The Lord of the Flies contains many examples of symbolism which Golding has incorporated to show a deeper level to the main, mostly straightforward, storyline that reveals his thoughts on the nature of humanity and evil. |
"Gospodar muva" sadrži mnogo simboličkih primera koje je Golding upotrebio kako bi pokazao da glavna, prilično direktna priča ima svoj dublji smisao koji otkriva njegova lična razmišljanja o prirodi čovečanstva i zla. |
Below are some of the main symbols used in the book, but there are plenty more for you to discover yourself. |
Ispod su navedeni neki od glavnih simbola koji se koriste u knjizi, ali postoji još mnogo njih koji su na čitaocu da otkrije. |
Among such symbols may be included such small or natural seeming events like the coral reef, (Submarine warfare, surrounding of Britain by German U-boats?) or the "great fire", which may represent the first world war, ("We shall never commit to this savagery again"). |
Među tim simbolima mogu se naći veoma male ili naizgled prirodne pojave poput koralnog grebena, (podvodni rat , Velika Britanija opkoljena nemačkim podmornicama?) odnosno "veliki požar" koji bi mogao da predstavlja prvi svetski rat, ("Ne smemo nikad više da se prepustimo ovakvom divljaštvu"). |
Blood is another symbol Golding uses extensively, although what he uses it for is open to interpretation. |
Krv je još jedan simbol koji Golding koristi u velikoj meri, mada se svrha u koju je koristi može protumačiti na različite načine. |
The different styles of leadership shown by Jack and Ralph symbolize democracy and dictatorship, much like as depicted in George Orwell's Animal Farm where he used pigs to symbolize the USSR's communist leaders. |
Različiti stilovi vođstva koji koriste Džek i Ralf simbolišu demokratiju i diktaturu, na sličan način na koji je opisano u "Životinjskoj farmi " Džordža Orvela, gde on koristi svinje kao simbol komunističkih rukvodilaca u SSSR. |
The imaginary beast that frightens all the boys stands for the primal instinct of savagery that exists within all human beings. |
Zamišljena zver koja plaši sve dečake predstavlja primarni nagon ka divljaštvu koji postoji u svim ljudskim bićima. |
The boys are afraid of the beast, but only Simon reaches the realization that they fear the beast because it exists within each of them. |
Dečaci se boje zveri, ali samo Sajmon uspeva da dođe do zaključka da je se plaše zato što ona postoji u svakom od njih. |
As the boys grow more savage, their belief in the beast grows stronger. |
Kako dečaći postaju sve okrutniji, njihova vera u zver postaje sve jača. |
By the end of the novel, the boys are leaving it sacrifices and treating it as a totemic god. |
Pred kraj romana, dečaci joj prinose žrtve i tretiraju je kao totemsko božanstvo. |
The boys’ behavior is what brings the beast into existence, so the more savagely the boys act, the more real the beast seems to become. |
Ponašanje dečaka je ono što otelotvoruje zver, tako da što se oni okrutnije ponašaju, to ona postaje naizgled stvarnija. |
The boys "become" the beast when they kill Simon. |
Dečaci "postaju" zver kada ubiju Sajmona. |
Golding describes the savages' behavior as animal like; the savages dropped their spears (man's tool) and "screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws." |
Golding opisuje ponašanje divljaka kao životinjsko; divljaci su ostavili svoja koplja (ljudsko oruđe) i "vikali, udarali, ujedali, cepali. Nisu postojale reči, niti je bilo pokreta osim cepanja zubima i kandžama." |