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- China
- Miembro hace más de 9 años
- engineering (chemistry), business, tourism, mechanical engineering, academic
- Trados Studio 2017
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Muestra de traducción Tech/Engineering
Tech/Engineering Muestra de traducción
Origen (Chinese) | Destino (English) |
安装埋设 | Installation and Embedding |
(1) 应根据国家水准测量规范的规定要求安装水准标点。 | (1) |
应根据测点所在环境和条件建造相应的水准点标石。 | And the ambient environment and conditions should be taken into consideration while the corresponding mark stone of the benchmark was constructed. |
位于混凝土坝面的标点可直接埋设在坝面上或专用的混凝土墩台上;土石坝上的标点则需浇制专门的混凝土标石,并将水准标点埋设在标石的中央。 | However, concrete mark stone must be spun for the reference mark on the earth and rock-fill dam. |
(2)标点安装时,注意调整螺纹钢筋预埋件,使其垂直于标石的上端面(标石的上端面用水准尺校平)。 | (2) |
水准标点的并紧螺母也埋入标石内,仅将不锈钢件的半球型部分裸露在标石面之外。 | While installing the reference mark, the screw thread steel embedded part should be adjusted to be vertical to the upper face, which had been leveled by the leveling rod, of the mark stone. |
安装时用水准尺较平安装基面,并校正测杆与测针中心线,同时测定零点高度。 | Use the leveling rod to level the base plane and regulate the surveying rod and the center line of the probe and determine the zero point at the same time. |
(3) 为防止埋设好的水准标点意外碰撞受损,应采用适合于现场环境的保护盖加以防护。 | To prevent the damages to the embedded benchmark by accidental collisions, the protection cover that is fit for the ambient environment should be applied. |
Muestra de traducción Bus/Financial
Bus/Financial Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
Limited Edition Jubilee Clutch | 限量版庆典手袋 |
To honour 60 years of our Queen's reign and her Diamond Jubilee, Aspinal of London introduce the limited edition Jubilee Clutch of 50 uniquely crafted and individually numbered pieces which will arrive in an exclusive Jubilee clutch box. | 为了庆祝女王登基60周年及其钻石婚纪念, Aspinal of London 特推出限量版庆典手袋,由50个制作考究、有独立编号的零件组成,于专用庆典手袋包装盒内闪亮登场。 |
Echoing Andy Warhol's fascination with striking colours and image repetition, this avant-garde piece features a finely crafted unique cartouche shaped gold frame hand bound in the finest smooth Black Italian calf leather with stud detailing and a striking pop-art effigy of our iconic queen's head silhouetted in vibrant snakeskin colours. | 反映设计师安迪•沃霍尔的时尚风格,采用明亮的色彩与多个头像重复,独特细腻的椭圆形状,金色外框嵌在黑色意大利小牛皮革外面,皮面上镶小钮饰以及女王标志性的流行艺术头像侧影,头像采用色彩亮丽的蛇皮纹质地,前卫而时尚。 |
Accented by an opulent regal clasp, the Jubilee Clutch is small enough to carry in the palm of the hand or drape over the nape of the arm with the fine quality gold gilt lightweight chain. | 手袋采用皇室扣饰扣紧,精致小巧,可以握在手中或用品质精良且轻巧的金色链跨在手臂上。 |
The commemorative Aspinal Jubilee Clutch marks 60 years of Queen Elizabeth II ascension to the throne and is guaranteed to become a fashionistas collectors piece. | Aspinal 周年庆典手袋标志着伊丽莎白二世女王登基60周年纪念,必将成为一件时尚达人必备藏品。 |
Product Dimensions: 4" (H) x (5.5" (W) x 2" (D) / Chain Drop: 6.25" | 产品尺寸:4" (高) x (5.5" (宽) x 2" (深) / 吊链:6.25 |
Muestra de traducción Social Sciences
Social Sciences Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
Adolescence' is the French word derived, from 'adolescere', which means growing up. | 青少年源自法语中的“adolescere”,意即成长。 |
It is the age group of 10 to 19 years. | 指10到19岁的年龄段。 |
Since every individual is different and develops in his/her unique way, it is difficult to fix a particular age group. | 由于每个个体各不相同,都以他/她的独特方式成长,很难确定一个特定年龄段。 |
The bridge between the childhood and the adulthood is adolescence. | 青少年是儿童与成人间的桥梁。 |
The beginning of adolescence is known as 'puberty.' | 青少年的早期阶段被称作“青春期”。 |
It is marked by menarche (first menstruation) in girls, which generally occurs between the age of 11 and 13 years; and by first nocturnal emission (wet dream) in boys, which generally occurs between the age of 12 and 14 years. | 女孩进入青春期的标志为初潮(首次月经),通常在11岁到13岁之间;男孩进入青春期的标志为初次遗精(梦遗),通常发生在12岁到14岁之间。 |
The period of growing up is of about 4 years. | 成长阶段约为4年。 |
Girls become mature at an early age than boys. | 女孩比男孩成熟要早。 |
There are physical as well as psychological changes. | 包括生理变化和心理变化。 |
The physical changes precede psychological changes. | 生理变化早于心理变化。 |
In some, the puberty may be delayed upto 16 years and in some it may be as early as at 10 years. | 在某些情况下,青春期可能推迟至16岁,也可能提前至10岁。 |
Physical Changes (Secondary Sexual Characteristics) The physical changes in girls at puberty other than menarche are development of breasts, pubic hair, hair in the armpits, pimples on the face, appearance of vaginal secretions, functioning of sex glands, increase in height, broadening and rounding of hips and getting an attractive look. | 生理变化(第二性特征)除月经初潮外,青春期女孩的生理变化还包括胸部增大、长出阴毛与腋毛、脸上长青春痘、出现阴道分泌物、性腺发育、体重增加、臀部变宽变圆,出落的花容月貌。 |
The physical changes in boys other than wet dreams are development of hair on face, in armpit and on pubis, change of voice, development of Adam's apple in the neck, pimples on the face, painful swellings in the breasts, enlargement of penis and functioning of sex glands. | 男孩除梦遗之外,会长出胡须、阴毛与腋毛、变声、颈部长出喉结、脸部长青春痘、胸部有胀痛感、阴茎增大,同时性腺开始起作用。 |
The height increases, the body looks muscular and the shoulders broaden. | 男孩身高增加、看起来肌肉发达,肩部变宽。 |
Pattern of Sexual Maturation Age in Boys Girls Years 11 - Pubic hair appears Budding of breasts 12 Pubic hair appears Growth of sex organs. | 男女性成熟年龄模式:11岁——出现阴毛,胸部开始发育;12岁——出现阴毛,性器官增长。 |
13 Growth of testes, Hair in the armpits, penis and sex glands menarche (first men- struation). | 13岁睾丸增长,出现腋毛,阴茎与性腺初潮(首次月经)。 |
14 Wet dreams, hair in - armpits, change of voice 15 - Pimples 16 pimples End of bony growth. | 14 梦遗、腋毛、变声 15——青春痘 16——青春痘、骨骼停止增长 17 骨骼停止增长。 |
17 End of bony growth. | 青春期心理变化指一段时期心理与情感的巨变。 |
Psychological Changes Adolescence is a period of psychological and emotional upheaval. | 青少年开始关注自己的外表,可能会在镜子面前花数小时打扮自己。 |
Adolescents feel concerned about how they look and might spend hours in front of the mirror, caring for outward appearance. | 这是出于吸引别人以及与同龄人着装类似的需要。 |
There is a need to be attractive and to dress like others of their age group. | 他们愿意更多地与同龄朋友以及同性朋友为伴。 |
They like to spend more and more time with the friends of their age and of their own sex. | 他们可能在电话里聊个没完。 |
Their conversation on phone may go unending. | 随着成长,他们可能希望与异性交朋友。 |
As they grow they may want to make friendship with the person of opposite sex. | 他们希望能坠入爱河。 |
They like to fall in love. | 他们变得喜怒无常,有时兴高采烈,有时郁郁寡欢,感觉无人关心他们。 |
They become moody, at times elated and at times depressed, and have a feeling that nobody cares for them. | 他们渴望自由。 |
They want to have freedom. | 他们可能变得叛逆,开始与父母争论不休。 |
They may become rebellious and be argumentative with their parents. | 偶尔烦恼丛生时,他们希望能够独处。 |
At times there is confusion of thoughts. | 有时候,他们非常善于交际。 |
They would like to be left alone. | 他们认为父母不把他们当成人看待,因此不会采纳他们的意见。 |
Sometimes, they become very sociable. | 他们把更多的兴趣放在小说、电影或音乐与舞蹈上面。 |
They feel that their parents are not treating them like adults and hence the parents do not take their opinion into consideration. | 他们喜欢奇思异想。 |
They take more interest in novels, films or music and dance. | 他们变得不负责任,并且顽固异常。 |
They like to fantacise. | 父母开始心生厌恶。 |
They become irresponsible and stubborn. | 他们只顾今朝,缺乏成熟,也无先见之明。 |
Parents get disgusted. | 尽管男孩女孩彼此吸引,但是男孩对性感兴趣,而女孩期待爱情与浪漫。 |
They think only of today, lack in maturity and farsighted thinking. | 相互吸引阶段,男孩与女孩的期望迥然不同。 |
Though both boys and girls are attracted towards each other, the boys are interested in having sex, while the girls desire love and romance. | 男孩致力于性满足,女孩则期待温柔与体贴。 |
The expectations of boys and girls differ during the phase of attraction. | 但是,彼此都认定对方同自己一样。 |
Boys try for sexual satisfaction and girls long for tenderness and attention. | 与女孩相比,男孩有更多的性冲动,他们通过手淫(用手刺激性器官)进行发泄。 |
However, each assumes that the other feels as he or she does. | 而在女孩当中,自慰并不是很普遍。 |
Boys have much more sex drive than girls and they seek an outlet through masturbation (manual stimulation of sex organ). | 青少年时期,女孩通过浪漫的梦与幻想达到满足,而非通过自慰。 |
Among girls, masturbation is not so common. | 尽管父母们对这些行为不当、不服管教的青少年的未来忧虑异常,但事实是情况并非无药可救。 |
During the teen years girls find satisfaction in romantic dreams and fantasies rather than in masturbation. | 这些行为只是暂时性的。 |
