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Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Art/Literary Extraits de Traduction
Source (Arabic) | Cible (English) |
. | ‘The Yacoubian Building’ : Heads are buried in the sand. |
تشهد مصر جدلا ساخنا حول فيلم عمارة يعقوبيان المأخون عن رواية الكاتب المصري علاء الأسواني والذي يقوم ببطولته عادل إمام ونور الشريف وخالل. | Egypt is experiencing a heated debate over the film ‘the Yacoubian Building’, adapted from the novel by the Egyptian Writer Alaa el-Aswany. |
الصاوي وخالد صالح ومحمد إمام وهند صبري ويسرا وكوكبة من النجوم. | The film features Adel Imam, Nour el-Sharif, Khalid Salih, Mohammed Imam, Hend Sabri, Yousra and a whole host of stars. |
مبنى يحمل اسم بعقوبيان في العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، | The film’s plot revolves around characters of a residential block in Cairo, which goes by the name of Yacoubian. |
ويجسد عادل إمام شخصية زكي الدسوقي المهندس ابن الباشا خفيف الظل وهو نتاج امتزاج مصر بالحضارة الغربية، | Parallel plots intertwine to reflect Egypt’s history over the last 70 years. |
5 | Adel Imam’s character is Zaki Pasha el-Dessouki, an amiable engineer who is a mixture of Egyptian and European culture. |
وهو يجسد روح مصر المشعامحة الليبرالية خفيفة الظل عاشقة الجمال والأناقة. | He has studied and lived in France, but is frustrated with the situation Egypt finds itself in. |
ليس من الناحية الفقافية فقط وإنما لحما ودما أيضا فهو من أب مصري وأم فرنسية، | He embodies a tolerant, liberal and light hearted spirit of Egypt, one of beauty and charm. |
وهو مذقف ومؤمن بقضايا مجتمعه، | Khalid el-Saawi portrays Journalist Hatim Rasheed. |
وهو ذو ميول جنسية مثلية تجعله، | The son of an Egyptian father and a French mother, he also has Eastern and Western culture running through his veins. |
رغم إيجابيته الفكرية، | Rasheed is a learned man and a believer in community issues, but despite his positivity and intellect, his homosexuality makes him persona non grata in the community. |
10 | This ends with Rasheed’s death at the hands of one of his associates, a possible reference to the author’s belief that there is no place for Hatim, or for what he represents, in Egypt. |
ا٠أقوىمذيبكشا٠ | ‘Much more powerful than me. |
وهناك أيضا نور الشريف أو الحاج عزام وهو تاجر المخدرات الأخطبوط الذي يرتدي قناع الدين ويبرر به كل شئ حتى تجارة المخدرات . | Nour el-Sharif portrays Haj Azzam, a drug trafficker called ‘the Octopus’, who uses a religious mask to justify his actions, by claiming ‘Islam does not forbid drugs. |
ولكن عندما تعارض الدين مع رغبته في 15 | ’ However, when religion conflicts with his desire for his new wife (Somaya el-Khashab) to have an abortion, he doesn't hesitate in jettisoning his religious beliefs. |
اسمية الخشابا١ لم يتردل. | Haj Azzam is a character distorted between open mindedness and ‘Petro-Islam’ (Wahhabism). |
ويعكس الحاج عزام نمونجا مشوها أفرزته مرحلة الانفتاح وااالبتروإسلاماا والتي استطاع من خلالها ماسح أحنية سابق وتاجر مخدرات حالي أن يصبح عضوا في مجلس الشعب بعد أن دفع الثمن (مليون جنيه) لينير في المجلس الموقر قضايا تافهة مثل فنيات الإعلانات. | The former shoe shiner turned drug dealer is able to become a Member of Parliament after paying one million Egyptian pounds, where he raises trivial issues such as women in advertising. |
ويردبط بهذه الشخصية بقوة ثعخصية الوزير الفاسد كمال الفولي التي يجسدها خالد صالح الذي باع مقعد مجلس الشعب للحاج عزام، | Tied closely to this character is unscrupulous Minister Kamal el-Fouli, portrayed by Khalid Salih. |
ولم يتردد في إفساد قضية مخدرات ثابتة ضد عزام ليشاركه ثمار تجارته غير | He sells the parliamentary seat to Haj Azzam and is quick to corrupt a proven drug case against Azzam in order to share the profits of the illegal trade. |
ويقول الوزير الفولي عن نفسه إنني مجرد واجهة لعن هو أقوى هني بكشرا- | Minister el-Fouli describes himself as ‘merely a front for those more powerful than myself’. |
ومن سكان المبنى أيضا الفتاة الصفيرة الحسناء بثينة، | Also amongst the building’s residents is the beautiful young Busayna, played by Hend Sabri. |
وهي فقيرة بسيطة تتعرض للتحرش لفقرها لدرجة ان تاجرا عربيا ينتهكها مقابل الفتات فعندما طلبت عشرين جنيها اجابها أن عشرة تكفي. | She is a poor woman, whose poverty sees her harassed to the extent that an Arab businessman abuses her for small change, and when she asks for 20 pounds, he responds by saying ten will suffice. |
ولكنها عندما وجدت اا١لصدر الحنوناا ممثلا في زكي الدسوقي أعادل اءماماا رفضت خيانته وبيعه رغم الإغراء المادي الكبير بما يعكس جوهرا ثمينا لم يلوثه الفقر والحاجة. | However when she encounters good samaritan Zaki el-Dessouki, she refuses to betray or use him despite the material temptation, reflecting her as a precious gem untainted by poverty and destitution. |
