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Muestra de traducción Tech/Engineering
Technical Specification Of Refractory In Annular Shaft Kiln Muestra de traducción
Origen (Chinese) | Destino (English) |
第1.0.1本规范仅适用于环形竖窑耐火材料的采购、施工及验收。 | 1.0.1 This Specification only applies for the procurement, construction and acceptance for the refractory materials in annular shaft kiln. |
第1.0.2 环形竖窑耐火材料砌筑工程的施工必须按照图纸设计要求和本规范进行施工。 | 1.0.2 Construction of masonry project for the refractory materials in annular shaft kiln shall be carried out according to the requirement of design and this specification. |
第1.0.3 环形竖窑砌筑工程所用的耐火材料,应按照图纸设计要求正确选用,所用的耐火材料应符合设计的材料指标的规定。 | 1.0.3 The refractory materials applied in the masonry project for annular shaft kiln are required to use correctly according to design, these materials shall comply with the designed index. |
第1.0.4 不合格的耐火材料不得用于环形竖窑的砌筑。 | 1.0.4 The disqualified refractory materials are not allowed for the masonry project of shaft kiln. |
第1.0.5环形竖窑砌筑工程应于窑体砌筑起始平台、窑体钢结构和有关设备安装经检查合格并签订工序交接证明书后,才可进行施工。 | 1.0.5 After being checked with approval about the installation of start platform, steel structure of kiln body and relative equipment and sign the procedure handover certification, then the construction of masonry project for annular shaft kiln shall be carried out. |
工序交接证明书应包括下列内容: | The procedure handover certificate shall comprise the following: |
一、窑体中心线偏差、各个燃烧室中心线标高、内外筒各道托砖圈标高及水平度、各个拱脚位置内外筒间距、内外筒垂直度的测量记录; | a. The measuring record of deviation of central line (kiln body), elevation of central line (each combustion chamber), elevation of each combustion chamber, elevation and levelness of each brick holding circle, space between inner and exterior cylinder of each arc foot, verticality of inner and exterior cylinder. |
二、隐蔽工程的验收记录; | b. Acceptance record of concealed work; |
三、环形竖窑上下内套筒、管道和窑壳的焊接严密性试验记录及上下内套筒的试压记录; | c. Welding tightness test record of upper and lower inner cylinder, pipeline and kiln shell, pressure test record of upper and lower inner cylinder; |
四、窑内锚固件的位置、尺寸及焊接质量的检查记录。 | d. Inspection record of position, size, weld quality of anchors in Kiln |
第1.0.6条 在施工中应积极采用新技术,新技术应经过试验和鉴定后,才可推广使用 | 1.0.6 Only after being inspected and audited, new technology can be actively and widely applied during construction. |
采用新技术,如本规范的内容未能包括时,可补充制订专门规程。 | Whereas new technology is not included in this specification, specific one shall be made as supplement. |
第1.0.7条 环形竖窑砌筑工程施工的安全技术、劳动保护,必须符合国家现行有关规定。 | 1.0.7 The safety technology and labor protection during the construction of masonry project in annular shaft kiln must be consisting with the exiting national regulations. |
Muestra de traducción Government / Politics
Governmental Weekly Review Muestra de traducción
Origen (Chinese) | Destino (English) |
能源财经一周要闻回顾 (April, 2018) | Weekly Review: Energy Finance (April, 2018) |
根据国际能源署初步测算,2017年全球能源需求增速为2.1%,为2016年增速的两倍。 | According to the preliminary estimates by International Energy Agency (IEA), the growth rate of global energy demand in 2017 was at 2.1%, which was twice of that in 2016. |
全球能源需求在2017年达140亿吨油当量。 | The global energy demand had reached 14 billion tons of oil equivalent in 2017. |
化石燃料满足了全球超过70%的能源需求。 | Fossil fuels had met more than 70% of the global energy demand. |
天然气需求增长最快,达到总能源需求的22%。 | The demand of natural gas witnessed its fastest growth which achieving 22% of the total energy demand. |
日前,国家能源局综合司网站发布“关于印发《国家能源局2018年市场监管工作要点》的通知”,“通知”中提到关于大力推进电力市场化交易的事项。 | Work actively to promote inter-provincial and transregional power market transactions, and to strengthen the supervision of market transaction behavior. |
