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- architecture, archaeology, real estate
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Constant exposure to typing up and adding notes and memos in my professional day job, where correct grammar and spelling is essential as part of our profession.
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Unidades de traducción
Conceptos terminológicos
Áreas principales de especialización
Mi trabajo
Muestra de traducción Architecture
Architecture Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Afrikaans) |
Architecture has to do with planning and designing form, space and ambience to reflect functional, technical, social, environmental and aesthetic considerations. | Argitektuur het te make met die beplanning en ontwerp van vorm, ruimte en atmosfeer om funksionele, tegniese, sosiale, omgewings- en estetiese oorwegings te weerspieël. |
It requires the creative manipulation and coordination of materials and technology, and of light and shadow. | Dit vereis die kreatiewe manupilasie en koördinering van materiale en tegnologie, en van lig en skaduwee. |
Often, conflicting requirements must be resolved. | Dikwels moet teenstrydige vereistes opgelos word. |
The practice of architecture also encompasses the pragmatic aspects of realizing buildings and structures, including scheduling, cost estimation and construction administration. | Die beoefening van argitektuur omvat ook die pragmatiese aspekte van die verwesenlike van geboue en strukture, insluitend skedulering, kosteberaming en konstruksie-administrasie. |
Documentation produced by architects, typically drawings, plans and technical specifications, defines the structure and/or behavior of a building or other kind of system that is to be or has been constructed. | Dokumentasie geproduseer deur argitekte, tipies tekeninge, planne en tegniese spesifikasies, omskryf die struktuur en / of gedrag van 'n gebou of 'n ander soort stelsel wat gebou of gebou moet word. |
Muestra de traducción Literature
Literature Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Afrikaans) |
The Lord of the Flies contains many examples of symbolism which Golding has incorporated to show a deeper level to the main, mostly straightforward, storyline that reveals his thoughts on the nature of humanity and evil. | Die Heer van die Vlieë bevat baie voorbeelde van simboliek wat Golding geïnkorporeer het om 'n dieper vlak te toon tot die belangrikste, meestal reguit, verhaallyn wat sy gedagtes oor die aard van menslikheid en kwaad onthul. |
Below are some of the main symbols used in the book, but there are plenty more for you to discover yourself. | Hier onder is 'n paar van die belangrikste simbole wat in die boek gebruik word, maar daar is nog vele meer vir jou om self te ontdek. |
Among such symbols may be included such small or natural seeming events like the coral reef, (Submarine warfare, surrounding of Britain by German U-boats?) or the "great fire", which may represent the first world war, ("We shall never commit to this savagery again"). | Onder sulke simbole kan sulke klein of natuurlike gebeure soos die koraalrif, (duikboot oorlogvoering, die omringing van Groot-Brittanje deur Duitse U-bote) of die 'groot vuur', wat moontlik die Eerste Wêreldoorlog verteenwoordig, insluit ('Ons sal nooit weer sulke wreedaardigheid pleeg nie"). |
Blood is another symbol Golding uses extensively, although what he uses it for is open to interpretation. | Bloed is 'n ander simbool was Golding breedvoerig gebruik, alhoewel dit waarvoor hy dit gebruik, oop is vir interpretasie. |
The different styles of leadership shown by Jack and Ralph symbolize democracy and dictatorship, much like as depicted in George Orwell's Animal Farm where he used pigs to symbolize the USSR's communist leaders. | Die verskillende leierskapsyle wat deur Jack en Ralph getoon word, simboliseer demokrasie en diktatorskap, soortgelyk aan die uitbeelding in George Orwell se Animal Farm waar varke gebruik word om die USSR se kommunistiese leiers te simboliseer. |
The imaginary beast that frightens all the boys stands for the primal instinct of savagery that exists within all human beings. | Die denkbeeldige ondier wat al die seuns bang maak, staan vir die primêre instink van wreedaardigheid wat in alle mense bestaan. |
The boys are afraid of the beast, but only Simon reaches the realization that they fear the beast because it exists within each of them. | Die seuns is bang vir die ondier, maar slegs Simon besef dat hulle slegs die ondier vrees omdat dit binne-in elkeen van hulle bestaan. |
As the boys grow more savage, their belief in the beast grows stronger. | Soos wat die seuns meer wreedaardig word, hoe sterker word hulle geloof in die ondier. |
By the end of the novel, the boys are leaving it sacrifices and treating it as a totemic god. | Teen die einde van die boek, los die seuns offerings vir die ondier en behandel hulle dit as 'n totemiese god. |
The boys’ behavior is what brings the beast into existence, so the more savagely the boys act, the more real the beast seems to become. | Die gedrag van die seuns is wat die dier tot stand bring, dus hoe meer die seuns wreedaardig optree, hoe meer skyn dit te wees. |
The boys "become" the beast when they kill Simon. | Die seuns "word" die ondier wanneer hulle Simon vermoor. |
Golding describes the savages' behavior as animal like; the savages dropped their spears (man's tool) and "screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws." | Golding beskryf die gedrag van die barbare as diere; die barbare het hul spiese (man se werktuig) laat val en "geskree, geslaan, gebyt, geskeur. Daar was geen woorde en geen bewegings behalwe die skeur van tande en kloue." |
Muestra de traducción Agriculture
Agriculture Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Afrikaans) |
Blackcurrant | Swartbessie |
Plant deeply to encourage plant to put out new shoots from the base. | Plant diep om die plant aan te moedig om nuwe lote vanuit die basis te groei. |
Chop very old stems (>4 years) during late summer. | Snoei baie ou spruite (>4 jaar) gedurende laat somer. |
