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Extraits de Traduction Architecture
Architecture Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Architecture has to do with planning and designing form, space and ambience to reflect functional, technical, social, environmental and aesthetic considerations. | 建筑是关于计划和设计形式,空间和氛围,从中彰显功能,技术,社交和环境以及审美状态。 |
It requires the creative manipulation and coordination of materials and technology, and of light and shadow. | 它要求将材料和技术,以及光影进行具有创造性的运用和融合。 |
Often, conflicting requirements must be resolved. | 通常,冲突的需求必须被解决。 |
The practice of architecture also encompasses the pragmatic aspects of realizing buildings and structures, including scheduling, cost estimation and construction administration. | 建筑在实践中还包括实用方面的实现建筑和结构,它包含计划,费用预估和施工管理。 |
Documentation produced by architects, typically drawings, plans and technical specifications, defines the structure and/or behavior of a building or other kind of system that is to be or has been constructed. | 建筑图由建筑师制作,通常是绘画,计划以及技术操作细节,建筑图纸中显示了建筑的结构或是一个需要建成的建筑或者其他类型的系统。 |
Extraits de Traduction Medical
Medical Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Historically, red blood cell transfusion was considered when the hemoglobin level fell below 10 g/dL or hematocrit fell below 30%. | 从历史观点上说,红血球输血是当血红蛋白指数低于10g/dL或者血细胞容量低于30%时考虑使用。 |
Because each unit of blood given carries risks, a trigger level lower than that, at 7 to 8 g/dL, is now usually used, as it has been shown to have better patient outcomes. | 由于输入的每个单位的血液都携带一定的风险,目前通用到一个触发指征,即低于7 到 8g/dL,在患者身上有更好的愈后效果。 |
The administration of a single unit of blood is the standard for hospitalized people who are not bleeding, with this treatment followed with re-assessment and consideration of symptoms and hemoglobin concentration. | 判断一个单位血液的标准是一个住院治疗的没有出血症状的患者,接受这个治疗并且重新评估血细胞容量的集中状况。 |
Patients with poor oxygen saturation may need more blood. | 血氧含量低的患者可能需要更多血液。 |
The advisory caution to use blood transfusion only with more severe anemia is in part due to evidence that outcomes are worsened if larger amounts are given. | 对于治疗的参考警示,治疗严重的贫血症输血,部分证据显示,红血球输血的输入量过大可能会导致贫血及症状恶化。 |
One may consider transfusion for people with symptoms of cardiovascular disease such as chest pain or shortness of breath. | 在治疗有呼吸急促或胸口痛的心血管疾病的患者时,可以考虑输血治疗。 |
In cases where patients have low levels of hemoglobin due to iron deficiency, but are cardiovascularly stable, parenteral iron is a preferred option based on both efficacy and safety. | 对于部分病人的血细胞容量低是由于缺铁引发,但是心血管是健康的,基于安全和疗效考虑,补铁才是更好的选择。 |
Other blood products are given where appropriate, e.g., to treat clotting deficiencies. | 其他血液制品要对症使用,比如治疗凝血因子不足。 |
Extraits de Traduction Care Instructions
Care Instructions Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
There are many things to consider when parents enroll a child into a care center or other form of paid childcare, and there is much controversy surrounding the potential benefits and harm caused by this type of care. | 父母在需要把孩子送进护理中心或者其他形式的付费儿童保育机构时需要考虑很多因素,关于这类看护潜在的利弊有许多的争论。 |
The parental decisions of leaving a child with someone and who that someone will be are two of the most difficult decisions in the lives of most parents. | 父母关于将孩子交由他人照顾以及交给谁照顾的决定将是他们作为父母一生中最困难的两个决定。 |
A parent must consider the safety and security of their children when making this decision. | 父母在做决定时必须要考虑孩子的安全问题。 |
The development of a child has many factors, but it is most directly influenced by the type and quality of care that is most regularly provided to the child. | 孩子的发育受许多因素的影响,其中最直接的影响就是提供给他们的生活中最常规的看护的类型和品质。 |
Child development researcher, Lian Tong, analysed the results from a Haley and Stansbury experiment saying, "Parent responsiveness also facilitates cognitive, social, and emotional development and reduces negative emotions in infants." | 儿童发育研究者,Lian Tong,分析海莉和斯坦斯伯里的实验结果后说,“父母的回应也会促进认知,社交和情感发展并且减少婴儿的负面情绪。 |