积极推动跨省跨区电力市场化交易,加强市场交易行为监管。 | The meeting noted that the total discharge of major pollutants shall be significantly reduced in 2020. |
中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央财经委员会主任习近平4月2日下午主持召开中央财经委员会第一次会议,研究审定《中央财经委员会工作规则》。 | Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the proportion of coal consumption in China has dropped by 8.1%, and the proportion of clean energy consumption has increased by 6.3%. |
会议指出到2020年主要污染物排放总量要大幅减少。 | China's energy structure is changing from coal-oriented to diversification. |
十八大以来,我国煤炭消费比重下降8.1个百分点,清洁能源消费比重提高6.3个百分点。 | On April 4, the State Council promulgated an announcement about Levy Extra Import Tariff Duties on part of import commodities originating in the United States, and decided to impose extra 25% import tariff duties on 106 items originating in the United States. |
日前召开的中央财经委员会第一次会议指出,要调整能源结构,增加清洁能源的使用。 | On April 3 (USA Local Time), the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) promulgated an import list of commodities originating in China on its web site, which was suggested to levy extra tariff duties in accordance with President's Additional Section 301 Action. |
我国能源结构正由煤炭为主向多元化转变。 | Weekly Review: Coal Power |
国务院4日发布《关于对原产于美国的部分进口商品加征关税的公告》,决定对原产于美国的106项商品加征25%的关税。 | On March 27, China National Coal Association (CNCA) released . |
实施日期将视美国政府对我商品加征关税实施情况,由国务院关税税则委员会另行公布。 | According to this Report, there are still 3,209 coal mines with the capacity of 300,000 tons or less in the nation wide, the gross production capacity is approximately 500 million tons, of which covers 1,954 coal mines with the capacity of 90,000 tons or less, the gross capacity is approximately 126 million tons. |
美国当地时间4月3日,美国贸易代表办公室网站发布根据301调查,建议加征关税的自中国进口产品清单,该清单包含大约1300个独立关税项目,价值约500亿美元,涉及航空航天、信息和通信技术、机器人和机械等行业。 | The Report noted that, China witnessed a prominent performance on cutting overcapacity of coal industry in 2017. |
煤炭电力一周要闻回顾 | The coal industry had overfulfilled its target of 150 million tons which was set at the beginning of this year 2017. |
3月27日,中国煤炭工业协会发布《2017煤炭行业发展年度报告》,《报告》显示,截止目前,全国30万吨以下煤矿数量仍有3209处、产能约5亿吨,其中9万吨及以下的煤矿数量1954处,产能1.26亿吨。 | During the process of resolving the excessive production capacity of coal, the coal industry is working actively to promote the construction of advanced production capacities. |
2018年煤炭行业淘汰落后、提升优质产能任务依然比较重。 | The coal capacity utilization has reached 68.2%, an increase of 8.7% on year-on-year basis. |
《报告》显示,2017年,我国煤炭去产能成效明显,全年煤炭行业超额完成年初提出的 1.5 亿吨目标任务。 | By means of cutting overcapacity, China's coal development layout has been significantly optimized. |
在化解煤炭过剩产能进程中,煤炭行业积极推动先进产能建设,新核准建设了一批大型现代化煤矿,优质产能比重大幅提高。 | According to statistics, the output of China’s 14 large-scale coal production bases has accounted for 94.3% of that for the whole country, an increase of 0.6% on year-on-year basis. |
煤炭产能利用率达到 68.2%,同比提高 8.7个百分点。 | Among which, the coal output in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia accounted for 66.82% of the national total. |
通过去产能,我国煤炭开发布局已经明显优化。 | Weekly Review: Oil and Gas Industry |
数据显示,截止目前,全国14 个大型煤炭基地产量占全国的 94.3%,同比提高 0.6 个百分点。 | Starting from April 2, Hunan Provincial retail business license of refined oil was officially delegated to administrative organs at the municipality level, and new “Hunan Provincial Approval and Supervision Service Platform of Refined Oil” went online at the same time. |
内蒙古、山西、陕西、新疆、贵州、山东、河南、安徽等 8 个亿吨级(省区)原煤产量 30.6 亿吨,占全国产量的 86.8%。 | Hunan has become one of the provinces which taking the first to delegate the retail business license of refined oil to administrative organs at the municipality level in the nationwide. |
