Welcome to the TM-Town API. The TM-Town API is a REST-like API for interacting with various TM-Town services. The TM-Town API includes both authentication through an API key (for publicly available data) as well as OAuth2 authentication for accessing TM-Town on behalf of different users. There is also a portion of the TM-Town API that is open and does not require an API key.
This API is still under development. Please contact us if you run into trouble or have requests for any additional endpoints you would like to see.
A portion of the TM-Town API is open and no API key or authentication is needed. Some endpoints require an API key and other end points utilize the OAuth2 protocol.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail.
OAuth2 is a standard protocol for secure authorization and authentication, commonly used for RESTful APIs. It allows users to authorize your application to use TM-Town on their behalf, without having to share sensitive login information. Find out how to register an OAuth2 application on TM-Town below.
TM-Town uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with TM-Town's servers.
Code | Name | Description |
200 | OK | Everything worked successfully! |
400 | Bad Request | Often missing a required parameter. |
401 | Unauthorized | No valid API key or OAuth token provided. |
402 | Request Failed | Parameters were valid but request failed. |
404 | Not Found | The requested item doesn't exist. |
500, 502, 503, 504 | Server Errors | Something went wrong on TM-Town's end. |
TM-Town's Countries API is an open endpoint where you can query any of the countries in the TM-Town database.
query REQUIRED |
A query to search the name of any country in the database |
id |
The id of the record in TM-Town's database |
name |
The name of the country |
link |
A link to the TM-Town page for that country |
iso_3166_1_alpha_2_code |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter code for the country |
iso_3166_1_alpha_3_code |
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 three-letter code for the country (if available) |
TM-Town's Fields API is an open endpoint where you can query any of the fields of expertise in the TM-Town database.
query REQUIRED |
A query to search the name of any field of expertise in the database |
id |
The id of the record in TM-Town's database |
name |
The name of the field of expertise |
slug |
The URL slug of the field of expertise |
document_count |
The number of documents tagged with that field of expertise |
translation_unit_count |
The number of translation units tagged with that field of expertise |
link |
A link to the TM-Town page for that field of expertise |
TM-Town's Languages API is an open endpoint where you can query any of the ISO 639 listed languages. ISO 639 is a set of standards by the International Organization for Standardization that is concerned with representation of names for language and language groups. Languages that do not have an ISO 639-1 code are not included in the results.
query REQUIRED |
A query to search the English names of any of the languages in the database |
id |
The id of the record in TM-Town's database |
name |
The English name of the language |
link |
A link to the TM-Town page for that language |
iso_639_1_code |
The ISO 639-1 two-letter code for the language (if available) |
iso_639_2b_code |
The ISO 639-2b three-letter code for the language (if available) |
iso_639_3_code |
The ISO 639-3 three-letter code for the language (if available) |
alternate_names |
A hash of alternate names for the language including: native , french , spanish , chinese , russian , german (if available) |
language_scope |
A hash of the language scope for the language including: name , code (if available) |
language_type |
A hash of the language type for the language including: name , code (if available) |
language_family |
A hash of the language family for the language including: name (if available) |
TM-Town's Marketplace Glossaries API is an open endpoint where you can get a list of all of the terminology glossaries currently for sale on the TM-Town Terminology Marketplace.
url |
A link to the glossary on the TM-Town Terminology Marketplace. |
title |
The title of the glossary. |
overview |
An overview of the contents of the glossary. |
source_language |
The language of the source terms in the glossary. |
target_language |
The language of the target terms in the glossary. |
term_concept_count |
The number of term concepts in the glossary. |
price |
The price of the glossary in Euros. |
seller |
The seller's preferred name, or if blank the seller's TM-Town username. |
seller_profile_url |
A link to the seller's TM-Town profile. |
sales |
The number of sales of the glossary. |
average_rating |
The average rating (if available) of the glossary (0 to 5 scale). |
glossary_id |
The unique identifier of the glossary in TM-Town's system. |
TM-Town's Marketplace Term Search API is an open endpoint where you can get a list of all of the terminology glossaries currently for sale on the TM-Town Terminology Marketplace that contain a certain term.