وبثينة تائهة بلا روح ولكن معدنها النفيس أبى عليها الاستمرار مع الشاب الذي أحبته طه ابن البواب بعد سقوطه فريسة للطرف فقد رفضت الاستجابة لأفكاره المتخلفة والمتطرفة. | Busayna is a lost soul, but her pure spirit prevents her from continuing with former sweetheart Taha after he falls prey to extremism, whereby she rejects his conflicting and radical views. |
وربما يعكس ذلك رؤية المؤلف لمصر البسيطة التي درفض السقوط في شباك الدطرف. | Maybe this is a reflection of the author’s vision of the world that Egypt refuses to descend into extremism. |
وأما طه ابن البواب المننفوق الذي كان يحلم بأن يخدم وطنه في الشرطة فحال دون طموحه الفقر وتواضع الأصل، | As for Taha, who is the son of the building’s distinguished doorman, he used to dream of serving his country as a Policeman, but his humble origins and poverty prevented this ambition. |
الأمر الذي دفعه دفعا إلى أحضان التطرفا. | This event is what compels him to embrace extremism. |
وقد ساهم رجال وزارة الداخلية باعتدائهم عليه وانتهاكهم عرضه في تحوله إلى العنف. | Men from the Interior Ministry, who wronged and humiliated him, play a part in his transformation to violence. |
وفيما يعكس اعنثاد المؤلف بأن هذا النمونج أيضا لن يكون له مكان في مصر، | Whilst this reflects the author’s belief that this pattern of extremism will have no place in Egypt, we see a startling scene in which Taha meets his demise alongside the State Security Officer who was behind his tragic story. |
ورغم الأجواء القاتمة التي ينيرها نجاح الحاج عزام واستمرار تحالفه مع الوزير كمال الفولي بما يعكس واقعا ينير الكبر من التشاؤم، | Despite the gloomy and pessimistic outlook formed by Haj Azzam’s success and his continued alliance with Minister Kamal el-Fouli, the film’s conclusion arrives to give hope, shown in the wedding scene of Zaki el-Dessouki and Busayna, where Egypt’s soul is returned. |
فقد عادت روح مصر إلى جسدها في مشهد زواج زكي الدسوقي وبثينة. | For his part, the Author el-Aswany has expressed his regret at the controversy. |
أعرب الكاتب الأسواني عن أسغه لهذا الجدل المثار. | ‘It is cause for sadness indeed, how a film can mar such a great country like Egypt. |
اءذ كيف يمكن لفيلم أن | ’ |
يشوه بلدا عظيعا كعصر. | He added ‘ why haven't films which have dealt with homsexuality in countries such as Italy, France and the USA been tarnished? |
وأردف قائلا ٠اإن الروايات والأفلام لا تصنع من أجل الترويج للسياحة، | ’ ‘Novels and films are not made to promote tourism, but to deal with real life issues. |
ولكن إذا تم قطع أجزاء من الفيلم أو حظره فإن الجمهور هو الخاسر الوحيد لحقه في الاختيار بين | The battle is still ongoing, but if parts of the film were cut or banned, then the people are the only loser. |
أن يشاهد أو لا أو يقبل أو يرفض. | It is their right to choose if they watch it or not, and if they accept it or not. |
Extraits de Traduction Government / Politics
Government / Politics Extraits de Traduction
Source (Arabic) | Cible (English) |
لمّ شمل الأسرة أو لمّ الشمل سبب مقبول للهجرة في بلدان عديدة. | Family reunification, or reunification, is an accepted reason for migration in many countries. |
يجوز لبقية أفراد الأسرة الهجرة للبلد نفسه أيضاً | If one or more family members resides in a country, the rest of the family is permitted to migrate to that country as well. |
وحق الدولة في ضبط الهجرة. | Reunification laws attempt to strike a balance between the right of the family to live together and the right of the state to regulate migration. |
فمن المهم للغاية أن تبلّغ دائرة خدمة اللجوء اليونانية بذلك، | Even if/although one of your family is legally residing in another European country, it is extremely important you that you declare that to the Greek Asylum Service, and declare your desire to join your family there/in that country. |
"هل ينطبق الأمر عليّ؟ | “Does this apply to me?” |
إذا استوفيت أحد الشروط التالية: | You may be able to live with your family in another European country if you satisfy the following conditions: |
ومسافراً بدون والديك، | |
أو وصيّ شرعيّ، | |
فيمكنك أن تطلب اللحاق بوالدك أو والدتك، | If you are a minor under the age of 18, and traveling without your parent or legal guardian, then you can request to join your father or mother, brother or sister, aunty or uncle, or your grandfather or grandmother. |
أو عمك أو خالك، | |
أو عمتك أو خالتك، | |
أو جدك أو جدتك. | The following additional information is for unaccompanied or separated children/minors. |
والأطفال المنفصلين. | |
إذاكنت بالغًا فوق سن 18 سنة، | If you are over the age of 18, you can request to live with your wife or husband/partner, or with your child if they are a minor, if they are legally residing in another European country. |
