Sobre mí
- Kenya
- Miembro hace más de 3 años
- religion, business, health care
- United States Dollar (USD - $)
I am a native Kikuyu, a Bachelor of Theology, and Master of Arts graduate. I'm a prolific reader and proficient writer of both English and Kikuyu. I solely edited the electronic version of the Gîkûyû Bible, over 2400 pages, and have completed writing my first Gîkûyû book.
Unidades de traducción
Conceptos terminológicos
Mi trabajo
Muestra de traducción Imenyithia Iria Ihotaga Kûguucîrîria Agûri
Imenyithia Iria Ihotaga Kûguucîrîria Agûri Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Kikuyu) |
When preparing your advertisement, you should first define your product's Unique Selling Proposition (USP). | Ûkîhaarîria imenyithia ciaku, waagîrîirwo gûkorwo nîûraahota gûtaarîirie (ûndû wa mwanya ûrîa ûûgûma andû magûre) wa kîrîa ûreendia. |
To find the USP, ask yourself "How is this product different?" | Niguo woone ûndû wa mwanya ûrîa ûûgûtûma andû magûre, ta wîyûûrie, "Ngûûrani ya kîndû gîîkî ndîreendîa na iria ingî nî îrîkû?" |
Make a list of your product's pros and cons. | Andîka maweega na maûru moothe ma kîrîa ûreendia. |
This will help you think about what message you want your ad to send. | Ûndû ûcio nîûgûgûteithia gwîciiria ndûmîrîri îrîa ûreenda kîmenyithia gîaku kîmenyithanie. |
Positioning is an attempt to place a product into a certain category in consumers' minds: "the best", for example (best deodorant, best soda, etc.) ("The best" is, however, extremely difficult to establish for a new brand). | Kûigîrîrîra nî kûgeria kûiga kîrîa ûreendia thîinî wa kîraathi kîna meeciria-inî ma agûri: "namba îmwe", kwa ngerekano marashi namba îmwe, soda namba îmwe, na indo ingî taicio). (No he hinya mûno kuiguithia andû kîndû kîerû nî namba îmwe). |
Types of positioning are Against (eg, Hertz vs. Avis, 7-up vs. colas), Niche (a sub-division of a category), New, and Traditional. | Mîtheemba ya kûigîrîrîra îrîa ibiingaga (kwa ngerekano, Hertz îkîbiinga Avis, 7-up îkîbiinga Cola cia mîtheemba), Kîraathi kîa mwanya (gîcuunjî gîa kîraathi), Kîndû kîerû, na Kîîndûire. |
A Brand Character Statement sets the tone for an entire campaign. | Ciugo cia gûtaarîria kîndû kîa mûtheemba nîcio ciiheaga kambîini îyo yoothe mwerekera. |
A simple way to start preparing your advertisement is with this statement: "Advertising will ____A_____ ____B_____ that ____C_____ is ____D_____. Support will be ____E_____. Tone will be ____F_____." where A is a verb, B is a target demographic (such as, "girls between 14-18 years old"), C is your product, D is an adjective or phrase. | Njîra hûthû ya kwambîrîria kîmenyithia gîaku: "Kîmenyithia gîkî nî___A_____ ____B_____na nî gîgwîîka_____C_____nî_____D_____. Kûnyiitîrîrwo nî_____E_____. Mûiguîkîre ûûgûkorwo____F____." Harî A nî gîîko, B nî andû arîa ûreenda gûkinyîra (ta, "airîtu a mîaka 14-18"), C nî kîndû kîrîa ûreendia, D nî kiugo kana ciugo cia gûtaarîria. |
E is what the meat of your ad will be. | E nîyo nyama ya kîmenyithia gîaku |
F is your ad's "attitude". | F nî "wîigwi" wa kîmenyithia gîaku. |
For example, "Advertising will convince artistic types age 18-35 that Apple computers are hip and cool. Support will be two men discussing Macs and PCs. Tone will be humorous." | Kwa ngerekano, "Kîmenyithia nî gîkûiguithia arîa meendete gûcora a mîaka 18-35 atî komputa ya Apple nî thaaka na hooreru. Kûnyiitîrîra nî njaamba igîrî ikîaria ûhoro wa Mac na komputa. Mûgaambo ûgûkorwo wî wa mathekania." |
Part B of this strategy statement is the target audience. | Gîcuunjî kîa B kîa mûtaratara ûyû nî andû arîa ûreenda makinîrwo nî kîmenyithia. |
Advertisers use many methods to gain information about this group, including demographics, psychographics (how the target thinks), and focus groups. | Eene imenyithia mahûthagîra njîra nyiingî cia kûhûûnga ndeto cia andû a kîraathi kîu ta mîaka, ûrîa andû meeciragia, na muoroto wa ngurubu. |
Part C is the product itself. | Gîcuunjî gîa C nî kîndû kîrîa ûreendia kîo kîene. |
Advertisers spend time studying this as well. | Aanîrîri nî mahûthagîra mahiinda magîthooma oona maûndû maya. |