Though parents get depressed and worried about the future of such misbehaved, disobedient adolescents, in reality the situation is not hopeless. | 随着年龄增长,这些青少年会转变为理想公民。 |
These behaviours are transient. | 父母们忘记了他们自己年轻时也曾经有过类似行为。 |
As the age advances, the same adolescents change into ideal citizens. | 青少年也有几个优点。 |
The parents forget that they too had behaved the same way during their adolescence. | 他们富有创意,诚实正直。 |
There are several plus points in the adolescents. | 他们热爱社会与国家,常常满怀希望。 |
There is a lot of creativity amongst them. | 他们努力改变社会,与不公平现象抗争,为正义奋不顾身。 |
They are honest and sincere. | 他们的身体健康正处于最佳时期,适应性强,能够适应变换的环境。 |
They love their society and country. | 他们兴高采烈,诙谐风趣。 |
They are always hopeful. | 他们从事需要冒险精神才能进行的活动,许多为我们国家现身的都是青少年。 |
They may strive hard for bringing about social changes and may fight against injustice. | 他们是我们明天的希望。 |
They devote hemselves for a good cause. | 青少年同样有自己的疑惑、迷思、误解与问题。 |
Their physical health remains at its best. | 他们中许多人需要教导、劝告、指导与断言。 |
They have the ability to get adjusted to the changing circumstances. | 比班级内其它人更早或更晚进入成熟期的男孩女孩可能显得很离群。 |
They are jovial and like humour. | 他们可能收到嘲笑并因此痛苦异常。 |
They undertake activites that need daring. | 他们需要被告知这是一种自然变异。 |
Many who sacrificed their life for freedom of our country, were young adolescents. | 一些男孩会因为手淫与梦遗产生负疚感与羞愧感,尽管他们无法控制这些行为。 |
They are our hopes of tomorrow. | 他们需要有人使其消除疑虑。 |
Adolescents too have their own doubts, myths, misconceptions and problems. | 如果未被告知,初潮(首次月经)会令女孩们无比震惊。 |
Many of them require information, counselling, guidance and assurance. | 许多在月经期间会有种“不洁”的感觉。 |
Boys and girls who attain maturity much earlier or much later than others in their class are singled out. | 如果乳房过大或过小,女孩们会变得忧心忡忡。 |
They may be subjected to ridicule and may suffer deeply. | 尽管她们知道乳房是美的一个标志,将来能够产奶哺育孩子。 |
They need to be assured that this is a natural variation. | 哺乳期间,任何大小的乳房都能够产出足够多的奶。 |
Some boys develop a feeling of guilt and shame about masturbation and wet dreams, though they cannot control these activities. | 不论大自然赐予了什么,都应该满心欢喜的接受。 |
They need to be reassured. | 不安全感、恐惧、愤怒、挫败感、同伴压力以及对自由的向往可能会导致青少年吸烟、吸毒与嗜酒。 |
Menarche (first menstruation) comes as a shock to the girls who are not informed about it. | 这已成为全球关注的事情。 |
Many have a feeling of becoming 'impure' during the menstruation. | 我们需要共同与他们建立良好的沟通,提供给他们所需的信息、关心他们、引导他们,并对他们提供道德与情感支持,因为他们使我们的未来。 |
Girls get worried about the size of their breasts, if they are too small or too big. | 青春期是青少年的早期阶段。 |
Though they feel that the breasts are one of the signs of beauty, nature has a purpose of production of milk for the nutrition of the future child. | 身高的增长与长骨的快速增长使得他们看起来“又细又长”。 |
Any size of breast can produce sufficient amount of milk during the lactating period. | 他们外表不好看。 |
Whatever has been gifted by nature needs to be accepted with a sense of joy. | 父母们过于关注他们的孩子是否漂亮。 |
Insecurity, fear, anger, frustration, peer pressure and drive for freedom may be the causes for the youngsters to get addicted to smoking, drugs and alcohol. | 父母们认为孩子瘦弱,因此给他们吃昂贵的滋补品。 |
This has become a global concern. | 但这些都不起作用。 |
We all collectively have to establish a good communication with them, supply them with the information they need, care for them, guide them and give them moral and emotional support; because they are our future. | 该年龄段应该摄入高蛋白、高维生素含量的膳食。 |
Puberty is the beginning of the adolescence. | 男孩女孩开始关注自己的模样、脸庞、头发,女孩还关注其乳房的发育。 |
The height increases and the long bones grow more rapidly giving "leggy" appearance. | 为了掩饰胸部,女孩们会弯腰。 |
They are clumsy. | 父母应该阻止孩子弯腰,鼓励她们接受自己。 |
Parents pay much attention to whether or not their child is pretty. | 如果父母一直支配孩子,越俎代庖为其做决定,或是要求完全服从,孩子就无法发展自我决策能力。 |
Parents feel that the child is weak and therefore they feed costly tonics. | 因此,当他进入生活后,会感觉完全无所适从。 |
But these don't work. | 他会缺乏意志与品格,拥有自由时也不知道如何行使。 |
A high protein and vitamin containing diet should be given at this age. | 父母必须意识到孩子长大了,需要更加独立。 |
The boys and girls become self conscious about their look, face, hair and the girls about the development of their breasts. | 孩子希望以自己的方式自己做决定,自己选择朋友,按自己喜欢的方式着装,并读自己选择的书籍。 |
In order to hide their breasts, the girls stoop. | 如果父母通过规定干扰其正常发展,孩子会心生怨恨。 |
The parents should discourage stooping and encourage them to accept what they are. | 最好的方式是孩子在儿童时期即学会自律,独立地调整自己适应这一新阶段的生活与责任。 |
If the parents have always kept their child under their thumb and always made decisions for him, or demanded strict obedience, he will not develop the capacity to make his own decisions. | 青少年同样富有责任心。 |
Therefore, when he goes out into life, he will be completely at sea. | 他们应该有机会独立完成任务。 |
He will be devoid of will and character, and when he has freedom he will not know how to use it. | 他们渴望冒险,寻求新的生活体验,故意找寻冒险经历。 |
The parents should realize that the youth is growing up to greater independence. | 但是,由于缺乏经验,他们无法预知冒险过程中可能的危险。 |
He wants to go his own way, make his own decisions, choose his own friends, dress the way he likes and read the books he chooses. | 父母需要像孩子解释这些,并与他们分享自己的经历。 |
If the parents interfere with his normal development by laying down laws, he will resent it. | 青少年有叛逆与不服管教的声名。 |
It is better that the youth learns self discipline during the earlier childhood and adapts himself to the new stage of life and its responsibilities through independance. | 这是因为他们开始形成自己的观点,学会自己独立。 |
The a dolescents also love responsibility. | 他们不愿意臣服于权威,甚至父母也不例外。 |
They should be given opportunities to do the jobs independently. | 他们根据自己的判断辨别是非;自主决定,反抗成人的专制。 |
There is a desire to be venturesome. | 青少年在努力成长,父母的职能就是帮助他们成长,不要让他们止步不前。 |
They seek new experiences in life. | 因此,应该让青少年自行处理事情,只需在他们需要帮助时再出面相助。 |
They deliberately seek adventures. | 但是,如果孩子们拒绝采纳他们的建议,父母也不能惊讶不已。 |
However, they lack experience and hence cannot anticipate possible dangers in their ventures. | 拒绝接受与他们判断相悖的建议,最好是孩子们学会独立思考。 |
It is for the parents to explain these and share their experiences with them. | 尽管青少年是独立的,他们还是希望父母能够对他们及其从事的事情表示关注。 |
Adolescents have a reputation of being rebellious and disobedient. | 他们需要他人认可他们的成就。 |
This is because they are setting out to form their own views and gain their own independence. | 如果在学校表现不佳,也不应对他们横加指责。 |
They are not willing to submit to the authority even of their parents. | 父母的一点鼓励能够取得更好的效果。 |
They claim the right to their own judgement; make their own choices and resent the adult dictatorship. | 不可能每个孩子在班里面都是第一名。 |
The adolescents are trying to grow up, the function of the parents is to help them to grow up and not to hold them back. | 许多伟人在学校里面的表现并不是很好。 |
Therefore, the adolscents should be left to themselves, to do things for themselves and should only be given help when needed. | 达尔文(Charles Darwin)、沃尔特•斯科特爵士(Sir Walter Scott)、戈德史密斯(Goldsmith)在学校表现很差。 |
Instead of accepting the advice against their judgement, it is better that they learn to think for themselves. | 泰戈尔(Gurudeo Rabindranath Tagore)、辩喜(Swami Vivekanand)、洛提拉克(Lokmanya Tilak)圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)在班里都不是第一名,尽管如此,他们日后都成为伟人。 |
They like others to appreciate their achievements. | 是父母的鼓励让他们不断尝试。 |
They should not be criticised if they don't do well in the school. | 如果持续阻拦或批评,孩子会停止尝试。 |
A little encouragement from parents goes a long way. | 孩子们需要爱与鼓励。 |
It is not possible for every child to come first in the class. | 父母不应该把自己未实现的梦想强加到孩子身上。 |
Many great men did not do well at school. | 孩子们有自己的好恶。 |
Charles Darwin, Sir Walter Scott, Goldsmith did badly at school. | 父母需要认识到孩子的喜好并为他们提供机会。 |
Gurudeo Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekanand, Lokmanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi did not stand first in the class, even then they became great. | 让他们自己决定想做的事情。 |
It is the encouragement from the parents make them keep trying. | 父母没必要为孩子担忧。 |
If discouraged or criticised constantly they stop trying. | 发展空间是无限的。 |
Children always need love and encouragement. | 如果孩子自己选择,他们更可能达到顶峰。 |
The parents should not try their unfulfilled ambitions to be fulfilled through children. | 青少年不喜欢父母的唠叨。 |
Children have their own likes and dislikes. | 如果父母唠叨,他们会充耳不闻或对此漠不关心。 |
It is for the parents to recognise their likes and grant opportunities to them. | 他们认为父母专横、占有欲强,并且低估了他们的能力。 |
Let them decide what they want to be. | 年轻一代往往挑战上一代的价值观。 |
