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English to Norwegian Bokmål
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Muestra de traducción Psychology
Psychology Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Lithuanian) |
Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. | Psichologija yra elgesio ir proto studija, apimanti visus sąmoningos ir nesąmoningos patirties bei minčių aspektus. |
It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases. | Tai yra akademinė disciplina ir taikomasis mokslas, siekiantis suprasti asmenis ir grupes, nustatant bendrus principus ir tiriant konkrečius atvejus. |
In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist and can be classified as a social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. | Šioje srityje profesionalus praktikuotojas arba mokslininkas yra vadinamas psichologu ir gali būti klasifikuojamas kaip socialinis, elgesio arba kognityvinis mokslininkas. |
Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and biological processes that underlie cognitive functions and behaviors. | Psichologai bando suprasti psichinių funkcijų vaidmenį individualiame ir socialiniame elgesyje, tuo pačiu metu tyrinėdami fiziologinius ir biologinius procesus, kuriais grindžiamos pažinimo funkcijos ir elgesys. |
Psychologists explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, intelligence, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships, including psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas. | Psichologai tyrinėja tokias sąvokas kaip suvokimas, pažinimas, dėmesys, emocijos, intelektas, fenomenologija, motyvacija, smegenų veikla, asmenybė, elgesys ir tarpasmeninius santykius, įskaitant psichologinį atsparumą, šeimos atsparumą ir kitas sritis. |
Psychologists of diverse orientations also consider the unconscious mind. | Skirtingų sričių psichologai taip pat atsižvelgia į nesąmoningą protą. |
Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. | Psichologai pasitelkia empirinius metodus, siekdami nustatyti priežastinius ir koreliacinius ryšius tarp psichosocialinių kintamųjų. |
In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, some—especially clinical and counseling psychologists—at times rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques. | Pritariant arba prieštaraujant empirinių ir dedukcinių metodų pasitelkimui, kai kurie – ypač klinikiniai ir konsultaciniai psichologai – kartais remiasi simbolinėmis interpretacijomis ir kitomis indukcinėmis technikomis. |
Psychology has been described as a "hub science", with psychological findings linking to research and perspectives from the social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, humanities, and philosophy. | Psichologija buvo apibūdinta kaip „centro mokslas“, jungiantis psichologinius radinius su tyrimais ir perspektyvomis iš socialinių mokslų, gamtos mokslų, medicinos, humanitarinių mokslų ir filosofijos. |
Muestra de traducción Psychology
Psychology Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Norwegian Bokmål) |
Psychology is the study of behavior and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. | Psykologi er studiet av atferd og sinn, som omfavner alle aspekter av bevisste og ubevisste opplevelser samt tanker. |
It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by establishing general principles and researching specific cases. | Det er en akademisk disiplin og anvendt vitenskap som søker å forstå individer og grupper ved å etablere generelle prinsipper og forske på spesifikke tilfeller. |
In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist and can be classified as a social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. | I dette feltet kalles en profesjonell utøver eller forsker psykolog og kan klassifiseres som sosial-, atferds- eller kognitivforsker. |
Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and biological processes that underlie cognitive functions and behaviors. | Psykologer forsøker å forstå rollen til mentale funksjoner i individuell og sosial atferd, mens de også utforsker fysiologiske og biologiske prosesser som ligger til grunn for kognitive funksjoner og atferd. |
Psychologists explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotion, intelligence, phenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships, including psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas. | Psykologer kan utforske konsepter som persepsjon, kognisjon, oppmerksomhet, følelser, intelligens, fenomenologi, motivasjon, hjernefunksjon, personlighet, atferd og mellommenneskelige relasjoner, inkludert psykologisk motstandskraft, familiemotstandskraft og andre områder. |
Psychologists of diverse orientations also consider the unconscious mind. | Psykologer med ulike tilnærminger vurderer også det ubevisste sinnet. |
Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. | Psykologer anvender empiriske metoder for å utlede årsaks- og korrelasjonssammenhenger mellom psykososiale variabler. |