Important questions to ask are "Why would anybody buy this?" "What's the product's advantage?" and "What is the client's image?" | Ciûria cia bata cia kûûria nî, "Nîkîî kîîngîtuma mûndû agûre kîndû gîîkî?" "Kîndû gîîkî kîna weega ûrîkû indo iria ingî itarî?" na "Mûgûri eena mbica îrîkû?" |
The last one is important to consider in order to make sure that your ad doesn't jar with the public perception the company has created for itself. | Ûndû ûcio wa mûico nî wa bata kûwîîciria nîguo ûtigîrîrîre kîmenyithia gîaku gîtikûrîana na mbica îrîa kambuni îîthondekeire maitho-inî ma mûingî. |
For example, hip or edgy ads probably won't go over well with a company that has a public image of being "conservative" and/or "family friendly." | Kwa ngerekano, imenyithia cia waanake kana ûkuogo itingîtwaarana weega na kambuni îrîa yaathondekire mbica ya "gûtîîka" kana "gûkenia baamîrî. |
Muestra de traducción Maûndû ma Ngai, Ndini, na Mawîîtîkio
Maûndû ma Ngai, Ndini, na Mawîîtîkio Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Kikuyu) |
God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. | Ngai nî hitho îmenyekaga weega mûndû aagîa na ûcaangararu. |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. | No tuugire nî weega gûtûûra thîinî wa Ngai. |
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. | Nî weega gûkorwo na ûcaangararu gûkîra kwaga ûcaangararu. |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. | Ûcaangararu nîguo muoroto ûrîa mûrikîru wa ûtûûro. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. | Kûhîtûkîra ûcaangararu, nî tûkinyagîra ûthamaki wa Ngai. |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. | Ûcaangararu ûreehaga thaayû, gîkeno kîa na thîinî na weendo wa kwenda andû oothe. |
An enlightened person lives in God. | Mûndû wîîna mûcaangararîre atûûraga thîinî wa Ngai. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. | We oonaga Ngai ahaana ûtheri thîinî wa thî. |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. | We aiguaga Ngai e thîinî waake na amûrigicîirie. |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. | We aiguaga Ngai arî gîkeno kîa na thîinî, thaayû wa na thîinî, hinya wa na thîinî, na nîamenyaga atî we arî thîinî wa ûûma wî igûrû ûngîîtîka tu weendo wa kûûndû guothe. |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. | Thîinî wa o îmwe ya ndini ciothe iria nene, Ngai ataaragîrio na njîra mwanya mwanya. |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. | Thîinî wa ndini, nîtûkoraga ciugo cia ûmûûndû na ingî cia maûndû marîa matoonekaga cia gûtaarîria Ngai nûû. |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. | Andû aingî arîa acaangararîre na matûûragîra Ngai na hitho meeciragia Ngai nî mûûndû na anî makamuoya ta kîîndû kî igûrû rîa thî. |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. | Thîinî wa ndini ya Butha na ya Ûhîndî ciugo iria citaaragîria Ngai nûû nî ciugo cia maûndû mataangîhuutîka. |
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. | Thîinî wa ndini ya Butha, ûûgî ûrîa wî igûrû mûno wîîtagwo Nirivana, na thîinî wa ndini ya Ûhîndî wîîtagwo Burahimani. |
Jesus referred to God as father. | Jesû eetaga Ngai ithe. |
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. | Mutha eetaga Ngai na ciugo cia kîndû Gîtaangîhuutîka. |
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” | Ciugo ciake iria cia gûtaarîria Ngai nî ciugo, "Niî nî Nîniî." |
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. | Ciugo ici cionanagia Ngai e gîkeno kîrîa tûkoragwo nakîo twagîa na ûcangararu. |
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. | Thîinî wa ciugo "niî nî Niî" nîho tuonaga njîra îrîa nene ya kwîgatîra ûcaangararu. |
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. | Andû maagîrîirwo nî kûgîa na ûmenyo wa thî, ûmenyo ûrîa ûnyiitithanagia maûndû moothe. |
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. | Ûguo mwîtûûgîrio nî mûûro wa ûmenyo. |
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” | Mûûndû aacoka aagîa na ûmenyo ûrîa mûtheru, anyitithanagio na indo cioothe na ûcio nowe ûngiuga, "Niî nî niî," |
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” | Ndaangiuga, "niî ndî ng'ania wa ng'ania." |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. | We anyitithanîtio na indo ciothe na andû oothe na we ti kîîndû na wîigwi. |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. | Ngai ta mûndû ûûngîka ûndû nîatûteithagia njîra-inî ya kîîroho. |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. | Arîa oothe macaangararîirwo nî ngai ndiûku. |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. | Ûûngînyitithania na Ngai kana ûcaangararagîrwo o mûthenya, nîûrîîtongoragio ûtheri-inî. |
