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Extraits de Traduction Marketing
Logitech Products (Webcam Speaker) Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
Logitech® Speaker Lapdesk N700 | Logitech® Speaker Lapdesk N700 |
3-year limited hardware warranty | 3 年有限硬體保固 |
Get immersed in everything you enjoy on your laptop with all-in-one sound and comfort. | 具備全方位音效與優異舒適性,讓您專心聆賞筆電上的所有精采影音內容。 |
Integrated stereo speakers | 整合式立體聲喇叭 |
Get rich, full stereo sound for music, online videos, and more with speakers precisely placed on either side of your laptop. | 透過巧妙配置於筆電兩側的喇叭,享受樂曲、線上影片和更多影音內容所呈現的豐富、飽滿立體聲音效。 |
Extraits de Traduction Computers: Software
Mcafee Siteadvisor Enterprise Plus Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Chinese) |
McAfee® SiteAdvisor™ Enterprise Plus is a browser protection solution that can be deployed and managed by using McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® 4.0. | McAfee® SiteAdvisor™ Enterprise Plus 是瀏覽器安全防護的解決方案,您可使用 McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® 4.0 來部署和管理此解決方案。 |
The client software runs on managed systems to protect users from threats encountered while searching and browsing websites. | 用戶端軟體會在受管理系統上執行,在使用者搜尋及瀏覽網站時一旦發生威脅攻擊,即會受到用戶端軟體的安全防護。 |
SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus is integrated with McAfee advanced protection solutions. | SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus 與 McAfee 進階安全防護解決方案相互整合。 |
This guide provides information that you need to deploy SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus, create a browsing security strategy for your business, and configure policy options. | 本指南提供有關針對企業部署 SiteAdvisor Enterprise Plus、訂定瀏覽安全策略,以及設定原則選項的必要資訊。 |
Extraits de Traduction Tourism & Travel
Tripadvisor Website Travel Spots Intro Extraits de Traduction
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Rotorua's rotten egg aroma is the only downside to its position on a volcanic fault line. | 羅托路亞地處火山斷層線,四處瀰漫的臭雞蛋氣味是其唯一瑕不掩瑜之處。 |
With 13 freshwater lakes within 20 minutes, Rotorua is all about getting outside - and getting muddy. | 只需 20 分鐘就能遊遍 13 座淡水湖,羅托路亞讓您享受全然的戶外體驗,順便嘗試把自己弄得滿身泥濘。 |
There are a profusion of places to experience bubbling mud and geysers in "Rotovegas", the area at the top of Fenton Street. | 芬頓街上頭的羅托路亞 (Rotovegas) 擁有眾多豐富景點,讓您在不斷冒泡的泥漿間歇泉中盡情釋放身心。 |
Once you've made the most of the mud, soar nearly 2000 feet on the Skyline Gondola for views of Lake Rotorua. | 充分享受泥漿浴體驗後,您可以搭乘纜車急升到 2000 英呎高的地方一覽羅托路亞湖風光。 |
Discover the lakes by paddle steamer, fishing charter or WWII amphibious vehicle. | 或者,您也可以搭乘明輪船、出租漁釣船或二次世界大戰水陸兩棲車欣賞湖泊美景。 |
From its bustling beaches to the outrageous February festival, Rio de Janeiro is a city that knows how to entertain, day or night. | 從熱鬧的海灘或是百無禁忌的二月節慶,里約熱內盧無論日夜都能滿足您各式各樣的娛樂需求。 |
Travel through Tijuca National Park to Corcovado Mountain's iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. | 您可以穿過迪居甲國家公園 (Tijuca National Park),欣賞科爾科瓦多山上著名的基督像。 |
Take the cable car up Sugar Loaf for more views. | 或者也可以乘纜車登上麵包山 (Sugar Loaf) 欣賞更多的美麗景色。 |
Explore Brazilian history at the Municipal Theatre, Praca Quinze and former presidential residence, Catete Palace. | 若要探索巴西的歷史,您可以參觀市立劇院、奎茲廣場 (Praca Quinze),以及前身為總統官邸的卡特蒂宮 (Catete Palace)。 |
Try hang gliding, surfing or a game at Maracana Soccer Stadium. | 此外,您還可以在馬拉卡納體育場體驗滑翔翼運動、衝浪或欣賞賽事。 |
Or just chill with a caipirinha on the sand. | 或者您也可以在沙灘上悠閒啜飲沁涼的卡佩利亞 (caipirinha) 雞尾酒。 |
Although originally known as a summer destination, when the first snowflakes land in St. Moritz, so do the international scenesters, bundled up in the latest "Must Have" accessories. | 聖模里茲素以夏季觀光勝地而著名,不過隨著冬季開始下起遍地雪花,且來自世界各地的旅人慕名而至,這裡也成了最「不容錯過」的冬季美景勝地。 |