Parents unnecessarily worry about their children. | 父母不能对此正确评价。 |
There is always room at the top. | 但是,年轻一代在引入新价值观方面的贡献至关重要。 |
If they choose the subjects of their choice they have better chances of reaching the top. | 成人的橘色不是保护青少年避免经受所有逆境与困难。 |
Adolescents do not like nagging by their parents. | 他们必须允许青少年亲身体验。 |
If they do, the adolescents turn a deaf ear or become indifferent. | 若非亲身体验,一个人不会学会认真负责。 |
They feel that their parents are possessive, bossy and underestimate their capability. | 成年人的角色是当这些体验招致风险的时候给以引导与协助。 |
Younger generation often challenges the values of the older generation. | 一些父母认为应该容忍青少年,另一些则感到很受伤——“看看他是怎么对待我的,我为他做了这么多!”还有一些父母立场坚定,权威专断。 |
The parents do not appreciate this. | 而这些只能造成青少年与父母间的对抗与更大的摩擦。 |
However, the younger generation has important contribution to make by introducing new values. | 在性方面,男孩与女孩有根本区别。 |
The role of adults is not to protect adolescents from all adversities and from every difficult experience. | 男孩主动性强,而女孩则被动。 |
They must allow their teenagers to do their own experimenting. | 在男孩经历梦遗、女孩经历初潮之前,即11到12岁,应该告诉他们相关知识。 |
With- out experimenting one does not become responsible. | 如果由于禁忌,父母感觉很难向孩子说明,可以给孩子一本性教育方面的书籍让他们阅读。 |
The role of an adult is to guide and give assistance if the experiment entails risk. | 这个年龄段的男孩对性功能非常感兴趣,而女孩则对宝宝是怎样来的充满好奇。 |
Some parents feel that teenagers should be tolerated; others respond with a feeling of hurt,-- "See how he treats me after all, I have done so much for him!" | 青春期或早些时候的男孩女孩可能会查看其他同伴的生殖器,并沉迷于性别游戏。 |
Still other parents put their foot down and become authoritative. | 看到田里的牛或街上的狗时,他们可能会在游戏中练习“骑马”。 |
These will only promote defiance and greater friction between the adolescents and parents. | 对此,父母没必要大发雷霆并打孩子。 |
There are basic differences between the sexuality of boys and girls. | 如果打骂孩子,他可能产生压抑、恐惧及综合症状,这可能会影响他成年后的性生活。 |
The boys are aggressive and girls are receptive. | 他可能无法使婚姻生活尽善尽美。 |
The boys should be told about the wet dreams and the girls should be informed about the menstruation before they experience it, i.e., by the age of 11 to 12 years. | 科学家金赛(Kinsey)和约翰•曼尼(John Money)曾经说过,此类性游戏不会造成孩子成年以后成为同性恋。 |
Boys at this age are interested in the function of sex and girls are interested in how babies are born. | 这些行为只是性发育过程中的一步,是正常行为,有助于确定性取向。 |
Boys and girls at puberty or earlier may examine the genitals of one another and indulge in sex play. | 约翰•曼尼把这称为是与异性性行为的“性演练”,他发现这是成年人正常性生活不可或缺的经历。 |
As they see the cattles in the field or dogs on the street, they may practise "mounting" in their play. | 孩子对自己的身体各部分充满好奇,同样渴望了解异性的身体。 |
The parents need not be furious on this matter and beat the children. | 是好奇心驱使他沉迷于性游戏,而非情欲与模仿他所见的想法。 |
If you scold and beat your child, he may develop inhibitions, fears and complexes that may interfere with his adult sex life. | 可能并不是所有父母都同意以上观点。 |
He may not be able to consummate his marriage. | 没有父母会鼓励孩子的这种行为。 |
The scientists like Kinsey and John Money have said that such sex plays do not make them homosexuals in adult life. | 如果他们不满孩子的性游戏,而将孩子的注意力转移到其它形式的游戏,他们是正确的。 |
This behaviour is normal and is a step in the sexual development. | 但是父母均不应该责骂孩子,更不要为性游戏担心。 |
It helps in sexual orientation. | 这一原则同样适用于对手淫的处理。 |
John Money calls it "sexual rehearsal" of the sexual act with the opposite sex and finds it essential for adult normal sexual behaviour. | 我们曾经偶然碰到过一个负责任的父亲警告他的儿子不要沉迷手淫,否则会伤害身体。 |
The child is curious about his body parts as well as those of the opposite sex. | 这个孩子忠实地遵从父亲的训导,结果结婚后遇到了麻烦。 |
It is this curiosity rather than erotic feelings and the idea of imitating what he sees that provokes him to indulge in sex play. | 他无法射精并成为一名父亲,因为从青春期开始,他就没有经历过射精反射。 |
Every parent may not agree with the above views. | 现已证明,手淫并没有害处,但是对手淫的误解与恐惧确实非常有害的。 |
No parent would encourage such behaviour in their children. | 事实上,手淫是婚后夫妻生活的婚期准备。 |
They will be justified if they frown and discourage sex plays and turn the attention of their children to other forms of play, but they should never scold them and never get worried about the sex plays. | 如果偶然情况下,孩子看到父母赤身裸体或正在同房,父母也无须担心。 |
The same holds good in the matter of masturbation. | 他们应该就像什么都没有发生一样。 |
We come across cases where a responsible father warns his son not to indulge in masturbation because it would harm him. | 心理学家指出看到父母赤裸并不会对孩子造成伤害。 |
The child sincerely obeys his father only to land up in trouble after his marriage. | 有时,父母会被问及其性行为。 |
Such individual cannot ejaculate semen and father a child because he has not put the reflexes of ejaculation into action since puberty. | 父母不应感到窘迫或羞耻,而应告诉孩子,那是他们向彼此表达爱的一种方式,就像所有结婚的人一样。 |
It has been proved that masturbation does not harm, but the misconceptions and fear of masturbation do harm. | 孩子应该明白性是一种表达爱的方式,这在已婚夫妻间是正常的事情,但属于个人私事。 |
In fact, masturbation is a premarital preparation for postmarital sexual intercourse. | 发现女儿与同班同学恋爱后,父母不应该勃然大怒。 |
Parents need not be worried, if accidentally the child sees the parents naked or while doing the intercourse. | 否则会让他们丧失与孩子的交流。 |
They should behave as if nothing has happened. | 相反,他们应该解释真爱与迷恋的区别,这种关系中应该留意的界限以及可能的陷阱。 |
The psychologists suggest that seeing the parents nude does not harm the child. | 最好的方式是让孩子按自己的意愿自然发展。 |
Sometimes, the parents are asked about their sexual activity. | 父母应静观其变。 |
Without feeling embarrassed or ashamed the parents should tell the child that they were expressing their love to each other in a way that married people do. | 发现他们的恋爱关系频繁变化或是突然终止也不是什么新鲜事。 |
Finding their daughter in love with her classmate should not make the parents throw tantrums. | 这些都是自然而然的。 |
This will make them lose communication with their child. | 即便孩子持续与同一个人继续恋爱关系,也要鼓励他/她推迟婚姻。 |
Instead, they should explain the difference between real love and infatuation, the limits to be observed during such relationship and possible pitfalls. | 他/她可能在推迟期内改变主意。 |
It is best that they leave their child alone for natural development to take its course. | 即便孩子走入婚姻后又终止了这一关系,父母需要给他们爱与支持。 |
The parents should wait and watch. | 父母应该让孩子确信,父母一直爱并关心着她/他。 |
It is not uncommon to find that their love ralationship changes frequently or terminates abruptly. | 父母应该告知并警告男孩,性虐待是犯罪。 |
This is natural. | 应该教会女孩遇到认识或不认识的人试图对其性虐时如何说“不”。 |
Even if the child continues the love relationship with the same individual, persuade her/him to postpone marriage. | 青少年有与同龄人类似的需求十分强烈。 |
Perhaps she/he may change her/his mind during the postponement. | 这会导致他们首次吸毒、吸烟或喝酒。 |
Even if the child gets married and later ends the relationship, the parents are needed for love and support. | 他们向往自由,自尊心、不安全感、恐惧与愤怒可能加剧这些嗜好。 |
The parents should assure the child that she/he will always be loved and cared for. | 在问题变得不可逆转之前,应该尽早寻求心理医生的帮助。 |
The boys should be informed and warned that the sexual abuse is a crime. | 如果孩子晚上回家很晚,身体状况变坏,需要更多零花钱,他的课本、手表、耳环、晶体管以及家中某些值钱物品消失了,学习成绩下降,抱怨从学校收到旷课通知,变得盛气凌人、焦躁不安,衣冠不整、头发凌乱,胡须也不剃,看起来邋里邋遢。 |
The girls should be taught how to say 'NO' when a known or unknown person intends to sexually abuse her. | 父母不应该单纯的认定“这些情况不会发生在我的孩子身上!”成功地养育孩子是父母份内的事情。 |
Adolescents find a strong need to be like the peer group. | 父亲和母亲给予孩子生命,并将小生命哺育成人。 |
This leads to their first experience with drugs, smoking or alcohol. | 双方需要就养育的事情达成一致,包括对孩子的自由、纪律或惩罚。 |
The drive for freedom, self esteem, insecurity, fear, anger tend to aggravate these addictions. | 孩子的基本需求为: |
A help from the psychiatrists should be sought at the earliest before the problem becomes irreversible. | 1.安全感:一种被需要的感觉。 |
The parents should not be under false belief, "It cannot happen to my child!" | 2.爱:孩子渴望被爱。 |
The successful upbringing of children is the parent's job. | 3.理解:客观地看待优点与缺点。 |
It takes both father and mother to give life to a child and bring that life to maturity. | 4.接纳:当心对比。 |
Both should agree on different issues concerning upbringing, may it be freedom, discipline or punishment to the child. | 5.情感共鸣:分享孩子的感受。 |
The basic needs of the child are: | 6.交流:倾听孩子,与孩子对话,而不仅仅是责骂、命令或训斥。 |
1. Security: A feeling of being wanted. | 7.认可:鼓励与表扬。 |
2. Affection: The child craves to be loved. | 黎巴嫩诗人纪伯伦(Khalil Gibran)曾用几句话明确定义了为人父母的原则:你的孩子并不是你的孩子,他们是生命自身憧憬的儿女。 |
3. Understanding: See the strong points and weaknesses objectively. | 他们借助你来到这世界,却非自你而来。 |
