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- Italy
- Miembro hace casi 8 años
- computer, law, marketing
Visited and lived in on all five continents.Internationally oriented person .Responsible, and willing to work.
Unidades de traducción
Conceptos terminológicos
Mi trabajo
Muestra de traducción Law
Law Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Serbo-Croatian) |
A trade-mark is a distinctive sign of some kind which is used by a business to identify itself and its products and services to consumers, and to set the business and its products or services apart from those of other businesses. | Zastitni znak je osobeni znak necega i koristi da bi se identifikovao taj biznis i njegovi proizvodi i servisi za klijente, i da se postavi biznis i njegovi proizvodi ili servisi odvojeno od drugih biznisa. |
Conventionally, a trade-mark comprises a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, characters, logo, a domain name, a colour applied to a surface or a combination of one or more of these elements. | Obicno zastitni znak ukljucuje ime, rec, frazu,logo, simbol, dizajn,imidz,karaktere,logo, server imena, boja koja se nanosi na povrsinu ili kombinacija jednog ili vise ovih elemenata. |
There is also a range of non-conventional trade-marks which do not fall into these standard categories. | Postoji takodje raspon ne-konvencionalnih zastitnih znakova koji ne spadaju u ove standardne kategorije. |
The function of a trade-mark is to serve as an exclusive identifier of the source or origin of a product or service. | Funkcija zastitnog znaka je da bude ekskluzivni identitet izvora ili porekla proizvoda ili servisa. |
"Because the purpose of a trade-mark is to distinguish the wares/services of a person by associating the wares/services with a single source, the trade-mark must be distinctive and remain distinctive of the single source." | zato sto je svrha zastitnog znaka da odvaja robu/servise od osobe, povezivanjem robe/servisa sa jednim izvorom, zastitni znak mora da bude simbol i da ostane simbol jednom izvoru. |
A trade-mark owner seeks to enforce their rights or interests in a trade-mark by preventing unauthorised trade-mark use. | Vlasnik zastitnog znaka trazi da primeni njegova prava ili interese na zastitni znak sprecavajuci neautorizovano koriscenje zastitnog znaka. |
For a trade-mark to be in "use" it must have public "impact". | Da bi zastitni znak bio u "upotrebi" mora imati javni "uticaj". |
As such internal company documents, such as letterhead, memos, reports, etc. are not sufficient unless they are used in outside correspondence. | Kao takva interna kompanijska dokumenta, kao sto su zaglavlja, memo,izvestaji,itd. nisu dovoljna osim ako nisu u upotrebi u spoljnoj prepisci. |
Muestra de traducción Idea demand customer organization marketing understand services plan profit
Idea demand customer organization marketing understand services plan profit Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Serbo-Croatian) |
The overall marketing strategy of an organization should focus on developing relationships with customers to understand their needs, and to develop goods, services, and ideas to meet those needs. | Uopstena marketinska strategija organizacije treba da se fokusira na razvoju odnosa sa klijentima da se razumeju njihove potrebe, i da se razviju dobra, servisi, i ideje koje idu u susret tim potrebama. |
Information Gathering: research potential customers, their needs, and spending habits in order to understand what sort of product, service, or idea they wish to buy. | Sakupljanje informacija: pretraga potencijalnih klijenta,njihovih potreba,i potrosacke navike u cilju da se razume koju vrstu produkta, servisa,ili ideje oni zele da kupe. |
Evaluation of Organization Capabilities: decide what your organization can produce relatively well, and what your organization is not capable of producing based on the organization's specific strengths and weaknesses. | Procena Organizacionih Sposobnosti: vidi sta vasa organizacija moze proizvesti relativno dobro, i sta vasa organizacija nije sposobna da proizvodi na osnovu odredjenih organizacionih jakih i slabih strana. |
Identify Market Opportunities: research the current market for a product idea, and look for an opportunity; such as no competition or strong demand. | Identifikuj Marketinske Mogucnosti: pretrazi trenutno trziste za ideju proizvod, i trazi mogucnosti; kao sto su nekonkurentnost ili velika potraznja. |
Set Objectives of Marketing Strategy: decide what results need to be achieved in order to reach the organization's goals; such as a specific increase in sales, or net profits. | Postavi Objektive Marketinske Strategije;vidi koji rezultati treba da se dostignu da bi se postigli organizacioni ciljevi; kao sto su odredjeno povecanje u prodaji,ili net profiti. |