That is, the amount of time that a parent or teacher is willing to spend teaching, listening to, playing with, and exploring with the child the more socially, emotionally, and educationally developed the child will become. | 父母或老师愿意花更多的时间去教,去倾听,与孩子一起玩耍,与孩子一起探索,孩子在社交,情感和教育上的发育更完善。 |
Whether that child receives the majority of his or her care at a center or at its house, the biggest factor in deciding what will have the best effect on the child will be those willing to put in the time and effort it takes to properly develop a child's social, physical, and academic skills. | 孩子接受的看护不管是在一个保护中心或是在他(她)的家中,决定什么是对孩子的最好的影响的最重要的因素是那些愿意在可以适当促进孩子的社交,身体发育和学习技能上投入时间及精力。 |
The quality of childcare given by a facility is generally indicated by the center's cost of enrollment. | 一个机构能够提供的儿童抚育的质量大概是由他的入学花费表明。 |
If the center charges more for the service, it will generally provide better care to the children. | 如果一个保育中心收费比较高,通常能够给孩子提供更好的看护。 |
Centers that charge more for their services can provide quality education, more current resources, and nicer facilities. | 收费高的保育中心可以为孩子提供更高质量的教育,更多的现有资源和比较完善的设施。 |
These are all helpful when trying to educate a child academically. | 这些都能够帮助孩子接收到更好的教育。 |
A higher standard for teachers, such as requiring a degree in early childhood education or a degree of the like, has shown to result in improved growth in the development of a child. | 更高标准的师资,例如拥有儿童早期教育学位或者同等学历,已有研究结果显示能够给予孩子有效的生长发育。 |
Whether at an expensive facility or relatively inexpensive, children who attend daycare facilities tend to develop social skills more quickly than children of the same age group that are reared at home. | 无论是在比较贵的机构或者相对不贵的机构,日间在保育机构被看护的孩子在社交技能方面的发育进展要比在家养育的孩子发展的更为迅速。 |
They communicate better with children of the same age and often try harder to communicate with those that are younger than them, by using patience and taking different approaches at presenting the data. | 他们与同龄孩子的交流更顺畅,并且以现有数据来看,在保育中心成长的孩子对比他们年幼的孩子有更多的耐心,也会使用不同的方法尝试着与比自己年幼的孩子交流。 |
Surprisingly, a study done by Erik Dearing, has proven that negative social behavioral patterns are not directly connected to daycare. | 令人惊讶的是,由Erik Dearing做的研究表明,负面的社交行为模式与日托中心并没有直接的关联。 |
By studying a large selection of children from the Norwegian childcare system he concluded that the number of hours a child spends at a daycare and their behavior have no dependent relations. | 通过研究挪威保育系统中的一大部分儿童得出结论:一个孩子一天在日托中心生活几个小时与他们的行为模式并没有直接关系。 |
Though in America, Children who attend childcare systems have a higher risk of externalizing the symptoms of negative social behavior, exhibiting these traits can directly correlate with their time spent in the center. | 出现然而在美国,送到日托中心看管的孩子有更高的风险出现一些负面社交行为的征兆,展示这些特点与他们在日托中心的时长有直接的关联。 |
There are links between the income, education, and importance of consistency and the well being of the child, to the parents, and the development of their child. | 收入、教育与一致的重要性是与孩子的幸福高度相关的,对父母来说,孩子的发育也关乎他们的幸福。 |
Higher educated parents place more importance on the education of their children than the parents who do not have a college degree or have not graduated from high school. | 受教育程度高的父母比起没有上过大学的父母或者没有高中毕业的父母更重视孩子们的教育。 |
Likewise, parents who have a higher income level are more willing to part with their money to purchase a private tutor or nanny to assist the parent in the education of their child. | 同样的,收入水平高的父母更愿意花钱请私人家教或者保姆来辅助他们教育自己的孩子。 |
They also tend to stress the importance of being socially inept. | 他们也更倾向于强调社交无能的重要性。 |
The first few years of a child's life are important to form a basis for good education, morality, self-discipline and social integration. | 最初的几年对孩子的教育来说非常重要,在最初的几年里他们会为好的教育,品德,和自律及融入社会的能力打下好的基础。 |
Consistency of approach, skills and qualifications of caregivers have been shown in many studies to improve the chances of a child reaching his or her full potential. | 已有很多报告研究证明,看护人的方法,技能和品质的一致性可以有更大的机会使孩子发挥出自己全部的潜能。 |
