带着痛苦的无奈写道,他所谓的“将法律置于王座之上的可能性”只不过是一种“徒劳的空想”。 |
Behind this catastrophe it was easy for many to see the influence of the more radical figures of the Enlightenment. | 如今,随着革命实际上已沦为一种专制统治,全世界一方面“走向野蛮状态,另一方面则陷入彻底的昏睡 ”。 |
The destruction of “the system,” which had originally only been an intellectual project, had eventually brought down the entire edifice of | 换句话说,就是走向“人类堕落的两个极端,并且在同一个时代结合在一起!” |
society, without ever having suggested very clearly what would take its place. | 许多人很容易从这场灾难中看到启蒙运动中激进人物的影响。 |
Kant had been right. | “体系”的破坏最初只是一项思想工程,但最终却摧毁了整个社会大厦,却从未明确指出将用什么来取而代之。 |
The Revolution was proof that “metaphysics” could alter the course of human affairs. | 康德是对的。 |
And it had been a disaster. | 这场革命证明了“形而上学”可以改变人类事务的进程。 |
The French constitution, said the conservative Hanoverian statesman August Wilhelm Rehberg—described by Jachmann as “the finest mind” among all Kant’s students, and derided by Fichte as a German Sophist—differed from all other constitutions “which had ever been established, including that of the United States of North America,” in having been dreamt up out of nothing by “savants and men of state seized by Ideas.” | 而这是一场灾难。 |
This was not meant as praise. | 汉诺威保守派政治家奥古斯特·威廉·雷贝格 (August Wilhelm Rehberg) 说,法国宪法与“有史以来建立的所有其他宪法,包括北美合众国的宪法”都不同,因为它是由“被理念抓住的学者和政治家凭空捏造出来的”。 |
In Rehberg’s view, constitutions grew up over time; they were the product of experience and reflection, not of “metaphysics,” and while “the laws of nature and of reason” are fixed and immutable, those of “human understanding” are, and must be, constantly changing. | 雅赫曼 (Jachmann) 称雷贝格是康德所有学生中“最优秀的头脑”,而费希特 (Fichte) 则嘲笑他是一个德国诡辩家。 |
Like Edmund Burke, with whom he has always been closely linked, Rehberg deplored the ways in which the savants of the Revolution—whom he identified as Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, the abbé Mably, and Raynal—had manipulated the “metaphysics of politics” so as to eliminate every memory of all past “constitutions, customary rights, and conditions,” so that they might finally be able to “play with citizens as if they were pieces on a chess board.” | 这句话并非赞扬。 |
The result had been inescapable: destruction, chaos, and bloodshed. | 在雷贝格看来,宪法是随着时间的推移而逐渐形成的;它们是经验和反思的产物,而不是“形而上学”的产物;虽然“自然法则和理性法则”是固定不变的,但“人类理解”的法则是,而且必须是不断变化的。 |
But for all this post-revolutionary angst, in particular in Germany, the “Enlightenment” had, in fact, always been identified with reform rather than revolution. | 与他一直关系密切的爱德蒙·伯克 (Edmund Burke) 一样,雷贝格谴责革命学者——他认为是孟德斯鸠、卢梭、伏尔泰、马布利修道院院长 (abbé Mably) 和雷纳尔 (Raynal)——操纵“政治的形而上学”以消除所有过去“宪法、习惯权利和条件”的记忆,以便他们最终能够“像玩弄棋盘上的棋子一样玩弄公民”。 |
None of the philosophes, not even the most radical, not even Rousseau, had openly proposed armed insurrection as a means of bringing about his idealized state, although, like many before him, Rousseau was also highly ambiguous about quite how he did think it would come into being. | 结果是不可避免的:毁灭、混乱和流血。 |
Most of the major figures of the French Enlightenment were already dead by 1789, but many had been aware, as early as the 1760s, that some cataclysm was on its way, which at least some of them looked upon as both inevitable and desirable. | 没有一位启蒙思想家,即使是最激进的,即使是卢梭,公开主张过武装起义是实现其理想国家的手段,尽管像在他之前的许多人一样,卢梭对他认为的理想国家将如何实现也含糊其辞。 |