Muestra de traducción Jackie Kennedy: Kîonereria Kîa Baashoni
Jackie Kennedy: Kîonereria Kîa Baashoni Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Kikuyu) |
Jackie Kennedy is an important figure in discussing the rhetoric of fashion. | Jackie Kennedy nî mûndû wa bata gûkîarîrîrio mîario ya baashoni. |
As first lady, she was part of the elite, ruling class. | Eeta mutumia wa mûnene, aarî wa kîraathi kîa igûrû, kîraathi gîa aathani. |
As is normally the case with fashion trends, the ruling class establishes the fashion trends, and lower classes then attempt to emulate those styles. | Oota ûrîa gûkoragwo maûndû-inî ma baashoni, kîraathi kîa aathani nîkîo gîtoongoragia, nao andû a kîraathi gîa thî makamakobia. |
Those who imitated Jackie Kennedy's style did so not only because they liked her sense of style, but they also wanted to identify with those aspects of her life that her style brought with it: wealth, power, and social status. | Arîa maakobagia mwîhuumbîre wa Jackie Kennedy matiekaga ûguo tu toondû nî meendete mwîhuumbîre waake, no meendaga kwîgiritania na maûndû marîa mwîhuumbîre waake woonanagia: ûnene, na kîraathi. |
Celebrity figures such as Jackie Kennedy provide us with the most accessible vision of what it means to be wealthy. | Andû arîa me gatû ta Jackie Kennedy matûheeaga kîndî kîrooneka gîa gûtuonia ûtoonga nî kuuga atîa. |
Their style and their fashion choices become culturally understood symbols that represent wealth and power. | Mwîhuumbîre waao na mûcaagûrîre wao wa baashoni ituîkaga cionereria cia ûtoonga na ûnene. |
Once the “refined taste” of the elite is adopted by lower classes, (for example: imitation Louis Vuitton handbags, fake Chanel sunglasses) the elite then shift gears and establish a new high-fashion trend that places them back at the top of the fashion pyramid. | Mwîhuumbîre ûcio wa kîraathi kîa arîa anene waambîrîria kûhûthîka nî andû a iraathi cia thî, (kwa ngerekano: mîhuko ya Loius Vuitton îtarî ya kaambuni îo, macicio ma Chanel ma bakû), andû acio anene no ngia maceenjagia makaambîrîria baashoni îngî ya kîraathi kîa igûrû îîgûtûma macooke gacûmbîrî ka baashoni. |
Many times, the trend among the elite is to wear clothing that appears “casual” and “low-maintenance,” (all while costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars) – but as soon as the actual casual and low maintenance wearers adopt those trends, the style changes. | Kaingî, andû arîa anene nî meekîraga nguo ciirooneka taarî kashuo na cia raithi gûciiga, (no cikoragwo ciî cia magana kana makiri ma ndoora)-no o rîrîa andû a kîraathi gîa thî maambîrîria kûmakobia na gwîkîra nguo kashuo na cia kîraathi gîa thî, acio anene no gûceenjia maceenjagia. |
Muestra de traducción Health Care
Health Care Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Kikuyu) |
Public health has been described as "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals." | Ûgima wa Mîîrî wa Mûingî ûtaararagîrio ûgeetwo, "Sayansi na njîra ya kûrigîrîrîria mîrimû, kûraihia mîtûûrîre, na kûmenyithania ûhoro wa ûgima wa mîîrî, na njîra ya kwîbaanga, na mûingî, thothaitî, matûûra, na andû o eene, gûtua matua na njîra ya ûmenyo." |
It is concerned with threats to the overall health of a community based on population health analysis. | Nî ûhuutanagia na maûndû marîa mareehaga ûgwaati kûrî ûgima wa mîîrî wa matûûra kûriingana na ûrîa ûgima wa mîîrî wa itûûra ûhaana. |
The population in question can be as small as a handful of people or as large as all the inhabitants of several continents (for instance, in the case of a pandemic). | Andû a itûûra rîu no makorwo marî o nguundi ya andû, kana makorwo nî aingî oota aikarî a kontinenti ciigana ûna (kwa mûhaano kûûngîkorwo na mûrimû wa kûgwaatanio na ihenya). |
Public health has many sub-fields, but typically includes the interdisciplinary categories of epidemiology, biostatistics and health services. | Ûgima wa Mîîrî nî ûgayanîtio hoonge nyiingî, no nî ûhuutanagia na kûrutithania wîîra kwa hoonge ciothe cia mîrimu ya mîtheemba, eeki mathabu, na ûrigitani. |