In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, some—especially clinical and counseling psychologists—at times rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques. | I tillegg, eller i motsetning til å anvende empiriske og deduktive metoder, stoler noen—spesielt kliniske- og rådgivningspsykologer—til tider på symbolisk tolkning og andre induktive teknikker. |
Psychology has been described as a "hub science", with psychological findings linking to research and perspectives from the social sciences, natural sciences, medicine, humanities, and philosophy. | Psykologi har blitt beskrevet som en 'navvitenskap', med psykologiske funn som kobler til forskning og perspektiver fra samfunnsvitenskap, naturvitenskap, medisin, humaniora og filosofi. |
Muestra de traducción Vaccination
Vaccination Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Lithuanian) |
A vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. | Skiepas yra biologinis preparatas, kuris suteikia aktyvų įgytą imunitetą nuo atitinkamos ligos. |
A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. | Įprastai skiepų sudėtyje yra agentas, kuris primena ligą sukeliantį mikroorganizmą ir dažniausiai yra pagamintas iš susilpnintų arba nužudytų mikrobo formų, jo toksinų arba paviršinių baltymų. |
The agent stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as a threat, destroy it, and recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms that it later encounters. | Agentas stimuliuoja imuninę sistemą, kad organizmas atpažintų agentą kaip grėsmę, sunaikintų jį ir atpažintų bei sunaikintų bet kokius šio tipo mikroorganizmus, su kuriais susidurs vėliau. |
Vaccines can be prophylactic (example: to prevent or ameliorate the effects of a future infection by a natural or "wild" pathogen), or therapeutic (e.g., vaccines against cancer are being investigated). | Skiepai gali būti profilaktiniai (pavyzdžiui, siekiant užkirsti kelią arba palengvinti natūralaus arba „laukinio“ patogeno ateityje sukeltos infekcijos padarinius), arba gydomieji (pvz., priešvėžiniai skiepai yra tiriami). |
The effectiveness of vaccination has been widely studied and verified; for example, the influenza vaccine, the HPV vaccine, and the chicken pox vaccine. | Skiepų efektyvumas yra plačiai studijuotas ir patikrintas; pavyzdžiui, gripo skiepas, ŽPV skiepas, ir vėjaraupių skiepas. |
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that licensed vaccines are currently available for twenty-five different preventable infections. | Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija (PSO) praneša, kad šiuo metu yra licencijuotų vakcinų nuo dvidešimt penkių skirtingų, išvengiamų infekcijų. |
The administration of vaccines is called vaccination. | Vakcinų skyrimas yra vadinamas vakcinacija. |
Vaccination is the most effective method of preventing infectious diseases; widespread immunity due to vaccination is largely responsible for the worldwide eradication of smallpox and the restriction of diseases such as polio, measles, and tetanus from much of the world. | Vakcinacija yra efektyviausias būdas siekiant užkirsti kelią infekcinėms ligoms; plačiai paplitęs atsparumas, atsirandantis dėl vakcinacijos, yra didžia dalimi atsakingas už pasaulinį raupų išnaikinimą ir ligų, tokių kaip poliomielitas, tymai ir stabligė, apribojimą didžiojoje pasaulio dalyje. |
Most vaccines are given by hypodermic injection as they are not absorbed reliably through the intestines. | Dauguma skiepų yra suleidžiami poodinės injekcijos būdu, nes jie nėra patikimai absorbuojami per žarnyną. |
Live attenuated polio, some typhoid, and some cholera vaccines are given orally to produce immunity in the bowel. | Gyvo, susilpninto poliomielito, taip pat kai kurios vidurių šiltinės ir choleros vakcinos yra skiriamos per burną, siekiant sukurti imunitetą žarnyne. |
While vaccination provides a lasting effect, it usually takes several weeks to develop, while passive immunity (the transfer of antibodies) has immediate effect. | Nors vakcinacija suteikia ilgalaikį poveikį, jos poveikis gali išsivystyti per keletą savaičių, tuo tarpu pasyvusis imunitetas (antikūnų pernešimas) veikia nedelsiant. |
Muestra de traducción Information security/ Hacking
Information security/ Hacking Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Norwegian Bokmål) |
The term hack has several related meanings in the technology and computer science fields. | Begrepet "hack" har flere relaterte betydninger innen teknologi og informatikk. |
It may refer to a clever or quick fix to a computer program problem, or to what may be perceived to be a clumsy or inelegant (but usually relatively quick) solution to a problem. | Det kan referere til en smart eller rask fiks av et problem i et dataprogram, eller det som kan anses å være en klumsete eller uelegant (men vanligvis relativt rask) løsning på et problem. |