query REQUIRED |
A query to search the source terms of the glossaries in the TM-Town Terminology Marketplace |
source_language OPTIONAL |
The source language of the glossaries you would like to search |
target_language OPTIONAL |
The target language of the glossaries you would like to search |
url |
A link to the glossary on the TM-Town Terminology Marketplace. |
title |
The title of the glossary. |
overview |
An overview of the contents of the glossary. |
source_language |
The language of the source terms in the glossary. |
target_language |
The language of the target terms in the glossary. |
term_concept_count |
The number of term concepts in the glossary. |
price |
The price of the glossary in Euros. |
seller |
The seller's preferred name, or if blank the seller's TM-Town username. |
seller_profile_url |
A link to the seller's TM-Town profile. |
sales |
The number of sales of the glossary. |
average_rating |
The average rating (if available) of the glossary (0 to 5 scale). |
glossary_id |
The unique identifier of the glossary in TM-Town's system. |
TM-Town's Nakōdo Search (URL) API (POST) is an open endpoint where you can search a text that needs to be translated and TM-Town will return a temporary URL where you can review the results of the relevant translators who have translated similar documents in the past.
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
source_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the source text |
target_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the desired translation |
The text (or a sample of the text) that needs to be translated |
url |
A URL to review the Nakōdo. The URL link expires after 30 minutes. |
TM-Town's Nakōdo Search (Data) API (POST) is an open endpoint where you can search a text that needs to be translated and TM-Town will return information on relevant translators who have translated similar documents in the past.
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
source_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the source text |
target_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the desired translation |
The text (or a sample of the text) that needs to be translated |
results |
An array of translators sorted by similarity score. |
TM-Town's Job Message API (POST) is an API key endpoint where you can send a job message to a translator on TM-Town.
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
username REQUIRED |
The username of the TM-Town translator whom you would like to send a message to. |
sender_name REQUIRED |
The name of the sender of the message. |
sender_email REQUIRED |
The email address of the sender. |
source_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the source text |
target_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the desired translation |
budget REQUIRED |
A string containing either: 'low', 'medium', or 'high' depending on the sender's budget. 'low' is for Entry Level jobs of less than $0.09/word. 'medium' is for Intermediate jobs of $0.09/word - $0.15/word. 'high' is for Expert jobs of greater than $0.15/word. |
message REQUIRED |
The text of the message to send to the translator. |
message |
Message received. Thank you for your interest in TM-Town and the translators on this site. |
Before registering an application, please be sure to read the API Partners Terms of Service and Conditions of Use. By creating an OAuth2 application on TM-Town you are agreeing to these terms and any violations will result in your app immediately being removed.
Quick Start Steps:
Client ID
and a Client Secret
.Client ID
, Client Secret
, and Redirect URI
. Use https://www.tm-town.com/oauth/authorize
to request authorization and https://www.tm-town.com/oauth/token
to get access tokens.https://www.tm-town.com/api/user
to test it out. See below for more information on how to make a request to this endpoint.The following is an example of how to test out TM-Town's OAuth2 endpoints using Google's OAuth2 playground.
as the Redirect URI
. You will be assigned a Client ID
and a Client Secret
Client ID
from the TM-Town app you registeredClient Secret
from the TM-Town app you registeredpublic
for the scope and click Authorize APIs. It should bring you to TM-Town and load the authorization screen, and once you authorize the request, return you to the Google OAuth2 Playground.
and click Send the request. The response should contain data from your own TM-Town.com profile.
To use the TM-Town User Segments API in the Google OAuth2 Playground, you need to set the scope to read_tms
in step 5. To use the TM-Town User Terms API in the Google OAuth2 Playground you need to set the scope to read_terms
in step 5. In your own application, it is possible to request the user to authorize multiple scopes. This is done by appending each scope to the URL such as https://www.tm-town.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=your-client-id&redirect_uri=your-redirect-uri&response_type=code&scope=public+read_tms+read_terms
The following are the different scopes available for the TM-Town OAuth2 API:
Name | Description |
public |
Access your public data |
read_documents |
Access metadata on any documents you have uploaded |
read_terms |
Read your private terminology files |
read_tms |
Read your private translation memory files (including any source or target documents you have uploaded) |
write |
Upload and save new translation memory or terminology files to your account |
TM-Town's User API is an OAuth2 API where you can get detailed information on translators who have authorized your application.
