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Slovak to English
Czech to English
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Muestra de traducción Art/Literary
Literary Translation Sample Muestra de traducción
Origen (Slovak) | Destino (English) |
Predhovor | Prologue |
Čo sa so mnou stane zajtra? | Tomorrow—how could I know what will happen to me tomorrow? |
Vždy som chcel veriť, že odpoveď na túto otázku sformulujeme my sami. | I had always believed that we could shape our future. |
Veril som, že to, čo urobíme dnes, a to, čo sme robili celý život, určuje našu budúcnosť. | Whatever we do today, whatever we did yesterday, and whatever we have done our entire lives would determine our fate. |
Veril som, že život je aspoň do určitej miery predvídateľný. | I thought that life could be predictable, at least to some extent. |
Nie je to pravda. | None of it is true. |
Život je nevyspytateľný. | Life is unpredictable. |
Niekto fajčí tridsať cigariet denne a dožije sa sto rokov. | Someone smokes a carton of cigarettes every day for decades but lives into ripe old age. |
Iný behá denne desať kilometrov a nekonzumuje bravčové mäso, no napriek tomu zo dňa na deň dostane rakovinu a zomrie mladý. | Other people eat healthily, running 5 miles a day, but then cancer strikes them down, or heart disease, or some other sudden illness. |
Ja som sa zo dňa na deň ocitol vo väzení. | As for me, I found myself in prison. |
Ak som sa niečomu v živote snažil zďaleka vyhnúť, bolo to práve väzenie. | If there was anything I’ve been trying to avoid in life, it was prison. |
Ničoho som sa nebál tak veľmi ako straty slobody, v akomkoľvek zmysle slova. | Loss of freedom, in every sense of the word, frightened me more than anything else. |
A predsa sa to stalo, o slobodu som prišiel 23. | Still, it happened. |
augusta 2012. | I lost my freedom on the twenty-third of August, 2012. |
Ten deň tesne pred polnocou som sa ocitol vo veľmi malej, prázdnej, hermeticky uzavretej miestnosti za bránami teheránskeho väzenia Evin v sekcii malých a brutálnych samotiek určených pre väzňov obvinených z ťažkých zločinov a zo špionáže. | On that day, minutes prior to midnight, I found myself in a small, hermetically-sealed room behind the gates of notorious Evin Prison in Tehran, in a prison block full of small, brutal cells intended for prisoners accused of espionage and other serious felonies. |
Malo to byť len na pár dní… | It was supposed to last a few days only. |
„Nemáš ani tušenia, do akých hier si sa zaplietol. | “You have no idea what games you’ve become involved in!” |
“ Tak znela posledná veta, ktorú mi povedal kučeravý chlapík s okuliarmi, než ma po trojhodinovom výsluchu v hoteli odviezli autom do väznice Evin. | These had been the final words a man with curly hair and glasses said to me after a harsh, exhausting three hour interrogation session in my hotel room. |
Do akých hier? | Then they took me away to Evin. |
Veď je to všetko strašný omyl! | “What games? What is he talking about? This is all a terrible mistake!” |
Tieto vety som si opakoval celú noc, kým som sa pokúšal zaspať na tvrdej zemi, zakrytý špinavou dekou a mučený blízkosťou stien môjho nového domova. | These thoughts repeated themselves over and over as I tried to fall asleep on the hard prison floor, covered by a dirty blanket, made anxious by the close proximity of my new home’s walls. |
O omyl však nešlo. | But they did not make a mistake. |
Nesnívalo sa mi to. | And my ordeal wasn’t just a nightmare. |
Tlmený krik spoza dverí mojej cely tiež nebol len nočnou morou. | Nor were the muffled cries emanating from behind my cell doors a bad dream, either. |
Do niečoho som sa zaplietol. | Slowly, I realized that I had become entangled in something big. |
Neboli to príjemné veci. | It wasn’t pleasant. |
Neboli to pekné miesta. | I had ended up in a bad place. |
Zo sľubovaných pár dní bolo nakoniec stošesťdesiatdva. | A couple of days of imprisonment eventually turned into one hundred and sixty- two. |
Stošesťdesiatdva, z toho štyridsať na samotke. | One hundred and sixty-two days—forty of those spent in solitary confinement. |
Mohlo ich byť pokojne viacej. | It could easily have been more. |
Pokojne som sa už nikdy nemusel vrátiť domov. | I might never have returned home. |
Mohli ma obesiť, mohli ma odsúdiť na doživotie. | Perhaps they could have hung me; perhaps I could have been imprisoned for life. |
Mohlo sa stať čokoľvek. | Anything could have happened. |
Nestalo sa to. | But it did not happen. |
Mne nie. | Not to me. |
Prečo? | Why? |
V priestoroch väzenia a aj mimo neho sa udialo mnoho vecí. | A lot had happened while I was in prison, both inside and outside the walls. |