其中,晋陕蒙三省区煤炭产量占全国的 66.82%。 | The newly listed INE crude oil futures represented more active market liquidity. |
油气行业一周要闻回顾 | The market activity was gradually improved, and China’s crude oil futures got off to a steady start. |
从4月2日起,湖南省成品油零售经营许可委托正式下放市州,新的《湖南省成品油审批监管服务平台》同时上线,湖南省成品油零售经营审批将更便捷,时间缩短60%以上,同时实现无纸化审批。 | On April 6, CNPC's gas storage (Xiangguo Temple) started to carry out natural gas filling. |
湖南省成为全国首批成品油零售经营许可委托下放市州的省份之一。 | So far, CNPC's 23 gas storages have started to carry out natural gas filling in all respects and to get ready for the natural gas supply in this winter and next spring. |
4月2日,从上海国际能源交易中心(INE)了解到,3月26日至4月1日,INE原油期货首周实现总成交量27.82万手,总交易金额1159.22亿元。 | In 2018, CNPC plans to accomplish the filling of 8.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas to the underground oil storages, among which Xiangguo Temple is scheduled at 1.72 billion cubic meters. |
刚上市的INE原油期货呈现出较为活跃的市场流动性。 | Recently, Ministry of Finance(MFPRC) and State Administration of Tax promulgated “Notification about Reduction of Resource Tax on Shale Gas” to promote the utilization and development of shale gas, and to effectively increase the supply of natural gas. |
市场活跃度逐渐增强,中国版原油期货稳步开局。 | Sinopec officially launched the "Green Enterprise Action Plan” today and announced that, by October of this year, Sinopec's motor gasoline and diesel will meet the national VI standard. |
4月6日,中石油相国寺储气库开始进行天然气注气作业。 | By 2020, the sulfur content of marine fuel will be reduced from3.50% to 0.50% (mass ratio). |
至此,中石油23座储气库全面开始注气作业,为今冬明春天然气保障供应作准备。 | This measure is expected to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.3 million tons per year. |
2018年中石油计划为地下储气库注气86亿立方米,其中相国寺储气库计划注气17.2亿立方米。 | Weekly Review: New Energy |
财政部、税务总局近日发布《关于对页岩气减征资源税的通知》,为促进页岩气开发利用,有效增加天然气供给,经国务院同意,自2018年4月1日至2021年3月31日,对页岩气资源税(按6%的规定税率)减征30%。 | According to the instant dispatch data, the national gross power generation reached 1.57 trillion kw·h at the first quarter, an increase of 10.0% on year-on-year basis. |
中国石化今天正式启动"绿色企业行动计划",并宣布到今年10月,中石化出厂的车用汽、柴油达到国Ⅵ标准,2020年,船用燃料油硫含量从3.50%降至0.50%(质量比),这一举措预计可减少二氧化硫排放130万吨/年。 | Among which, wind power and solar power were amounted to 95.56 billion kw·h and 27.3 billion kw·h respectively, an increase of 37.9% and 58.7% on year-on-year basis. |
新能源一周要闻回顾 | Constantly optimizing the power supply structure is proven as an effective way to solve the “wind curtailment” problem in the long run. |
据调度快报数据,一季度全国发电量1.57万亿千瓦时,同比增长10.0%,其中,风电955.6亿千瓦时,增长37.9%;太阳能发电273亿千瓦时,增长58.7%。 | has been officially approved by the National Energy Administration. |
4月3日,由“中国煤炭消费总量控制方案和政策研究”项目发布的最新报告建议,解决弃风问题的当务之急是严控电源新增规模,尤其是煤电与风电,长远来看,不断优化电源结构才是解决弃风问题的有效途径。 | According to the Plan, the construction of offshore wind power with the installed capacity over 12 million kilowatts will be kicked off in Guangdong Province by the end of 2020, of which more than 2 million kilowatts will be completed and put into production. |
《广东省海上风电发展规划(2017—2030年)(修编)》已获得国家能源局正式批复同意。 | The State Grid issued the 2nd Bid Invitation Announcement about Material Procurement for Power Supply Project in 2018. |
按照《规划》,到2020年底前广东省要开工建设海上风电装机容量1200万千瓦以上,其中建成投产200万千瓦以上。 | Such tendering procurement covered 11,615 sets of charging piles with a total power of 741,600 kilowatts. |
国家电网公司发布了2018年电源项目第二次物资招标采购招标公告,此次招标充电桩数量总计11615套,功率总计74.16万千瓦。 | In February 2018, the number of public charging pile was increase by approx. |
2018年2月份,公共类充电桩增量近1.9万个,同比增长61.5%,截至2月份,公共类充电桩总量已达24.4万个。 | 19,000 sets, an increase of 61.5% on year-on-year basis. |
4月2日,工信部、财政部和国家税务总局联合发布了《免征车辆购置税的新能源汽车车型目录》。 | As recently as February, the public charging pile has amounted to 244,000 sets. |
