À propos de moi
- Trinidad And Tobago
- S'est inscrit il y a environ 7 ans
- bible, beauty, education
- ProZ.com
- United States Dollar (USD - $)
$0,08 to $0,25/mot*
$26 to $30/heure*
Although my native language is English, I have always had an interest in Spanish and French and try to maintain them as hobbies even after Secondary School.
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Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Paires de langues
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
English to French
French to English
Domaines de Spécialisation Principaux
public policy
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Literature
Literature Extraits de Traduction
Source (Spanish) | Cible (English) |
La literatura, en su sentido más amplio, es cualquier trabajo escrito; aunque algunas definiciones incluyen textos hablados o cantados. | In its widest sense, literature is any written work, although some definitions include the spoken word and songs. |
En un sentido más restringido y tradicional, es la escritura que posee mérito literario y que privilegia la literariedad, en oposición al lenguaje ordinario. | More traditionally, literature can be limited to refer to writing which exhibit literary style and writers' privilege as opposed to ordinary writing. |
El término literatura designa también al conjunto de producciones literarias de una nación, de una época o incluso de un género (la literatura griega, la literatura del siglo XVIII, la literatura fantástica, etc.) y al conjunto de obras que versan sobre un arte o una ciencia (literatura médica, jurídica, etc.). | The term 'literature' should also encompass patriotic writings, writings of an era, even of a generation (Greek literature, eighteenth century literature, fantastic literature, etc.). It should even cover works which converge between art and science such as medicine, law ...). |
En términos artísticos, la literatura es el arte de la palabra, ya sea palabra oral o escrita. | In artistic terms, literature is the art of the 'word' whether spoken or written. |
Es estudiada por la teoría literaria. | Literature is a theoretical discipline. |
Extraits de Traduction Business
Business Extraits de Traduction
Source (French) | Cible (English) |
Même si la conduite des actions collectives existe depuis que les hommes vivent en société, la formalisation du management est relativement récente. | Although collective actions took place among humans from the beginning of time, formal management is a fairly recent development. |
Elle débute entre 1880 et 1920, lorsqu'apparait la figure du dirigeant salarié. | It began between 1880 and 1920, when fair wages became an issue. |
Jusque là, depuis la révolution industrielle, les chefs d'entreprise étaient essentiellement des entrepreneurs ou leurs héritiers. | After the industrial revolution and up to the time of the establishment of fair wages, company bosses were essentially the owners of the businesses and their heirs. |
Or, certains de ces héritiers propriétaires préfèrent déléguer la direction de leurs entreprises à des salariés formés pour la circonstance, ce qui suscite la publication des premiers ouvrages spécialisés. | Certain heir/proprietors preferred to guide their businesses in the direction of salary based upon circumstance, the study of which contributed to the first works on specialization. |
Vers la fin du xixe siècle, Frederick Taylor propose le concept d'organisation scientifique du travail. | Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Frederick W. Taylor presented the concept of the scientific organization of work. |
Celui-ci repose sur la décomposition du travail en gestes élémentaires chronométrés et organisés rationnellement pour former une chaîne de production. | This concept was based upon analyzing the tasks involved in the execution of a job, dividing the job into the various tasks to form a production line. |
Taylor désirait appliquer les principes généraux d'amélioration de la productivité par la division du travail à l'entreprise qu'Adam Smith avait soulignés (avant lui Platon51 au niveau de la société). | Taylor wanted to improve upon the concepts of improving productivity presented by Adam Smith. |
Il partage aussi l'idée avec Henry Ford qu'une augmentation des rendements peut être obtenue en contrepartie de bons salaires. | He shared his ideas with Henry Ford for increased benefits and better wages. |
Extraits de Traduction Bible
Bible Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Spanish) |
God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. | Dios es un Mysterio que se puede entender solamente cuando sea aclaracido. |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. | Se puede solamente que es bueno vivir en la presencia de Dios. |