Nebudem si však fandiť a namýšľať si, že za mojím prepustením stojí len to, čo som počas svojho pobytu vo väzení urobil a povedal. | But it would be foolish to think that my release was due only to what I said or did while in custody. |
Tiež si nemyslím, že na Slovensko som sa dostal len vďaka kvalitnej práci našej diplomacie. | Nor do I believe that my eventual return to Slovakia could be attributed solely to the good work of our diplomats. |
Je to ako s tým fajčením a bravčovým mäsom. | It is just like with the smoking and the bad diet. |
Mohlo to dopadnúť všelijako. | Diplomacy and other factors notwithstanding, nobody could have predicted my fate. |
Domov som sa vrátiť nemusel. | I didn’t have to return home, just as many other prisoners did not. |
Možno mi však bolo dopriate dostať sa späť medzi slobodných ľudí práve preto, aby som vyrozprával svoj príbeh. | But maybe I had been allowed to regain my freedom so that my story could be shared. |
Väzenských príbehov je nespočetné množstvo. | Countless prison stories exist. |
Každý deň vznikajú nové a ďalšie. | A new one arrives every day. |
Veď vo väzeniach po celom svete práve teraz sedí viac ako desať miliónov ľudí! | As a matter of fact, more than ten million people are incarcerated all over the world right now. |
Nehovoriac o tom, koľkí z nás z nich každým rokom vyjdú po svojich na slobodu. | And many regain their freedom each year. |
Mnohí svoj väzenský príbeh zverejnia. | Those who have been released often choose to |
Na papieri alebo na plátnach kín. | make their stories public, whether through books or films. |
Rozhodol som sa tak urobiť aj ja. | I decided to do so as well. |
Neviem povedať, či je ten môj niečím výnimočný. | I cannot tell if my story is special in any way. |
Určite nie je zďaleka najkrutejší, najzaujímavejší či najdojemnejší. | It certainly isn’t the most gruesome, the most interesting, or even the most touching. |
Myslím si však, že je iný. | But I do think it unique in a certain way—I did not write my story at a desk in an office, while drinking coffee. |
Knihu, ktorú držíte v rukách, som písal priamo vo väzení. | The book you hold in your hands came into existence in my head. |
Jej slová vznikali v mojej hlave v malých celách Evinu. | Every word was decided while I was locked away in the small cells of Evin Prison. |
Prvú verziu som napísal na samotke. | They gave me no pen or paper. |
Písal som ju v hlave preto, aby som sa nezbláznil. | I composed the first version in solitary confinement, as a way to avoid going crazy. |
Každú kapitolu som napísal a opakoval stále dookola, aby som si ju čo možno najvernejšie zapamätal a hlavne aby čas bežal. | I repeated each chapter to myself again and again, partly to make the long hours tolerable as they passed, but also to remember my book as accurately as possible. |
Nie sú to slová z hlavy, ktorá bola celkom v poriadku. | The words of each individual chapter reflect how I felt, what I saw, and who I was. |
Na miestach, ako je samotka, človek nikdy nie je celkom v poriadku. | The words came from a mind not entirely well; one who endures solitary confinement is never entirely well. |
Na svet | One sees everything with fresh eyes, as if for the first time. |
Možno prvý raz v živote pozná pravdu. | Maybe he even discovers the real truth of life. |
A možno sa len mýli, blúzni a blázni. | But maybe he’s wrong, hallucinating, or insane. |
Neviem to posúdiť. | I cannot judge. |
Táto úloha ostane na čitateľovi. | I will leave that task to the reader. |
Po prečítaní mojej knihy by mal človek pochopiť mnohé veci. | After reading the book, one should understand a few things. |
Mal by zistiť, ako to na opisovaných miestach vyzerá a čo sa tam deje. | He should find out what places like Evin Prison look like and what happens there. |
Spozná spôsoby fyzického a psychického mučenia, ktoré sa v Iráne bežne používajú. | He will also find out about physical and psychological torture, both frequent in Iranian prisons. |
Zistí aj, ako sa dá na takýchto miestach prežiť a dostať sa živý a zdravý na slobodu. | He will learn how to survive in these places and how to emerge alive and well. |
Pochopí, čo sa tu človek naučí, čo mu dajú do života. | The reader will discover what one can learn in prison, what one can gain from the experience, but also what is forever lost. |
Čitateľ spozná môj príbeh. | The reader will also understand my story, finding out who I actually worked for and what my mission really was. |
Nahliadne do praktík tajných služieb Iránu, ale aj do praktík iných spravodajských služieb. | He will gain insight into the practices of Iranian secret services, as well as the intelligence services of other countries. |