أو مع طفلك الذي لم يبلغ سن البلوغ، | You must present the documents which will help to support your request. |
يجب عليك إبراز الوثائق التي تساعد على إثبات طلبك. | It is not necessary to wait until members of your family obtain asylum from the recipient country. |
لجميع المعلومات حول لمّ الشمل ضمن اتّفاقية دبلن 3، | For all information regarding reunification, including the Dublin III Regulation, please consult our guide here. |
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Art/Literary Extraits de Traduction
Source (Arabic) | Cible (English) |
خليدة تومي وزيرة الثقافة الجزائرية تعرف لغة الصالونات. | ‘Our democratic experience did not appear out of the blue’. |
كما انها تتمتع بقدرة فانقة على مخاطبة البسطاء من النساء، | Algerian Minister of Culture Khalida Toumi can relate to the people. |
طافت عواصم العالم لمحاربة الإرهاب، | She also boasts an ability to address ordinary women. |
لتعود عضوا في المجلس الاستشاري ثم ناطقا رسميا باسم الحكومة السابقة. | She has toured world capitals to combat terrorism, to become a member on the Advisory Council, then an official spokesperson on behalf of the previous government. |
في سابقة لا تنكرر كثيرا على المستوى العربي. | And she is one of 5 female ministers, virtually unprecedented in the Arab world. |
حاصلة على ليسانس في الرياضيات. | She holds a degree in mathematics. |
لم تكن قريتها كسائر القرى في البلاد لكونها صبفت بطابع ديني، | Her village had a religious air to it, unlike others in the country. |
ومع ذلك فقد انضمت إلى أول تجمع نسائي محاولة التصدي لقانون الأسرة الذي طن آنذاك. | Nevertheless, she joined an early women's group, which was trying to challenge Family Law legislated at that time, and whose amendment is still a demand for the women's movement in Algeria. |
إنها واحدة من الناشطات في مجل الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان، | She is an activist in the defence of human rights, and a woman who possesses an iron will, described by many as equal to most men, but who has headed the association for gender equality. |
يصفها الكثيرون بأنها تزن الكثير من الرجال، | The following is an excerpt from a discussion conducted with her by Mohammed Mattar: |
وفيما يلي مقتطفا من حوار اجراه معها محمد مطر. | ‘Justice demands now that Algeria bears witness to many achievements, in terms of security and on levels of domestic stability and national unity, which appeared fractured and unstable. |
وعلى مستوى الوحدة الوطنية التي كانت تبدو مشروخة ومزعزعة، | And also in terms of the economy, strengthening democracy, and its global, regional and Arab role. |
وعلى مسنوى الدور العالمي والعربي والاقليمي. | There is no doubt that there is still a long road until Algeria arrives at its rightful place, and that obstacles are impeding the journey, especially domestically. |
ولا شك في ان المسيرة تعترضها عقبات صعبة وخاصة في المجال الداخلي. | There are still some age-old fears on the street corners. |
فهناك بعض المخاوف القديمة لا تزال عند زوايا الطرقات. | However, the means for development certainly seem clear. |
ولكن العؤكد ان سبل التنمية دبدو واضحة. | I wanted to explore the cultural perspective in my interview with the Algerian Minister of Culture, amidst this image calling for optimism, when I met her inside the Yemeni Presidential Palace in Sana’a, at one of the conferences where she was representing her country. |
بعد الإرهاب الهمجي بدأت العودة إلى الشرعية ثينا فشينا بانتخاب مجلس تعددي وديني الرئيس سياسة (الونام المدني) و( المصالحة الوطنية). | ‘Following barbaric terrorist attacks, Algeria began the gradual return to law by electing a pluralist council, and adoption of policy by the President: (The Civil Concord and (the Charter for National Reconciliation). |
ثز عرضه على استفتاء شغي، | His program was brought before Parliament and ratified, then presented for a popular referendum, where there was almost total unanimity. |
القد قمنا بمجهودات رانعة في هذا الاتجاه، | We have undertaken admirable strides in this regard, which is a massive and gruelling task. |
فقد كانت هناك حرب وحشية ضد الجزائريين ومؤسسات بلادهم، | There was a brutal war against Algerians and their country’s institutions, and we had no one on our side. |
ولعلنا نتنكر من كانوا لا برون في الإرهاب خطرا على الجزائريين، | Perhaps we remember those who did not view terrorism as a threat to Algerians, came to view it as a threat to the entire world following 9/11. |
لذلك لا بد من الدتسيق والتعاون بين كل البول بشكل جماعي لصياغة اطر جديدة لمكافحة الإرهاب الذي اتخن اشكالا متعددة: | So, there has to be collective coordination and cooperation amongst all countries to establish new frameworks to combat terrorism in its various guises: political and religious. |