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. | Es mejor aclarirse qu no. |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. | Conocerse a Dios es la razon se ser humano. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. | Dios es Jefe de nuestra vida cuando pensamos en El. |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. | La piedad, felicidad y amor por todos es nuestra experiencia cuando Dios es El Rey de nuestra vida. |
An enlightened person lives in God. | Personas buenas pasen las vidas en la presencia de Dios. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. | Crecen en la realizacion que Dios es La Luz del mundo. |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. | Se sienten la Luz de Dios dentro y alrededor de su mismo. |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. | Se sienten dentro de su mismo, la paz y la fuerza, y tiene una sensacion de amor universal. |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. | Hay varios explicaciones y palabras para 'Dios' en cada mayor religion. |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. | Tambien encontramos palabras personales y distantes que describen a Dios.Hay |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. | Hay gente que piensen que Dios es una persona y otra que piensen que es ultamente 'El Cosmos' |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. | Los de Budismo y de Hinduismo prefiere el concepto de Dios come El Cosmos. |
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. | Dios se llama 'Nirvana' en la disciplina de Budismo, y, "Brahman' por los Hindus. |
Jesus referred to God as father. | Jesus llama a Dios 'Papa'. |
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. | Moises trataba a explicar 'Dios' de moda rara. |
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” | La explicacion mas importante se occure in la palabra 'Soy' |
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. | 'Soy' explica la estad de ser felix espiritualmente. |
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. | Por la palabra'soy' encontramos La Divina dentro. |
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. | La gente debe aumentar una conciencia cosmica, relizando que todos son unidos. |
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. | Asi se pierde el egoismo. |
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” | Pues se une con El Divino y todos los creaciones. Solamente se puede dedir ' Soy'. |
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” | Esta persona no puede decir o pensar como indiividuo. |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. | Una persona aclaracida se une con todos y no tiene ego. |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. | Dios nos ayuda vivir espiritualmente. |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. | Todos los seres humanos que muesta la luz, son represantantes de Dios.Dios |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. | Si reza todos los dias va a hacerse candelaria. |
Extraits de Traduction Tourism
Tourism Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (French) |
We know why we tour as tourists. | Nous savons pourquoi nous voyageons comme des touristes. |
You know why you may choose some parts of the globe over others by reasons such as family, cheap prices and activities- but do you specifically know why we tour? | On doit choissir la destinations par la famille, les prix et des actvites. Mais savez-vous parceque nous voyageons? |
Tourism varies a number of ways: time, number of tourists, and different reasons being just some. | Il y a beaucoup types de tourisme mais le beautemps c'est tres importante. |
For example, you may spend 2 weeks in Borth which has thousands of tourists, or you may tour in the Amazon for a month where there are little tourists and for the purpose of ecotourism. | Par example, on voudrait passer deux semaines en Broth ou il y a milles de touristes, ou on prefreirait passer un mois explorer la beaute naturel de l'Amazon. |
Because of recent falls in the economy and general decrease of salary, many people are looking for cheaper places to tour. | Beaucoup des personnes cherche les destination moins cher au part d'economie dificile ou por avoir perdu l'emploi. |
This means more money for the cheaper resorts, that tend to be Mass Tourism destinations and a big company. | C'est plus de monnai pour les grands companies avec les resorts plus reasonables. |
Tourism can have positive and negative effects: money, jobs and a good recognition are common positives that tourism brings. | Quelques uns des resultats de tourisime, comme des monaies, l'emploi et le recognition sont tres bien. |
However, Global warming, pollution and destruction of habitat are all negatives people are concerned about. | Ainsi, le chaudement du Globe, la pollution et la detruit d'environsont problemes. |
Solutions are being carried out to make tourism more eco-friendly. | Eco-tourisme c'est une xolution. |
Eco-tourism helps local communities, wildlife and produces much less pollution than mass tourism. | Eco-tourisme beneficie les communes localles, les animaux y dess habitats y ne produissent pas la pollution comme tourisme grandes. |