Vnímavý čitateľ navyše porozumie, ako to skutočne vyzerá a funguje v médiami démonizovanom Iráne. | Perceptive readers will further understand how things really work in the media-demonized Islamic |
Čo je pravda a čo len propaganda? | Republic of Iran. |
O čom sa ľudia boja hovoriť? | What is truth—and what is only propaganda? |
V čom sa teda moja kniha líši od iných väzenských príbehov? | What scares people into silence? |
V čom je iná? | So, how does my book differ from other prison stories? |
Je ponorom do psychológie človeka žijúceho štyridsať dní na samotke, pohľadom na psychológiu jednotlivca, zdanlivo nevinne držaného vo veľmi tvrdých podmienkach. | First of all, it offers insight into the head of a prisoner—a detailed probe into the psychology of a common man held in solitary confinement for forty days. |
Je pohľadom na vnútorný svet človeka v ťažkej životnej situácii, ktorej navyše on sám dlhú dobu vôbec nerozumie. | It offers a look into the inner life of a young man trapped in an extremely difficult situation, a situation he did not understand. |
V hlave si píše knihu, jednoduché filozofické kapitoly, len aby sa nezbláznil. | In his head, he is writing an autobiographical book for no other reason than to keep his sanity. |
Nachádza paralely medzi mikrosvetom samotky a životom na slobode a uvažuje o nich. | He finds parallels between the microcosmic world of his prison cell and the large world beyond his prison walls— and he thinks about them. |
Postupne, pod vplyvom udalostí, ktoré sa mu prihodia alebo sa udejú vôkol neho, a v kontexte príbehov iných väzňov a ľudí, ktorých počas svojej cesty Evinom stretne a spozná. | His narrative shows in real time the uncertainty he felt as events unfolded, and it reveals the worries, concerns, and stories of other prisoners and people met along his way through Evin. |
Myslím, že tento väzenský príbeh je jedinečný práve vďaka spôsobu, akým vznikol. | How the book was written makes it unique and very authentic. |
To, čo sa zrodilo v obyčajnej hlave na neobyčajnom mieste, je náplňou kapitol samotnej knihy. | What was born in an ordinary mind in an extraordinary place forms the content of the chapters of this book. |
Univerzita samoty nie je len príbehom, je aj filozofiou. | The University of Solitude is not just a story—it’s a philosophy. |
Filozofiou väzňa… | The philosophy of a prisoner . . . . |
Muestra de traducción Medical
Medical Translation Sample Muestra de traducción
Origen (Czech) | Destino (English) |
Zhruba každý čtvrtý Čech potřebuje léčbu rehabilitační a fyzikální medicínou, z toho ročně 1,5 milionu kvůli páteři či kloubům. | Approximately every fourth person in the Czech Republic requires either physical medicine or rehabilitation treatment, and around 1.5 million people need this treatment due to spine or joint problems. |
Zdravotní pojišťovny dají za rehabilitaci ročně kolem šesti miliard korun. | Health insurance companies pay around six billion Czech crowns for physical therapy. |
V registru je na osm tisíc fyzioterapeutů, na počet obyvatel je Česko v Evropě zhruba ve středu možností. | There are around eight thousand registered physiotherapists, which, in terms of patient-therapist ratio, places the Czech Republic in the middle of the scale of European countries. |
Dlouhodobě ale potřeba této péče roste a podle Unie fyzioterapeutů hrozí, že její dostupnost kvůli nedostatku odborníků klesne. | However, the long-term prognosis suggests that the need for this kind of treatment is increasing and, according to the Union of Physiotherapists, there is danger of treatments becoming less available due to lack of specialists. |
Každý lékař by se měl snažit pacientovi nabídnout maximum toho, co medicínská věda poskytuje, a k tomu to, co bývá označováno jako „alternativní“ medicína, rozhodně nepatří. | Every physician should strive to offer their patients the very best care that medical science offers, and “alternative medicine” (as it’s commonly called) certainly does not belong to this category. |
Je otázka, jakým způsobem tito lékaři přistupují ke skutečné medicíně, která je založená na důkazech. | The question is, what kind of approach do physicans who practice alternative medicine have to the real, evidence-based medicine? |
Jako absolventi lékařských fakult by měli být schopni rozeznat kvalitní zdroje informací v podobě odborné literatury či vědeckých studií od pouhých smyšlenek a nesmyslných teorií. | As medical school graduates, they should be able to differentiate between quality sources of information in the form of specialist literature or research studies and mere fabrications and nonsensical theories. |
Bohužel někteří o tuto svou schopnost přišli, nebo ji dokonce nikdy neměli. | Unfortunately, some of them have either lost this ability or never had it in the first place. |