Formulate an Action Plan: List the specific steps the organization needs to take in order to implement the marketing plan, and assign the responsibilities to specific staff members. | Formiraj Plan Delovanja: Navedi odredjene korake koje organizacija treba da preduzme da bi primenila marketinski plan, i daj odgovornosti odredjenim clanovima kolektiva. |
Monitor & Evaluate: Study the marketing plan regularly, at least once per quarter, to track performance against the set objectives. | Posmatraj i Ocenjuj: Proucavaj marketinski plan redovno, barem jednom u 3 meseca, da bi se pratila dostignuca u odnosu na postavljene objektive. |
Muestra de traducción Food
Food Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Serbo-Croatian) |
Of course, it doesn't mean we should save ourselves from the flavor enhancing powers of marinades. | Naravno, ne znaci da treba da se suzdrzavamo od mocnog rasteceg ukusa marinade. |
Basically what it does is soften the texture of the meat or vegetables you are marinating and usually adds infused flavors into the food. | U stvari ono sto radi je da ublazava sastav mesa ili povrca koje marinirate i obicno dodaje infuzirane arome u hranu. |
In this case, sos means: 'Seasoning Oil-Something' that is oil/fat or spice such as salt and pepper. | U ovom slucaju sos znaci: "Sezonsko nekakvo-ulje" koje je uljano/masno ili zacin kao so i biber. |
The thing about marinades, unlike brines, is that typically the flavor is concentrated on the surface of the food source. | Stvar vezana za marinade,za razliku od usalamurenih tecnosti ,je da je obicno ukus koncentrisan na povrsini hrane. |
It works on the principles of how acids denature or breakdown proteins, resulting in a more tender texture. | Radi na principu kako kiseline modifikuju ili rastvore proteine, donoseci kao rezultat vise mekaniji sastav. |
Muestra de traducción Advertising
Advertising Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Serbo-Croatian) |
When preparing your advertisement, you should first define your product's Unique Selling Proposition (USP). | Kada pripremate vas oglas, prvo treba da definisete Ekskluzivni Argumenat Prodaje (na eng.USP) vaseg proizvoda. |
To find the USP, ask yourself "How is this product different?" | Da bi ste pronasli Ekskluzivni Argumenat Prodaje (USP) , zapitajte se :" Sta cini ovaj proizvod drugacijim?" |
Make a list of your product's pros and cons. | Napravite listu ZA i PROTIV vaseg proizvoda. |
This will help you think about what message you want your ad to send. | Ovo ce vam pomoci da razmislite sa kojom porukom hocete da posaljete vas oglas. |
Positioning is an attempt to place a product into a certain category in consumers' minds: "the best", for example (best deodorant, best soda, etc.) ("The best" is, however, extremely difficult to establish for a new brand). | Pozicioniranje je pokusaj da se proizvod postavi u odredjenu kategoriju u glavi potrosaca.: "najbolji" na primer (najbolji dezodorans, najbolja kisela voda, itd.) (veoma je tesko da se stavi "najbolji" za novi brend). |
Types of positioning are Against (eg, Hertz vs. Avis, 7-up vs. colas), Niche (a sub-division of a category), New, and Traditional. | Tipovi pozicioniranja su Poredjenje ( npr. Hertz u odnosu na Avis, 7-up u odnosu (vs.) na Koka kolu), Nise (pod kategorija), Nova, i Tradicionalna. |
A Brand Character Statement sets the tone for an entire campaign. | Izjava karakteristike brenda postavlja ton za celu kampanju. |
A simple way to start preparing your advertisement is with this statement: "Advertising will ____A_____ ____B_____ that ____C_____ is ____D_____. Support will be ____E_____. Tone will be ____F_____." where A is a verb, B is a target demographic (such as, "girls between 14-18 years old"), C is your product, D is an adjective or phrase. | Jednostavan nacin da se pocne priprema za vase reklamiranje je sa ovakvom izjavom: " Reklamiranje ce ----------A ------- ------------ B da ----------C -------- je -------D-----------. Podrska ce biti --------- E -----------. Ton ce biti ----------- F----------. gde je A glagol, B je ciljna grupa ( kao npr. devojcice izmedju 14 -18 godina), C je vas proizvod, D je karakteristika, ili fraza. |
E is what the meat of your ad will be. | E je kako ce se prihvatiti tvoja reklama. |
F is your ad's "attitude". | F je "stav" tvoje reklame. |
For example, "Advertising will convince artistic types age 18-35 that Apple computers are hip and cool. Support will be two men discussing Macs and PCs. Tone will be humorous." | Na primer " Reklamiranje ce ubediti umetnicki tip ljudi od 18-35 godina da su Apple kompjuteri extra i cool. Bilo bi propraceno sa dva coveka koja vode diskusiju o Mac-u i PC-u. Ton bi bio saljiv. |
Part B of this strategy statement is the target audience. | B deo ove strategije je ciljna grupa. |
Advertisers use many methods to gain information about this group, including demographics, psychographics (how the target thinks), and focus groups. | Reklamne kuce koriste puno metoda da skupe informacije o ciljnoj grupi, ukljucujuci demografiju, psihografiju (kako ciljna grupa misli), i fokusne grupe. |
