À propos de moi
- United Kingdom
- S'est inscrit il y a environ 7 ans
- e-commerce, copywriting, technical documentation, energy, international organizations
- Trados Studio 2017, MemoQ, Across, OmegaT
- ProZ.com
- PayPal, Wire transfer
- United Kingdom Pound (GBP - £)
Japanese/French > English translator and editor with experience working for UN agencies. I provide translation, copywriting, and editing services to help clients effectively communicate with their audience.
Working fields:
• Technical documentation
• Marketing and e-commerce
Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Immigration And Refugees
Immigration And Refugees Extraits de Traduction
Source (French) | Cible (English) |
Proclamation fondatrice de l'asile, la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (1948) dispose que : | As a founding asylum proclamation, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) states that: |
Article 13 : 1) Toute personne a le droit de circuler librement et de choisir sa résidence à l'intérieur d'un État. | Article 13: (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. |
2) Toute personne a le droit de quitter tout pays, y compris le sien, et de revenir dans son pays. | (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. |
Article 14 : 1) Devant la persécution, toute personne a le droit de chercher asile et de bénéficier de l'asile en d'autres pays. | Article 14: (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. |
2) Ce droit ne peut être invoqué dans le cas de poursuites réellement fondées sur un crime de droit commun ou sur des agissements contraires aux buts et aux principes des Nations unies . | (2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. |
Produit de son contexte historique et de la primauté des intérêts étatiques sur ceux des réfugiés dans la négociation, la Convention de Genève sur les Réfugiés (1951) ne définit pas le droit d'asile mais seulement le réfugié et en donne une définition restrictive, individuelle, sélective... | Founded as a result of its historical context and the priority of state interests concerning refugees during negotiations, the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951) does not define the right to asylum but only that relating to refugees and gives it a restrictive, individual and selective definition. |
Une définition « au cas par cas ». | This right is determined on a "case-by-case" basis. |
Cette convention ne développe qu'un seul des deux articles de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (1948) se rapportant au sujet : l'article sur le droit d'asile sans l'article 13 sur la liberté de circulation, alors que celle-ci est une condition de possibilité de l'autre (à l'ère des États-nations, il n'y a souvent pas de refuge possible sans franchissement d'une frontière internationale). | This Convention only builds on one of the two articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) relating to the subject: the article on the right to asylum excluding article 13 on the freedom of movement. However, the latter article is a possible condition for the former (in the context of the United Nations, refuge is often not possible without crossing an international border). |
Cette orientation produit un « droit d'asile dérogatoire » : une philosophie du droit d'asile conçu comme une dérogation à la fermeture des frontières et organisant la sélection des « vrais » réfugiés. | This approach has resulted in an "overriding right to asylum": the philosophy on the right to asylum developed as a derogation to the closing of borders and to select "real" refugees. |
A contrario, une autre philosophie, qui aurait eu pour visée de développer conjointement les deux articles 13 et 14 de la Déclaration des droits de l'homme de 1948 aurait abouti à un « droit d'asile axiologique » favorisant l'ouverture des frontières tout en aidant symboliquement (reconnaissance de la cause, soutien politique...) et matériellement (politiques sociales, aide à l'insertion...) les victimes de persécutions14. | On the other hand, another philosophy which had aimed to jointly develop both articles 13 and 14 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights resulted in an "axiological right to asylum" which called for open borders while helping persecuted victims symbolically (recognition of the cause, political support etc.) and materially (social politics, reintegration assistance etc.). |