The scope of this endpoint is public
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
id |
An ID uniquely identifying the translator's TM-Town account. |
username |
The translator's TM-Town username |
name |
The translator's name (if available) |
preferred_name |
The translator's preferred name (if available) |
country |
The translator's country (if available) |
gender |
The translator's gender (if available) |
fields_of_expertise |
An array of the translator's fields of expertise (if available) |
language_pairs |
An array of language pairs. Each language pair is an array where the zero index value (zeroth element) is the source language and the last element (1 index) is the target language. (if available) |
translation_units |
The number of translation units the translator has uploaded to TM-Town |
term_concepts |
The number of term concepts the translator has uploaded to TM-Town |
rank |
The translator's rank on TM-Town (rank is based on the number of translation units uploaded) |
software |
An array of the software the translator uses / is familiar with (if available) |
about |
'About Me' for the translator |
TM-Town's Segments API is an OAuth2 API where you can search a translator's translation memory files.
The scope of this endpoint is read_tms
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
query REQUIRED |
A query to search for a segment |
tokens OPTIONAL |
A comma separated list of document tokens to search (if this parameter is left blank the request which search all documents of the translator) |
source_language OPTIONAL |
The language of the source segment |
target_language OPTIONAL |
The language of the target segment |
match_language OPTIONAL |
Have either the source or target segment match a specific language |
exact_match OPTIONAL Default: false |
Perform a case-sensitive exact match search (options: true , false ) |
regex_search OPTIONAL Default: false |
Perform a regular expression search. Note that the regular expression must match the entire string you are searching for (options: true , false ) |
role |
The role of the segment: source or target |
document_name |
The name of the document that the segment is associated with |
document_token |
The token of the document that the segment is associated with |
language |
The language of the segment (if available) |
text |
The text of the segment |
creation_date |
The creation date of the segment (if available) |
word_count |
The word count of the segment (if available) |
TM-Town's Terms API is an OAuth2 API where you can search a translator's terminology files.
The scope of this endpoint is read_terms
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
query REQUIRED |
A query to search for a term |
tokens OPTIONAL |
A comma separated list of document tokens to search (if this parameter is left blank the request which search all documents of the translator) |
source_language OPTIONAL |
The language of the source term |
target_language OPTIONAL |
The language of the target term |
match_language OPTIONAL |
Have either the source or target term match a specific language |
exact_match OPTIONAL Default: false |
Perform a case-sensitive exact match search (options: true , false ) |
regex_search OPTIONAL Default: false |
Perform a regular expression search. Note that the regular expression must match the entire string you are searching for (options: true , false ) |
term |
The term |
role |
The role of the term - source or target |
document_name |
The name of the document that the term is associated with |
document_token |
The token of the document that the segment is associated with |
language |
The language of the term |
part_of_speech |
The part of speech of the term (if available) |
normative_status |
The normative status of the term - preferred , admitted or deprecated (if available) |
gender |
The gender of the term - masculine , feminine , neuter or not applicable (if available) |
number |
The number of the term - singular , plural or not applicable (if available) |
TM-Town's Documents API (GET) is an OAuth2 API where you can query a translator's uploaded documents.
The scope of this endpoint is read_documents
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
file_type OPTIONAL |
The type of document: tm_file , terminology_file , source_document or target_document (the default is all ) |
name |
The name of the document |
token |
A unique identifier for the document |
file_extension |
The extension of the document |
size |
The size of the document (in bytes) |
file_type |
The type of document: tm_file , terminology_file , source_document or target_document |
word_count |
The word count of the document (if available) |
tu_count |
The number of translation units in the document (if available) |
seg_count |
The number of segments in the document (if available) |
tc_count |
The number of term concepts in the document (if available) |
term_count |
The number of terms in the document (if available) |
language |
The language of the document (available for monolingual documents) |
language_pairs |
An array of language pairs. Each language pair is an array where the zero index value (zeroth element) is the source language and the last element (1 index) is the target language. (if available) |
fields_of_expertise |
An array of the fields of expertise the document has been tagged with |
TM-Town's Documents API (POST) is an OAuth2 API where you can upload a new document into a translator's TM-Town account.
The scope of this endpoint is write
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
tag_list REQUIRED |
A comma separated list of fields of expertise for the document (minimum of 1, maximum of 3) |
file_type REQUIRED |
The type of document: tm_file , terminology_file , source_document or target_document |
new_document OPTIONAL |
Set this to true if you would like to create a blank document which you will later add translation units to through the TM-Town Translation Units API: true , false |
name |
The name of the file |
token |
A unique identifier for the file |
file_extension |
The extension of the file |
size |
The size of the file (in bytes) |
file_type |
The type of document: tm_file , terminology_file , source_document or target_document |
TM-Town's Glossary API (POST) is an OAuth2 API where you can upload a terminology glossary into a translator's TM-Town account.