But are the general public willing to tour in eco-tourist destinations? | Mais , aiment les touristes les destinations naturelles? |
Extraits de Traduction Medical (Pharmaceuticals)
Medical (Pharmaceuticals) Extraits de Traduction
Source (Spanish) | Cible (English) |
Un medicamento es uno o más fármacos integrados en una forma farmacéutica, presentado para expendio y uso industrial o clínico, y destinado para su utilización en personas o en animales, dotado de propiedades que permiten el mejor efecto farmacológico de sus componentes con el fin de prevenir, aliviar o mejorar el estado de salud de las personas enfermas, o para modificar estados fisiológicos. | A medication comprises of one or more combined pharmaceutical ingredient, with healing properties, distributed by industries and clinics, for the prevention, relief and healing of medical and physiological conditions both in humans and animals. |
Extraits de Traduction Health Care
Health Care Extraits de Traduction
Source (Spanish) | Cible (English) |
Se considera como asistencia sanitaria a la prevención, tratamiento y manejo de la enfermedad y la preservación del bienestar mental y físico a través de los servicios ofrecidos por las profesiones de medicina, farmacia, odontología, obstetricia, enfermería y afines. | The importance of health care in the prevention, treatment and management of the physical and mental well being of individuals, through the services offered by medical, pharmaceutical, odontological and obstetrical professionals in their respective institutions, is open for discussion. |
Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la asistencia sanitaria abarca todos los bienes y servicios diseñados para promover la salud, incluyendo "intervenciones preventivas, curativas y paliativas, ya sean dirigidas a individuos o a poblaciones". | According to the World Health Organization, appropriate health care underlies all the benefits and services designed to promote health, and includes all preventative, curative and ameliorating measures already being delivered to individuals and populations. |
La provisión organizada de tales servicios puede constituir un sistema de asistencia sanitaria. | The organization of such services can constitute the building blocks of a health care system. |
Esta puede incluir una organización gubernamental tal como, en el Reino Unido, el Servicio Nacional de Salud o una cooperación entre el Servicio Nacional de Salud y Servicios Sociales, tal como ocurre en 'Shared Care'. | This can include governmental organizations such as 'Reino Unido', the National Health Service, or any cooperation between the National Health Service and Social Services such as 'Shared Care'. |
Antes de que el término "asistencia sanitaria" se hiciera popular, los anglófonos se referían a la medicina o al sector sanitario y hablaban del tratamiento y la prevención de la enfermedad y la discapacidad. | Before the term 'health care' became popular, the term referred to the medical or health sector and involved the treatment and prevention of illnesses and incapacities. |
En la mayoría de países desarrollados y en muchos países en desarrollo, la asistencia sanitaria es proveída a todos sin importar su capacidad para pagar. | In most developed and developing countries, health care is provided to all regardless of their ability to pay or not. |
El Servicio Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido fue el primer sistema de asistencia sanitaria universal proveído por el gobierno. | The National Health Services of Reino Unido was the first system of universal health care provided by the government. |
Fue establecido en 1948 por el gobierno Laborista de Clement Attlee. | It was established i 1948 by the government of Clement Atlee. |
Alternativamente, se puede proveer el aseguramiento sanitario obligatorio fundado por el gobierno con honorarios nominales, como ocurre en Italia. | Alternatively, the Italian model of health care could be used. |
Otros ejemplos son "Medicare" en Australia, establecido en la década de 1970 por el gobierno Laborista, y por el mismo nombre "Medicare" en Canadá, establecido entre 1966 y 1984; o la Seguridad Social en España. | Other examples are 'Medicare' in Australia, established by the 1970 Labour government and a program with the same name in Canada or even the Social Security in Spain. |
La asistencia sanitaria universal contrasta con los sistemas como la asistencia sanitaria de Estados Unidos o de Sudáfrica, aunque Sudáfrica es uno de los muchos países que intentan reformar su asistencia sanitaria. | Universal health care contrasts with the American and South African Systems, although South Africa is one of the countries which intends to reform their system. |
Trinidad And Tobago
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January 2025
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