سياسية ودينية، | It has become possible to strike everywhere and every capital city. |
تلقت الجزانر الكير من الانتقادات خلال الفترة السابقة بسبب تعاملها مع العنف مما اوقع العديد من الضحايا والقتلى، | ‘Algeria has previously received much criticism due to its handling of the violence which saw many victims and casualties. |
هل كان الأمر تعسفا من الحكومة؟ | Did the Government act recklessly? |
عندما بوجد إرهاب وعنف هل يكون مطلوبا أن يستسلم البلد لهذا العنف أم يواجهه امنيا وسياسيا واجتماعيا وقافيا؟ | ‘When there is terrorism and violence is there a need for the country to succumb to this violence or confront it, politically, socially, culturally and with security? |
فعلنا ذلك لحماية الأشخاص والممتلكات. | We did that to protect people and property. |
وسط الأحداث السياسية وزحمة الانشغالات هل نسيت الجزانر الجانب الذقافي لديها؟ | ‘In the midst of political events and mass unease, did Algeria forget its cultural side? |
لم تهمل القافة، | ‘Culture was not neglected. |
فلدينا مبادرات وطنية ونظرة واضحة في مجال القافة وفي اتجاه النهوض بهذا القطاع. | We have clear national initiatives that are unique to the cultural field, and promote it . |
هناك تنسيق وتعاون بين الجميع، | There is coordination and cooperation between all, contributing to present Algerian culture in all its diversity and history. |
كما ان الإبداع الفني الفردي فإنه ينتج عن فكر جماعي. | Also, individual artistic expression is a result of a collective ideal. |
وينبغي أن يكون المرء خلاقا ليكون فابرا على تحقيق ذاته. | One must be creative to be able to discover oneself. |
مسارك كمناضلة من اجل قضايا المرأة ومواجهة الأصولية والدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان جعل منك شخصية متميزة في بلادك. | ‘Your path as a campaigner for women, confronting fundamentalism and defending human rights has made you a distinguished personality in your country. |
هناك إحساس عام بأن الحكومات والأنظمة غالبا ما تلجا إلى (نلجيم) بعض المنقفين من خلال تعبينهم في الحكومة، | There is general sentiment that governments and systems often silence some intellectuals by appointing them in government. |
هل ينطبق هذا على وضعك؟ | Does this apply to your situation? |
التعيين لم يعنني وحدي، | ‘The appointment did not present itself to me alone, as there were 4 other female ministers. |
إن مطلب الديمقراطية جزء لا يتجزأ من حقوق الإنسان وهو مطلب شعبي، | The need for democracy is an integral part of human rights, and is a need of the people, which proves to the world that we are moving on the democratic path. |
مما ييت للعالم اننا نسير على طريق الديقراطية. | The country recognised the qualities of its people, male and female, and did not take lessons from any western country. |
فالدولة اعترفت بكفاءات أبنانها من نكور وإناث، | ‘And does Algerian society accept the presence of numerous women in government? |
ولم نتلق دروسا من اي دولة غربية. | ’ |
وهل يقبل المجتمع الجزائري وجود العديد من النساء في الحكومة؟ | ‘Can you see women occupying many roles in important places? |
يعكنك ان ترى تولي النساء الكبر من المناصب في الأماكن المهمة؟ | In law, the Armed Forces, the State Council, and we have female ambassadors in several capital cities. |
ولدينا سفير ات في عدد من العواصم. | The appointment of women in important roles results from the female resistance during the War of Independence, because they freed the country alongside the Mujahidin. |
فضلا عن أنه حق ضمنه الدستور الذي ساوى بين الرجل والمرأة هنن عام 1962. | Also, the Constitution contains a right which places men and women as equals since 1962. |
ونحن نعيش تجربة ديمقراطية نابعة من الشعب واللولة على حد سواء، | We are experiencing a democracy which stems from the people and the nation. |
لم يهدها لنا أحد، | Nobody gave it to us and it did not appear out of the blue. |
ولم تحملها لنا الأمطار. | ’ |
Extraits de Traduction Other
Other Extraits de Traduction
Source (Arabic) | Cible (English) |
بمثول الرئيس المصري المخلوع حسني مبارك في قفص الانحام أمام القضاء للرد على انحامات بالقتل والفساد، | The appearance of ‘deposed’ Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the dock, charged with murder, fraud and embezzling public money, has brought Egypt and the Arab World to a standstill. |
تقف مصر والأمة العربية بأسرها أمام سابقة تاريخية، | It has become custom for Arab Leaders to murder, steal and terrorise with zero accountability, so this historic event maybe the most important in decades, or even in centuries. |
بل ربما منن قرون، | It is the will and the courage of the people to break down every obstacle of dictatorship: fear and terror, the mechanisms of oppression, and death itself. |
وما زالت، | This is to defend their dignity, or rather restore it, and snatch it out of the grasp of those who degraded them, and crushed their honour and self-esteem. |