4. Acceptance: Beware of comparison. | 尽管他们在你身旁,却并不属于你。 |
5. Empathy: Share his feelings. | 你可以给予他们的是爱,却不能强加你的思想,因为他们有自己的思想。 |
6. Communication: Listen to the child and talk to him and not just scold, order or reprimand. | 你可以庇护的是他们的身体,却不是他们的灵魂,因为他们的灵魂栖息于明日,那是你做梦也无法到达的地方。 |
7. Recognition: Encourage and praise. | 你可以拼尽力气变得和他们一样,但不可以寻求让他们变得和你一样。 |
The Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran has precisely defined the principles of parenthood through these lines: Your children are not your children, They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. | 因为生命不会后退,也不会逗留在昨日。 |
They come through you, but not from you, And though they are with you, they belong not to you. | 你是弓,儿女是从你那射出的 |
You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. | 朝气蓬勃的箭;怀着愉快的心情在弓箭手的手中弯曲吧。 |
You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. | 父母/老师们经常问的一个问题是:向在校孩子教授性教育是否合适? |
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. | 性教育实际上是“性活动”教育。 |
For Life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday. | 它是价值观和态度导向的教育,而非关于成年男女间性关系的教育。 |
Your are the bows from which your children, as living arrows, are sent forth; Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness. | 性活动并非淫秽不堪。 |
Common Questions Asked by Parents/Teachers Is it all right to teach sex education to school children? | 地球上一切生命赖以延续的基础怎么会淫秽不堪呢? |
Sex education in reality is "Sexuality" education. | 我们的文化从未将性认作淫秽之物。 |
It is a value and attitude oriented education and not the education of sexual relations between a man and a woman. | “爱神(Kama)”(情欲)是一个人的四个“Purusharthas”(职责)之一。 |
Sexuality is not obscenity. | 我们的文化崇拜“林伽(男性生殖器)”。 |
How could the very basis of existence of life on earth be obscene? | 何况,淫秽是以此种方式看事物的人头脑中存在淫秽,客观事物本身并非如此。 |
Our culture has never considered sex as obscene. | 性教育不是令年轻人谈性色变吗? |
"Kama" (eroticism) is one of the four "Purusharthas" (duties and responsibilities) of a person. | 不是的,这些恐惧是毫无根据的。 |
"Lingam" is worshipped in our culture. | 对于成年人和孩子来说,性完全是两码事儿。 |
Moreover, obscenity is in the mind of the person who sees it that way and not in the object itself. | 成年人习惯于将性想做围绕性交的感受、态度与身体行为。 |
Does'nt sex education shock young people? | 因为成年人对性关系根深蒂固的观念,他们无法认清年轻人对性教育的需求。 |
No. | 性教育能够引起孩子的好奇心并对其过度关注吗? |
These fears are groundless. | 如果适当地进行性教育,不会引起好奇心,相反会抵消他们的好奇心。 |
Sex does not mean the same thing to a child as it is to an adult. | 父母或老师与其自由谈论性生活的年轻人对此类事情的关注度要低于其它孩子。 |
Adults are accustomed to think of sex as feelings, attitudes, behaviour that surround physical act of sexual intercourse. | 与孩子谈论性是否会提高他们体验性的经历? |
Because of ingrained attitude towards sexual relations of adults, they cannot think clearly about young person's need for sex education. | 尚无证据支持这一观点。 |
Will sex education arouse child's curiosity and create overconcern about it? | 包括世界健康组织在内进行的多项研究的结果证明与之恰恰相反。 |
Sex education if given properly does not arouse curiosity, but does exactly the opposite. | 性教育鼓励年轻人推迟性行为,并且以后从事更安全的性。 |
Young persons who know that their parents and teachers talk freely with them about the facts of life, are less concerned about this subject than other children. | 性体验更多是由于无知导致的日益增加的关注与好奇心引起的。 |
Will telling children about sex promote sexual experimentation? | 向年轻人坦言行课程方面的问题能够降低他自己寻求答案的需求,从而较少体验的冲动。 |
There is no evidence to support this view. | 真实的信息帮助孩子与成年人做出明智的决定。 |
Several researches including that done by World Health Organization, have proved it to be the other way. | 不了解实际情况很容易犯错误并惹祸上身。 |
Sex education encourages young people to delay sexual activity and to practise safer sex. | 关于性的态度有助于人们对自己的行为做决定。 |
The sex experimentation is frequently the result of growing concern and curiosity due to ignorance. | 好奇心会导致性体验。 |
Candid answers to young persons' questions about sex lessens his need for finding out for himself and thus reduces urge to experiment. | 告诉孩子蒙事实并帮助他们树立健康的态度不能避免所有问题,但肯定会有所帮助。 |
Factual information helps children and adults make wise decisions. | 性教育会使学生们从学习分心吗? |
Without the knowledge of facts it is easy to make mistakes and get into trouble. | 青少年的生理、心理和情感变化会使他们内心产生焦虑、恐惧与负罪感。 |
Attitudes about sexuality are helpful while making decisions about their own behaviour. | 研究表明,获得关于性的正确的信息与知识,他们能够克服负罪感、羞愧感与恐惧,并感觉更加舒适。 |
Curiosity can lead to sexual experimenting. | 性别教育会为他们树立对于性传播疾病/艾滋病感染、婚前怀孕与滥用药物了解,并引导他们做出正确决定。 |
Teaching children about facts and helping them to develop healthy attitudes will not prevent all the troubles, but it does help. | 不进行性教育更可能使他们从学习分心。 |
Will sex education distract the students from their studies? | 一些父母/老师说道“如果我告诉孩子们关于性的事情,他们会怎么看待我?”这些担心是没有必要的。 |
Physical, psychological and emotional changes in adolescents create anxiety, fear, guilt in them. | 这种负疚感与羞愧感的想法与窘迫是父母“老师”自己的想法,并非孩子的想法。 |
Researches have shown that by giving correct information and knowledge about sexuality they overcome guilt, shame and fear and feel more comfortable than otherwise. | 他们无须对性生活相关事实报此想法,因为这些事实不是他们造成的。 |
Sexuality education creates awareness in them about STD/HIV infection, premarital pregnancy and substance abuse and guides them to take right decision. | 父母与老师无须为人类的自然方式承担责任,就像无须为四季变化、原子组成或乐师负责一样。 |
Not giving them sex education may distract their attention from studies than otherwise. | 如果平静真实的进行性教育,是不会下着年轻人的。 |
Some parents/teachers say, "what will children think of me if I tell them about sex." | 如何避免孩子们说“脏话”? |
Such fears are needless. | 孩子们不知道哪些词有性暗示。 |
Such thinking of guilt and shame and embarrassment is in the parents' teachers' own mind and not in the children's. | 父母应该与孩子讨论那些词的意思,并说明用它们说话是非常不好的一种方式。 |
They need not feel so regarding the facts of life for which they are not responsible. | 坚持让孩子在家里不得说脏话。 |
Parents and teachers are no more responsible for nature's way with man than for the three seasons, the composition of the atom or eclipse of the moon. | 父母不应该让孩子觉得他们无比震惊。 |
Sex instruction, if given calmly and truthfully, will not shock young people. | 孩子们在不知道这些词含义的情况下,用它们吸引朋友或是引起注意。 |
How to stop children from knowing "dirty" words? | 我们该如何确保青少年不发生婚前性行为? |
The child does not know that the word has a sexual connotation. | 我们无法做到这点。 |
Parents should discuss the meaning and explain that it is a negative way to talk. | 我们能做的就是尽力避免。 |
Insist that the child should not use the word at home. | 帮助他/她树立健康的态度与价值体系,其中包括不发生婚前性行为。 |
Parents should not make children feel that they are unbelievably shocked. | 允许孩子成长为有独立行为能力的个体。 |
Children use such words for impressing friends, or to seek the attention, without knowing the meaning. | 大多数青少年都做很大努力,希望实现父母的信任与期望。 |
How can we be sure our teenager does not have sexual intercourse before marriage? | 他们希望父母以他们为荣。 |
You can't. | 男孩们有必要了解月经吗? |
All we can do is to do our best. | 女孩们有必要了解梦遗吗? |
Help him/her develop healthy attitudes to build a value system which includes confining sexual intercourse to marriage. | 两性成员彼此了解的越早,他们越能同情照顾彼此。 |
Allow him/her to become an individual with independent action. | 认为月经有趣或肮脏的男孩们并不了解月经。 |
Most teens make a great effort to live upto trust and expectations of parents. | 需要努力帮助孩子理解与接纳两种性别。 |
They want their parents to be proud of them. | 动物并不需要性教育,为什么人类需要? |
Do boys need to know about menstruation? | 动物的性行为是由本能操控的,而人类性行为明显受社会调节与个人学习影响。 |
Do girls need to know about wet dreams? | 人类有能力根据社会或个体需求修正性行为;动物则不具备这种能力。 |
The earlier the members of both sexes come to understand the more sympathetic and caring they can be. | 动物不需要像人类一样面临许多问题。 |
Boys who think menstruation is funny or nasty don't understand it. | 因此,有必要对人提供必要的引导与信息。 |
Efforts need to be made to help children with their understanding and appreciation of both sexes. | 以前并不进行性教育。 |
Animals do not need sex education, why then for human beings? | 为什么现在有必要进行? |
Animal sexual behaviour is governed by instinctive pattern, while human sexual behaviour is profoundly influenced by social conditioning and individual learning. | 早在筏蹉衍那(Vatsyayana)时代(公元400年),就已经开展性教育。 |
Human beings have the ability to modify the sexual behaviour depending upon the social or individual needs; the animals cannot. | 施伟多凯徒(Swetaketu)(公元前500年)在印度引进了婚姻制度。 |
The animals do not face several problems as the human beings. | 在他之前和之后,也有几本性行为方面的专著。 |
Therefore, a proper guidance and information are necessary for the human beings. | 十七世纪以后,英国人来到印度,他们将“淫秽”引入了性,性教育就中断了。 |
