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Extraits de Traduction Engineering
Engineering Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
工程学、工程科学或工学,是通过研究与实践应用数学、自然科学、社会学等基础学科的知识,来达到改良各行业中现有建筑、机械、仪器、系统、材料、化學和加工步骤的设计和应用方式一门学科。 | Engineering, engineering science or engineering, is a branch of science that uses research and practical application of basic scientific knowledge of mathematics, the natural sciences, and the social sciences, to improve existing designs and application methods for construction, machinery, instruments, systems, materials, chemistry, and processing steps in various industries. |
实践与研究工程学的人叫做工程师。 | A person who practices and studies engineering is known as an engineer. |
在高等学府中,将自然科学原理应用至工业、农业、服务业等各个生产部门所形成的诸多工程学科也称为工科和工学。 | In institutions of higher learning, the principles of natural science are applied to the many engineering sciences, also called applied sciences and engineering, that make up the various avenues of production including industry, agriculture, and the service sector. |
Extraits de Traduction Finance
Finance Extraits de Traduction
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它是金融學的分支學科,用於考察公司如何有效地利用各种融资渠道,获得最低成本的资金来源,并形成合适的资本结构;還包括企業投資、利潤分配、運營資金管理及財務分析等方面。 | It [corporate finance] is a branch discipline of finance, used to examine how effectively companies utilize various avenues of funding, obtain the lowest cost sources of capital, and form suitable capital structures. It also includes aspects of business investment, profit distribution, operating funds management, and financial analysis. |
它会涉及到现代公司制度中的一些诸如委托-代理结构的金融安排等深层次的问题。 | It can touch upon certain in-depth issues, such as financial arrangements for trustee-proxy structures, in modern corporate institutions. |
一般來說,公司金融學會利用各種分析工具來管理公司的財務,例如使用貼現法(DCF)來為投資計劃總值作出評估,使用決策樹分析來了解投資及營運的彈性。 | Generally, corporate finance will utilize various kinds of analytical tools to manage corporate financial affairs, such as employing the DCF (discounted cash flow) method to estimate the overall value of an investment plan, and using decision tree analysis to understand flexibility of investment and operations. |
Extraits de Traduction Journalism
Journalism Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
维基百科,自由的百科全书 | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. |
新聞學是一種包含搜集、撰寫及報導新聞的學科。 | Journalism is a discipline that includes collecting, writing, and reporting the news. |
在廣義上,它亦包含了編輯和演示新聞專題的過程。 | Broadly, it also includes the processes of compiling and presenting special news topics. |
新聞學在報業、電視、電台以及网络新媒体等各種傳播媒介上均起著重要的作用。 | Journalism plays an important role in all sorts of dissemination vehicles, such as print, television, radio, and the new online media. |
多數的傳媒機構皆希望「先發制人」,爭先發佈資訊,而處於這種壓力下,傳媒機構通常會先對新聞進行編輯和校對,以使其內容符合該機構在準確性、素質和式樣等方面的標準。 | Most media organizations hope to "preempt" [the competition] and strive to be the first to publish information, but even under this kind of pressure they generally edit and proofread the news first, so that their content meets the organization's standards for accuracy, quality, and style. |
有很多傳媒機構均聲稱他們是政府機關和官員的監察者,由此監督政府對人民負責,並為這傳統感到自豪。 | There are many media organizations that claim they are the watchdogs of government institutions and officials; they are thus responsible to the people for oversight of the government, something of which the media are traditionally proud. |
但同時,批評者則對傳媒本身能否向大眾負責而提出質疑。 | At the same time, though, critics have raised the challenge of whether the media itself is responsible to the populace. |
二十年代初,傳統新聞工作者都是受僱的畢業於相關學士學位的專業人士。 | In the early 20s, traditional media workers were all professionals who had graduated with a bachelor's degree in a relevant field. |
可是到了九十年代,隨著新聞製作數碼化及互聯網的普及程度日益上升,傳統、專業的新聞文化正在受到挑戰。 | But in the 90s, as the creation of news became digital and as dissemination increasingly took place on the Internet, traditional and professional news culture came under challenge. |
