À propos de moi
- China
- S'est inscrit il y a plus de 4 ans
- marketing, website translation, finance
- MemSource Cloud, MemoQ
- ProZ.com
Lei Tang has been in the translation industry as a freelance Chinese translator more than 15 years, working with the following well-known brands:
Apple (iTunes Team)
Amazon (Amazon Web Services and Product listings)
University of Toronto
The list goes on and on.
Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Domaines de Spécialisation Principaux
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Marketing
Marketing Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
For more than 150 years, Tiffany & Co. has been the colored gemstone authority. | 150 多年来,Tiffany 一直雄踞彩色宝石行业的权威地位。 |
In the history of Tiffany | 乔治•昆兹(George Frederick Kunz)是 |
& Co., George Frederick Kunz is the single most important person who contributed to the success of | Tiffany & Co. |
colored gemstone designs. | 的历史上最为举足轻重的人物,他为Tiffany 彩色宝石设计的成功做出了卓越贡献。 |
When George F. Kunz joined Tiffany & Co. in 1879, at the age of 23, he was | 1897 年,23 岁的乔治•昆兹加盟Tiffany。 |
already recognized as the world's leading authority on colored gemstones. | 当时的他已经被公认为世界一流的彩色宝石专家。 |
As Tiffany & Co.'s chief | 担任 |
gemologist, he established Tiffany as the source for the finest gemstones in the world, He built our expert | Tiffany & Co. |
reputation and traveled the globe in search of the most beautiful gemstones available. | 的首席宝石学家期间,昆兹将 Tiffany 打造成了经营世界顶级宝石的珠宝供应商。 |
The purplish-pink | 不仅为Tiffany 建立了专业声誉,还周游全球各地,遍寻世上最美丽的宝石。 |
variety of spodumene was even named "kunzite" in his honor. | 为了纪念这位宝石大 |
Louis Comfort Tiffany, the son of Tiffany & Co. founder Charles L. Tiffany, was the foremost American | 师,紫粉红色的锂辉石变种还以他的名字命名为 “kunzite”(紫锂辉石)。 |
designer of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as well as a leader of the Art Nouveau design | Tiffany & Co. |
movement. | 创始人查尔斯•刘易斯•蒂芬尼(Charles L. Tiffany)之子路易斯•康福特•蒂梵尼(Louis |
As a young man, his love of the decorative arts inspired him to create exquisite, colorful | Comfort Tiffany) 不仅是美国19 世纪末20 世纪初最重要的设计师,也是新艺术主义设计运动的领 |
interpretations of birds, insects and flowers in stained-glass windows and lamps. | 导者之一。 |
He equated his stained | 当年,对装饰艺术的热爱给予了这个年轻人非凡的灵感,他创作的染色玻璃窗和灯饰以 |
glass designs and mosaics with fine jewels. | 细腻雅致、华美斑斓之笔生动地刻画出了鸟儿、昆虫和花朵。 |
His natural talent and love of fine design propelled him to | 他把自己对染色玻璃设计与镶嵌工艺 |
become the creative design force at Tiffany. | 的造诣全然贯注到了精美华丽的珠宝之中。 |
LCT shared George F. Kunz's passion for extraordinary | 与生俱来的天赋加上对精美设计的热爱推动着他一路走 |
colored stones and incorporated them into his "little missionaries of art," as he liked to call his jewelry. | 上了Tiffany 创意设计岗位。 |
He | 有其父必有其子,与其父查尔斯•刘易斯•蒂芬尼一样,路易斯•康福特• |
meticulously selected the most exquisite gemstones from all over the world to distinguish his incredible | 蒂梵尼同样对那些风采非凡的彩色宝石充满了炽热的激情,并把这些彩色宝石同样看作是“艺术的 |
floriform designs. | 小小传教士”——他最喜欢这样称呼他的珠宝。 |
Jean Schlumberger had great impact on colored gemstones in the 20th Century. | 他从来自世界各地的宝石中精心甄选出最细腻雅致 |
Schlumberger gained | 的上上之品,令他极致优美的花形设计展现出无可企及的独特风韵。 |
recognition by uniting unusual color combinations within a single piece of jewelry. | 20 世纪,让•史隆伯杰(Jean Schlumberger)对彩色宝石业产生了重大影响。 |
He loved to set richly | 史隆伯杰将独特的色彩搭 |
hued amethysts, citrines, rubies, tourmalines and sapphires side by side. | 配混合运用到了同一件珠宝之中,这一创意令他博得了广泛的认同。 |
Schlumberger created remarkable | 他喜欢将色调丰富的紫水晶、 |
designs influenced by the colors and shapes he found in nature. | 黄水晶、红宝石、电气石和蓝宝石混搭在一起。 |
His incomparable jewelry is distinguished | 史隆伯杰创作出了众多非凡出众的设计,这些设计 |
by extraordinary and unexpected combinations of color. | 中都蕴含了他在大自然中发现的种种色彩和形状。 |