During winter, catch a ride on the Glacier Express from Zermatt to arrive in style. | 在冬季,您可以體驗從采爾馬特駛往此地的豪華冰河列車之旅。 |
Cable cars ascend to three nearby mountaintops. | 您還可以搭乘纜車攀行至鄰近的三座山頭。 |
Hundreds of miles of ski trails and a frozen lake comprise the area's most popular sports venues. | 綿延數百英里的滑雪道和凍湖讓此地儼然成為最受歡迎的體育場。 |
Follow the Romans example and try one of the city's mineral springs, such as St. Moritz Bader. | 此外,您還可以效法羅馬人在城市中體驗諸如聖模里茲巴德 (St. Moritz Bader) 等眾多礦泉浴。 |
Extraits de Traduction Other
Kobo Ebook Online Shopping Extraits de Traduction
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In no event will the Application Provider be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any such Services. | 在任何情況下,「應用程式提供者」皆必須負責移除或停用存取上述任何「服務」。 |
The Application Provider may also impose limits on the use of or access to certain Services, in any case and without notice or liability. | 「應用程式提供者」亦得在任何情況下限制使用或存取特定「服務」,無須事前通知或承擔相關責任。 |
[1]4. | [1]4. |
Service Availability. | 服務可用性。 |
The Service is only available where Hotspot facilities exist. | 「服務」僅適用於存有「熱點」設施之場所。 |
These locations can be identified by the distinctive device bearing the Bell Hotspot. | 您可透過貼有「Bell 熱點」標誌的特別裝置,識別這些場所。 |
Your Service Provider assumes no liability whatsoever for any claims, damages, losses or expenses arising out of or otherwise relating to the unavailability of the Service in your geographical area, in particular due to changes in the location and configuration of Hotspots. | 針對因無法在您所處地理區域提供「服務」(特別是針對地點或熱點組態變更) 直接或間接產生之任何索賠、損壞、遺失或支出,「服務供應商」無須承擔任何責任。 |
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Kobo, Inc., 135 Liberty Avenue, Toronto, ON, Suite 101, CANADA M6K 1A7 (the [1]Sponsor[2]). | Kobo, Inc., 135 Liberty Avenue, Toronto, ON, Suite 101, CANADA M6K 1A7 ([1]贊助者[2])。 |
Are you sure you want to cancel the selected subscription(s)? | 您確定要取消已選擇的訂閱? |
Most Kobo eReaders and Kobo apps are now available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch. | 大部分 Kobo eReader 與 Kobo 應用程式現皆提供英文、法文、德文、西班牙文、義大利文和荷蘭文版本。 |
The latest issue is downloading and will appear in your “Newspapers and Magazines” screen when the download is complete. | 正在下載最新一期的刊物內容,下載完成後其會顯示於「報刊雜誌」畫面。 |
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With Rakuten | 使用樂天 |
[1]JB Hi Fi (Australia)[2][3] »[4] | [1]JB Hi Fi (澳洲)[2][3] »[4] |
[1][2] Computer screens give me a headache, does the eReader use the same kind of screen? | [1][2] 我不適應使用電腦螢幕,eReader 是否使用相同種類的螢幕? |
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CONFIRM | 確認 |
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Huge selection - millions of titles including new releases, bestsellers, award winners | 巨量典藏:網羅最新版本、暢銷書、獲獎作品等數以百萬的各類書籍 |
Questions, Comments, Complaints or Claims: | 問題、意見、申訴或索賠: |
Please direct all questions, complaints or claims with respect to the Licensed Application to [1][email protected][2]. | 關於「已授權應用程式」的所有相關問題、申訴或索賠,請轉介至 [1][email protected][2]。 |
Discover a new way to read your favourite books. | 探索閱讀喜愛書籍的全新方式。 |
Where the User is causing damage or degradation to the Kobo Service or persistently behaving in a disruptive way, data may be released to assist in the targeting of IP blocks, or to assist in the formulation of a complaint to the relevant Internet Service Providers; | 倘若使用者對 Kobo 服務造成損害或是降級,或者持續出現破壞性行為,則可發佈資料以協助設定 IP 封鎖目標,或是協助規劃對於相關網際網路服務供應商的投訴; |
Add to your Library and begin reading! | 新增至您的「圖書庫」開始閱讀體驗! |
In the Filter name text box enter a name for your filter. | 在「篩選器」文字方塊中,輸入篩選器的名稱。 |
(For example,[1][2]Allow Kobo[3].) | (例如:[1]「允許 Kobo」。) |