وينهبون ويتج^برون دون أي حساب أو مساءلة. | The ‘deposed’ President, with emphasis on the word ‘deposed’, enters the courtroom in a wheelchair on something akin to a deathbed. |
٠ إنحا الشجاعة في كسر كل حواجز الخوف والرعب من الطغاة. | It is crucial that he faces trial like a condemned criminal, along with his two sons, to answer for the sins, murder and devastation. |
من الموت نفسه دفاعا عن الكرامة. | They ran amok, accumulating billions from the blood, sweat and tears of the poor and the oppressed. |
أو انتزاعها من براثن أناس ولغوا في إهانة شعوبحم وسحق كرامتهم وتحطيم عزة أنفسهم. | The biggest crime of the dethroned President was not only the embezzlement of public funds, or the murder of five hundred demonstrators who were demanding the end of his reign, but also his annihilation of Egypt and its rank, prestige and dignity. |
ونصر بقوة على كلمة المخلوع، | He wrecked the country’s identity, transforming it from a mighty country into a pitiful, scrounging one that lives on scraps. |
على كرسي متحرك أو على سرير الموت، | Saudi Arabians were counting on Egypt’s annual contribution shortly before the Hajj and the Kiswah [cloth that covers the Kaaba]. |
المهم أن يمثل أمام القضاء، | Libyans were counting on financial and food aid, and the Gulf States were expecting doctors and teachers. |
وسط بطانته السيئة، | Moroccans were counting on revolutionaries and weapons, whilst all Arabs were awaiting Egypt’s art, literature and innovation. |
مع ابنيه اللذين عاثا في الأرض فسادا، | Thanks to President Mubarak, Egypt turned into a laughingstock, one which many have rushed to insult and attack. |
جريمة الرئيس المخلوع الكبرى ليست في نحب المال وقتل خمسمائة متظاهر كانوا يطالبون بإسقاط حكمه فقط، | More than thirty years of extortion, theft and accumulation of billions in Western Banks is the trademark of the most infamous deposed President. |
لمصر ومك^اذتها وهيبتها وكرامتها، | |
وتشويهه لهويتها، | |
وتحويلها من دولة عزيزة، كريمة، | I hope that the first question posed to him by the Judge is not the whereabouts of these billions, but what he gained by stealing from his people. |
تتعيشز على الغتات. | |
مصر التي^ كان ينتظر السعوديون محملها السنوي قبيل موسم الحزج وكسوة كعبتها، | Eighty million long suffering and kind hearted Egyptians will be glued to their television screens to follow this historic occasion and witness their former ‘Viceroy’ in a scene they could not have dreamed of. |
والخليحيون أطباءها ومدرسيها، | |
والمغاربة ثوارها وأسلحتها، | Amongst the people watching will be families of the regime’s victims. |
مصر تحولت، | Mubarak betrayed them, killing their loved ones defending a crooked regime. |
حيطة واطية، | |
تتزاحم الكثيرون على إهانتها والتطاول عليها. | The most important and noble chapter in modern Egyptian history was written in the blood of these men. |
أتمنى أن يكون أول سؤال يوجهه القاضي إليه هو ليس عن مكان هذه المليارات، | President Mubarak sat on a perch above the largest Police organisation in the Arab and the Third World, numbering more than two million soldiers. |
الرئيس مبارك كان يتربع على قمة المؤسسة البوليسية الأضخم في العالم العربي، | Even so, they did not prevent Mubarak’s terrible demise, thanks to the people of the Revolution who came out in force, with their voice, faith and determination to bring change. |
ومع ذلك فإن هذه المؤسسة الني يزيد تعداد أفرادها عن مليوني جندي لم تمنع سقوطه المريع، | The ruling Military Council was forced to give in to the Revolutionaries’ demands and expedite the trial of a corrupt bygone era, and its symbol. |
الحلس العسكري الحاكم اضطر للرضوخ لمطالب الثوار، | This occurred after a long drawn out delay, which was a result of pressure by Mubarak’s allies in oppressive and brutal Arab regimes, who did not want this precedent set and face the same fate. |
بعد تلكؤ طال أمده، | |
نتيجة لضعوط حلفاء مبارك في دول القمع والاضطهاد العربية، | Giving in was the quickest route to ending the Tahrir Square sit ins, and rescue the country from a second revolution, this time a revolution of famine. |
وهذا الرضوخ كان الطريق الأقصر لإلحاء اعتصامات ميدان التحرير، | Our greatest delight was the removal of the Dictator begrudgingly recognising defeat, and our biggest joy was seeing him humbled and groveling behind bars. |
وهي ثورة | |
الجياع. | |
فرحتنا الكبرى كانت بتنحي الديكتاتور مرغما، | |
ومعترفا بالهزيمة، | |
وفرحتنا الأكبر بمشاهدته ذليلا خانعا خلف القضبان، | We say this not to gloat, but say it is a victory for justice and equality that the truth prevailed, and it serves as a warning to all those who murder innocent people and believe themselves immune from any accountability. |
وإحقاقا للحق، | |