民間記者的概念應運而生,網絡上的記者可以透過不同渠道來把自己製作的新聞發放,而不只限於透過專業的媒體渠道。 | The concept of the citizen-correspondent has emerged, and online reporters can release their own news through different channels, no longer limited to professional media channels. |
Extraits de Traduction Physics
Physics Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
最早期的弦论叫做玻色弦理论,南部阳一郎给予最早的作用量[來源請求],但是该作用量在场论的框架内难以量子化。 | The earliest string theory was called bosonic string theory, for which Yoichiro Nambu gave the earliest action (source required), but this action was difficult to quantify within the framework of field theory. |
此后亚历山大·泊里雅科夫给予一个等效的作用量,其几何含义是把时空坐标视为一个世界面的标量场,并且在世界面上满足广义相对论的一般坐标变换规则。 | Subsequently, Alexander Polyakov gave an equivalent action, the geometric significance of which was to view spacetime coordinates as a worldsheet scale field; on the worldsheet, this also satisfied the general coordinate transformation rule of the general theory of relativity. |
除此之外,如果要求这个作用量同时满足在外尔变化下不变,那么自然的会要求这个世界面是一个二维的曲面。 | In addition, if this action must simultaneously be fixed under external changes, naturally the worldsheet will have to be a two-dimensional curved surface. |
玻色弦理论是最简单的一个弦论的模型,它最重要的物理图像是认为物理粒子不是单纯的点粒子,而是由于弦的振动产生的激发态。 | Bosonic string theory is the simplest model of string theory, and its most important physical image is that physical particles are not just discrete particles, but excitation states caused by the vibration of strings. |
显然它有很大的缺点,其一是它只简单描述标量玻色子,没有将费米子引入框架内;其二没有包含一般量子场论中的规范对称性;其三是当研究它的质量谱时候发现,它的真空态是一组质量平方小于零的不稳定快子。 | Obviously it has great disadvantages, one being that it only briefly describes scalar bosons and does not introduce fermions into the framework; a second is that it does not include the normal symmetry of general quantum field theory; and a third is that it was found, when studying its mass spectrum, that its vacuum state is a a group of unstable tachyons with a square mass of less than zero. |
所有这些问题在推广到超弦理论后得到很好的解释。 | All of these problems were well explained after extending (bosonic string theory) to the superstring theory. |
Extraits de Traduction Finance
Finance Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
尽管经常被交替使用,合併和收购略有区别。 | Although often used interchangeably, there are some differences between mergers and acquisitions. |
当一个公司收购了另一个公司並以新业主自称,这项购买被称为收购。 | When one company buys another and calls itself the new owner, this purchase is known as an acquisition. |
从法律上来说,目标的公司不再存在,买家已经“吞食”了卖家的生意,而买家的股票仍旧在正常交易。 | Legally speaking, the target company no longer exists; the buyer has "swallowed up" the sold business, while its own stock continues to trade as usual. |
然而严格来说,合併是两个公司一起同意合成一个公司,拥有权和经营权都合二为一。 | Strictly speaking, though, mergers involve two companies agreeing to incorporate into one, with their ownership and managerial authority merged. |
这样的行为可以更准确地被称做“平等兼併”。 | Such an action can more precisely be called a "merger of equals." |
通常这两家公司规模相当。 | Normally the two companies are of similar scale. |
两家的股票都下市,取而代之的是新公司的股票发行。 | The stock of each company is off the market, and its replacement is the stock issued by the new company. |
比如在1999年格蘭素威康(Glaxo Wellcome)和史克必成(SmithKline Beecham)公司的合併中,两家公司都不复存在,取而代之的是新公司格蘭素史克。 | For example, in the 1999 merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham, the two companies no longer existed and their replacement was the new company GlaxoSmithKline. |
平等兼併事实上並不常发生。 | In fact, mergers of equals rarely occur. |
而是被收购的公司会在收购条款中要求对外称为平等兼併,即使它是一次实质上的收购。 | Instead, the company being purchased would require in the terms of sale that it be referred to as an equal to outsiders, even if the sale was a substantial acquisition. |
因为被收购通常被认为会带来负面影响,所以把它称为兼併。 | Because being acquired is normally considered to have negative consequences, the sale is referred to as a merger. |
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