The term is also used to refer to a modification of a program or device to give the user access to features that were otherwise unavailable. | Begrepet blir også brukt for å referere til modifisering av et program eller en enhet for å gi brukeren tilgang til funksjoner som ellers er utilgjengelige. |
Most networks start off with poor security. | De fleste nettverk starter med dårlig sikkerhet. |
But over time, with patches, network security does increase. | Men over tid, med patcher, øker nettverkssikkerheten. |
At this point, a hacker that has gotten use of a certain system may be lose their additional access for a while. | På dette tidspunktet kan en angriper som har fått tilgang til et bestemt system, miste tilgangen til andre systemer for en stund. |
But usual the hacker goes on to find new holes. | Men vanligvis fortsetter hackeren med å finne nye hull. |
There is only so much an admin can disable on your computer before it becomes no use to anyone. | Det er bare så mye en admin kan deaktivere på datamaskinen din før den ikke lenger kan brukes av noen. |
To get access to a network, a hacker can use whatever programs are on a computer. | For å få tilgang til et nettverk kan en hacker bruke hvilke som helst programmer på en datamaskin. |
. If you are a student then you will undoubtedly have programs that aid in study, such as Notepad, MS Word, PowerPoint and others. | Hvis du er student, da har du uten tvil programmer som hjelper deg i studiene, som Notepad, MS Word, PowerPoint og andre. |
All these programs can be used to the hackers advantage. | Alle disse programmene kan brukes til hackerens fordel. |
On this page of the book we will discuss how educational computers are hacked to take access of student files and data. | På denne siden av boka skal vi diskutere hvordan skole-PC-er kan bli hacket for å få tilgang til studentfiler og informasjon. |
By knowing these hacks, administrators and teachers will be better able to spot when students are hacking into networks. | Ved å kjenne til disse hackene vil administratorer og lærere bli flinkere til å oppdage når studentene hacker seg inn i nettverkene. |
Muestra de traducción Password security
Password security Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Norwegian Bokmål) |
Users re-use passwords for multiple services. | Brukere gjenbruker passord på flere tjenester. |
If an attacker gains access to one server and can gain a list of passwords, he may be able to use this password to attack other services. | Hvis en angriper får tilgang til en server og kan få tak i en passordliste, kan han også bruke denne passordlisten til å angripe andre tjenester. |
Therefore, only password hashes may be stored. | Derfor er det kun passordhasher som bør oppbevares. |
Secure hashing algorithms are easy to use in most languages and ensure the original password cannot be easily recovered and that wrong passwords are not falsely accepted. | Sikre hashalgoritmer kan enkelt brukes i de fleste programmeringsspråk og sikrer at det opprinnelige passordet ikke kan enkelt gjennoprettes, samt at feil passord ikke blir feilaktig godtatt. |
Adding salts to the password hashes prevents the use of rainbow tables and significantly slows down brute-force attempts. | Å legge til salt i passordhashene hindrer bruken av regnbuetabeller og reduserer hastigheten på brute-force-forsøk betraktelig. |
Strengthening slows both off-line brute-force attacks against stolen hashes and on-line brute-force in case the rate limiting fails. | Forsterkning reduserer hastigheten på både off-line brute-force-angrep mot stjålne passordhasher og on-line brute-force-angrep, i tilfelle ratebegrensningen svikter. |
However, it increases CPU load on the server and would open a vector for DDoS attacks if not prevented with login attempt limiting. | Likevel øker det CPU-belastningen på serveren og kan åpne en vektor for DDoS-angrep dersom det ikke forebygges med begrensning av påloggingsforsøk |
A good strengthening can slow down off-line brute-force attacks down by a factor of 10000 or more. | En god forsterkning kan redusere hastigheten på off-line brute-force-angrep med en faktor på 10000 eller mer. |
Limiting login attempts is necessary to prevent on-line brute-force attacks and DoS via the CPU usage of the password strengthening procedure. | Det er nødvendig å begrense påloggingsforsøk for å forhindre on-line brute-force-angrep og DoS-angrep gjennom CPU-bruken i passordforsterkningsprosedyren. |
Without a limit, an attacker can try a very large number of passwords directly against the server. | Uten begrensning kan en angriper forsøke et stort antall passord direkte mot serveren. |
Assuming 100 attempts per second, which is reasonable for a normal web server, no significant strengthening and an attacker working with multiple threads, this would result in 259,200,000 passwords tried in a single month! | Forutsatt 100 forsøk per sekund, noe som er rimelig for en normal webserver uten betydelig forsterkning, og en angriper som jobber med flere tråder, ville dette resultere i 259 200 000 forsøk på passord i løpet av én måned! |