The following users were previously either active or deleted (or etc, but not Deactive): | 下列使用者先前已處於作用中或是已刪除 (但未停用)狀態: |
Kobo Instant Reader (HTML5) - Browse, Shop [1] Read | Kobo Instant Reader (HTML5) - 瀏覽、購物和閱讀 |
free | 免費 |
Install the latest version of the Sony Reader Library software:[1] [2]http://ebookstore.sony.com/download/[3] | 安裝最新版本的 Sony Reader Library 軟體:[1][2]http://ebookstore.sony.com/download/[3] |
Sorry, but something went wrong with your purchase. | 對不起,購買過程發生一些錯誤。 |
If this problem persists, please contact Kobo Customer Care and provide them with error code [[[1]]. | 若此問題仍未解決,請聯絡「Kobo 客戶關懷」並向其提供錯誤代碼 [[[1]]。 |
kobo publisher program | kobo 出版商方案 |
Newspaper in the morning, novels before bedtime, or both? | 想要享受早上輕鬆閱讀報紙或睡前讀本小說的悠閒樂趣? |
You[1]re done! | 現可讓您一次完成所有夢想! |
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(see Kobo Inc. Privacy Policy) | (請參閱「Kobo Inc. 隱私權政策」) |
Please correct the following errors: | 請修正下列錯誤: |
Read our editor[1]s pick | 閱讀編輯嚴選內容 |
Refund / Credit | 退款 / 積分 |
We don[1]t recognize the email address or password you entered. | 無法辨識您輸入的電子郵件地址或密碼。 |
The disallowed countries contain unrecognized countries: | 未允許國家包含未經辨識的國家: |
How the Kobo eReader Touch Compares | Kobo eReader Touch 具有哪些更加突出的優勢 |
The FROM user has already participated in a migration as either the source or dest. | 「來自」(FROM) 使用者已參與來源或目的地移轉作業。 |
Black, Lilac, Blue, Silver | 黑色、淡紫色、藍色、銀色 |
The bulk emails were incorrect. | 大量電子郵件發生錯誤。 |
Please ensure you enter at least one address, that the addresses are valid, that the addresses are seperataed by whitespace, and that each email corresponds to a user in the database. | 請確認您至少輸入一個正確無誤的地址,並以空格區隔多個地址,且每封電子郵件皆對應資料庫中的一位使用者。 |
The entire operation was aborted and no changes have been made to the database. | 已中止整個操作,且未針對資料庫進行任何變更。 |
To ensure the ongoing safety and security of your purchase information, we[1]ve made changes to our eReader software. | 為了確保您購買資訊維持機密安全性,我們已變更您的 eReader 軟體。 |
To complete your purchase on the device you need to update your software. | 若要在裝置上完成購買,您必須更新軟體。 |
You can continue reading or shopping while we are sending you your product. | 您在接收產品期間可繼續閱讀或購物。 |
Sync with your[1]Kobo eReader. | 與[1]Kobo eReader 同步。 |
Specified partner not found | 找不到指定合作夥伴 |
Street Address | 街道地址 |
Secure Transaction | 安全交易 |
Kobo eGift cards let you give friends and family the gift of Kobo store credit, and the pleasure of choosing from millions of great eBooks. | Kobo 電子禮品卡可讓您贈送親朋好友 Kobo 商店積分,享受自由選擇數百萬冊優秀電子書籍作品的閱讀樂趣。 |
Plus, enjoy the same great benefits of regular gifting - choose when you want your eGift card delivered, add a personal note, and pick a great design for your gift. | 不僅如此,您還可透過定期贈禮享有同樣的絕佳優勢:包括選擇電子禮物卡的傳送時間、新增個人備註,以及為禮物挑選超棒設計。 |
Send the perfect gift in minutes. | 僅須數分鐘時間即可贈送完美禮物。 |
Cache | 快取 |
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[1]Download[2]iPhone App[3][4] »[5] | [1]下載 [2]iPhone 應用程式[3][4] »[5] |
List already exists for selected category and territory. | 選定類別與領域已存有清單。 |
Specified BISAC not found | 找不到指定的 BISAC |
I have a Kobo account. | 我已有 Kobo 帳戶。 |
Discover Features | 探索功能 |
[1]iPad App[2] Download Now [3]»[4] | [1]立即下載 iPad 應用程式[2] [3]»[4] |
Postal/Zip | 郵遞區號 |
D. You may not obscure or misrepresent your geographical location, forge headers, use proxies, use IP spoofing or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any message or transmittal you send on or through the Service. | D. 您不得掩蓋或篡改您的地理位置、偽造標題、使用代理伺服器、使用 IP 詐騙或以其他方式操控識別資料,以掩飾任何您在服務上傳送或透過服務所傳送的任何訊息或傳送資料的起源。 |
Mon expérience
8 ans.
- 2005 BA à Soochow University (Taiwan)
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January 2025
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