وعبرة لكل من تعولوا في سغك دماء الأبرياء واعتقدوا ألحم محصنون | Indeed this is the most beautiful and rich gift for the Egyptian people, and for all Arabs in the month of Ramadan. |
إلحا الهدية الأجمل والأدسم للشعب المصري، | It is the most exciting and anticipated drama which outweighs any other drama taking place. |
بل هو اسسسل الأكثر إثارة وتشويقا تتواضع أمامه كل مسلسلات الدراما الأخرى. | The deposed President did not display any feeling or emotion at all, nor sense the suffering of tens of millions of his own people, and it is within this context that the Holy Month derives meaning. |
بل لم يت١^سسا معاناة عشرات ١لملاأهل من شعبه، | The President and his offspring were disconnected from these millions, not even aware of their existence as they lived in their private kingdom laced with corruption. |
بل لم يكن ونسله على تماس مع هذه الملايين، | The time has come to reflect the proverb ‘you reap what you sow’. |
كانوا يعيشون في مملكتهم الخاضة وبطانتهم الغاسدة، | We bow before the Revolutionaries, the youth of Tahrir, and the courage that spans across diverse political and ideological spectrums that made this miracle possible. |
وينقلب السحر على الساحر، | |
وهو سحر رديء، | |
من ساحر أردأ . | |
ننحني أمام ثوار مصر، | It gave us hope, gave us our smile back, and a sense of triumph after thirty years of subjugation and defeat. |
الذي حقق لنا هذه المعجزة، | Egypt always was, and will continue to be a pioneering example in the course of history. |
مصر كانت دائما، | |
وستظل رائدة وسباقة في تسحيل السوابق التاريخية، | What we hope to see today in the Police Academy is the benchmark. |
فشكرا لها، | |
ونأمل أن نرى عشرين طاغية آخرين في القفص نسسه، | So thank you Egypt, and we hope to see twenty other Despots in the dock themselves very soon, God willing. |
Extraits de Traduction Medical
Medical Extraits de Traduction
Source (Arabic) | Cible (English) |
عقدة الذنب. | Guilt complex. |
الورقية - سعودي الأربعاء، | Some of us are born and spend our whole life in conflict with ourselves, suffering from a never ending guilt. |
يولد بعضنا ويعيش عمره كله وهو في صراع مع ذاته، | The psyche does not calm nor does it rest, and constantly feels some kind of complex. |
فلا تهدأ النفس ولا تستريح، | One day it adopts a false image, then one day an image of inferiority, and another day adopts an image that demands absolute perfection. |
يوماً تتخذ صورة المخطئة، | The psyche continues in a maze like state without acknowledging the cause, or the person that causes it, so people feel constantly inferior regarding themselves and others, perpetually living in a cycle of guilt. |
ويوماً تتخذ صورة تطالب فيها بالمثالية المطلقة، | It is good that a person is aware of what they are up against, contemplating their sense of self and other people, and are not content to be persecuted by their psyche or any other injustice. |
إذ يشعرون بأنهم دائمين مقصرون في حق أنفسهم أو في حق الآخرين، | However these people feel inferior and unforgiving towards themselves, thrusting them daily into a conflict which destroys the psyche, depriving it of willpower, and imprisoning it with delusion, with zero progress or accomplishment. |
فقط العيش في دوامة التأنيب! | Who among us is without fault, or free from sin or inadequacies? |
مستبصراً في نفسه والآخرين، | Mankind was created in a world full of contradictions and challenges, not so as to fall prey to them, but through these contradictions truly be aware of things, and learn from them. |
لكن هؤلاء يشعرون بتقصير وعدم مسامحة النفس، | Mankind must also be aware of right and wrong, inferiority and fulfilment of duty, and be truly aware that supposed perfection does not apply to mankind. |
فلا هي تقدمت ولا هي أنجزت. | Total perfection does not exist on earth, because total perfection is God alone. |
خلق الإنسان في عالم مليء بالتناقضات والتحديات، | What the person does not realise is that moments of guilt and self-blame are beneficial at the right time and for the right amount of time, in order to comprehend what their actual role in life is, and for learning and education. |
بل من خلال هذه التناقضات يعرف حقيقة الأشياء ويتعلم منها، | However, if a long period of time lapses without change or correction, it is considered a slow premeditated suicide. |
التقصير وأداء الواجب، | The person must begin to change the moment guilt or inferiorities absorb them, so their horizon is broadened enough as to what must be done, and where these deficiencies lie: in their personal, family, professional or social life. |
وأنه لا يوجد على الأرض الكمال المطلق، | They must first begin to change their thinking and understanding logically, without self-persecution. |
