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*Las tarifas listadas representan el rango general para este traductor. Cada proyecto es distinto y muchos factores influyen en las tarifas de traducción, como, por ejemplo: la complejidad del texto de origen, el formato de archivo, la fecha y hora límite de entrega, etc. Ponte en contacto con este traductor con los detalles de tu trabajo de traducción para que tengas una cotización más específica. En TM-Town, las tarifas siempre se muestran en USD para ser consistentes. Un traductor puede tener una moneda de preferencia distinta.
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Conceptos terminológicos
Áreas principales de especialización
law (general)
Mi trabajo
Muestra de traducción Law
Legal Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Somali) |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
What is “governance”? | Waa maxay "dawladnimadu"? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Erayga dawladnimo inta badan waxa uu keenaa jahawareer sababtoo ah waxa (si khaldan) loo qaatay in ay tahay in lagu tilmaamo oo keliya ficillada ama waajibaadka dawladda. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Dabcan, dawladuhu waxa ay door myuhiim ah ka ciyaaraan noocyo badan oo dawladnimo ah. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, dhab ahaantii, fikraddu aad ayay u ballaadhan tahay, waxayna ka sii dheer tahay oo keliya Gobolka. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Tusaale ahaan, waxaan aragnay tixraaca sii kordhaya ee dhawaanahaan fikradda "maamulka shirkadda", oo ah geeddi-socod ku lug leh kormeerka Gobolka iyo hay'ado badan oo aan dowli ahayn, oo ay ku jiraan shirkadaha laftooda. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don McLean waxa uu tilmaamay in ereyga maamul uu ka yimid ereyga Laatiinka ah ee "gubernare", kaas oo tilmaamaya ficilka hagidda markabka. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Etymology-gani waxa uu soo jeedinayaa qeexid ballaadhan oo dawladnimo. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Mid ka mid ah macnaha muhiimka ah ee aragtidan ballaadhan ayaa ah in dawladnimadu ay ku jirto qalab iyo habab badan. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Sharci dhaqameedki hore iyo siyaasadda ayaa hubaal ah inay ka mid yihiin hababkaas. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Si kastaba ha ahaatee, sida aan arki doonno inta lagu jiro bilowgan, dowladnimadu waxay ku dhici kartaa wadooyin kale oo badan. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tignoolajiyada, caadooyinka bulshada, habraacyada go'aan qaadashada, iyo qaabaynta hay'adaha: kuwaas oo dhami waxay la siman yihiin muhiimada dawladnimada sida sharciga ama siyaasadda. |
Mi experiencia
3 años.
- 2016 MIT en Mount Kenya University
- ProZ (Miembro desde: 1965)
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March 2025
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