The scope of this endpoint is write
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
tag_list REQUIRED |
A comma separated list of fields of expertise for the document (minimum of 1, maximum of 3) |
title REQUIRED |
The title of the glossary |
source_language REQUIRED |
The two character ISO 639-1 code or three character ISO 639-3 code of the source language of the glossary |
target_language REQUIRED |
The two character ISO 639-1 code or three character ISO 639-3 code of the target language of the glossary |
source_terms REQUIRED |
For each source term please format your request as follows: target_terms[]=hello&source_terms[]=world The number of source terms must match the number of target terms, definitions, fields and kudoz_ids. |
target_terms REQUIRED |
For each target term please format your request as follows: target_terms[]=hola&target_terms[]=mundo The number of target terms must match the number of source terms, definitions, fields and kudoz_ids. |
definitions OPTIONAL |
For each definition please format your request as follows: definitions[]=greeting&definitions[]=earth The number of definitions must match the number of source terms, target terms, fields and kudoz_ids. |
fields OPTIONAL |
For each field please format your request as follows: fields[]=business,marketing&fields[]=geography The number of fields must match the number of source terms, target terms, definitions and kudoz_ids. For each term concept you can supply a comma separated list of fields. |
kudoz_ids OPTIONAL |
For each KudoZ id please format your request as follows: kudoz_ids[]=345443&kudoz_ids[]=322322 The number of kudoz_ids must match the number of source terms, target terms, definitions and fields. |
profile_url OPTIONAL |
The translator's public profile url on the sender's site. |
glossary_id OPTIONAL |
The id of the glossary on the sender's site. |
document_id |
The ID of the new glossary document in TM-Town's system. |
user_id |
The ID of the translator in TM-Town's system. |
TM-Town's Parallel Texts API (POST) is an OAuth2 API where you can upload a source text and a target text into a translator's TM-Town account. The documents will be automatically aligned and 3 documents will be saved in the translator's account: a source document, a target document and the aligned TM file.
The scope of this endpoint is write
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
tag_list REQUIRED |
A comma separated list of fields of expertise for the document (minimum of 1, maximum of 3) |
source_language REQUIRED |
The two character ISO 639-1 code of the source text |
source_text REQUIRED |
The text of the source document |
target_language REQUIRED |
The two character ISO 639-1 code of the target text |
target_text REQUIRED |
The text of the target document |
profile_url OPTIONAL |
The translator's public profile url on the sender's site. |
sample_id OPTIONAL |
The id of the source and target sample pair on the sender's site. |
source_document_id |
The ID of the source document in TM-Town's system. |
target_document_id |
The ID of the target document in TM-Town's system. |
aligned_document_id |
The ID of the aligned document in TM-Town's system. |
TM-Town's Translation Units API (POST) is an OAuth2 API where you add a new translation unit to a document already in a translator's TM-Town account. The document must be a translation memory file (not a monolingual document).
The scope of this endpoint is write
. An app with this scope will request the following permissions from the user:
All language parameters require the two character ISO 639-1 code be used.
access_token REQUIRED |
The OAuth2 access token you received for this translator |
The name of the document you will be adding the translation unit to |
token OPTIONAL |
The token of the document you will be adding the translation unit to (required if there are multiple documents with the same name in that translator's account) |
source_text REQUIRED |
The text of the source segment of the new translation unit |
source_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the new source segment |
target_text REQUIRED |
The text of the target segment of the new translation unit |
target_language REQUIRED |
The language code of the new target segment |
name |
The name of the document the translation unit was added to |
translation_units |
The new translation unit count of the updated document (excludes duplicates) |
segments |
The new segment count of the updated document (excludes duplicates) |
user_translation_units_count |
The new translation unit count of the translator (excludes duplicates) |
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/countries?query=Spain"
"id": 205,
"name": "Spain",
"link": "https://www.tm-town.com/countries/es",
"iso_3166_1_alpha_2_code": "es",
"iso_3166_1_alpha_3_code": "esp"