Child care in much of western society is currently in crisis: there are not enough daycare spots, the cost for most parents is beyond their means, and child care staff are grossly underpaid. | 西方社会的儿童看护现在陷入了危机:没有足够的日托中心,日托的花销对大部分父母来说难以负担,而日托中心的员工大多数酬劳都很低。 |
Starting wages for Early Childcare Educators start at $11 or $12, causing a high turnover rate, and decreases the likelihood of potentially safe, effective, and loving child care providers from even entering the field. | 刚入行的日托中心的教育从业人员的基础薪资大概是11或12美金,这引起了很高的员工流动率,并且降低了潜在的安全,高效,并且对孩子很有爱心的人士想要进入这个行业的可能性。 |
According to a survey done by HiMama, 68% of for-profit child care organizations ranked 'Labor' as their top risk and 65% ranked 'Talent and Recruitment' as their top priority for 2017. | 据HiMama的一项调查显示,68%的以盈利为目的的日托组织将劳动力排为最高风险。65%的机构人才与招聘作为他们2017年的最高优先目标。 |
Extraits de Traduction Medicine
Medicine Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Acid lipase disease occurs when the enzyme needed to break down certain fats that are normally digested by the body is lacking or missing, resulting in the toxic buildup of these fats in the body’s cells and tissues. | 酸性脂肪酶疾病是指人体缺失需要分解身体本该消化的特定脂肪的某种酶,导致毒素在这些无法消化的脂肪细胞和组织里堆积形成。 |
These fatty substances, called lipids, include waxes, oils, and cholesterol. | 这些脂肪性物质,被称作脂类,包括蜡状物,油脂和胆固醇。 |
Two rare lipid storage diseases are caused by the deficiency of the enzyme lysosomal acid lipase: | 两种罕见的脂类存积疾病是由于缺少溶酶体酶酸性脂肪酶: |
Wolman’s disease (also known as acid lipase deficiency) is an autosomal recessive disorder marked by the buildup of cholesteryl esters (normally a tranport form of cholesterol that brings nutrients into the cells and carries out waste) and triglycerides (a chemical form in which fats exist in the body). | 沃尔曼病(也称酸性脂肪酶缺乏症)是常染色体隐性遗传病,标志指征为胆固醇酯(一种为细胞注入营养同时带走代谢废物的胆固醇传输物质)以及甘油三酯(一种脂肪存在于人体内的化学形式)的堆积。 |
Infants with the disorder appear normal at birth but quickly develop progressive mental deterioration, low muscle tone, jaundice, anemia, vomiting, malnourishment, gastrointestinal problems, and calcium deposits in the adrenal glands, causing them to harden. | 带有这种遗传障碍的婴儿刚出生表现正常但是很快就发展为精神不振,肌无力,黄疸,贫血,呕吐,营养不良,消化不良,肾上腺内钙沉积,引起肾上腺硬化。 |
Affected children also develop an enlarged liver and grossly enlarged spleen, and the abdomen is distended. | 感染的儿童也会发展出肝脏肿大,严重的脾脏肿大,以及腹部肿胀。 |
Both male and female infants are affected by the disorder. | 男婴及女婴都有可能出现这种疾病。 |
Cholesteryl ester storage disease (CESD) is an extremely rare disorder that results from storage of cholesteryl esters and triglycerides in cells in the blood and lymph and lymphoid tissue. | 胆固醇酯沉积症(CESD)是一种极其罕见的疾病,是由于胆固醇脂及甘油三酯在血液细胞、淋巴及淋巴组织中沉积而引起的疾病。 |
CESD is a less severe variant of Wolman’s disease, with later onset. | CESD是比沃尔曼病不太极端严重的变异体,延后出现。 |
Children develop an enlarged liver, leading to cirrhosis and chronic liver failure before adulthood. | 儿童出现肝脏肿胀症状,在进入成年之前出现肝脏硬化及肝脏衰竭。 |
Children may also develop calcium deposits in the adrenal glands and jaundice. | 儿童也会有肾上腺钙沉积及黄疸。 |
Onset varies, and the disorder may not be diagnosed until adulthood. | 刚开始表现各异,这种障碍症直到成年前可能都无法被诊断出。 |
Extraits de Traduction Psychology
Psychology Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Early childhood is a stage in human development. | 儿童早期是人类发育的一个阶段。 |
It generally includes toddlerhood and some time afterwards. | 它包含幼儿时期及之后的一段时间。 |
Play age is an unspecific designation approximately within the scope of early childhood. | 游戏年龄是一个非特定的名称,大约在儿童早期的范围内。 |
Some age-related development periods and examples of defined intervals are: newborn (ages 0–5 weeks); infant (ages 5 weeks – 1 year); toddler (ages 1–3 years); preschooler (ages 3–5 years); school-aged child (ages 5–12 years); adolescent (ages 13–19). | 关于年龄相关的发育阶段的界定:新生儿期(5-10周大);婴儿期(5周-1岁);幼儿期(1岁-3岁);学龄前(3岁-5岁);学龄儿童期(5岁-12岁);青春期(13岁-19岁)。 |
Infants and toddlers experience life more holistically than any other age group. | 婴幼儿期经历着全面的发育,比其他任何年龄阶段都全面。 |
