À propos de moi
- Spain
- S'est inscrit il y a plus de 4 ans
- accessibility, audiovisual, cinema
- ProZ.com
Langue maternelle :
Apasionada de las lenguas y el cine. Traduzco del inglés y francés al español todo tipo de contenido audiovisual, para doblaje, subtitulado y SPS/audiodescripción. No dudes en contactar para tu próximo proyecto.
Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Perfect Wave Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Spanish) |
IAN: I was standing there looking upon a beam, he was surrounded by light, not a shadow or touch of darkness. | Yo estaba quieto mirando un haz de luz. |
I’ve just come from a realm, which was complete darkness. | Llegué directo desde un reino oscuro. |
There was no light here. | No encontraba la luz. |
I asked God how on Earth can I be standing here? | Le pregunté: ¿Cómo es que estoy aquí? |
Surely if he knows my name, he knows my thought before I could speak, everything must be transferred before him. | Si Él conoce mi nombre, si conoce mis pensamientos antes de emitir palabra, debe de saberlo todo. |
I’ve made a mistake; I’m not a good man. | Había cometido errores; no soy un buen hombre. |
They obviously beamed the wrong person up. | Obviamente habían llamado a los cielos a la persona equivocada. |
I began to move back from the light, feeling very ashamed, very self-conscious, and began moving back towards the darkness to judge myself back into health. | Empecé a alejarme de la luz, sintiendo vergüenza, muy cohibido, y me aproximé a la oscuridad, para juzgarme a mi mismo, en mi cuerpo. |
As I began moving back, waves of light emanated off his presence. | Según me movía, olas de luz emanaban de su ser. |
The first wave of light touched me; I felt unconditional love and acceptance. | Cuando la primera oleada de luz me alcanzó, sentí amor incondicional y aceptación. |
The waves, my whole hands, my fingers tingled as I felt this liquid light into the core of my being and I felt pure love. | La luz, en mis mamos, en mis dedos estremecidos mientras la ola recorría mi cuerpo... hasta invadirme el amor más puro. |
I began to weep. | Me puse a llorar. |
I thought, men don’t cry. | Pensé, los hombres no lloran, pero llegaron más lágrimas. |
Wave after wave of love. | Olas y olas de amor. |
For God, surely you know my sins, you can’t love me. | Señor, tú conoces mis pecados, no puedes amarme. |
More but perhaps he doesn’t know. | O quizás no los conozca. |
I should tell him now, no use coming in and having to kick me out later. | Debo hablar ahora; no quiero entrar y que me echen de una patada. |
So, I stood there, I said, God, I cursed you, broke your commandments, taken drugs, and began speaking all my sins that I slept around... | Me quedé quieto, y dije: “Dios, he blasfemado, incumplido tus mandamientos, he tomado drogas...” |
As I continued to speak the worst of my sins, his love got so strong that I ran out about being able to tell him the things that I had done wrong. | Le conté todos los pecados que se me ocurrían, pero su amor solo se fortalecía, y yo me quedé sin más pecados que confesar. |
It was as though every sin had been completely forgiven and he spoke to me, he said everything that you had ever committed was forgiven in that ambulance when you prayed the Lord’s prayer. | Sentí cómo todos mis pecados fueron perdonados, entonces me dijo: “Todos los errores que has cometido fueron perdonados en la ambulacia, cuando rezaste el Padrenuestro”. |
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Alaska 911 Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Spanish) |
Brian: One thing about Alaska is, is if you have a mishap off the road system, you're gonna have to deal with it yourself. | BRIAN: Uno de los peligros de Alaska es que si tienes un contratiempo con tu navegador, tienes que arreglártelas solo. |