ما لا يدركه الفرد أن لحظات التأنيب وملامة النفس مفيدة في وقتها ومدتها المعقولة، | The actual work starts in applying these changes and correcting the flawed concepts, and here the person enters a stage of awareness and realisation, instead of falling into the clutches of self-criticism. |
يتعلم ويعلم، | The person starts to change, to work, to be diligent and to realise there are lessons and a path in life, and everything that passes through it is not a coincidence. |
على الفرد أن يبدأ التغير لحظة استيعابه الخطأ أو القصور، | These are lessons on the route to education and becoming more mature, stronger and more aware. |
وأين هذا القصور في حياته الشخصية أو الأسرية أو المهنية أو الاجتماعية، | It is like childbirth in that the person learns from the pain, suffering and agony, realising that it is temporary. |
يبدأ العمل الفعلي في تطبيق هذه التغيرات وتصحيح المفاهيم المغلوطة، | It dwells for a short while before leaving, after their character is refined with a stronger presence, awareness and greater understanding of life. |
أن يغير ويعمل ويجتهد ويدرك أن في الحياة دروساً وعبراً، | The person realises that drawn out self-conflict is destructive, and that they are the only loser by not opening the doors in front of them. |
يدرك أنها دروس في الطريق تعلمه وتجعله ناضجاً وقوياً وواعياً، | These doors will only open following self-compromise, self-assessment and self-respect. |
ويدرك أنها لا تدوم، | Some people have top degrees or good jobs, but delusion of self-guilt or the quest for absolute perfection is held captive internally. |
ويدرك أن الصراع الطويل مع الذات يدمرها، | Perfection is impossible, because human beings are prone to to error. |
وأنه هو الوحيد الخاسر في عدم فتح الأبواب أمامه، | The important thing is how the person acts and corrects what happens to them, finding a replacement for the mayhem, the arguments, the neglect, and the inattention. |
هناك من يمتلك الشهادات العليا والمناصب الجيدة، | The neglect is what manufactures this guilt. |
لكنه من الداخل أسير هذا الوهم في تأنيب النفس أو محاولة الوصول إلى أعلى درجات المثالية الصرفة، | Some people live in a guilt complex cycle, a defense mechanism where they try to alleviate pain or inferiorities, but there is no shift or change. |
لأن الإنسان معرض للخطاء، | Their plight remains empty, bemoaning fate, circumstances, the psyche and the guilt, due to these inferiorities not being confronted and these mistakes not being corrected. |
بدل الصخب والجدل أو التغافل والتجاهل، | Focusing on the actual causes that create these feelings and posing numerous questions is very important. |
البعض يعيش | Did I suffer from feelings of guilt? |
حيلاً دفاعية يحاول فيها تخفيف الألم أو القصور، | What mistakes did I make or what did I fall short in? |
يظل قابعاً مكانه، | How do I deal with these negativities? |
تأنيب الضمير هنا بسبب عدم مواجهة هذا القصور أو تصحيح الخطاء. | What are the first steps to overcome them? |
لم أنا أعاني من الشعور التأنيب؟ | How will they affect me if I do not change? |
كيف أعالج هذه السلبيات؟ | And, if I were to change, what will this add to my life? |
وكيف سيؤثر هذا فيّ إذا لم أتغير؟ | It is a shame to programme society through feelings of inferiority and blame, regardless of whether they are fact or fiction. |
للأسف «تبرمج» المجتمع على نمط الشعور بالتقصير والملامة، | This creates a deep divide between self-acceptance and self-reconciliation. |
ما صنع له فجوة عميقة بين قبول الذات والمعها، | Therefore, it is necessary to rectify thinking like this, and replace it with positive thinking in how to right wrongs, bring about change, and strive for the best alternative to tears and sadness. |
Extraits de Traduction Social Sciences
Social Sciences Extraits de Traduction
Source (Spanish) | Cible (English) |
¿Para qué sirve la Comunicación Interna? | What purpose does Internal Communication serve? |
Como responsable de Marketing de Dianova International y tras llevar unos pocos meses aquí, me he encontrado con una ONG que desarrolla una labor con una implicación y unos valores distintos a los que conocía de la empresa privada. | As the person in charge of marketing for Dianova International and after having been here for a few months, I have found an NGO that develops work with an impact and different values to those that I knew in the private sector. |
He mantenido reuniones con algunos de vosotros para tener un mayor conocimiento de vuestra actividad y entre los diferentes feedbacks que he recibido, hay uno en el que todos habéis coincidido; queréis estar más implicados e informados de lo que pasa dentro de la red, así que hemos decidido hacer una Newsletter interna. | I have held meetings with some of you in order to have a greater knowledge of your work, and amongst the various feedback that I have received, there is one which everyone had agreed on; you wish to be more involved and informed of events within the network, so we have decided to produce an internal newsletter. |
