Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Domaines de Spécialisation Principaux
video games
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Medical
Medical Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
有关危害分析及关键控制点(HACCP)描述正确的是: | A correct description in relation to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) would be: |
A 指确定、评估并控制对食品安全具有显著危害的系统,以有效提升餐厅食品安全的管控 | A: It refers to a system of identifying, evaluating and controlling food safety hazards, according to which the level of food safety control in the restaurant may be effectively raised. |
B 对危害及其产生条件的信息进行收集和评估的过程,以确定对食品安全构成的重要危害 | C: A long term plan for gradual improvement, made after the discovery of hazards, until the hazard is eliminated. |
C 发现危害后可以制定长期计划逐步改善,直到危害解除 | D: A hazard analysis to evaluate and control food safety hazards with no obvious benefits. |
D 危害分析的评估和控制对食品安全的帮助意义不显著 | National laws and regulations specify clearly that in the food and beverage sector, the restaurant holds the primary responsibility for food safety. |
国家法律法规载明餐饮服务环节的食品安全第一责任人是餐厅,而与食品经营者和食品处理人员的法律法规责任相关的健康规范的关键原则有哪些? | Which of the following key principles in health practices are related to the legal and regulatory responsibilities of the restaurant operator and food-handling personnel? |
A 严格遵守餐饮服务食品安全操作规范 | A: To strictly follow food and beverage food safety procedures. |
B 做好台账管理:如进货台账、退货台账、超过保质期食品原料台账等 | B: Perform correct account management: such as purchase orders, return orders, recording of ingredients past use-by dates, etc. |
C 做好证照管理:在餐厅醒目位置悬挂或摆放《餐饮服务许可证》,并在其注明的范围内经营 | C: Perform correct licence management: to hang or display a "Catering Service Licence" in an obvious place in the restaurant, and to carry out business in a place stated in the said licence. |
D 员工持有健康证且在有效期内 | D: For employees to hold a valid health certificate. |
E 以上皆是 | E: All of the above. |
Extraits de Traduction Other
Other Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
1级彩虹石·攻 | Level 1 Rainbow Stone · Attack |
射日弓 | Bow of Destiny |
轩辕剑 | Sword of Power |
充值任意金额即可获得绝版限量紫宠,仅限前1000名玩家! | Top up any amount and receive a limited edition purple daemon instantly, only available to the first 1000 players! |
祭拜财神可获得大量铜钱 | One Strike Demon Hunter |
一键猎魂 | Stride the Breadth of Heaven |
纵横天下 | The Celestial Fairies have gone to the maze of the heavenly palace on a treasure hunt, and the sprites have invited you to help. |
天界仙女们要前往天帝迷宫寻宝,邀请各位小仙相助 | The amount will be displayed on your fragments interface. |
1.通过猎魂可以获得魂魄碎片,其数量显示在碎片界面中合成按钮下方。 | To synthesise the fragments, click below. |
2.选中魂魄列表中希望合成的魂魄,再点击合成按钮,即可消耗相应的魂魄碎片合成该魂魄。 | 2. |
1.通过左右移动来调整发射子弹的位置2.射中更多空中的怪物,获得更多积分 | Select what kind of soul you want to assemble, then click the 'Synthesise' button. |
正在接收小伙伴发来的信息... | Move your cursor left or right to change the angle of attack |
大神,检测到新的游戏安装包,肿么办?! | . The more flying monsters you hit, the more points you get. |
开始挂机后,每次战斗冷却时间结束时会自动继续战斗 | Currently receiving a message from one of your buddies... |
400瞬闪击 | Great One, we have detected a game update, what're you gonna do? |
81-100级的随机紫色装备卷轴 | 400 Strikes Lightning Attack |
对命中目标造成434%伤害并附加1871点真实伤害并眩晕2秒 | Level 81-100 Random Purple Slot Scroll |
对方不在主城,无法邀请出战哦~ | Deals 434% damage to the target in addition to 1871 points of real damage and a 2 second stun |
Extraits de Traduction Government / Politics
Government / Politics Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
田川:您现在收看的是凤凰卫视 | Lany Tian: You’re watching Phoenix TV’s |
全媒体实时互动 | Comprehensive Media, Interactive |
节目《全媒体大开讲》, | News and Current Affairs Program, ‘Omni Talk’. |
无论您是在家里,还是在路上, | Whether you’re at home, or on the road, we would like to invite you to check out |
凤凰网、凤凰新闻、凤凰视频、凤凰Iphone手机客户端、 | our website, news, video, app, Xinlang and Tengxun Weibos, official Weibo page, and get in on the conversation with us here, interactively, like today in ‘Omni Talk’ - ‘let’s talk’! |
和节目主持人、评论员一起参与今天的话题讨论, | Coco Chen: ‘Omni Talk’. |
《全媒体大开讲》,有话一起讲。 | Let’s talk! |
陈淑琬:《全媒体大开讲》。 | Coco Chen: Hello and welcome, everyone. |
一起:有话一起讲。 | I am Coco. |
陈淑琬:大家好, | In China we have a saying, that |
我是淑琬。 | a ‘crisis’ is also an ‘opportunity’. |
咱们中国人有一句老话说, | This phrase will perhaps resonate with those outside China as well. |
