TM-Town Terminology Marketplace

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1133 Glossaries

kasparsmelkis71611 Approved Statistical Terminology
English to Latvian Term Concepts: 822
Price: €0.00

Approved Statistical Terminology

822 Term Concepts | 5 sales
English to Latvian


statistics, medical (pharmaceuticals)

Statistical terms approved by the National Terminology Committee.

paulaalbert Cutting machine-technical manual
English to German Term Concepts: 97
Price: €60.00

Cutting machine-technical manual

97 Term Concepts | 0 sales
English to German


technical, technology, technical documentation

Cutting machine-technical manual, EN-DE (EN_GB-DE-DE/some DE-CH)

cjki CJKI Glossary of Computer and IT Terms
English to Japanese Term Concepts: 100,844
Price: $15.00

CJKI Glossary of Computer and IT Terms

100,844 Term Concepts | 4 sales
English to Japanese


Comprehensive English-Japanese glossary of over 100,840 computer and IT terms.

jltranslation International Law Glossary
English to English Term Concepts: 108
Price: €3.00

International Law Glossary

108 Term Concepts | 0 sales
English to English


international law

English to Spanish and Spanish to English International Law Glossary.

cjki CJKI Glossary of Statistics Terms
English to Chinese Term Concepts: 6,782
Price: $6.00

CJKI Glossary of Statistics Terms

6,782 Term Concepts | 0 sales
English to Chinese


Comprehensive English-Chinese glossary of over 6,780 statistics terms.

santrans Spanish to Irish IATE terminology package
Spanish to Irish Term Concepts: 205,723
Price: €9.50

Spanish to Irish IATE terminology package

205,723 Term Concepts | 0 sales
Spanish to Irish



Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.

santrans Bulgarian to Czech IATE terminology package
Bulgarian to Czech Term Concepts: 137,082
Price: €9.50

Bulgarian to Czech IATE terminology package

137,082 Term Concepts | 1 sale
Bulgarian to Czech



Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.

cjki CJKI Glossary of Food Terms
Japanese to English Term Concepts: 1,597
Price: $6.00

CJKI Glossary of Food Terms

1,597 Term Concepts | 0 sales
Japanese to English


Comprehensive Japanese-English glossary of over 1,590 food terms.

cjki CJKI Glossary of Physics Terms
English to Japanese Term Concepts: 25,261
Price: $10.00

CJKI Glossary of Physics Terms

25,261 Term Concepts | 0 sales
English to Japanese



Comprehensive English-Japanese glossary of over 25,260 physics and nuclear engineering terms.

martinaledermann12125 Czech-German Technical Glossary
Czech to German Term Concepts: 613
Price: €4.50

Czech-German Technical Glossary

613 Term Concepts | 0 sales
Czech to German



The glossary covers Czech technical terms.