¿Otra newsletter? | Another newsletter? |
Sí, pero diferente. | Yes, but a different one. |
Las newsletters que existen hasta el momento son las siguientes: | The newsletters that have existed up until now are the following: |
“Newsletter Dianova”, de carácter general donde se explican acontecimientos de incidencia política/social y buenas prácticas y va dirigida tanto al público externo como a la red. | "Dianova Newsletter", is a general newsletter where political/social advocacy events and best practices are explained, and are directed both for the external public and the network. |
Se hacen 5 lanzamientos al año. | There are 5 releases per year. |
“The Ambassadors of Dianova” que se envía específicamente a los Embajadores. | " The Ambassadors of Dianova", which was addressed specifically for the Ambassadors. |
Aquí se explican noticias de incidencia política/social, eventos y otros temas relevantes, esta newsletter se lanza 2 veces al año. | Here political/social advocacy news, events, and other relevant subjects are explained, and this newsletter is released twice per year. |
Y aquí presentamos la nueva newsletter: | And now we present the new newsletter : |
“Dianova, Now and Tomorrow, together” | " Dianova, Now and Tomorrow, together" |
que será un boletín de comunicación interna. | which will be an internal communication newsletter. |
Haremos 4 envíos al año y os implicaremos a todos. | We will issue it 4 times a year and we will involve everyone. |
Queremos conocer cuál es vuestra problemática, qué errores o casos de éxitos han tenido lugar, posibles experiencias que podamos compartir con los miembros y/o casos de integración a nuevos retos. | We want to know what your problem is, what mistakes or success stories have taken place, what possible experiences we can share with the members, and/or instances of integration to new challenges. |
El objetivo es promover una cultura de conocimiento basada en el intercambio de conocimiento. | The aim is to promote a culture of knowledge based on an exchange of knowledge. |
La comunicación es vida, transmite la belleza de la realidad y debe fluir continuamente porque una buena comunicación interna denota salud en la organización y la hará crecer. | Communication is life, it conveys the beauty of reality and must flow continuously as good internal communication denotes a healthy organization and will make it grow. |
Una buena comunicación mejora la adaptación a los cambios del entorno, facilita el logro de los objetivos y metas establecidas, satisface las propias necesidades y la de los participantes, coordina e informa de las actividades y fomenta una buena motivación, compromiso, responsabilidad, implicación y un buen clima integrador de trabajo. | Good communication improves adjustment to the changes to the environment, facilitates the achievement of established objectives and goals, satisfies the specific needs of the participants, coordinates and reports the activities and fosters good motivation, commitment, responsibility, involvement and good inclusive work climate. |
Sin una buena comunicación interna es difícil conseguir una comunicación externa con éxito. | Without good internal communication, it is difficult to achieve successful external communication. |
En esta primera Newsletter, Montse Rafel explicará los objetivos que tiene Dianova International de cara el futuro. | In this first newsletter, Montse Rafel will explain the aims of Dianova International for the future. |
Cristina Lizarza hablará sobre el Evento de 20 años de Trabajo en Red que tendrá lugar el 28 de junio, #networkdianova20. | Cristina Lizarza will talk about the 20 years of Networking Event which will take place on the 28 June, #networkdianova20. |
Para finalizar, añadiremos consejos útiles de cursos, tips digitales o títulos de lectura que puedan ser de vuestro interés. | Finally, we will add useful tips on courses, digital tips, or reading titles that may be of interest to you. |
Hoy Mario Prieto nos dará consejos prácticos de comunicación on-line. | Today Mario Prieto will give us practical advice on online communication. |
Esperando que la newsletter os guste, desde Marketing, nos iremos poniendo en contacto con vosotros. | We hope that you like the newsletter. |
Communication is life! | Communication is life! |
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- 2014 Graduate (Other) à University of Westminster
- 2005 BA à Nottingham Trent University
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