Alternativní medicína je souhrnný název pro diagnostické a léčebné metody, které nebyly přijaty v rámci medicíny založené na důkazech. | Alternative medicine is the general name used for diagnostic and healing methods not accepted in the context of evidence-based medicine. |
Jejich účinnost nebyla spolehlivě prokázána. | Their effectiveness has not been reliably proven. |
Jednotlivé směry a metody mají často protichůdná východiska, neexistují ani jednotné standardy zaručující kvalitu pro pacienty. | Their various approaches and methods are often contradictory, and there are no uniform standards which would guarantee quality of treatment for the patient. |
Medicína založená na důkazech (evidence based medicine) je použití nejlepších aktuálních vědeckých důkazů při výběru péče o jednotlivé pacienty. | Evidence-based medicine means using the best and the most recent scientific evidence when choosing treatment for individual patients. |
Při léčbě pacienta se používají výhradně vědecky dokázané medicínské poznatky prověřené pečlivým testováním. | Only scientifically proven medical findings, verified by rigorous testing, are used to treat a patient. |
Placebo je látka, která neobsahuje žádné léčivé složky, ale lékař o ní pacientovi řekne, že to je výborný lék. | A placebo is a substance containing no active ingredients but, when a patient is informed by their physician that the substance has excellent medical benefits, many patients report improvement in their condition. |
Tento psychologický mechanismus je dodnes zcela nepochopený, ale funguje při léčbě „alternativními“ i prokázanými metodami. | To this day, the psychological mechanism of a placebo is not clearly understood, but it is effective in both “alternative” and conventional methods. |
Rozdíl mezi „alternativou“ a prověřenými léky je ale v tom, že skutečné léky musí prokázat, že mají větší léčebný efekt, než je právě placebo. | However, the difference between “alternative” treatment and real medication is that real medication is required to have greater therapeutic effect than a placebo. |
Muestra de traducción Social Sciences
Academic Journal Sample Muestra de traducción
Origen (Czech) | Destino (English) |
LUBOMIR DOLEŽEL | | | Veronika Ambrosová, Karel Brušák, Lubomír Doležel, Milena Doleželová-Velingerová, František Galán, Paul Garvin, Mojmír Grygar, Květoslav Chvatík, Roman Jakobson, Vladimír Karbusický, Ladislav Matějka, Miroslav Renský, Sylvie Richterová, Miloš Sedmidubský, Milada Součková, Petr Steiner, František Svejkovský, Jindřich Toman, Jiří Veltruský, Emil Volek, René Wellek, Thomas Winner. |
If you would like to have the complete list, you would need to add the so-called continuators of the Prague School, who co-published [sic] with the School abroad—Miroslav Červenka, Miroslav Drozd, Milan Jankovič, Oleg Sus and Felix Vodička. | |
As we know, the exile culture now claims a place in the tradition of unified Czech culture, just as literary critics in exile also do. | |
The first steps to its integration have already been made – publications of works originally published abroad, bibliographies of the individual researchers, etc. | |
My short contribution will inevitably focus on painting the whole picture of aspirations and results of this group, which I have named – possibly anachronistically, but certainly appropriately – The Prague School in Exile. | |
Because of my involvement with this group since 1965, what I report is written from a personal perspective; however, I hope it is not purely subjective. | |
Much as the Czech emigrant community on the whole, the Prague School was affected by the formative years 1938, 1948 and 1968. | |
The beginning of the movement is very easy to date, as it coincided with the publication of Wellek’s Theory of Literature, a popular theoretical guide, in 1948. | |
This book provided the first information about the classical work of Prague poetics and aesthetics. | |
Wellek himself stated: “English–language information about this Czech group is scarce. Some of my studies include short reports and my Theory of Literature (1949), co-written with Austin Warren, a deliberate attempt to try and unite observations I made as a younger member of the Group, using my new knowledge of American criticism.” Around the same time, Roman Jacobson also gathered around himself a few promising graduate students at Harvard University, students who later formed the core of the Prague School in exile. | |
When René Wellek transferred to Yale, the poetics and aesthetics of the Prague linguistic group began to spread from two of the greatest academic centres in America. | |