Sex education was not given before. | 现在全世界都意识到性教育的重要性。 |
What is the necessity to give it now? | 世界范围内对性行为进行了大量研究。 |
Sex education was given even before the times of Vatsyayana (ad 400). | 更好品质的生活需要更新的性行为教育。 |
It was Swetaketu (500 bc) who introduced the institution of marriage in India. | 应该强制进行性教育吗? |
Several treatises have been written on sexuality before him and after him. | 印度自古就是一个自由民主的社会主义共和国家。 |
It was after seventeenth century, when Britishers came to India that they brought "obscenity" with them and hence the sex education was discontinued. | 文化宗教与社会情况纷繁多样。 |
Now the entire world has realised the importance of it. | 性行为仍然被认为是禁忌话题,最好采用任选的方式,而非强制性推行。 |
A lot of reseach in sexuality has been done world over. | 如果强制性行为推行,社区的特定部分可能会强烈反对,可能最终导致全国范围的性教育项目频临崩溃。 |
An unpdated sexuality education is desired for better quality of life. | 应尽量取得父母的允许以及老师们和事业单位主管人员的合作。 |
Should it be mandatory? | 因此,他们应该自发地推动性行为教育。 |
India is a free secular, socialistic, democratic republican country. | 是否应该将性行为教育列入课程表? |
There is also diversity in cultural, religious and social conditioning. | 为了普及性行为教育,最好能将性行为教育列入学校/大学课表。 |
Sexuality being still considered as a subject of taboo, should better be optional than mandatory. | 但是,既然老师们发现教学大纲负担已经很重,则性行为教育计划应该插入其它合适科目,或者可以做完一项课外活动。 |
If made mandatory, certain section of the community will oppose so strongly that there can be countrywide collapse of the entire sexuality education programme. | 该计划能够普及吗? |
Parent's permission and co-operation from teachers and heads of the institutions should be solicited. | 除了在校学生,退学儿童、流浪儿童以及残障儿童也需要性行为教育。 |
Therefore, they should be simultaneously motivated for sexuality education. | 普及这一教育是一项艰巨的任务。 |
Should it be included in the curriculum? | 但是,在校孩子占大部分,管理起来也比较方便。 |
To make it universal, the sexuality education programme should ideally be included in the school/college curriculum. | 因此,从学校与大学层次开始相对比较容易。 |
However, since the teachers find the syllabus load already heavy, the sexuality education programme should be plugged into other subjects as found fit, or should be treated as an extracurricular activity. | 毫无疑问,有几所非政府组织已经在其它群体的性行为教育方面做了的令人称赞的工作。 |
Could the programme be made universal? | 性传播疾病(STDs)以前被称为“花柳病”。 |
Other than the school/college students, the dropouts, the street children and the handicapped children would need sexuality education. | 这一类疾病通过性交在人之间传播。 |
It is an herculean task to include all. | 如果及早治疗,一些人能够痊愈;但是某些病毒性的则无法治愈。 |
However, school/college children make a big group and is administratively convenient. | 一些仅限于局部发病,一些残害性器官的正常组织,还有一些会传遍全身,破坏全身器官。 |
Therefore, it will be easier to start at school and college levels. | 性传播疾病(或称为STDs)正以空前的速度传播流行。 |
No doubt, there are several NGOs, which have already been doing laudable work in sexuality education for other groups. | 三十年的性革命造成的恶果正在显现。 |
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) were previously known as "venereal diseases." | 少数性传播疾病可通过性行为以外的方式传播,全部都可以通过亲密性行为经过体液交换传播。 |
This is a group of diseases that are passed from one person to another through sexual intercourse. | 我将讨论该问题的严重性,以及如果我们希望挽救大部分下一代免于性传播疾病导致的羞耻、不育甚至死亡必须采取的措施。 |
Some of them are curable if the treatment is started soon; while some being of virus origin are not curable. | 我所分享的信息取自德克萨斯州奥斯汀的性健康医学研究所。 |
Some limit locally, some mutilate the natural anatomy of the sex organs, while some spread throughout and destroy every organ in the body. | (1)全部统计信息来自著名的医学科学期刊。 |
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (or STDs) are at unprecedented and epidemic proportions. | 目前,大约有25种性传播疾病。 |
Thirty years of the sexual revolution is paying an ugly dividend. | 其中只有几种是致命的。 |
While a few STDs can be transmitted apart from sex acts, all are transmissible by the exchange of bodily fluids during intimate sexual contact. | 由于性传播疾病的传染性,许多女性生活在对未来的恐惧中。 |
The information I am about to share is from data gathered by the Medical Institute for Sexual Health out of Austin, Texas. | 据估计,在15至55岁的美国人中,每5名就有1名感染一种或多种性传播疾病,并且每年有1200万美国人新感染性传播疾病。 |
(1) All of these statistics are readily available from reputable medical and scientific journals. | 这些新感染的人群几乎占美国全部人口的5%,其中63%为25岁以下人群。 |
Today, there are approximately 25 STDs. | 这种大范围流行是近来的现象。 |
A few can be fatal. | 一些年轻人的父母可能有多个性伙伴,但相对处于安全状态。 |
Many women are living in fear of what their future may hold as a result of STD infection. | 他们可能就认为自己也不会患病。 |
It is estimated that 1 in 5 Americans between the ages of 15 and 55 are currently infected with one or more STDs, and 12 million Americans are newly infected each year. | 但是,其中大部分疾病在20到30年前并非遍地皆是。 |
This epidemic is a recent phenomenon. | 1960年之前,仅有两种重大性传播疾病:梅毒与淋病。 |
Some young people have parents who may have had multiple sexual partners with relative impunity. | 这两种用抗生素很容易即可治愈。 |
They may conclude that they too are safe from disease. | 在六七十年代,这种相对稳定的情况开始改变。 |
However, most of these diseases were not around 20 to 30 years ago. | 例如,1976年,衣原体在美国首次以增长数量出现。 |
Prior to 1960, there were only two significant sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis and gonorrhea. | 衣原体对女性尤其造成危险,现在是美国最常见的性传播疾病。 |
Both were easily treatable with antibiotics. | 1981年,鉴定出了人类免疫缺陷性病毒(HIV),这种病毒会导致艾滋病。 |
In the sixties and seventies this relatively stable situation began to change. | 1993年初期,美国感染艾滋病的人数在1百万到2百万之间,全世界感染人数达1200万,仅在美国的致死人数就超过16万。 |
For example, in 1976, chlamydia first appeared in increasing numbers in the United States. | 有3千万人口感染了疱疹,超过美国总人口的10%。 |
Chlamydia, particularly dangerous to women, is now the most common STD in the country. | 1985年,人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)数量开始增长。 |
Then in 1981, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the virus which causes AIDS, was identified. | 这种病毒会导致尖锐湿疣,并且通常会导致致命的癌症。 |
By early 1993, between 1 and 2 million Americans were infected with AIDS, over 12 million were infected worldwide, and over 160,000 had died in the U.S. alone. | 1990年,美国五十个州全部出现淋病的青霉素耐药菌株。 |
Over 10% of the total U.S. population, 30 million people, are infected with herpes. | 1992年,梅毒达到40来最高水平。 |
In 1985, human papilloma virus (HPV), began to increase. | 1993年,每年有100万女性新新感染盆腔炎(PIV),这通常由淋病或衣原体导致。 |
This virus will result in venereal warts and will often lead to deadly cancers. | 其中青少年患者有1.6万到2万之多。 |
In 1990, penicillin resistant-strains of gonorrhea were present in all fifty states. | 这种并发症会导致盆腔痛与不孕不育,并且这是除妊娠外导致育龄妇女住院的主要原因。 |
By 1992 syphilis was at a 40-year high. | 盆腔炎会造成输卵管受损,堵塞受精卵通道。 |
As of 1993, pelvic inflammatory disease (PIV), which is almost always caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia, was affecting 1 million new women each year. | 因此,受精卵无法到达子宫,增大的胚胎会造成输卵管破裂。 |
This includes 16,000 to 20,000 teenagers. | 到1990年,输卵管妊娠增长达400%,大部分由性传播疾病引起。 |
This complication causes pelvic pain and infertility and is the leading cause of hospitalization for women, apart from pregnancy, during the childbearing years. | 更糟糕的是,80%感染性传播疾病的人对此并不了解,会在不知情情况下传给他们的性伙伴。 |
Pelvic inflammatory disease can result in scarred fallopian tubes which block the passage of a fertilized egg. | 性传播疾病医学事实 |
The fertilized egg, therefore, cannot pass on to the uterus and the growing embryo will cause the tube to rupture. | 梅毒是一种严重的传染病。 |
By 1990, there was a 400% increase in tubal pregnancies, most of which were caused by STDs. | 感染初期,感染人员可能只是略感不适,认为这些轻微疼痛会在2到8周内消失。 |
Even worse is the fact that 80% of those infected with an STD don't know it and will unwittingly infect their next sexual partner. | 如果不加诊治,第二阶段和第三阶段会逐渐恶化,并最终导致脑、心脏与血管损伤。 |
The Medical Facts of STDs | 令人悲伤的是,青霉素可以100%治愈梅毒,但自从19世纪40年代开始,仍然有更多的梅毒患者,并且仍在快速传播。 |
Syphilis is a terrible infection. | 衣原体是一种19世纪70年代中期才开始常见的疾病,包括青少年在内的某些性活跃群体感染率达20%到40%。 |
In its first stage, the infected individual may be lulled into thinking there is little wrong since the small sore will disappear in 2 to 8 weeks. | 对于男性来说,衣原体通常比较轻微;而对于女性,感染的破坏性极大。 |
The saddest part is that syphilis is 100% curable with penicillin, yet there is now more syphilis than since the late 1940s, and it is spreading rapidly. | 女性的急性衣原体感染会导致疼痛、发烧,并损害女性生殖器官。 |
