À propos de moi
- Serbia
- S'est inscrit il y a plus de 9 ans
- advertising, computers (general), copywriting
- Wordfast Pro 4, Wordbee, XTM, SDL TRADOS
- ProZ.com
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Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Domaines de Spécialisation Principaux
financial markets
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Social Sciences
Social Sciences Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Statistically, the United States ranks high on the list of countries whose inhabitants kill their children. | Po statistikama, SAD se nalaze pri vrhu liste po broju ubistava koje njeni stanovnici počine nad odojčadima. |
For infants under the age of one year, the American homicide rate is 11th in the world, while for ages one through four it is 1st and for ages five through fourteen it is fourth. | u svijetu, po broju usmrćene djece od 1 god. |
From 1968 to 1975, infanticide of all ages accounted for almost 3.2% of all reported homicides in the United States. | je prva na listi, dok je po broju ubistava djece od 5 do 14 god. |
Od 1968. | |
do 1975. | |
The 1980's followed similar trends. | čedomostvo, bez obzira na starost, činilo je gotovo 3,2% svih prijavljenih ubistava u SAD. |
Whereby overall homicide rates were decreasing in the United States, the rate at which parents were killing their children was increasing, In 1983, over six hundred children were reported killed by their parents, and from 1982-1987, approximately 1.1% of all homicides were children under the age of one year of age. | Mđutim, dok ukupni procenat ubistava opada, povećava se procenat ubistava koje počine roditelji nad svojom djecom. |
do 1987. | |
When the homicide of a child was committed by a parent, it was the younger age child who was in the greater danger of being killed, while if the killer was a non-parent, then the victim was generally older. | po procjenama se u 1,1% svih ubistava radilo o djeci mlađoj od jedne godine. |
Međutim, u slučajevima gdje ubica nije roditelj starija djeca su bila više ugrožena. |
Extraits de Traduction Engineering (General)
Engineering (General) Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
▶ Installation must be carried out by a qualified installer. | ▶ Montažu mora obaviti ovlašteni monter. |
▶ Installers are required to read the general information carefully for safety. | ▶ Monteri moraju pažljivo pročitati opšte informacije radi sigurnosti. |
▶ Do not put the unit near dangerous substances to prevent fire, explosion or injury and do not expose the unit to direct sunlight. | ▶ Ne stavljajte uređaj blizu opasnih materija kako ne bi došlo do nastanka vatre, eksplozije ili povrede. |
▶ Do not install the unit by yourself (owners). | ▶ Vlasnici ne smeju sami da montiraju uređaj. |
Incorrect installation of the unit could cause injury due to fire, electric shock and water leakage or from the unit falling. | Nepravilna montaža uređaja može prouzrokovati povredu zbog izbijanja vatre, električnog udara i curenja vode, kao i zbog pada uređaja. |
Consult a dealer or a qualified installer. | Potražite informacije od dobavljača ili ovlaštenog montera. |
▶ Install the unit in a place where it is strong enough to hold the product weight. | ▶ Montirajte uređaj na mestu koje je dovoljno čvrsto da podnese težinu uređaja. |
When installed in place where it is not strong enough to withhold the product weight, the unit could fall and cause injury. | Ako se uređaj montira na mestu koje nije dovoljno čvrsto da podnese težinu uređaja, uređaj može pasti i prouzrokovati povredu. |
▶ The units must be installed according to distances declared, in order to permit accessibility from each side, either to guarantee correct operation of maintenance or repairing products. | ▶ Uređaj mora da se montira imajući u vidu propisane udaljenosti, kako bi se uređaju moglo prići sa svake strane, bilo radi osiguravanja ispravnog rada, bilo radi održavanja ili servisiranja delova. |
The unit’s parts must be reachable and removable completely under safety condition (for people or things). | Svi delovi urađaja moraju biti dostupni i svi sigurnosni uslovi (za stvari ili ljude) za potpuno uklanjanje delova moraju biti ispunjeni. |
Extraits de Traduction Government / Politics
Government / Politics Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
After the adoption of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in October 2009, the European Commission is expected to propose a "Danube Strategy" blueprint by the end of this year, as prompted by the Committee of the Regions. | Nakon usvajanja Strategije Evropske unije za Baltički region, oktobra 2009, očekuje se da Evropska komisija do kraja ove godine predloži nacrt „Dunavske strategije“, kao što je i zatraženo iz Odbora regija. |
The strategies are considered to be first two test cases for the macro-regional approach, which aims to set priorities for large European regions at EU level and define concrete actions for cross-border cooperation. | Veruje se da će ove strategije biti prva dva scenarija za testiranje makroregionalnog pristupa, kojim se na nivou EU namerava odrediti prioritet za velike evropske regije, te definisati konkretne mere za međugraničnu saradnju. |