If you would like to find the real core of the Prague School in exile, however, you would have to go to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. | |
Whether intentionally or thanks to a historical coincidence, a number of Jacobson’s students, familiar with the work of the group, met here in the early 1960s. | |
A series of Slavic publications (initiated and managed by Ladislav Matějka) followed. |
Muestra de traducción Tech/Engineering
Technical Translation Sample Muestra de traducción
Origen (Czech) | Destino (English) |
Pokud je v naftě biosložka, měla by se použít nejdéle do čtvrt roku. | If petrol contains a bio-component, it should be used within three months. |
V případě, že nikoliv – což platí pro českou naftu v Německu – by mělo k obměně dojít nejdéle za 5 let. | If it does not contain a bio-component—as in the case of Czech petrol in Germany—it should be replaced within 5 years at the latest. |
Na kvalitu skladovaných paliv má vliv i ošetření stěn nádrže. | The treatment of tank walls also affects the quality of stored fuel. |
Důležitý je přístup kyslíku, chlad a tma. | Other important factors are the presence of oxygen, low temperature, and darkness. |
Při dodržení řádné péče by neměla kvalita nafty několik let utrpět. | If treated with due care, the petrol quality should not suffer for a few years. |
Důležité je pravidelné odkalování (alespoň jednou za rok) a kontrola parametrů: obsah vázané vody, oxidační stálost, hustota či obsah síry. | Regular sludge removal (at least once a year) is important, as well as an inspection of parameters: bound water content, oxidation stability, density, or sulphur content. |
Pokud dojde k degradaci nafty, je možné ji přepracovat v rafinerii. | In the case of petrol degradation, it is possible to re-process it in a refinery. |
Vedle kontrol svarů čeká experty u zbývajících tří bloků Dukovan také posuzování stavu tlakových nádob reaktorů a zkoušky těsnosti hermetických prostor bloků, které se opakují po osmi letech. | Aside from inspecting welded parts, the experts looking at the remaining three blocks of the Dukovany nuclear power station will also need to assess the condition of the reactor’s pressure containers and perform leakage tests on the hermetic area of the reactor blocks, which is repeated every eight years. |
Technici budou rovněž provádět investice a dokončovat opatření kvůli zvýšení bezpečnosti zařízení vyplynulá ze zátěžových testů. | Technicians will also carry out improvements and will complete measures for increased security which have arisen from stress testing. |
Aktualizovanou dokumentaci pak ČEZ předloží státnímu úřadu k žádosti o povolení dalšího provozu bloků. | The updated documentation will be submitted by ČEZ to the state authority, together with an application for the continued operation of the blocks. |
Akciová společnost ČEPS působí na území Česka jako výhradní provozovatel přenosové soustavy (elektrická vedení 400 kV a 220 KV). | The joint-stock company ČEPS operates in the territory of the Czech Republic as the sole operator of the transmission grid (400kV and 220Kv power lines). |
Udržuje, obnovuje a rozvíjí 41 rozvoden s 71 transformátory převádějícími elektrickou energii z přenosové do distribuční soustavy a trasy vedení o délce 3508 km s napěťovou hladinou 400 kV a 1910 km s napěťovou hladinou 220 kV. | It maintains, restores, and develops 41 substations with 71 transformers, which distribute electricity from the transmission to the distribution systems, and it also maintains conductor routing of 3508 km length (voltage level 400kV) and 1910 km length (voltage level 220kV). |
Nejvýznamnějším zdrojem pro německou energetiku nadále zůstává uhlí. | Coal still remains the most important source of energy in Germany. |
Na celkové výrobě elektřiny v zemi se černouhelné a hnědouhelné elektrárny v roce 2015 podílely celkem 42,2 procenta. | In 2015, brown and black coal power stations accounted for 42.2% of total electricity production. |
Meziročně to znamenalo pokles o 1,5 procentního bodu. | Compared to last year, this indicates a decrease of 1.5%. |
Německo chce do budoucna svou energetiku založit na obnovitelných zdrojích, v roce 2035 by měly pokrývat 55 až 60 procent celkové spotřeby elektřiny. | In the future, Germany would like to base its energy production on renewable sources, and by 2035 these should account for 55-60% of total electricity consumption. |
Po odstavení jaderných elektráren by se měl postupně zvyšovat i význam uhelných zdrojů. | After the shut-down of nuclear plants however, the importance of coal sources is expected to gradually increase. |
United States
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January 2025
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