这对外国人来说,可能同样受用, | In the wake of the Charlie shootings in France, world leaders have joined those in the streets advocating for |
多国领导人更走上了街, | an end to violence. |
在各式的呼唤和平声中, | Perhaps now is a |
或许正到了一个要 | time for real and effective bridge-building. |
切割仇恨的关键时刻。 | Wan Jun: Exactly. |
万俊:是。 | Hi, I’m Wan Jun. |
各位好,我是万俊。 | There was a time when foreign affairs |
以前觉得其实在外国 | were seen as distant and irrelevant to those close at home. |
但是现在大家坐飞机是飞来飞去, | The age of cheap and convenient air travel |
但是怎么能够确保这是一趟平安又舒服的旅程, | is now changing this perception. |
这就有学问了。 | But ensuring a comfortable and stress-free trip, |
陈淑琬:再说说金球奖得奖名单揭晓, | now that requires some skill. |
得奖名单揭晓, | Coco Chen: And also, if the list |
以美国政治为主题的 | of winners at the Golden Globes |
为主题的 | is anything to go by, |
成了最大的亮点。 | American politics is a |
但是看美剧就 | winning topic for a TV show. |
能够看懂美国政治吗? | But do these TV shows revolving |
明星和政治八卦 | around American politics really give that much insight? |
万俊:说到八卦,我金球大奖 | What’s attracting you more? |
我金球大奖 | Is it those famous |
一定就是看着这个吃。 | stars or gossip about affairs on Capitol Hill? |
这个身材吃的 | Wan Jun: Talking of gossip, as I watch the Golden Globes |
不过今天节目当中,有一个 | I always eat at the same time. |
神秘的小惊喜让大家吃的 | So, as you can tell, when you take |
陈淑琬:哎呀,提到高大上还真期待, | into account my weight and eating habits, |
不过我们要谈怎么吃的 | I am actually super slim. |
高大上前,可能先得让自己 | Anyhow, today’s program will surprise you with |
在新闻的热点中消耗一下脑力。 | something so tasty it will make the awesomeness |
的后续有许多的情势, | of Golden Globes stars pale in comparison. |
我们先来关注。 | Coco Chen: My goodness, sounds like a lot to |
一个新闻的场面上, | look forward to. |
我们要带您先看法 | Anyway, before we can see the |
国多个城市。 | majesty of this awesome treat, let’s exercise |
11日他们就掀起了 | our mental faculties first with these hot topic issues. |
反对恐怖主义 | Let’s take a look at the many reverberations |
大游行来悼念这次的事件。 | that were set off by the |
全国是共有370多万人参与, | Charlie Hebdo Shooting in Paris, France. |
这个被视作是1944年 | To look at the latest news in this |
以来最多人上街 | developing situation, we’ll take you on a |
游行的一次。 | brief survey of the scene in various |
首都的巴黎来自欧美、 | cities around France. |
中东和非洲的四十多个国家领导人 | On the 11th came the expression |
和政要,他们可以说是 | ‘I am Charlie’, used here in the demonstrations |
手挽着手加入,我们也回看 | to convey firm opposition to terrorism and a sense of grief and loss. |
走在第一排的大家都仔细认, | More than than 3.7 million people participated over the entire country, making this event the most well-attended series of protests to happen here since 1944. |
奥郎德,英国首相 | More than 40 countries, including North America, the Middle East and Africa, saw world leaders and political VIPs attending in Paris, walking shoulder-to-shoulder, as it were. |
意大利总理伦齐, | Let’s take a look at the streets of Paris at that time. |
芬兰总理斯图布, | At the front, you can clearly recognise the French President |
巴勒斯坦领导人阿巴斯, | Francois Hollande, the British Prime Minister, |
欧盟委员会主席 | David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, |
容克等。 | Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, the |
这些名字念过去, | Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the |
一听都是重量级的角色。 | Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb, the |
奥郎德自己这么说, | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, |
说巴黎这一天,成为了 | Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, and the |
全世界的首都,整个法国 | President of the European Commission, |
将会升华到更高的一个境界。 | Jean-Claude Juncker. |
万俊:是的。 | As you can see, these are some very distinguished figures. |
在巴黎现场 | President Hollande stated that this day |
稍早之前的一些画面。 | Paris has become a capital of the |
今天我们也非常高兴, | whole world, and that France will |
在现场请到了一个重量级的 | come out of this the stronger. |
嘉宾郑浩先生, | Wan Jun: Yes. |
欢迎您。 | These pictures are scenes |
郑浩:大家好。 | taken from Paris just a |
万俊:在浩哥加入到我们 | little bit earlier today. |
这个讨论之前,我们其实也了解到, | Fortunately we have been able to invite a distinguished guest to be here with us today live in the studio, Mr Zheng Hao. |
都有民众以游行或者 | Zheng Hao, welcome. |
集会等不同形式来表达 | Zheng Hao: Hi everyone. |
对法国恐袭的谴责,以及对于死难者的 | Wan Jun: before Mr Hao joins us, we understand that in many places around the world, not only in Paris, people are joining in demonstrations, or meeting together in various ways to express their vehement opposition to terrorism and solidarity with the victims. |