The wind, and the snow, and the cold, all those, if you're not ready for it, can compound into—become a problem. | El viento, la nieve, el frío, todo eso, si no sabes gestionarlo, puede convertirse en un problema. |
Dan: The winters are challenging when you're in the backcountry of Alaska. | DAN: El invierno puede ser muy duro si vives en el campo de Alaska. |
The weather is unforgiving. | El clima no perdona. |
You have to be prepared for any and everything. | Tienes que estar preparado para cualquier cosa y más. |
Mike: You have to be able to make plans for the things that can come up and bite you. | MIKE: Tienes que ser capaz de improvisar un plan para lo que pueda surgir. |
Every year, we lose people. | Todos los años perdemos gente. |
Every year. | Todos los años. |
Mother Nature decides how many it's gonna take and it takes that many. | La Madre Naturaleza elige a cuántos se va a llevar y así lo hace. |
Vivian: Scott and I planned a trip out to our winter camp and we always take our little dog, Elvis. | VIVIAN: Scott [ESCÓT] y yo habíamos planeado un viaje al campamento de invierno, y siempre nos llevamos a nuestro perrito, Elvis. |
It's 30 miles out the Denali Highway. | Está a unos 50 kilómetros de la autopista de Denali. |
[ graphic ] The Denali Highway is a mostly gravel, little-used road between the cities of Paxson and Cantwell. | VIVIAN: Llegamos al campamento y todo era genial. |
It is closed to automobiles from October to May each year. | Fue una noche perfecta. |
Vivian: We got there and everything was great. | Yo me quedo en el campamento, esperándole. |
We had our little warm stoves, lit them all up, and had some dinner, and the first night went just perfectly great. | Pero nunca apareció. |
The second day, he leaves in the morning to extend his trapline a little bit, and I expect him home to camp, and he just doesn't show up. | TODOS LOS AÑOS DE OCTUBRE A MAYO PERMANECE CERRADA PARA AUTOMÓVILES. |
[ graphic ] A trapline is a route or series of animal traps set up by a hunter. | VIVIAN: Pienso: “Esto no ha pasado nunca”. |
Vivian: And I'm like, "This has never happened before.” | Estaba tan nerviosa por él que no podía dormir. |
In all the years we've done it, 30 plus years, there's never been a time that Scott hasn't come back. So, I was beside myself. I was so nervous about Scott not being there, I couldn't sleep. I just kind of sat around that night thinking about what I should do and wondering what was wrong with Scott. The day before he had told me, he said, "I have so many trails back there, don't even come looking for me. | Aquella noche me dediqué a dar vueltas pensando en qué debía hacer y en qué estado estaría Scott [ESCÓT]. |
” Well, I couldn't do that. | Bueno, pues no pude. |
I had to go look for him. | Tenía que salir a buscarle. |
So, I grab Elvis and I head off down the trail. | Cogí a Elvis y salí al bosque. |
It's about five miles from our camp to the Denali Highway and then 30 more miles home. | Hay 8 km desde nuestro campamento hasta la autopista de Delani, y 50 más hasta casa. |
And I was right in between camp and the Denali Highway. | Yo estaba justo entre el campamento y la autopista. |
No one's really out there. | No había ni un alma alrededor. |
All of a sudden, my machine just makes this very large grinding noise and stops. | De repente, mi vehículo empezó a chirriar durante un rato, hasta que se paró. |
The motor is running, but the track is not moving. | VIVIAN: El motor funcionaba pero el circuito estaba inmóvil. |
And I was like, "I'm in big trouble. | Ahí me di cuenta de que estaba en apuros. |
” This is what all Alaskans worry about is being alone, breaking down, and what's your recourse? | El mayor miedo de todo alasqueño es quedarse solo, tener una crisis y, ¿qué recursos tienes? |