Not enforcing any password policies will lead to too many users choosing “123456”, “qwerty” or “password” as their password, opening the system up for attack. | Å ikke håndheve passordpolicyer vil føre til at altfor mange brukere velger "123456", "qwerty" eller "password" som passord, og dermed åpner systemet for angrep. |
Enforcing too strict password policies will force users to save passwords or write them down, generally annoy them and foster re-using the same password for all services. | Håndheving av altfor strenge passordpolicyer vil tvinge brukere til å lagre eller skrive ned passordene, irritere dem generelt, og fremme gjenbruk av samme passord på alle tjenester. |
Furthermore, users using secure passwords not matching the policies may be forced to use passwords which are harder to remember, but not necessarily secure. | Dessuten kan brukere som bruker sikre passord som ikke samsvarer med policyene, bli tvunget til å bruke passord som er vanskeligere å huske, men ikke nødvendigvis sikrere. |
A password consisting of 5 concatenated, randomly (!) chosen lowercase dictionary words is significantly more secure than an eight-character password consisting of mixed case letters, numbers and punctuation. | Et passord som består av 5 sammenkoblede, tilfeldig (!) valgte små bokstaver fra ordbokord, er betydelig sikrere enn et åtte-tegns passord som består av en blanding av store og små bokstaver, tall og tegnsetting. |
Take this into account if you do not get a password policy to implement, but have to design your own. | Ta hensyn til dette hvis du ikke får en passordpolicy å implementere, men må lage din egen. |
Muestra de traducción Computers (General)
Computers (General) Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Lithuanian) |
A database is a program that stores data. | Duomenų bazė yra programa kuri saugo duomenis. |
There are many types of databases: flat-file, hierarchical, relational, object-relational, object-oriented, xml, and others. | Yra daug duomenų bazių tipų: ploksčiosios, hierarkinės, reliacinės, objekcinės-reliacinės, objektinės, XML ir kitos. |
The original databases were mainly proprietary and non-standardized. | Orginalios duomenų bazės dažniausiai buvo patentuotos ir nestandartizuotos. |
Relational databases were the first databases to achieve great success and standardization. | Reliacinės duomenų bazės buvo pirmosios duomenų bazės, kurioms pavyko pasiekti didelę sėkmę ir standartizaciją. |
Relational databases are characterized by the SQL (structured query language) standard to query and modify the database, their client/server architecture, and relational table storage structure. | Reliacinės duomenų bazės apibūdinamos SQL (struktūrizuotos užklausų kalbos) standartu užklausoms ir duomenų bazės pakeitimams, kliento/serverio architektūra bei reliacine lentelių saugojimo struktūra. |
Relational databases achieved great success because their standardization allowed many different vendors such as Oracle, IBM, and Sybase to produce interoperable products giving users the flexibility to switch their vendor and avoid vendor lock-in to a proprietary solution. | Reliacinės duomenų bazės pasiekė didelę sėkmę, nes jų standartizacija leido tiekėjams, tokiems kaip Oracle, IBM ir Sybase, gaminti sąveikius produktus, suteikdama naudotojams laisvę keisti tiekėją ir išvengti priklausomybės nuo patentuoto sprendimo. |
Their client/server architecture allows the client programming language to be decoupled from the server, allowing the database server to support interface APIs into multiple different programming languages and clients. | Jų kliento/serverio architektūra leidžia atskirti kliento programavimo kalbą nuo serverio, taip suteikiant duomenų bazės serveriui galimybę palaikyti sąsajos API su daugeliu skirtingų programavimo kalbų ir klientų. |
Although relational databases are relatively old technology, they still dominate the industry. | Nors reliacinės duomenų bazės yra pakankamai sena technologija, jos vis dar dominuoja pramonėje. |
There have been many attempts to replace the relational model, first with object-oriented databases, then with object-relational databases, and finally with XML databases, but none of the new database models achieved much success and relational databases remain the overwhelmingly dominant database model. | Buvo nemažai bandymų pakeisti reliacinį modelį, pradedant objektinėmis duomenų bazėmis, vėliau objektinėmis-reliacinėmis duomenų bazėmis ir galiausiai XML duomenų bazėmis, bet nė vienas iš naujųjų duomenų bazių modelių nepasiekė didelės sėkmės, ir reliacinės duomenų bazės tebelieka nepaprastai dominuojančiu duomenų bazių modeliu. |
The main relational databases used today are: Oracle, MySQL (Oracle), PostgreSQL, DB2 (IBM), SQL Server (Microsoft). | Pagrindinės reliacinės duomenų bazės naudojamos šiandien, yra: Oracle, MySQL (Oracle), PostgreSQL, DB2 (IBM), SQL Server (Microsoft). |
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