Paloma Picasso, daughter of internationally acclaimed artists Pablo Picasso and Francois Gilot, is | 出自他手的那些无与伦比的珠宝都以独特超群的 |
recognized for her trademark use of boldly colored gemstones. | 色彩搭配而傲视众宝。 |
Beginning in 1980, she increased public | 帕洛玛•毕加索(Paloma Picasso),国际知名艺术家巴勃罗•毕加索(Pablo Picasso)和弗朗索瓦丝•吉洛 |
appreciation of beautiful, uncommon colored stones with her elegant bead necklaces of rhodochrosite, | (Francois Gilot)之女,运用色彩大胆强烈的彩色宝石是她的独家风格,这位女设计师也凭借这一手 |
chrysoprase, carnelian and fire opal. | 笔而大获成功。 |
Paloma's love of color is reflected in her dramatic designs that feature | 1980 年,她用菱锰矿、绿玉髓、红玉髓和火蛋白石设计出了优雅的串珠项链,从 |
brilliant gemstones. | 此,她的作品开始令公众更加欣赏这些美丽动人、非同凡响的彩色宝石。 |
Each vividly hued gemstone is the focal point of the design. | 帕洛玛将她对色彩的钟爱 |
Tiffany & Co. is credited with introducing green tourmaline to the world at the turn-of-the-century. | 投射到了自己卓而不群的设计之中,光彩夺目的宝石为这些设计画上了点睛之笔。 |
We | 每一颗色泽明丽 |
brought public attention to tanzanite in 1967, and introduced tsavorite garnet in the 1970s. | 的宝石都是她设计中的焦点。 |
The quality of Tiffany colored gemstones is exceptional. | 于世纪之交将绿色电气石呈献给全世界的正是Tiffany & Co. |
Every gemstone is carefully examined by | 。1967 年,我们将公众的目光引向了坦 |
experienced gemologists in our own modern laboratory. | 桑黝帘石,20 世纪70 年代又推出了铬钒钙铝榴石。 |
Only those meeting our high standards for beauty, | Tiffany 彩色宝石的品质堪称超卓,在我们现代化的实验室中,经验老道的宝石学家要对每一颗宝石 |
cut, rarity and durability are selected for our assortment. | 进行认真细致的检验。 |
Extraits de Traduction Law/Patents
Law/Patents Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
1. The Subscriber acknowledges that the Fund, the Administrator or other service provider to the Fund | 1. 认购人承认,基金、管理人或基金的其他服务供应商可能须按照有关法律和/或法规采取进一步合理措施,以确 |
identity of the Subscriber or of any other person whom the Fund, the Administrator or other service | 定认购人的身份或基金、管理人或其他服务供应商已知或其有理由相信认购人所代理或代表的其他人士的身份, |
acting and the Subscriber undertakes to co-operate with and assist the Fund, Administrator or other | 认购人承诺在该等措施方面配合并协助基金、管理人或其他服务供应商。 |
Administrator or other service provider will be held harmless and indemnified by the Subscriber against | 认购人承认,如因认购人未提供基金、 |
any loss arising as a result of a failure to process the Subscription Agreement if any information | 管理人或其他服务供应商要求的任何资料,导致认购协议未予执行而产生任何损失,认购人将向基金、管理人或 |
Subscriber. | 其他服务供应商作出补偿。 |
The Subscriber agrees to complete the relevant self-certification forms in the Schedule to | 认购人同意填妥本认购协议附表中的相关声明书,并在该等文据所涉情形发生变化时 |
2. The Subscriber consents to the release by the remitting bank/financial institution to the Fund and/or | 通知基金。 |
bank/financial institution will have retained. | 2. 认购人同意汇款银行/金融机构向基金和/或管理人或其他服务供应商提供该银行/金融机构所掌握的认购人所 |
The Subscriber agrees that such evidence may further be | 有身份证明。 |
furnished by the Fund and/or the Administrator to any other service provider to the Fund upon written | 认购人同意,基金和/或管理人可在收到书面要求后,进一步将该证据提供给基金的任何其他服务 |
and/or regulations. | 供应商,专门用于令相关其他服务供应商能够根据适用法律和/或法规履行其义务之目的。 |
3. The Subscriber agrees that, in the case of cash redemption or distribution payments and otherwise as | 3. 认购人同意,在现金赎回、分派或基金另行决定的其他情形下,赎回或分派款项将仅付至认购人在其汇款银行/ |
Subscriber at the remitting bank/financial institution or to another account in the Subscriber’s name. | 金融机构开立的账户或认购人名下的其他账户。 |
Extraits de Traduction Marketing
Marketing Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Christian Dior, a renowned and prestigious Couture House in the world, will invite some famous | 蜚声世界、享誉全球的时装名店——Christian Dior 将邀请多位著名中国当代艺术家携手 Christian Dior 艺术 |
Chinese contemporary artists to develop and set-up an extraordinary exhibition in Beijing with | 总监 John Galliano 在北京构思、举办一场精彩非凡的展览。 |