Extraits de Traduction Technical
Technical Extraits de Traduction
Source (Japanese) | Cible (English) |
資格の種類 | Types of Certification in Japan |
一級自動車整備士 | First Class Automobile Mechanic |
一級大型自動車整備士 | First Class Large Automobile Mechanic |
1.普通自動車で次に掲げるもの | 1. Standard-sized cars and vehicles with the following: |
車両総重量8トン以上 | Gross vehicle weight of over 8 tonnes; |
最大積載量2トン超 | Maximum loading capacity of over 2 tonnes; or |
乗車定員11人以上 | Capacity for over 11 passengers. |
2.大型特殊自動車 | 2. Large special vehicles |
一級小型自動車整備士 | First Class Small Automobile Mechanic |
1.普通自動車で次に掲げる以外のもの | 1. Standard-sized cars and vehicles without the following: |
車両総重量8トン以上 | Gross vehicle weight of over 8 tonnes; |
最大積載量2トン超 | Maximum loading capacity of over 2 tonnes; or |
乗車定員11人以上 | Capacity for over 11 passengers. |
2.四輪の小型自動車 | 2. Four-wheeled small vehicles |
3.三輪の小型自動車 | 3. Three-wheeled small vehicles |
4.四輪の軽自動車 | 4. Four-wheeled light vehicles |
5.三輪の軽自動車 | 5. Three-wheeled light vehicles |
6.小型特殊自動車 | 6. Small special vehicles |
一級二輪自動車整備士(※) | First Class Motorcycle Mechanic* |
二輪の小型自動車及び二輪の軽自動車 | Small motorcycles and light motorcycles |
二級自動車整備士 | Second Class Automobile Mechanic |
二級ガソリン自動車整備士 | Second Class Petrol Mechanic |
普通ガソリン自動車(ガソリン・エンジンを搭載した普通自動車)、小型四輪ガソリン自動車(ガソリン・エンジンを搭載した四輪の小型自動車)、三輪の小型自動車、四輪の軽自動車及び三輪の軽自動車 | Standard-sized petrol vehicles (standard-sized vehicles with petrol engines), four-wheeled small petrol vehicles (four-wheeled small vehicles with petrol engines), three-wheeled small vehicles, four-wheeled light vehicles and three-wheeled light vehicles. |
二級ディーゼル自動車整備士 | Second Class Diesel Mechanic |
ディーゼル自動車(ディーゼル・エンジンを搭載した自動車) | Diesel vehicles (vehicles with diesel engines) |
二級自動車シャシ整備士 | Second Class Chassis Mechanic |
普通自動車、四輪の小型自動車、三輪の小型自動車、四輪の軽自動車及び三輪の軽自動車のシャシ | Chassis of standard-sized vehicles, four-wheeled small vehicles, three-wheeled small vehicles, four-wheeled light vehicles and three-wheeled light vehicles |
二級二輪自動車整備士 | Second Class Motorcycle Mechanic |
二輪の小型自動車及び二輪の軽自動車 | Small motorcycles and light motorcycles |
三級自動車整備士 | Third Class Automobile Mechanic |
三級自動車シャシ整備士 | Third Class Chassis Mechanic |
普通ガソリン自動車、四輪の小型自動車、三輪の小型自動車、四輪の軽自動車及び三輪の軽自動車のシャシ | Chassis of standard-sized petrol vehicles, four-wheeled small vehicles, three-wheeled small vehicles, four-wheeled light vehicles and three-wheeled light vehicles. |
三級自動車ガソリン・エンジン整備士 | Third Class Petrol Engine Mechanic |
普通ガソリン自動車、小型四輪ガソリン自動車、 三輪の小型自動車、四輪の軽自動車及び三輪の軽自動車のエンジン | Engines of standard-sized petrol vehicles, four-wheeled small petrol vehicles, three-wheeled small vehicles, four-wheeled light vehicles and three-wheeled light vehicles |
三級自動車ディーゼル・エンジン整備士 | Third Class Diesel Engine Mechanic |
ディーゼル自動車のエンジン | Diesel vehicle engines |
三級二輪自動車整備士 | Third Class Motorcycle Mechanic |
二輪の小型自動車及び二輪の軽自動車 | Small motorcycles and light motorcycles |
特殊整備士 | Special Mechanic |
自動車タイヤ整備士 | Tyre Mechanic |
タイヤ及びその附属装置 | Tyres and attached equipment |
自動車電気装置整備士 | Automotive Electrical Equipment Mechanic |
電気装置 | Electrical equipment |
自動車車体整備士 | Automotive Body Mechanic |
車わく及び車体 | Vehicle frame and body |
※一級大型整備士および一級二輪整備士については、まだ試験が実施されていない。 | * Examinations have not yet been held for the First Class Large Automobile Mechanic and First Class Motorcycle Mechanic certifications. |
一級小型自動車整備士は2009年3月において全国で5,340人が取得している。 | In March 2009, 5,340 people in Japan had acquired a First Class Small Automobile Mechanic certification. |
French to English Article on airborne lidar
- academic
- surveying
- technology
Japanese to English Article on ADHD
- medical
- health
Japanese to English Cosmetic product label
- cosmetics
- retail
- beauty
Japanese to English Laptop user manual
- manuals
- technical
- safety
Mon expérience
5 ans.
- 2018 MA/MS à University of Leeds
- 2015 BA à Oxford Brookes University
- Institute of Translation & Interpreting (Adhéré le : 2018)
United Kingdom
Non disponible Aujourd'hui
January 2025
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. |