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/fields?query=business"
"id": 17,
"name": "business",
"slug": "business",
"document_count": 167,
"translation_unit_count": 304853,
"link": "https://www.tm-town.com/fields-of-expertise/business"
"id": 16,
"name": "business correspondence",
"slug": "business-correspondence",
"document_count": 5,
"translation_unit_count": 1054,
"link": "https://www.tm-town.com/fields-of-expertise/business-correspondence"
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/languages?query=eng"
"id": 1903,
"name": "English",
"link": "https://www.tm-town.com/languages/english",
"iso_639_1_code": "en",
"iso_639_2b_code": "eng",
"iso_639_3_code": "eng",
"alternate_names": {
"native": "English",
"french": "anglais",
"spanish": "inglés",
"chinese": "英语",
"russian": "английский",
"german": "Englisch"
"language_scope": {
"name": "Individual Language",
"code": "I"
"language_type": {
"name": "Living",
"code": "L"
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/marketplace-glossaries"
"url": "https://www.tm-town.com/terminology-marketplace/bg_ga",
"title": "Bulgarian to Irish IATE terminology package",
"overview": "Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT tools.",
"source_language": "Bulgarian",
"target_language": "Irish",
"term_concepts_count": 24951,
"price": "€5.00",
"seller": "Henk Sanderson",
"seller_profile_url": "https://www.tm-town.com/translators/santrans",
"sales": 5,
"average_rating": 5.0,
"glossary_id": 5567
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/marketplace-terms?query=computer&source_language=en&target_language=de"
"url": "https://www.tm-town.com/terminology-marketplace/en_de",
"title": "English to German IATE terminology package",
"overview": "Bilingual files extracted from the European Union’s IATE Termbase and formatted for various CAT-tools.",
"source_language": "English",
"target_language": "German",
"term_concepts_count": 997266,
"price": "€7.50",
"seller": "Henk Sanderson",
"seller_profile_url": "https://www.tm-town.com/translators/santrans",
"sales": 6,
"average_rating": 5.0,
"glossary_id": 2878
$ curl --data "source_language=en&target_language=es&text=A+computer+is+a+general-purpose+device+that+can+be+programmed+to+carry+out+a+set+of+arithmetic+or+logical+operations+automatically.+Since+a+sequence+of+operations+can+be+readily+changed%2C+the+computer+can+solve+more+than+one+kind+of+problem.%0D%0A%0D%0AConventionally%2C+a+computer+consists+of+at+least+one+processing+element%2C+typically+a+central+processing+unit+%28CPU%29%2C+and+some+form+of+memory." https://www.tm-town.com/api/public-nakodo-searches
{ "url": "https://www.tm-town.com/nakodo-search-requests/ShmSXnm9WVRvJQZZ" }
$ curl --data "source_language=en&target_language=es&text=A+computer+is+a+general-purpose+device+that+can+be+programmed+to+carry+out+a+set+of+arithmetic+or+logical+operations+automatically.+Since+a+sequence+of+operations+can+be+readily+changed%2C+the+computer+can+solve+more+than+one+kind+of+problem.%0D%0A%0D%0AConventionally%2C+a+computer+consists+of+at+least+one+processing+element%2C+typically+a+central+processing+unit+%28CPU%29%2C+and+some+form+of+memory." https://www.tm-town.com/api/nakodo-search-data-only
$ curl --data "source_language=en&target_language=es&username=diasks2&sender_name=John%20Doe&sender_email=john.doe@your-company.com&budget=high&message=This%20is%20a%20test%20message." https://www.tm-town.com/api/job-message -H 'Authorization: Token token="your-token"'
{ "message": "Message received. Thank you for your interest in TM-Town and the translators on this site." }
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/user?access_token=your-access-token"
"id": 1,
"username": "diasks2",
"name": "Kevin Dias",
"preferred_name": "Kevin",
"country": "United States",
"fields_of_expertise": [
"information technology"
"language_pairs": [
"translation_units": 64109,
"term_concepts": 174901,
"rank": 7,
"software": [
"about": "Welcome to TM-Town! I am the developer of the site."
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/user-segments?access_token=your-access-token&query=machine+is+operating&match_language=es"
"role": "source",
"document_name": "automobile.tmx",
"document_token": "jWz0QOForGEyHgZZ",
"language": "en",
"text": "Do not transport or move machine while the machine is operating or running.",
"creation_date": "2015-02-16T15:52:02.000Z",
"word_count": 13
"role": "target",
"document_name": "automobile.tmx",
"document_token": "phbxySC9D6vzFAZZ",
"language": "es",
"text": "No transporte o traslade la máquina mientras la máquina está funcionando o en marcha.",
"creation_date": "2015-02-16T15:52:02.000Z",
"word_count": 14
$ curl "https://www.tm-town.com/api/user-terms?access_token=your-access-token&query=test&match_language=ko"
"term": "test type",
"role": "source",
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