“Everything I observe is sowing the seeds of a revolution,” Voltaire had written in 1764, “that will inevitably come to pass, but which I will not have the pleasure of witnessing.” | 大多数法国启蒙运动的主要人物在 1789 年之前就已经去世,但早在 18 世纪 60 年代,许多人就已经意识到,某种灾难即将来临,至少他们中的一些人认为这场灾难既不可避免,也是人们所希望的。 |
There is some truth in the Catholic reactionary Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald’s sneer, that Voltaire, Rousseau, D’Alembert, and Helvétius, “and other writers of the same period,” were responsible for advocating radical transformations in society that, had they ever been put into practice, “they would have detested, and to which, sooner or later they would have fallen victim.” | 伏尔泰在 1764 年写道:“我观察到的一切都在播下革命的种子,这场革命不可避免地会发生,但我将无缘亲眼目睹。”天主教反动派路易斯·加布里埃尔·安布鲁瓦兹·德·博纳尔德 (Louis Gabriel Ambroise de Bonald) 嘲讽道,伏尔泰、卢梭、达朗贝尔 (D’Alembert) 和爱尔维修 (Helvétius)“以及同一时期的其他作家”主张对社会进行彻底的改造,如果这些主张付诸实践,“他们会感到厌恶,并且迟早会成为这些主张的牺牲品”,这句话有一定的道理。 |
Rousseau, politically the most extreme of the philosophes, was the most obvious target for the anti-revolutionaries. | 卢梭在政治上是启蒙思想家中最极端的,他是反革命者最明显的攻击目标。 |
Robespierre may have been the architect of the Terror, wrote the German poet Heinrich Heine in 1833, but Robespierre had merely been “the bloody hand that drew from the womb of time the body whose soul Rousseau had created. ” Rousseau, in particular, had become something of a patron saint for the new Republic. | 德国诗人海因里希·海涅 (Heinrich Heine) 在 1833 年写道,罗伯斯庇尔可能是恐怖统治的缔造者,但他只不过是“一只沾满鲜血的手,从时间的子宫中取出卢梭创造灵魂的躯体”。 |
During the Revolution passages from his one major, and potentially most inflammatory, political work, the Social Contract, had been read aloud to enthusiastic, if also no doubt mystified, crowds, and streets had been named after both it and him. | 特别是卢梭,已经成为新共和国的守护神。 |
In 1794 his body had been disinterred and taken to the Panthéon, along with a copy of the Social Contracton a velvet cushion. | 在大革命期间,他的主要政治著作,也是最有可能煽动人心的著作《社会契约论》中的段落被大声朗读给那些热情洋溢、同时也无疑感到困惑的群众,街道也以他和他的著作命名。 |
“Ah,” wrote Robespierre after the event, “if he had witnessed this revolution which has carried him to the | 1794 年,他的遗体被挖掘出来,与放在天鹅绒垫子上的《社会契约论》副本一起被送往先贤祠 (Panthéon)。 |
Panthéon, who can doubt that his generous soul would have embraced with rapture the cause of justice and equality. | 罗伯斯庇尔在事件发生后写道:“啊,如果他亲眼目睹了这场将他送入先贤祠的革命,谁能否认他慷慨的灵魂会狂喜地拥抱正义和平等的伟大事业呢?” |
But it was not only Rousseau who was at fault. | 但被指责的不仅仅是卢梭。 |
For many, in particular those who had experienced both the Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars which followed, the entire Revolutionary process, from the storming of the Bastille to the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy in 1815, had been the inescapable, and wholly deplorable, consequence of the Enlightenment insistence that mankind had, in Kant‘s formulation, to rid itself of all those “dogmas and formulas, those mechanical instruments for rational use (or rather misuse) of [mankind’s] natural endowments,” which were “the ball and chain of an everlasting permanent minority.”In the subsequent retelling, the whole Enlightenment project had been directly responsible for the collapse of the ancien régime. | 对许多人来说,尤其是那些经历过革命和随之而来的拿破仑战争的人来说,从攻占巴士底狱到 1815 年波旁王朝复辟的整个革命进程,都是启蒙运动坚持认为人类必须摆脱所有“教条和公式,这些理性利用(或者更确切地说是滥用)人类天赋的机械工具”——用康德的话来说,这些东西是“永久未成年状态的铁球和锁链”——的必然结果,也是完全应该受到谴责的。 |
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