Chlamydia, a disease which only became common in the mid-1970s, infects 20 to 40% of some sexually active groups including teenagers. | 隐性感染会损害女性输卵管,而感染者可能毫无知觉。 |
In men, chlamydia is usually less serious; with females, however, the infection can be devastating. | 单一衣原体感染会导致25%的不育症。 |
An acute chlamydia infection in women will result in pain, fever, and damage to female organs. | 继发感染时,不育几率上升至50%。 |
A silent infection can damage a woman's fallopian tubes without her ever knowing it. | 风险性是淋病的两倍。 |
A single chlamydia infection can result in a 25% chance of infertility. | 人乳头瘤病毒(或称为HPV)是一种极其常见的性传播疾病。 |
With a second infection, the chance of infertility rises to 50%. | 一项研究报告称,加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的性行为活跃的女学生中,46%感染有HPV。 |
This is double the risk of gonorrhea. | 另一份研究称,13到21岁之间的性行为活跃的女性中,38%的人感染此病。 |
The human papilloma virus, or HPV, is an extremely common STD. | HPV是导致尖锐湿疣的主要原因;治疗非常困难,并且可能需要高昂的费用,比如采用激光外科手术。 |
One study reported that at the University of California, Berkeley, 46% of the sexually active coeds were infected with HPV. | 人乳头瘤病毒可导致前期癌症或者生殖器癌。 |
Another study reported that 38% of the sexually active females between the ages of 13 and 21 were infected. | 这种病毒会导致宫颈癌,是美国境内继艾滋病之后的第二大女性杀手,1991年因宫颈癌致死的女性有4600多名。 |
HPV is the major cause of venereal warts; it can be an extremely difficult problem to treat and may require expensive procedures such as laser surgery. | 感染多年后,虽然其它明显症状消失,HPV仍会导致性交疼痛。 |
The human papilloma virus can result in precancer or cancer of the genitalia. | 另外,当然还有导致艾滋病的人类免疫缺陷病毒(或称为HIV)。 |
By causing cancer of the cervix, this virus is killing more women in this country than AIDS, or over 4,600 women in 1991. | 最初几个艾滋病病例1981年才发现;现在,仅在美国,感染该病的人数就在1百万到2百万之间。 |
HPV can also result in painful intercourse for years after infection even though other visible signs of disease have disappeared. | 据我们所知,这些人在未来十年内都会死亡。 |
And of course there is the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. | 从1993年早期起,死亡人数已达16万。 |
The first few cases of AIDS were only discovered in 1981; now, in the U.S. alone, there are between 1 and 2 million infected with this disease. | 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校1991年的一份研究显示,由于任何原因在该大学健康中心抽血的学生中,每100名就有1名感染有HIV。 |
As far as we know, all of these people will die in the next ten years. | 这种疾病在许多人身上的发展是缓慢的,一经感染该病毒,则终身感染。 |
As of early 1993, 160,000 had already died. | 并且没有治愈方法,许多研究者开始对治愈甚至发现疫苗(就像最后对脊髓灰质炎那样)不再抱有希望。 |
A 1991 study at the University of Texas at Austin showed that 1 in 100 students who had blood drawn for any reason at the university health center was HIV infected. | 1992年,每75名男性里面就有1个感染HIV,每700名女性中有1名感染。 |
There is no cure, and many researchers are beginning to despair of ever coming up with a cure or even a vaccine (as was eventually done with polio). | 但是感染HIV的女性数量正在增加。 |
In 1992, 1 in 75 men was infected with HIV and 1 in 700 women. | 该病流行的早些年,仅有不到2%的艾滋病患者为女性。 |
But the number of women with AIDS is growing. | 现在,这一比例已上升至12%。 |
In the early years of the epidemic less than 2% of the AIDS cases were women. | 青少年感染性传播疾病的风险更大。 |
Now the percentage is 12%. | 青少年是性传播疾病或STDs的易感人群。 |
Teenagers Face a Greater Risk from STDs | 这一情况很让人担忧,因为与之前相比,更多的青少年为性活跃状态。 |
Teenagers are particularly susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. | 整个一代人正面临着风险,更可悲的是,他们大多对所面临的危险毫不知情。 |
This fact is alarming since more teens are sexually active today than ever before. | 必须向我们的青少年提供正确的信息,帮助他们认识到将性行为推迟到结婚是保持健康的唯一途径。 |
An entire generation is at risk and the saddest part about it is that most of them are unaware of the dangers they face. | 青少年对性传播疾病的高易感性的医学原因尤其与女性相关。 |
Our teenagers must be given the correct information to help them realize that saving themselves sexually until marriage is the only way to stay healthy. | 十几岁女孩子的宫颈有一个衬层,会分泌粘液,这正是细菌病毒生长的绝佳载体。 |
The medical reasons for teens' high susceptibility to STDs specifically relates to females. | 女孩达到20岁或生孩子后,该衬层会更加坚韧、抵抗力更强。 |
The cervix of a teenage girl has a lining which produces mucus that is a great growth medium for viruses and bacteria. | 另外,在月经的最初两年内,50%的月经是不排卵的。 |
As a girl reaches her 20s or has a baby, this lining is replaced with a tougher, more resistant lining. | 这会产生更多液体粘液,同样会滋生细菌病毒。 |
Also during the first two years of menstruation, 50% of the periods occur with-out ovulation. | 一名15岁女孩只要发生性行为,就有1/8的机会感染盆腔炎,而一名24岁的女性同样条件下感染几率仅为1/80. |
This will produce a more liquid mucus which also grows bacteria and viruses very well. | 对抗生素治疗盆腔炎不一定对青少年起作用,并且偶尔这种十几岁女孩需要进行子宫切除术。 |
A 15-year-old girl has a 1-in-8 chance of developing pelvic inflammatory disease simply by having sex, whereas a 24-year-old woman has only a 1- in-80 chance in that situation. | 青少年不育症也是一个日益严重的问题。 |
Teenagers do not always respond to antibiotic treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease, and occasionally such teenage girls require a hysterectomy. | 1965年,年龄在20到24岁之间的结婚夫妇仅有3.6%无生育能力;到1982年,这一数据几乎是原来的三倍,达10.6%。 |
Teenage infertility is also an increasing problem. | 随着衣原体惊人的传播速度,现在的不孕不育率远高于此。 |
In 1965, only 3.6% of the married couples between ages 20 and 24 were infertile; by 1982, that figure had nearly tripled to 10.6%. | 青少年同样易感染人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)。 |
The infertility rate is surely higher than that now with the alarming spread of chlamydia. | 青少年感染HPV的几率可以高达40%,而对于成年人,感染率则低于15%。 |
Teenagers are also more susceptible to human papilloma virus, HPV. | 相对于成年人,HPV感染后,青少年更容易形成癌症前期增长,也更容易患盆腔炎。 |
Rates of HPV infection in teenagers can be as high as 40%, whereas in the adult population, the rate is less than 15%. | 除了青少年患性传播疾病的风险增大外,青春期妊娠也达到了空前的水平,1985年,怀孕有1百万例,并有40万例流产。 |
Teenagers are also more likely than adults to develop precancerous growths as a result of HPV infection, and they are more likely to develop pelvic inflammatory disease. | 对任何人来说,流产都不利于健康,对青少年尤其不利。 |
Abortion is not a healthy procedure for anyone to undergo, especially a teenager. | 最好是不要怀孕。 |
It is far better to have not gotten pregnant. | 口服避孕药并不是很适用于青少年,因为她们容易忘记服药。 |
Oral contraceptives are not as effective with teenagers, mainly because teens are more apt to forget to take the pill. | 在一年之内,口服避孕药的十几岁女孩中,有9%到18%的怀孕。 |
Over a one-year period, as many as 9 to 18% of teenage girls using oral contraceptives become pregnant. | 我们青少年处于极大的风险当中。 |
Our teenagers are at great risk. | 在背弃了上天关于将健康有意义的性表现限制在婚内设计的社会内,需要告诉我们的孩子性传播疾病的危险性。 |
In a society that has abandoned God's design for healthy meaningful sexual expression within marriage, our children need to be told the truth about the dangers of STDs. | “安全性交”真的就是要找的答案吗? |
Is "Safe Sex" Really the Answer? | 如今我们必须认真审视那些通过全国媒体向在校青少年传授的有关“安全性交”的相关知识。 |
I must now take a hard look at the message of "safe sex" which is being taught to teens at school and through the media across the country. | 一些人认为,如果青少年可以学会如何有效地使用避孕法和避孕套,那他们发生怀孕和性病感染的机率就会显著降低。 |
But the statistics and common sense tell us otherwise. | 但统计数据和常识告诉我们,事实并非如此。 |
At Rutgers University, the rates of infection of students with STD varied little with the form of contraception used. | 在罗格斯大学,学生感染性病的机率与所采取的避孕措施并无很大关联。 |
For example, 35 to 44% of the sexually active students were infected with one or more STDs whether they used no contraceptive, oral contraceptive, the diaphragm, or condoms. | 例如,发生过性行为的学生中,无论他们未采取避孕措施还是用口服避孕药,使用隔膜、避孕套方法避孕,都会有35% — 44% 的人感染一种或一种以上的性病。 |
Will condoms prevent HIV infection, the virus that causes AIDS? | 值得注意的是,有关“安全性交”的相关知识几乎未起到预防性病的作用。 |
While it is better than nothing, the bottom line is that condoms cannot be trusted. | 避孕套能够完全阻挡引发艾滋病(AIDS)的HIV病毒感染吗? |
A study from Florida looked at couples where one individual was HIV positive and the other was negative. | 虽然有总比什么也没有要好,但事实真相是,不能完全信任避孕套的作用。 |
They used condoms as protection during intercourse. | 佛罗里达州的一项研究中,对那些其中一人HIV检测表现为阳性而另一人表现为阴性的夫妇进行测试,让他们在性交时使用避孕套用以保护。 |
Obviously these couples would be highly motivated to use the condoms properly, yet after 18 months, 17% of the previously uninfected partners were now HIV positive. | 显然这些夫妇会积极而正确地使用避孕套,但在18个月之后,仍有17%的先前未感染一方被检出HIV阳性。 |
That is a one-in-six chance, the same as in Russian roulette. | 这一概率与俄罗斯轮盘相似,接近六分之一,几率可不低! |
Not good odds! | 甚至对于设计避孕套的本来目的——预防怀孕,避孕套也不提供100%的防护。 |