Social, emotional, cognitive, language, and physical lessons are not learned separately by very young children. | 社交,情感,认知,语言,及生理方面的学习对很小的孩子来说不是分开进行的。 |
Adults who are most helpful to young children interact in ways that understand that the child is learning from the whole experience, not just that part of the experience to which the adult gives attention. | 成年人对儿童发育最有效的帮助方式是他们能理解孩子是从整个经历来学习,而不仅仅是从成年人关注的那部分体验来学习的。 |
The most information learned occurs between birth and the age of three, during this time humans develop more quickly and rapidly than they would at any other point in their life. | 最具信息量的学习发生在自出生开始到三岁的这个阶段,在这段期间,人类婴童比其他任何人生阶段都更加迅速。 |
Love, affection, encouragement and mental stimulation from the parents or guardians of these young children aid in development. | 父母或监护者给予婴幼儿的爱,情感,鼓励和心理刺激都有助于这个阶段的发育。 |
At this time in life, the brain is growing rapidly and it is easier for information to be absorbed; parts of the brain can nearly double in a year. | 在这个阶段,大脑迅速发育并且能够大量接收信息;某部分大脑能够在一年内发育翻倍。 |
During this stage, children need vital nutrients and personal interaction for their brain to grow properly. | 在这个阶段,儿童需要必须的营养和与人的互动来帮助大脑发育。 |
Children's brains will expand and become more developed in these early years. | 儿童的大脑在这个时期会发育的更好。 |
Although adults play a huge part in early childhood development, the most important way children develop is interaction with other children. | 尽管成年人在儿童发育起着很重要的作用,对儿童发育来说最重要的还是与其他孩子的互动。 |
Children develop close relationships with the children they spend a large period of time with. | 孩子会与那些与他们相处时间很长的孩子建立亲密的感情。 |
Close relationships with peers develop strong social connections that can be transferred later in life, even children at an early age have a preference of whom they want to interact with or form friendships with. | 与同龄人之间的亲密情感有助于社交能力的发展并且在成年后也会继续。很小的孩子也会对跟谁一起玩或是与谁建立友谊有着偏好。 |
Howes (1983) research suggested that there are distinctive characteristics of friendships, for infants, toddler and pre-school aged children. | Howes(1983)研究表明存在不同特征的友谊,对于婴儿,幼儿和学龄前儿童。 |
Extraits de Traduction Social Science
Social Science Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Social science is a major category of academic disciplines, concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within a society. | 社会学是一个学科大类别,是主要研究有关社会、社会个体在社会中的关系的学科。 |
It in turn has many branches, each of which is considered a "social science". | 它包含许多分支,每一分支都是一门社会学科。 |
The social sciences include economics, political science, human geography, demography, psychology, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, jurisprudence, history, and linguistics. | 社会学包含经济学,政治学,人文地理学,人口统计学,心理学,社会学,人类学,考古学,法学,历史及语言学。 |
The term is also sometimes used to refer specifically to the field of sociology, the original 'science of society', established in the 19th century. | 社会学这个名称有时也特指社会学领域,“社会学”名称起初被使用是在19世纪。 |
A more detailed list of sub-disciplines within the social sciences can be found at Outline of social science. | 一个比较详细的子学科清单可以在社会学概论里找到。 |
Positivist social scientists use methods resembling those of the natural sciences as tools for understanding society, and so define science in its stricter modern sense. | 实证主义社会学家使用与研究自然科学相似的方法来研究社会学问题,所以会以更严格的现代意义来定义社会学。 |
Interpretivist social scientists, by contrast, may use social critique or symbolic interpretation rather than constructing empirically falsifiable theories, and thus treat science in its broader sense. | 解释主义社会学家,对比来看,可能用社会批判或符号解释多于构建经验证伪理论,因此他们会从更广义上看待社会科学。 |
In modern academic practice, researchers are often eclectic, using multiple methodologies (for instance, by combining the quantitative and qualitative researchs). | 现代学术实践中,研究者经常是折衷主义着,用多样化方法(比如,结合定量及定性研究)。 |
The term social research has also acquired a degree of autonomy as practitioners from various disciplines share in its aims and methods. | 社会研究这个术语对于不同学科的从业者在选择目标和方法时还获得了一定程度的自主权。 |
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