What are you gonna do? | ¿Qué vas a hacer? |
No one's going to be looking for me. I had told the kids we'd go home the night of the 10th. | Nadie me estaría buscando todavía, porque yo había avisado a mis hijos de que estaríamos en casa el 10, y esto ocurrió la mañana del 8. |
You know, I just made the biggest mistake of my life. | El mayor error de mi vida. |
I better figure out what to do here. | Pensé: “más me vale salir de esta”. |
I tried to start the trees on fire but they wouldn't catch. | Intenté prender fuego a los árboles pero no funcionó. |
I wasn't gonna get any heat there so I just decided, I'm gonna go on my machine, sit with all my blankets around me, put Elvis in my coat, and just start my machine every 15, 20 minutes and warm up over the motor. | Tampoco iba a ser capaz de que entrar en calor ahí, así que decidí subirme a mi vehículo y rodearme de todas las mantas que tenía, cubrí a Elvis con mi abrigo y encendía el motor cada 15 o 20 minutos para que me diera calor. |
[ graphic ] The temperature that evening dropped to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. | INSERTO: AQUELLA NOCHE LA TEMPERATURA EN ALASKA DESCENDIÓ HASTA LOS -6º C. |
Vivian: That night, I was wide awake because I had read so many times, "Don't sleep in the cold because you're gonna fall asleep and freeze.” | VIVIAN: Me mantuve toda la noche despierta, pensando en todas las veces que había leído “no te duermas en la nieve. Puedes morir congelada”. |
That was my big push not to freeze to death. And I was scared, I was worried about Scott. It was just horrible. I made it through the first night and I said to Elvis in the morning "Oh, my gosh. | Era el empujón que necesitaba para no morir de frío. |
We made it through the night, Elvis. | Estaba aterrada, pensando en Scott [ESCÓT]. |
” And I realized I was thirsty. | Fue horrible. |
I was melting snow in my hand but it wasn't enough. | Sobreviví a aquella noche, y le dije a Elvis por la mañana, “Madre mía, Elvis, hemos sobrevivido”. |
I was getting dehydrated. | Entonces me di cuenta de la sed que tenía. |
The second night was much colder than the first night. | Me puse a derretir nieve en las manos, pero no era suficiente, me estaba deshidratando. |
[ graphic ] Hypothermia can occur in less than 10 minutes. | VIVIAN: La segunda noche hizo mucho más frio que la primera. |
The body freezes in gradual stages, leading to unconsciousness and death. | Cuando empezó a soplar el viento, pensé: “esto pinta mal, Viv ”. |
Vivian: It was hard for me to stay warm. | Se me pasaba de todo por la cabeza. |
The wind had started up and I was thinking, "This doesn't look good, Viv.” | No creía que fuera a sobrevivir. |
That night, a lot of stuff went through my mind. I didn't think I was gonna make it. I'm wet and the temperature is plummeting. I was like, "You can't cry because you're getting dehydrated. | Solo pensaba “si lloras, te deshidratas. No querrás que tus hijos pierdan a sus dos padres”. |
” I kept thinking, "I don't want my children to lose both their parents.” | EL CUERPO SE CONGELA DE FORMA GRADUAL, DESENCADENANDO LA INCONSCIENCIA Y LA MUERTE. |
The morning comes. I couldn't feel the heat at all anymore because the temp had dropped so far. The cold felt like an actual entity that was after me. And I had to try to keep it away. So, I couldn't stay warm over the motor anymore. I was freezing to death and I knew it. And Elvis jumps up and he starts barking frantically. And so I turn and I look and I see something jumping through the snow. And at first, I thought it's caribou, then I kept looking and I realize that they were wolves and they were coming toward us. I actually said to Elvis out loud, "This is it, Elvis. | Como la temperatura había bajado tanto no sentía nada de calor. |