The goal is to channel existing resources more effectively in order to improve, for instance, transport and energy networks or to tackle pollution, social development, immigration issues or security policy. | Namera je postojeće resurse efektivnije kanalisati sa ciljem poboljšanja, na primer, transportnih i energetskih mreža ili radi suzbijanja zagađenja, boljeg društvenog razvoja, kao i imigracionih pitanja ili sigurnosne politike. |
Today's Committee of the Regions event was the first occasion to discuss the added-value of the macro-regional framework across the different regions of Europe. | Današnji sastanak Odbora regija bila je prva prilika za raspravu o dodatnoj vrednosti makroregionalnog okvira u sklopu različitih regiona Evrope. |
Extraits de Traduction Bus/Financial
Bus/Financial Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
The Markit Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for Greece dropped to an eight-month low of 46.8, from 48.8 points in December. | „Markit Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index“ (PMI, indeks menadžera prodaje) opao je na osmomesečni minimum od 46,8, sa 48,8 poena u decembru. |
By contrast, Markit's Eurozone PMI grew at its fastest pace in two years to 52.4 over the same period. | Za razliku od grčkog, PMI evrozone najbrže je rastao u protekle dve godine, na 52,4 u istom periodu. |
The deterioration added to worries of a country buffeted by fears over its ability to curb its debts and budget deficit. | Pogoršanje je dodatno opteretilo državu koja se pribojava da li će uspeti smanjiti ogroman dug i veliki budžetski deficit. |
The seasonally adjusted PMI indicator provides a snapshot of the performance of the manufacturing sector. | Sezonski korigovan PMI prikaz je trenutnog učinka proizvodnog sektora. |
Its 50-point mark separates contraction from growth. | Pedeseti podeok deli smanjenje i rast. |
"The onset of the new year brought little hope of a near-term recovery in Greek manufacturing," said Markit economist Gemma Wallace. | „Kako se približavala nova godina, tako je bilo manje nade u skori oporavak u grčkoj proizvodnji“, kazala je ekonomistkinja Džema Valas iz agencije „Markit“. |
Source: Reuters | Izvor: Rojters |
Extraits de Traduction Bus/Financial
Bus/Financial Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Credit rating agency Moody's upgraded its outlook on Bulgaria to positive, citing tight fiscal policy in its first favourable action on a European Union country since July 2008. | Agencija za dodelu kreditnog rejtinga „Mudi“ povećala prognozu za Bugarsku na „pozitivna“, a kao razlog navodi strogu fiskalnu politiku države; ovo je za ovu zemlju, članicu EU, ujedno i prva pozitivna ocena agencije od jula 2008. |
"The Bulgarian government's finances were relatively resilient through the 2008-09 financial crisis," Kenneth Orchard, Vice-President at Moody's, said in a statement on Jan.21. | „Finansije Vlade Bugarske bile su relativno otporne u toku finansijske krize 2008-2009.“, saopštio je Kenneth Orchard, potpredsednik u agenciji „Mudi“ u izjavi od 21. |
„I pored velike recesije Bugarska će u 2009. | |
"Despite a deep recession, Bulgaria will have very low budget deficits by global standards in 2009 and 2010, keeping government debt ratios low and stable." | i 2010. |
Moody's rates Bulgaria at Baa3, an investment-grade level. | Agencija „Mudi“ je Bugarskoj dala ocenu Baa3, što je investicioni rang. |
Bulgaria's new centre-right government, which took office in July, cut public spending to end 2009 with a budget deficit of 0.76 percent of GDP, the smallest in the EU. | Nova bugarska vlada desnog centra, koja je na vlast došla u julu, smanjila je javnu potrošnju tako da je 2009. |
Source: Reuters | Izvor: Rojters |
Extraits de Traduction Government / Politics
Government / Politics Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
High unemployment coupled with almost continent-wide public spending cuts -- as well savings measures at private firms -- look likely to boost social and industrial unrest particularly in Western Europe, where austerity measures will generally begin in 2010. | Velika nezaposlenost na skoro čitavom kontinentu, veliko smanjenje javne potrošnje, kao i mere štednje u privatnim firmama, mogli bi uticati na povećanje protesta u društvu i privredi, posebno u Zapadnoj Evropi, gde će mere štednje u većini zemalja biti uvedene u toku 2010. |
Greek trade unions have already called strikes in protest against the government's latest cuts. | Grčki sindikati već su pozivali na štrajkove u znak protesta protiv najnovijih kriznih mera Vlade. |
Social unrest in emerging Europe -- which had to cut spending much earlier to conform to IMF and EU bailout conditions -- has risen less sharply than many predicted. | Socijalni nemiri na evropskom tržištu u nastajanju, gde su krizne mere uvedene još ranije, kao uslov za dodelu pomoći od strane MMF-a i EU, bili su mnogo manji nego što je većina analitičara predvidela. |
To avoid widespread disruption, governments will be keen to take popular steps to stem discontent -- for example, by targeting bankers' bonuses. | Zarad suzbijanja sveprisutne korupcije vlade će intenzivno raditi na nepopularnim merama koje će izazvati nezadovoljstvo; na primer, smanjiće bonuse bankarima. |
(Source: Reuters) | (Izvor: Rojters) |
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