Condoms do not even provide 100% protection for the purpose for which they were designed: prevention of pregnancy. | 一项由宾夕法尼亚大学医学院计划生育诊所提供的研究报告说,有25%的夫妻试图使用避孕套一年以上作为避孕措施。 |
One study from the School of Medicine Family Planning Clinic at the University of Pennsylvania reported that 25% of patients using condoms as birth control conceived over a one-year period. | 其他的研究也表明,使用避孕套避孕的已婚夫妇,意外怀孕的机率大约15%,而未婚情侣的这一几率约为36%。 |
Condoms are inherently untrustworthy. | 从根本上讲,避孕套是靠不住的。 |
The FDA allows one in 250 to be defective. | 美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)所允许的这一缺陷率为二百五十分之一。 |
Condoms are often stored and shipped at unsafe temperatures which weakens the integrity of the latex rubber causing breaks and ruptures. | 避孕套的存储和装运经常在不安全的温度下进行,这就削弱了乳胶橡胶的完整性而造成避孕套的破坏和破裂。 |
Condoms will break 8% of the time and slip off 7% of the time. | 避孕套有8%的几率破裂,另有7%的几率滑落,在其使用中有太多的陷阱,你不能指望不成熟的青少年正确地使用它们。 |
There are just so many pitfalls in condom use that you just can't expect immature teenagers to use them properly. | 即使他们能正确使用,仍然会处于危险之中。 |
And even if they do, they are still at risk. | 大量研究结果开始显示出,基于学校教育的,包括以如何使用避孕套为主要知识的性教育很少或并未发挥其作用。 |
Studies are beginning to show that school-based sex education that includes condom use as the central message does not work. | 一项刊登在核心儿科杂志中的研究得出如下结论,“现有的证据表明,基于学校教育的性教育对性行为、避孕或青少年怀孕现象很少或没有产生影响”。 |
Over $3 billion dollars has been spent on sex- education programs emphasizing condoms with little or no effect! | (2)这一研究对政府强化使用避孕套避孕的措施进行了评估。 |
Hardly the desired result! | 超过30亿美元被用于该项性教育项目,几乎或根本没有收到效果! |
The list of damages from unmarried adolescent sexual activity is long indeed. | 此外,该项强化使用避孕套的项目往往会给那些有性行为的学生一种错误的安全感,也使那些未进行性交的学生感觉异常。 |
Apart from the threat to physical health and fertility, there is damage to family relationships, self-confidence and emotional health, spiritual health, and future economic opportunities due to unplanned pregnancy. | 这些都不是我们所期望的结果! |
Condom-based sex-education does not work. | 未婚青少年性行为的危害确实很多。 |
Saving Sex for Marriage is the Common Sense Solution. | 除了危害身体健康和生育力外, 意外怀孕还会有损家庭关系、自信和情绪健康,精神健康以及未来的经济机会。 |
I have been discussing the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases that is running rampant in this country and around the world. | 基于安全套使用的性教育并未起到作用。 |
Diseases such as chlamydia, human papilloma virus, herpes, hepatitis B, trichomonas, pelvic inflammatory disease, and AIDS have joined syphilis and gonorrhea in just the last 30 years. | 通常的解决方案是减少婚前性行为。 |
There is no question that the fruits of the sexual revolution, or sexual convulsion as one author put it, have been devastating. | 上文中我一直在探讨如今在我国及世界各地泛滥成灾的性传播疾病,如衣原体病、人类乳头状瘤病毒病、疱疹、乙型肝炎、滴虫病、盆腔炎及艾滋病等,近30年又加入了梅毒和淋病。 |
There is only one message that offers health, hope, and joy to today's teenagers. | 毫无疑问,作为一名作者将它们算作性革命或性解放的成果是毁灭性的。 |
We need to teach single people to save intercourse for marriage. | 我还展示了为什么我们的青少年比起成年人面临更大的性传播疾病风险,是因为基于安全套使用的性教育是无效和具有误导性的。 |
Sex is a wonderful gift, but if uncontrolled, it has a great capacity for evil as well as good. | 为现今的青少年提供健康、希望和快乐唯一的途径就是教会单身的人们减少婚前性行为。 |
Our bodies were not made to have multiple sex partners. | 性是一件美妙的事物,但如果失去控制,它也将具有与其美妙之处同等强大的邪恶力量。 |
Almost all risk of STD and out of wedlock pregnancy can be avoided by saving intercourse for marriage. | 我们的身体并不适合同时拥有多个性伴侣。 |
And it can be done. | 减少婚前性行为几乎可以避免所有性病和婚外怀孕的风险,相信这点是可以做到的。 |
Statistics show clearly that in schools that teach a sex education program that emphasizes saving intercourse for marriage, the teen pregnancy rate drops dramatically in as little as one year. | 在开设了关于减少婚前性行为的性教育课程的学校里,统计数据明显显示出,青少年怀孕率在短短的一年中迅速下降。 |
Before using the program there were 147 pregnancies out of 600 girls. | 加利福尼亚州圣马科斯的一所高中推行了一项联邦政府资助的计划(“青少年援助计划”),该计划强调婚前控制性行为。 |
Within two years, the number of pregnancies plummeted to 20 out of 600 girls. | 在推行该计划前,该校600名女孩中有147名曾经怀孕,推行计划两年内,这一数字直线下降到20人。 |
(3) In Jessup, Georgia, upon instituting the "Sex Respect" program, the number of pregnancies out of 340 female students dropped from 17 to 13 to 11 to 3 in successive years. | (3)在在乔治亚州的杰塞普建立“性尊重”计划后, 接下来连续几年中,340名女学生中怀孕的人数从17人下降13人再降到11人,最后降到3人。 |
Delaying intercourse until teens are older is not a naive proposal. | 推迟性交直到成年并非一个天真的提议。 |
Over 50% of the females and 40% of the males ages 15 to 19 have not had intercourse. | 超过50%的女性和40%的男性在15到19岁阶段没有性生活。 |
While not a majority, they are living proof that teens can control their sexual desires. | 虽然还不是大多数,但他们是活生生的例子,说明青少年可以控制自己的性欲望。 |
Current condom-based sex-education programs basically teach teenagers that they cannot control their sexual desires, and that they must use condoms to protect themselves. | 当前基于避孕套使用的性教育项目基本上是教导青少年:他们不能控制自己的性欲望,所以必须使用安全套来保护自己。 |
This is not the right message for our teenagers! | 如果青少年无法控制自己的性欲望,也就无法控制仇恨、贪婪、愤怒和偏见。 |
Teenagers are willing to discipline themselves for things they want and desire and are convinced are beneficial. | 这传达给青少年的并非正确信息! |
Girls get up early for drill team practice. | 青少年愿意约束自身的需求和欲望确实是有益的。 |
Boys train in the off-season with weights to get stronger for athletic competition. | 女生早起进行操典队训练。 |
Our teens can also be disciplined in their sexual lives if they have the right information to make logical choices. | 男生在比赛淡季进行负重练习已达到参加体育比赛时变得更强壮的目的。 |
Saving sex for marriage is the common sense solution. | 只要接受正确的信息并做出正确的选择,我们的青少年也能对性生活进行自律。 |
In fact, it is the only solution. | 减少婚前性行为是常见的解决方案,事实上也是唯一的解决方案。 |
We don't hesitate to tell our kids not to use drugs, and most don't. | 我们毫不犹豫地告诉我们的孩子不能吸食毒品,结果大多数孩子都没有吸食。 |
We tell our kids it's unhealthy to smoke, and most do not. | 我们告诉孩子吸烟是不健康的, 大多数孩子没有吸烟。 |
We tell our kids not to use marijuana, and most do not. | 我们告诉我们的孩子不要沾染大麻, 大多数孩子没有沾染。 |
It is normal and healthy not to have sex until marriage. | 婚前不发生性行为这一做法是健康而正常的。 |
Sexually transmitted diseases are so common that it is not an exaggeration to say that most people who regularly have sex outside of marriage will contract a sexually transmitted disease. | 性传播疾病是如此常见,毫不夸张地说,经常有婚外性行为的人中大多数会接触到一种性传播疾病。 |
Not only is saving sex for marriage the only real hope for sexual health, it is God's design. | 减少婚前性行为是促成性健康的唯一真正希望,这是上帝的设计。 |
God has said that our sexuality is to blossom within the confines of a mutually faithful monogamous relationship. | 上帝说,我们的性欲是在互相忠实的一夫一妻关系内所绽放出的花朵。 |
What we are seeing today is the natural consequence of disobedience. | 如今,我们看到的是对这一自然结果的违背。 |
We need to reeducate our kids not just in what is best, but in what is right. | 我们需要重新教育孩子,不仅告诉他们什么是最好的,也应告诉他们什么是正确的。 |
Muestra de traducción Bus/Financial
Bus/Financial Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
Are We There Yet? | 经济复苏之路还有多远? |
America’s recovery will be much slower than that from most recessions; but the government can help a bit. | 与以往经济回暖相比,此次复苏更加举步维艰,只能期望政府力挽狂澜。 |
“WHITHER goest thou, America?” | “美国将驶向何方?”垮掉的一代的代表人物杰克•凯鲁亚克半个世纪前提出的这个问题,是笼罩在当前全球经济上方的最大疑云。 |
That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy. | 这一疑问同样困扰着美国民众,他们即将参加11月2日议会中期选举,而国家失业率仍紧紧维持在1/10左右。 |
And it reflects the foremost worry for American voters, who go to the polls for the congressional mid-term elections on November 2nd with the country’s unemployment rate stubbornly stuck at nearly one in ten. | 民众必须勒紧裤腰带,准备艰难度日。 |
They should prepare themselves for a long, hard ride. | 1930年以来最为严重的大萧条在一年前结束了,而复苏却迟迟不见成效,在今年初更是急剧滑坡。 |
The most wrenching recession since the 1930s ended a year ago. | 第二季度的年GDP勉强增长1.6%后,就开始停滞不前。 |
But the recovery—none too powerful to begin with—slowed sharply earlier this year. | 临时性的购房税收激励政策过期后,房地产市场大幅下滑。 |
GDP grew by a feeble 1.6% at an annual pace in the second quarter, and seems to have been stuck somewhere similar since. | 由于为个人提供的职位少之又少,失业率很可能会继续攀升。 |
The housing market slumped after temporary tax incentives to buy a home expired. | 如果继续下降,美国经济会滑回萧条状态,这一恐慌在今年夏季蔓延开来。 |
So few private jobs were being created that unemployment looked more likely to rise than fall. | 值得庆幸的是,上述担心似乎被夸大了。 |
Fears grew over the summer that if this deceleration continued, America’s economy would slip back into recession. | 第二季度GDP走低很可能是由于从中国的进口短暂性激增导致的。 |
Fortunately, those worries now seem exaggerated. | 最新统计数据显示,八月份的零售业的繁荣以及申领失业救济人数的下降都表明经济虽依然疲软,但已不再继续下滑。 |