We cannot make it through this. | Y yo tenía que intentar mantenerlo alejado. |
[ graphic ] ALASKA 911 | El motor ya no me calentaba. |
[ graphic ] ALASKA 911 | Me estaba muriendo de frío y lo sabía. |
Vivian: It was the most horrific thing I could ever think of happening. | De repente, Elvis se levanta y empieza a ladrar como loco. |
[ graphic ] VIVIAN MAYO Denali Resident | Me giré y vi que algo saltaba en la nieve. |
Vivian: They've proceeded to surround me and I started banging on what was left of my machine and I was screaming and cursing at the wolves. | Al principio pensé que eran alces, pero al fijarme más me di cuenta de que eran lobos, y venían directos hacia nosotros. |
I think I just kind of fell off the edge of sanity. | De hecho, en ese momento le dije a Elvis: “ya está, Elvis. No podremos sobrevivir a esto”. |
Then I noticed about eight feet away from me, a wolf had crawled up. | VIVIAN: Fue la experiencia más terrorífica que te puedas imaginar. |
[ graphic ] Wolves begin eating their prey immediately, while they are still alive. | INSERTO: VIVIAN MAYO DENALI RESIDENT |
Vivian: We'll use these big tub sleds. | VIVIAN: A estas alturas ya me tienen rodeada. |
So I figured I would get under the sled. | Empecé a intentar activar el motor, mientras gritaba e insultaba a los lobos. |
I just right then said, "This is it. This is the end of my life." | Había llegado a un punto que estaba perdiendo el juicio. |
[ graphic ] While Vivian was under the sled, her dog Elvis hid inside a hole in the ground and remained completely silent. | Fue cuando reparé en que uno de los lobos estaba a 2 metros de mí. |
Vivian: I could hear them walking around the sled. | INSERTO: LOS LOBOS SE COMEN A SU PRESA DE INMEDIATO, MIENTRAS AÚN ESTÁ VIVA. |
And I was thinking about my kids, knowing I was gonna die. | VIVIAN: Los trineos que usamos son muy amplios, así que me escondí debajo. |
I was hanging on by my fingernails. | En ese momento pensé: “Ya está. Es el fin de mi vida”. |
But I was so tired. It was hard for me to pull that up. All of a sudden, I hear a snow machine and I thought, "It can't be real. | VIVIAN: Les escuchaba rondar el trineo. |
Maybe I'm imagining it. | Mi vida pendía de un hilo. |
” And I heard him say, "It's over here,” you know. So they pulled the sled off of me and it was my son, Kevin. He grabbed me up and he said, "Mom, mom, you're alive,” you know. | Me dije: “has aguantado mucho, Viv. Solo un poco más”. |
He said, "Where's dad?” | De repente, escucho una moto de nieve, y pienso: “no puede ser real. Me lo estoy imaginando”. |
And I said, "He's been missing for days. | Les escucho decir: “Está aquí”. |
I don't know where he is. | Me quitaron el trineo de encima y ahí estaba mi hijo, Kevin [KÉVIN]. |
” And so we both cried. | Me levantó y dijo: “Mamá, estás viva. ¿Dónde está papá?”. |
It was just— it was horrible. | Yo respondí: “lleva días desaparecido. No sé dónde está”. |
They called Air National Guard. | Y nos pusimos a llorar los dos. |
They were gonna look for Scott. | Yo estaba… Fue horrible. |
I thought he had probably—he had a heart attack because he's had some problems in the past. | Llamaron a La Guardia Nacional del Aire para buscar a Scott [ESCÓT]. |
[ graphic ] Extreme cold can put your health at risk by making your heart work harder and faster to keep your body warm. | Yo no paraba de pensar que a lo mejor… Temía que hubiera sufrido un infarto. |
Vivian: When I sent Kevin out to the helicopter, I said, "I don't even wanna know.” | Ya tuvo problemas con eso en el pasado. |
I thought they were gonna be bringing back a body. Kevin comes running back in and he said, "Mom, Dad's alive. | INSERTO EL FRÍO EXTREMO PUEDE PONER EN TU RIESGO TU SALUD, PROVOCANDO QUE EL LATA MÁS FUERTE Y MÁS RÁPIDO PARA CALENTAR EL CUERPO. |