Part C is the product itself. | deo C je sam proizvod. |
Advertisers spend time studying this as well. | Reklamne kuce provedu vreme studirajuci ovo takodje. |
Important questions to ask are "Why would anybody buy this?" "What's the product's advantage?" and "What is the client's image?" | Bitna pitanja koja treba da se postave su:" Zasto bi neko kupio ovo?" "Sta je prednost ovog proizvoda?" i "Kakav je klijentov imidz?" |
The last one is important to consider in order to make sure that your ad doesn't jar with the public perception the company has created for itself. | Poslednji je bitno da se uvazi da bi se bilo sigurno da tvoja reklama nije neskladna sa javnim mnjenjem koji je kompanija napravila o sebi. |
For example, hip or edgy ads probably won't go over well with a company that has a public image of being "conservative" and/or "family friendly." | Na primer, extremne i previse cool reklame nece dobro proci sa kompanijom koja je na glasu kao konzervativna i/ili koja podrzava vrednosti porodice. |
Muestra de traducción Press Release
Press Release Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Serbo-Croatian) |
Cloud and virtualization technology are closely related and share many functionalities, but healthcare organizations seeking new infrastructure solutions, may benefit from one or the other. | Oblak (cloud) i virtualna tehnologija su blisko povezani i dele mnoge funkcije , ali zdravstvene organizacije trazeci nova infrastrukturna resenja, moze imati koristi od jednog ili drugog. |
While the terms are often used interchangeably, cloud and virtualization are not the same technology. | Iako se termini cesto koriste zamenjujuci jedan drugog, oblak (cloud) i virtualizacija nisu ista tehnologija. |
It’s important for healthcare organizations who are looking to virtualize or move parts of their health IT infrastructure to the cloud to understand what each technology offers and how they are different from one another. | Vazno je za zdravstvene organizacije koje traze da virtualizuju ili stave delove njihove zdravstevene IT strukture u oblak (cloud) da shvate sta svaka od ove dve tehnologije nudi i kako su one razlicite jedna od druge. |
Similar to the concept that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, all virtualization solutions are cloud-based, but not all cloud solutions are virtualization. | Slicno konceptu da su svi kvadrati pravougaoni, ali nisu svi pravi uglovi kvadrati, sva virtuelna resenja su u osnovi oblak (cloud), ali ne svi oblak (cloud) resenja su virtuelizacija. |
Both technologies separate hardware from software functions, allowing hardware to be used more effectively. | Obe tehnologije odvajaju hardver od softverskih funkcija, dozvoljavajuci hardveru da bude koriscen efikasnije. |
How each technology achieves this is what sets them apart. | Kako obe tehnologije dostizu ovo je upravo to sto ih odvaja jednu od druge. |
Muestra de traducción Law
Law Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Serbo-Croatian) |
What is “governance”? | Sta je vladavina? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. | Termin vladavina obicno pravi konfuziju zato sto je greskom prihvacan tako da se pod obavezno odnosi samo na duznosti vlade. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. | Naravno vlade igraju bitnu ulogu u mnogim vrstama vladavine. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. | Bilo kako bilo, u stvari koncept je mnogo siri i proteze se izvan jednostavnog pojma drzave. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. | Na primer, u zadnje vreme smo videli porast reference pojma "korporativno upravljanje"(ili "korporativna vladavina"), proces koji obuhvata pregled i drzave i pregled gosta ne drzavnih tela, ukljucujuci i same korporacije. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. | Don Mek Lin naglasava da rec vladavina potice iz latinske reci "gubernare" , koja se odnosi na akciju upravljanja brodom. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. | Ova etimologija ukazuje na siru definiciju reci vladavina. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. | Jedna bitna implikacija ovog sireg pogleda je da vladavina ukljucuje mnoge podrske i mehanizme. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. | Tradicionalni zakon i upravljanje su sigurno medju tim mehanizmima. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. | Ipak, kao sto cemo videti kroz ovaj primer, vladavina se moze ispoljiti kroz mnoge druge kanale. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. | Tehnologija, socijalne norme, procedure o donosenju odluka, i institucionalni dizajn: sve ovo je podjednako vazno u vladavini kao i zakon i upravljanje. |
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Combinación de idiomas: English a Serbo-Croatian
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