解说:在美国首都华盛顿,法国 | Let’s take a look. |
驻美大使馆举办的大规模游行。 | Commentator: In Washington, the French embassy has helped organise a large demonstration. |
当中包括法国驻美大使 | Approximately three thousand people attended, among them the French ambassador |
法国人总裁拉嘉德, | Gerard Araud and the head of the |
参加者手持我是查理的标语, | International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde. |
静默的游行。 | Attendees carried placards saying ‘I am Charlie’, in a quiet and solemn procession. |
也有出席这次活动, | A member of the American Muslim Mission took part in the procession, laying a wreath and expressing his grief at the events. |
巴西里约热内卢的 | The beach of Rio de Janeiro’s famous Ipanema also saw a demonstration, with more than |
超过五百人参加。 | 500 present. |
有参与者手持铅笔, | Attendees held up pencils in |
象征为互 | order to symbolise their desire to protect freedom of expression. |
在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯,民众 | In Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina, people likewise congregated outside the French embassy. |
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Art/Literary Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
世上也许再没有让一个让姑娘们如此纠结的问题:旅行,我应该带哪双鞋? | Perhaps there's no problem in the world that can frustrate a girl as much as this one: when travelling, what kind of shoes should I bring? |
高跟鞋虽然靓丽但总让双脚饱受折磨,运动鞋是很轻松但却无法和潮流造型相匹配,平底鞋倒是便利可总叫“小短腿“们退避三舍。 | High heels may be beautiful but hard on the feet; sports shoes may be easy to wear but they're just not that fashionable. |
旅途上一路颠簸,带了太多的鞋子,不仅占据行李箱的空间和重量,而且不合适的鞋款更是让双脚困顿不已。 | Flat-heeled shoes may be convenient but something that people less endowed in the legs department will want to avoid like the plague. |
这世上难道就没有一双又漂亮又舒适又百搭的鞋子么? | Travelling can be very frustrating, and bringing too many shoes will not only use up luggage space and add weight, but there are plenty of ill-fitting shoes out there to burden your feet. |
Extraits de Traduction Bus/Financial
Bus/Financial Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
上週,美國宣布利率從1%,下降到0-0.25%。 | Last week, America announced it would lower interest rates from 1% to between 0 and 0.25%. |
大家都喊我們要進入零利率時代了。 | This has caused some to proclaim that we have entered a 'zero interest rate era'. |
這個消息看來對投資者、消費者都很好,但對金融業者,卻不是太好的消息。 | Although this is welcome news for investors and consumers, it may not be so propitious for those working in the financial services industry. |
首先,靠買賣外幣的貨幣基金,就很有可能會被迫收攤。 | First of all, the foreign exchange reliant IMF may be forced to put a temporary halt to their currency dealings. |
各國利率降,表示各國貨幣存款的利率都降,分析師指出,從台幣、美元、歐元、英鎊到其它貨幣,世界10大貨幣之間的存款利率,全部跌到0.19%到2%之間,幾乎拉平,全球宣告進入「無利差時代」。 | Interest rates have entered a global downwards spiral, also heralding a drop in interest rates for currency deposits worldwide. |
也就是無論投資哪種貨幣,報酬率都很低,而且還有手上這種貨幣貶值的風險。 | Analysts indicate that from the NT dollar, Euro, Pound to other currencies, there has been a worldwide decline in interest rates for all of the world's 10 major currencies, all depreciating to between 0.19% to 2%, a nearly equal flattening leading to the declaration that we are entering a global 'zero interest rate era'. |
Extraits de Traduction Art/Literary
Art/Literary Extraits de Traduction
Source (Chinese) | Cible (English) |
我 给你说说我爷爷 | Let me tell you the story of |
我奶奶的这段事 | my grandfather and grandmother. |
这段事在我老家 | Even tell today it's a common household |
至今还常有人提起 | topic in my family. |
日子久了 有人信 | It's been a long time since then. |
也有人不信 | Some people believe it. |
这是我奶奶 | Some people don't. |
那年的七月初九 | This is my grandmother. |
是我奶奶出嫁的日子 | It was 9 July that year, |
娶我奶奶的是十八里坡烧酒作坊的掌柜 | the day my grandmother was to be getting married. |
李大头 | owner of the distillery in Shibalipo. |
五十多岁了才娶上这门亲 | Only getting married after 50, |
因为人们都知道 | because, as everyone knew, |
他有麻风病 | he had leprosy. |
坐轿不能哭 | No crying in the sedan. |
哭轿吐轿 没有好报 | No crying, no throwing up, it's bad luck. |
盖头不能掀 | Don't take off your shawl. |
盖头一掀 | If you do, |
必生事端 | it will cause trouble. |
上轿 | Onto the sedan. |
照那会儿的规矩 | The custom in those days was to give the bride |
半道上要折腾新娘子 | a hard time when they got halfway. |
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