Part of the weakness of second-quarter GDP was probably because of a temporary surge in imports from China. | 历史证明,复苏初期经济往往有一两个季度的摇摆,但很少恶化为萧条。 |
The latest statistics, from reasonably good retail sales in August to falling claims for unemployment benefits, point to an economy that, though still weak, is not slumping further. | 目前,美国经济很可能会以2.5%的增长率缓慢前行:虽然高于零增长,但不会对失业率造成太大影响。 |
And history suggests that although nascent recoveries often wobble for a quarter or two, they rarely relapse into recession. | 参考美国以往萧条后的经济反弹,为何此次前景如此黯淡? |
For now, it is most likely that America’s economy will crawl along with growth at perhaps 2.5%: above stall speed, but far too slow to make much difference to the jobless rate. | 这是因为过去萧条大多是由于实施从紧的货币政策引发的。 |
Why, given that America usually rebounds from recession, are the prospects so bleak? | 政策放松后,需求即会反弹。 |
That’s because most past recessions have been caused by tight monetary policy. | 而此次萧条是由金融危机引起的。 |
When policy is loosened, demand rebounds. | 由于银行制度修订以及资产负债表重建,金融危机后的复苏通常是疲软而缓慢的。 |
This recession was the result of a financial crisis. | 这一减债周期大约持续七年,意味着美国到2014年才能脱离这一时期。 |
Recoveries after financial crises are normally weak and slow as banking systems are repaired and balance-sheets rebuilt. | 通过一些措施,各家庭通常可以较快缓解其债务负担。 |
Typically, this period of debt reduction lasts around seven years, which means America would emerge from it in 2014. | 但即便是乐观的分析师,也无法认同此过程已行将过半的说法。 |
By some measures, households are reducing their debt burdens unusually fast, but even optimistic seers do not think the process is much more than half over. | 美国内部两党之争 |
Battling on the bus | 美国面临的最大问题是,政客们尚未认清目前经济不可避免地要经历一个漫长而缓慢的艰难时期,更不要指望他们能防患于未然。 |
America’s biggest problem is that its politicians have yet to acknowledge that the economy is in for such a long, slow haul, let alone prepare for the consequences. | 为数不多的有魄力的官员已经开始发出警报,即失业率很可能“居高不下”。 |
A few brave officials are beginning to sound warnings that the jobless rate is likely to “stay high”. | 但是政治争论更多是指责萧条本身,而非提出建设性的方法以刺激复苏。 |
But the political debate is more about assigning blame for the recession than about suggesting imaginative ways to give more oomph to the recovery. | 共和党宣称奥巴马向“大政府”的转移导致了经济不景气,而高失业率则证明经济刺激未见成效。 |
Republicans argue that Barack Obama’s shift towards “big government” explains the economy’s weakness, and that high unemployment is proof that fiscal stimulus was a bad idea. | 事实上,到目前为止,行政成本的增加大多是暂时性的,也是不可避免的。 |
In fact, most of the growth in government to date has been temporary and unavoidable; the longer-run growth in government is more modest, and reflects the policies of both Mr Obama and his predecessor. | 行政成本的长期增长更加稳健,这点反映了奥巴马总统及其前任的政策。 |
And the notion that high joblessness “proves” that stimulus failed is simply wrong. | 认为高失业率“证明了”刺激计划失败的想法是完全错误的。 |
The mechanics of a financial bust suggest that without a fiscal boost the recession would have been much worse. | 经济衰退机制表明如不采取财政政策萧条会更加严重。 |
Democrats have their own class-warfare version of the blame game, in which Wall Street’s excesses caused the problem and higher taxes on high-earners are part of the solution. | 民主党对于谴责游戏有着自己的阶级斗争版本,他们认为华尔街的过当行为导致了这一问题,对高收入者征收较高税费一定程度能解决这一问题。 |
This takes an unnecessary risk with the short-term recovery. | 这也解释了奥巴马总统在中期选举前采取立法优先,以确保布什针对于收入超过$250,000的购房者的减税政策能在年底前失效,进而将这一优惠政策扩展到其他人。 |
America’s experience in 1937 and Japan’s in 1997 are powerful evidence that ill-timed tax rises can tip weak economies back into recession. | 这一举措给短期复苏带来了不必要的风险。 |
Higher taxes at the top, along with the waning of fiscal stimulus and belt-tightening by the states, will make a weak growth rate weaker still. | 美国在1937年和日本在1997年的经验有力地证明了不合时宜地增加税收会将脆弱的经济拖回萧条状态。 |
Less noticed is that Mr. Obama’s fiscal plan will also worsen the medium-term budget mess, by making tax cuts for the middle class permanent. | 对上层收取高额税费、经济刺激警报以及全民勒紧裤腰带的做法,都会使脆弱的经济雪上加霜。 |
Ways to overhaul the engine | 奥巴马总统为中产阶级永久性减税的措施将会使中期预算事务乱作一团,而这点尚未引起足够注意。 |
In an ideal world America would commit itself now to the medium-term tax reforms and spending cuts needed to get a grip on the budget, while leaving room to keep fiscal policy loose for the moment. | 加快经济复苏的途径 |
But in febrile, partisan Washington that is a pipe-dream. | 理想状态下,美国应该全力进行中期税费改革,消减开支以控制预算,为保持当前的宽松财政政策留下余地。 |
Today’s goals can only be more modest: to nurture the weak economy, minimize uncertainty and prepare the ground for tomorrow’s fiscal debate. | 但是在狂热偏执的华盛顿,这无异于白日做梦。 |
To that end, Congress ought to extend all the Bush tax cuts until 2013. | 当前只能设定相对保守的目标:扶持低迷的经济、最大限度的降低不确定性,为日后财政争端辩论提供依据。 |
Then they should all expire—prompting a serious fiscal overhaul, at a time when the economy is stronger. | 为了实现这点,国会应当继续将布什减税政策推行到2013年,随后再全部作废,在经济稍强劲的时候进行彻底的财政改革。 |
A broader set of policies could help to work off the hangover faster. | 更宽泛的政策有助于更快地收拾残局。 |
One priority is to encourage more write-downs of mortgage debt. | 首先是鼓励按揭贷款资产减值。 |
Almost a quarter of all Americans with mortgages owe more than their houses are worth. | 约有四分之一按揭的美国人欠款超过所购房屋的实际价值。 |
Until that changes the vicious cycle of rising foreclosures and falling prices will continue. | 不改变这一情况,房产收回持续攀升、房价连续下降的恶性循环将继续。 |
There are plenty of ideas on offer, from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans. | 有许多方案可供选择,变更破产法让法官可以调整按揭贷款结构,或授权专门信托机构受理资产减值。 |
They all have drawbacks, but a fetid pool of underwater mortgages will, much like Japan’s loans to zombie firms, corrode the financial system and harm the recovery. | 以上渠道都有不足之处,就像日本贷款给僵尸公司,坏死的房贷将侵蚀经济体系,阻碍经济复苏。 |
Cleaning up the housing market would help cut America’s unemployment rate, by making it easier for people to move to where jobs are. | 清理房地产市场有助于人口向就业地流动,从而降低美国的失业率。 |
But more must be done to stop high joblessness becoming entrenched. | 势在必行的是必须采取措施降低高失业率。 |
Payroll-tax cuts and credits to reduce the cost of hiring would help. | 消减工资税和降低聘用成本的贷款可能会有所帮助。 |
(The health-care reform, alas, does the opposite, at least for small businesses.) | (不幸的是,至少对小型企业来说,医疗保健改革所起的作用恰好是背道而驰的。 |
Politicians will also have to think harder about training schemes, because some workers lack the skills that new jobs require. | )由于许多工人缺乏适应新工作的必要技能,政治家们还必须考虑制定培训计划。 |
Americans are used to great distances. | 美国人早已习惯持久战。 |
The sooner they, and their politicians, accept that the road to recovery will be a long one, the faster they will get there. | 美国民众及其政治家们早日接受经济复苏是漫长之路这一事实,离真正的复苏也就不远了。 |
Muestra de traducción Marketing
Marketing Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
* * * A CREATIVE GAME FOR KIDS AGE 3 AND ABOVE! | ***本创意游戏适合3岁及以上儿童! |
* * * | *** |
- Nine types of cakes and cookies to choose from! | -有9类饼干和糕点可供选择! |
- New colors for the tableware every time! | -餐具颜色每次都有变化! |
- Fun sounds when your guests eat! | -客人用餐时伴随着美妙的音乐! |
- Clean up after cheeky guests that spill! | -如果某些客人弄洒了,可以马上清理干净! |
- Finish by putting everything in the dishes! | -把所有东西收到托盘里即可结束! |
- Beautiful hand-drawn graphics! | -精美的手绘图形! |
- Kid-friendly interface! | -专为儿童设计的界面! |
- NO IN-APP PURCHASES | -不会产生应用内购买 |
HOW TO PLAY | 游戏玩法 |
- Choose a table cloth, plates and cups by dragging with your finger | -用手指拖动,选好桌布及杯盘 |
- Pick out your three favorite cakes and cookies | -选取您最爱吃的三款糕点和饼干 |
- Get some toys or dolls and set them up around the iPad | -取一些玩具或洋娃娃围坐在iPad旁边 |
- Eat and drink with your finger until there’s only crumbs left | -用手指点动,开始吃喝,直到只剩下一点面包屑。 |
- Put everything in the dishes and play all over again | -将所有东西收到托盘里,重新再玩 |
Choose between many beautiful table cloths, plates, cups and glasses as you set your table. | 选择精美的桌布、杯碟布置好餐桌。 |
Is your teddy bear or plastic dinosaur in the mood for some cookies? | 你的泰迪熊或塑料恐龙是否想来点糕点呢? |
Go to your room and grab them! | 回房间把他们请过来! |
Then simply put them around the iPad, and let them choose between nine tasty cakes and the choice of tea or juice. | 让它们围在iPad旁边,从九款糕点中选择它们爱吃的,它们还可以喝茶或者果汁。 |
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9 años.
- 2008 MA/MS en Dalian University
- 2005 BS/BSc en Hebei Normal University
- Translators Association of China (Miembro desde: 2013)
disponible Hoy
January 2025
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