John Galliano, the Artistic Director of Christian Dior. | 展览将追溯 Christian Dior 时装店流光溢彩61 |
The exhibition will trace the House’s 61-year of | 年之久的先锋时尚精神、艺术创作、优雅气质与卓越传统。 |
avant-garde spirit in fashion, artistic creation, elegance and exceptional legacy. | 此次展览将成为北京与巴黎之间一次千载难逢的邂逅 |
The exhibition will also be an invaluable chance to confront and merge atmospheres of two cities – | ——一个是飞速发展的东方古城,另一个则是仍旧散发着巴洛克气息的浪漫都市,两座城市的风采韵致将借此之 |
the fast-growing Beijing and the still-somewhere-baroque Paris. | 机碰撞交融。 |
The exhibition will focus on a few | 展览的主题将着重体现Dior 时装店的形象,同时也意在激发中国当代艺术家的创作灵感。 |
main themes which symbolize the image of the Dior House and at the same time inspire the | 此次展览的展品不仅仅是 Monsieur Dior 和 John Galliano 为 Dior 时装店设计的高级女士时装作品,同时 |
creation of the Chinese contemporary artists. | 还将展示参加此次活动的中国艺术家受托创作的艺术作品——展览将为这些作品指定一个特定的主题,艺术家们 |
Among the exhibited items, there are not only the haute couture archive pieces of the Dior House, | 部分当代艺术作品将来自 LVMH (Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton) 集 |
designed by Monsieur Dior and John Galliano, but also the artworks commissioned to the | 团董事长 Bernard Arnault 先生的私人收藏。 |
participant Chinese artists, who will be assigned with a specific theme in which they will be freely | 展览将在 2008 年 11 月 15 日至 2009 年 1 月 15 日期间于尤伦斯当代艺术中心 (UCCA)举办。 |
inspired and create without limitations. | 年 11 月 14 日将举行盛大的开幕式及豪华晚宴。 |
Part of the contemporary artworks will also be contributed | 晚宴由 Bernald Arnault 先生和 Christian Dior 首席执行 |
from the private collections of Mr. Bernard Arnault, the Chairman of LVMH Group (Moet Hennessy | 官 Sydney Toledano 先生联袂主持,届时将邀请 300 位国际贵宾到场赴宴,其中包括 John Galliano、各 |
Louis Vuitton). | 国名流及时装编辑,他们将在此领略 Dior House 的时装传统和中国当代艺术的精髓。 |
Extraits de Traduction Marketing
Marketing Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Specifications, descriptors and illustrative material in this literature are as accurate as known at time of publication, but are subject to change without notice. | 本材料中的规格、描述信息、说明材料在出版时已确认无误,但可能有所更改,恕不另行通知。 |
Illustrations may include optional equipment and accessories, and may not include all standard equipment. | 插图中可能含有备选设备和附件,而没有包含所有的标准设备。 |
International and the International Diamond logo are registered trademarks of International Truck and Engine Corporation. | International 及 International Diamond标志是国际卡车与引擎公司(International Truck and Engine Corporation)的注册商标。 |
© 2010 International Truck and Engine Corporation, Warrenville, IL 60555 | © 国际卡车与引擎公司2010,地址:伊利诺斯州沃伦维尔市,邮编:60555 |
Lithographed in the U.A.E. | 阿联酋印制 |
A truck that rolls with the punches, | 它,是无难不克的卡车,时而一展风采。 |
and throws a few of its own. | 工作中,总难免置身困难重重、条件恶劣之境。 |
Your work takes you into some harsh, unforgiving places. | 然而,您从不胆怯,因为您拥有无畏的International® WorkStar®。 |
But you’re never intimidated, and neither is your International® WorkStar®. | International WorkStar 7600 是坚韧的化身,是无所不能的代表,它既有坚固的标准车架梁系统,又拥有重型引擎。 |
The International WorkStar 7600 model is the very face of toughness and extreme capability, offering a strong standard frame rail system and heavy - duty engine. | 同时,有Diamond Logic® 电气系统的智能装置对车辆状态的监控,更是让您的工作如虎添翼,得心应手,且效率大增。 |
And with the brains of the Diamond Logic® Electrical System monitoring the status of the vehicle, WorkStar 7600 also has you working harder, smarter and more efficiently. | 置身标准宽轮距车桥和曲面挡风玻璃之间,尽享开阔的视野,没有什么能够阻碍您出色地完成工作。 |
Throw in standard wide-track axles and a wraparound windscreen that offers a commanding view, and no obstacle will stand between you and a job well done. | 简言之,International WorkStar 既已领袖群伦,您自然也出类拔萃。 |
Simply put, the International WorkStar is miles ahead, so you will be, too. | 要了解International WorkStar超强的动力,请访问:InternationalTrucks.com |