根据《目录》,去年1月1日以前列入《目录》后截至本公告发布之日无产量或进口量的车型,以及去年1月1日及以后列入《目录》后一年内无产量或进口量的车型,经公示5个工作日无异议后,将从《目录》中予以撤销。 | On April 2, “New Energy Vehicle Directory exempt from Levying Vehicle Purchase Tax” was jointly issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Tax. |
国家能源局新能源与可再生能源司副司长李创军日前表示,可再生能源发展已经进入大范围增量替代和区域性存量替代的发展阶段,可再生能源技术和商业化模式创新也趋于多样化。 | According to the Directory, regarding to the vehicles which were listed in the “Directory” before January 1st, 2017 and without production or import volume, and to the vehicles which were listed in the “Directory” after January 1st, 2017 and without production or import volume within 1 year, these vehicles will be withdrawn from the “Directory” after five working days without public objection. |
Muestra de traducción Marketing
印度投资调研报告 India Investment Research Report Muestra de traducción
Origen (Chinese) | Destino (English) |
印度经济近年来保持较快发展速度,作为一个人口超过十亿的国家,已经成为世界最主要新兴经济体之一。 | India, as a country with a population of over one billion, witnesses a rapid pace of development in recent years, it has become one of the world’s leading emerging economies. |
经济的快速发展离不开电力的保障,这为电力相关企业提供了重要的市场发展机遇。 | The rapid economic development is inseparable from power supply, which provides important market opportunities for power-related enterprises. |
西开电气自2010年首次进入该市场以来,目前已先后完成五个项目。 | SHIKY has consecutively completed 5 projects since it first probed into this market on 2010. |
印度政府开始大力倡导“印度制造”的概念,在这一背景下,越来越多的用户开始在资质文件中要求投标者必须在当地拥有常设机构及制造能力,以满足当地用户及时需要。 | Indian government starts to vigorously advocate the concept of "Made in India", in this context, more and more users began to request in the bidding qualification documents that, the bidder must have a permanent establishment and possess the manufacturing capacity in the local to meet the users’ requirements timely. |
为此,我们对印度市场的概况、未来的发展潜力以及建立当地公司的相关要求进行了初步调研。 | Given this, we have conducted the preliminary study about overview of Indian market, development potential and the related provisions to establish a local company. |
印度电力市场概况 | Brief Introduction of Indian Power Market |
电力系统架构介绍 | Introduction of Power System Architecture |
印度电力系统分为发电、输电和配电三部分。 | The power system in India can be divided into three parts: power generation, transmission and distribution. |
其中,印度的发电装机规模和发电量位居世界前列。 | Among which, India’s installed generating capacity and generating capacity ranks the forefront in the world. |
截至2013年底,印度的发电装机规模达到23217万千瓦,居世界第五位,仅次于中国、美国、日本和俄罗斯。 | By the end of 2013, India’s installed generating capacity was 232.17 million KWs, ranking the fifth in the world after China, United States, Japan and Russia. |
2012和2013财政年度,该国总发电量达到9121亿千瓦时,同样居世界第五位。 | In the fiscal year of 2012 and 2013, India’s total generating capacity was 912.1 billion KWs, ranking the fifth in the world. |
主要的发电公司除了国有的印度国家火电公司外,还有如塔塔电力(TATA Power)、信实电力(Reliance)等实力雄厚的私人发电公司。 | Apart from the State-owned NTPC, the key power generating corporations also includes TATA Power, Reliance and other private power generating companies with abundant strength. |
在输变电领域,以印度国家电网公司(PGCIL)为首,对全国的输变电及电力分配进行统一管理。 | In the field of power transmission and distribution, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) takes the lead to conduct unified management to power transmission, transformation and distribution in the nation wide. |
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Apr 16, 2018
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en los áreas de technical specification of refractory in annular shaft kiln, tech/engineering and metallurgy / casting
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Apr 16, 2018