” I just said, "He is one tough son of a [bleep]” | VIVIAN: Cuando Kevin [KÉVIN] se subió en el helicóptero le dije que no quería saber nada. |
[ graphic ] SCOTT MAYO Vivian’s Husband | Estaba segura de que volverían con un cadáver. |
Scott : I thought I was only gonna be gone maybe a couple hours. | Él volvió corriendo hacia mí y dijo: “Mamá, papá está vivo”, y yo respondí: “Es fuerte, el muy [bip]”. |
All those trails through the woods, I know them very well. | INSERTO SCOTT MAYO MARIDO DE VIVIAN |
But I got carried away what I was doing and I went further, and further, and further away. | SCOTT: Creí que no me llevaría más de un par de horas. |
I wasn't paying attention. | Conozco muy bien los caminos del bosque, pero me dejé llevar, perdí noción de dónde estaba y me adentré más y más. |
And I ran out of gas. | Me distraje, y me quedé sin gasolina. |
I had a tarp so I made a makeshift tent out of it. | Por suerte tenía una lona con la que me pude hacer una tienda de campaña. |
I had built a fire and, you know, I was fine. | Me hice también una hoguera. |
It was a matter of just trying to stay as warm, I'd get up, run around and get more branches off trees to throw in the fire, and just try to stay warm. | Iba bien. Era imprescindible mantenerme caliente, así que me levantaba, daba una vuelta, cogía más ramas para el fuego, y así estuve. |
[ graphic ] That night the temperature was minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit. | INSERTO AQUELLA NOCHE LA TEMPERATURA ERA DE -6º C. |
Scott Fourth night, it started getting down. | SCOTT: Cuarta noche. |
I thought, "Man, this is it. | Empecé a enfriarme. |
I can't stay warm. | Pensé: “Dios, es el fin. No me puedo calentar”. |
” I was so cold that I was in the fire. | Tenía tanto frío que estaba dentro de la hoguera, así de desesperado estaba, llegando incluso a quemar mis pantalones. |
That's how desperate I was. | Estaba tocando fondo. |
I was laying in the fire, I was burning up some of my pants. | Pero entonces escuché un aeroplano aparecer por el valle, un C-130, y estaba volando bajo. |
[ graphic ] The Lockheed HC-130 is an extended-range, search and rescue aircraft used by the U.S. Coast Guard, Air Force and Air National Guard. | SCOTT: Me dije: “me están buscando a mí”. |
Scott: And I thought, "Man, they're looking for me.” | No me lo creía. |
I couldn't believe it. Fifteen minutes later, here comes this helicopter that landed right down there next to me. The paramedics jumped out and they asked me, it was funny, "Are you the dad? | 15 minutos después aterrizó un helicóptero justo al lado de donde yo estaba. |
” I go, "What?" | Los paramédicos salieron y me preguntaron: “¿eres el padre?”. |
I said, "I don't care who I am. Let's get out of here.” | Y yo: “¿Cómo? Qué más da quién sea. Lárguemonos de aquí”. |
Once we flew back to the camp, Kevin, he hugged me. He couldn't believe I was still alive. He said, "Mom's been attacked by wolves. | Una vez de vuelta en el campamento, mi hijo Kevin [KÉVIN] me abrazó, no se creía que estuviera vivo. |
” I said, "Holy crap.” | Me dijo: “Los lobos han atacado a mamá”. |
I said, "You're kidding me. | “No me jodas. Tienes que estar de broma”, pensé. |
” He said, “No, she's all right though.” | Luego me dijo: “pero está bien”. |
They brought Viv out. | Y trajeron a Viv. |
Vivian: And I was like, "Oh, wow. You know, I thought you were dead, man." | VIVIAN: Mi reacción fue: “Vaya. Pensé que habrías muerto”. |
Mon expérience
3 ans.
- 2020 MIT à Universidad Europea de Madrid
- 2017 Graduate (Other) à Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Disponible Aujourd'hui
January 2025
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. |