Find out about awesome power at InternationalTrucks.com | 领袖群伦 |
MILES AHEAD | Diamond Logic减少50%的布线和高达80%诊断时间,让您的工作少耽搁,更顺畅。 |
Diamond Logic reduces wiring by 50% and diagnostic time by 80%, keeping you on the job where you belong. | 符合人体工学的驾驶室设计拥有触手可及的开关,更有同类产品中最佳的暖通空调系统,您即便身处最极端的工况,也可尽享舒适。 |
Ergonomic cab design with easy-to-reach switches and a best-in-class HVAC system keeps you comfortable in the most extreme conditions. | 超大型曲面挡风玻璃为您带来开阔的视野,让道路和工作现场一览无余。 |
Oversized, wraparound windscreen provides you with a commanding view of the road and the job site. | 创新的引擎罩设计使散热器位于前车架梁延伸段之上,既能保护它不受地面碎屑的影响,又可让它不间断地连接前置引擎取力器。 |
Innovative bonnet design keeps radiator above the front frame rail extensions, protecting it from ground debris as well as allowing for uninterrupted FEPTO access. | 特别配备康明斯(Cummins® )ISM 柴油机动力,拥有达 430马力 (321千瓦)的峰值功率和1550磅-英寸的 (2102 牛米)扭矩。 |
Standard wide-track axles and dual power steering gears provide maximum steering angles with minimum effort. | 标准宽轮距车桥和双动力转向装置可以以最小的努力获得最大的转向角。 |
Extraits de Traduction Sample Translation: Ford Owner's Manual
Sample Translation: Ford Owner's Manual Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
You must take your Ford vehicle to an authorized dealer for warranty repairs. | 若需保修服务,请将您的福特爱车送至授权经销商处。 |
While any authorized dealer handling your vehicle line will provide warranty service, we recommend you return to your selling authorized dealer who wants to ensure your continued satisfaction. | 任何经销商都会提供保修,不过我们仍建议您将爱车送至原购买处,他们乐意为您提供始终如一的满意服务。 |
Please note that certain warranty repairs require special training and/or equipment, so not all authorized dealers are authorized to perform all warranty repairs. | 请注意:某些保修服务需由经专业培训的人员或使用专门设备才可进行,因而,并非所有的授权经销商均有权提供所有种类的保修服务。 |
This means that, depending on the warranty repair needed, you may have to take your vehicle to another authorized dealer. | 亦即,若需不同的保修服务,您可能需要将爱车送往另一授权经销商处。 |
A reasonable time must be allowed to perform a repair after taking your vehicle to the authorized dealer. | 爱车送到后,请给予适当的时间让授权经销商为您完成维修。 |
Repairs will be made using Ford or Motorcraft parts, or remanufactured or other parts that are authorized by Ford. | 维修使用福特或福宝(Motorcraft)原厂零部件,或是经福特授权生产的改装及其它零部件。 |
Extraits de Traduction Management
Management Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
In 1965, Bruce Tuckman developed a simple four-stage model of team development that has become an accepted part of thinking about how teams develop. | 1965年,布鲁斯·塔克曼(Bruce Tuckman)发展出了一套团队发展四阶段模式。 |
In his article, "Developmental Sequence in Small Groups," Tuckman outlines four stages of team development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. | 现今,在考虑团队的发展方式时,已广泛采纳这一模式。 |
A successful team knows which stage they are in, and manages transitions between the different stages adeptly. | 在他名为《小型团队的发展序列》的文章中,塔克曼将团队发展的四个阶段概括为:形成、磨合、规范、执行。 |
The Forming stage involves the introduction of team members, either at the initiation of the team, or as members are introduced subsequently. | 成功的团队清楚自身处在哪个阶段,并能熟稔地完成不同阶段间的转型。 |
Members are likely to be influenced by the expectations and desires they bring with them, and will be keen to understand how the group will operate. | 接纳可以是在团队组建阶段进行,也可以是在团队组建后。 |
In particular, they will be keen to understand how the leadership is likely to operate, in terms of style and character. | 他们尤其会想了解团队领导层的运作风格和个性。 |
This is a stage of transition from a group of individuals to a team. | 这一阶段,是由不同的个体组成为整体团队的阶段。 |
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15 ans.
- 2005 MA/MS à Georgia Institute of Technology
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