Chop up pruned bits into 15 cm lengths and plant as cuttings - burying at least 5cm in moist soil outdoors. | Kap gesnoeide stukkies in lengtes van 15 cm en plant as steggies - begrawe ten minste 5 cm in klam grond buite. |
Cuttings are fully hardy, will drop leaves in autumn and will re-sprout in spring. | Steggies is heeltemal gehard, laat blare in die herfs val en sal weer in die lente uitspruit. |
Will fruit during following year. | Sal gedurende die volgende jaar vrugte dra. |
Move bushes only in winter. | Skuif bosse slegs gedurende winter. |
If moving in summer, move during cold, rainy, cloudy weather. | Indien jy dit skuif gedurende somer, doen so gedurende koue, reënerige, bewolkte weer. |
Stand bush in water (add liquid fertiliser) whilst moving. | Laat staand ie bos in water (voeg vloeibare bemesting by) tewyl jy dit skuif. |
Lightly prune large roots to encourage root branching/new smaller roots. | Snoei groot wortels liggies om wortelvertakking / die groei van nuwe kleiner wortels aan te moedig. |
Pull out all traces of weeds and their roots - especially bindweed roots (white spaghetti/noodle resembling roots). | Verwyder alle tekens van onkruid en hul wortels - veral bindwortels (wit spaghetti / noedels-agtige wortels). |
Fill new hole with water, plant, drench soil with water and water well for following month. | Vul die nuwe gat met water, plant, deurdrink die grond met water en besproei goed vir die 'n hele maand. |
Mulch soil around moved plant and prevent weeds. | Bedek grond rondom beweegde plant en voorkom onkruid. |
Consider shading plant from direct sunlight for a month. | Oorweeg dit om die plant teen direkte sonlig te beskud vir 'n maand lank. |
Muestra de traducción Food
Food Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Afrikaans) |
Of course, it doesn't mean we should save ourselves from the flavor enhancing powers of marinades. | Natuurlik beteken dit nie dat ons onsself moet weerhou van die geurverreikende kragte van marinades nie. |
Basically what it does is soften the texture of the meat or vegetables you are marinating and usually adds infused flavors into the food. | Wat dit basies doen is om die teksture van die vleis of groentes wat jy marineer, te versag en gewoonlik toegevoegde geure by die kos by te voeg. |
In this case, sos means: 'Seasoning Oil-Something' that is oil/fat or spice such as salt and pepper. | In hierdie geval beteken sos: 'Spesery Olie-iets' wat olie/vet is of speserye soos sout en peper. |
The thing about marinades, unlike brines, is that typically the flavor is concentrated on the surface of the food source. | Die ding met marinades, anders as pekelwater, is dat die geur tipies op die voedseloppervlak gekonsentreer is. |
It works on the principles of how acids denature or breakdown proteins, resulting in a more tender texture. | Dit werk volgens die beginsels van hoe suur proteïene denoteer of afbreek, wat lei tot 'n sagter tekstuur. |
Muestra de traducción Geology
Geology Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Afrikaans) |
What is geology? | Wat is geologie? |
Defined broadly, geology is the study of rocks. | In breë trekke is geologie die bestudering van gesteentes. |
Geology has a number of topics: palaeontology (study of fossils), Plate Tectonics (Movement of the plates), Erosion (breaking down of rocks), and a whole number of different topics. | Geologie bevat 'n aantal onderwerpe: paleontologie (studie van fossiele), plaattektoniek (beweging van die plate), erosie (afbreek van rotse) en 'n hele aantal verskillende onderwerpe. |
The aim is to give you basic knowledge of geology. | Die doelwit is om vir jou basiese kennis van geologie te gee. |
To know more, try looking round your local library and have a look at the References and External Links. | Om meer te wete te kom, probeer om u plaaslike biblioteek te besoek en kyk na die verwysings en eksterne skakels. |
Sediments (such as teeth, rocks and sand) settle on the bottom of a riverbed. | Sedimente (soos tande, rotse en sand) sak neer tot op die bodem van 'n rivierbed. |
Over millions of years, these sediments compress together to form sedimentary rock. | Hierdie sedimente kompres saam om sedimentêre gesteentes te vorm oor miljoene jare. |
The sediments may have got to the riverbed in a number of ways: they could be from eroded cliffs, and gradually layers got deposited ('dumped' in one place by the forces of the currents) and compressed over time. | Die sedimente kon op 'n aantal manier by die rivierbed uitgekom het: hulle kan van weggekalfde kranse afkomstig wees, en geleidelik word lae op een plek neergesit deur die kragte van die strome) en mettertyd saamgepers. |
Sedimentary rocks are layered into strata, with the newest rocks above the older. | Sedimentêre rotse word neergelê in strata, met die nuutste rotse bo die ouer rotse. |
If a really strong force (such as movement of the plates) occurs, the layers, or strata, could be ordered differently: for example, the rocks may be older the further along the cliff you walk opposed to the height of the cliff. | Indien 'n vreeslike sterk krag (soos die skuif van die plate) gebeur, kan die lae of strata, anders geleë wees: byvoorbeeld, die rotse mag dalk ouer raak hoe verder jy langs die krans af loop in plaas van teen die hoogte van die krans op. |
Different sediments form different sedimentary rocks: for example, sandstone is formed from sand sediments and mudstone is formed from mud sediments. | Verskillende sedimente vorm verskillende sedimentêre rotse: byvoorbeeld, sandsteen word gevorm vanuit sand sendimente en moddersteen word gevorm vanuit modder sedimente. |
Sedimentary rocks tend to be the 'weakest' of the three, as Igneous and Metamorphic rocks both undergo extreme pressures to form. | Sedimentêre gesteentes is geneig om die 'swakste' van die drie te wees, aangesien stollings- en metamorfiese gesteentes beide geweldige druk ondergaan. |
South Africa
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January 2025
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