Environmental health, community health, behavioral health, and occupational health are also important areas of public health. | Ûgima wa mîîrî wa matûûra, ûgima wa mîîrî wa aikari matûûra, mîîkîre ya maûndû ma ûgima wa mîîrî, na ûgima wa mîîrî wa mawîra-inî, nî hoonge cia bata cia ûgima wa Mîîrî. |
The focus of public health interventions is to prevent and manage diseases, injuries and other health conditions through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behavior, communities, and (in aspects relevant to human health) environments. | Muoroto wa ûruti wîîra wa ûgima wa mîîrî nî kûrigîrîria na kûrigita mîrimû, iroonda, na maûndû maangî ma mîrimû na njîra ya kûhûûra kabirû arîa arwaaru, kûmethia andû na matûûra njîra cia kwîrigîrîriria, na maûndû mangî marîa makonainîe na ûgima wa andû na matûûra. |
Its aim is to prevent health problems from happening or re-occurring by implementing educational programs, developing policies, administering services and conducting research. | Muoroto wa ûgima wa Mîîrî nî kûrigîrîria mathîîna ma mîrimû matikaambîrîrie, kana matigacooke na njîra ya gûthomithia andû, gûtuunga mîoroto, kûheeana mootungata, na gûthooma. |
In many cases, treating a disease or controlling a pathogen can be vital to preventing it in others, such as during an outbreak. | Maita maingî, kûrigita mûrimû kana kûrigîrîria kîreehi kaî mûrimû ûcio nîcio njîra cia bata cia kûrigîrîria mûrimû, ta hîndî ya ûtuthûku wa mûrimû wa kûgwatanio. |
Vaccination programs and distribution of condoms to prevent the spread of communicable diseases are examples of common preventive public health measures, as are educational campaigns to promote vaccination and the use of condoms (including overcoming resistance to such). | Njaanjo na kûheana kondomu cia kûrigîrîria mîrimû ya kûgwaatanio nî ngerekano ya njîra cia kwîrigîrîria cia ûgima wa mîîrî, oota gîthoomo gîa kûmenyithania ûhoro wa njaanjo na ûhûthîri wa kondomu (nginya gûtooria ûregani wa mûndû maya). |
Muestra de traducción Tourism
Tourism Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Kikuyu) |
We know why we tour as tourists. | Nî tûûî tûthiaga iceera ta atarii nîkî. |
You know why you may choose some parts of the globe over others by reasons such as family, cheap prices and activities- but do you specifically know why we tour? | Nîûî kîrîa kîîngîtûma ûthuure gûthiî kûndû kûmwe thîinî wa thî haandû ha kûûndû kûngî, nî itûmi ta bamîrî, mathogora mabaacîrîre, na maûndû marîa mûgûkorwo mûgîîka-no nîûî tûthiaga ta atarii nîkî? |
Tourism varies a number of ways: time, number of tourists, and different reasons being just some. | Ûtarii nîûrî ngûûrani maita maigana ûna: mahiinda, namba ya atarii, na itûmi ngûrani cia gûkorwo mûciî. |
For example, you may spend 2 weeks in Borth which has thousands of tourists, or you may tour in the Amazon for a month where there are little tourists and for the purpose of ecotourism. | Kwa ngerekano, noweende gûceera ciumia igîrî Borth kûrîa gûkoragwo na makiri ma atarii, kana no weende gûthiî Amazon, kûrîa gûkoragwo na atarii anini, mweri ûmwe na nîguo wîîna muoroto wa kuona indo iria itûire o ûrîa ciombirwo. |
Because of recent falls in the economy and general decrease of salary, many people are looking for cheaper places to tour. | Nîûndû wa ûrîa ikonomî îgwîte na mîcaara nayo îkagwa, andû aingî mareetha kûndû kûrîa kwîna raithi gwa gûceera. |
This means more money for the cheaper resorts, that tend to be Mass Tourism destinations and a big company. | Ûguo nî kuuga andû mîkaawa îrîa î raithi nîyo îroona mbeca nyiingî, kuû nîkuo andû aingî maceeraga. |
Tourism can have positive and negative effects: money, jobs and a good recognition are common positives that tourism brings. | Utarii no ûreehe maûndû meega kana mooru: mbeeca, mawîîra, na kûmenyekana nî maûndû mamwe ma marîa meega ûtarii ûreehaga. |
However, Global warming, pollution and destruction of habitat are all negatives people are concerned about. | No rîrî, ûhiûhu wa thî, gûthûûkangio kwa ûikari nî maûndû mamwe maraatûma andû meehûge. |
Solutions are being carried out to make tourism more eco-friendly. | Ihonia cia maûndû maya nî ireekwo nî getha ûtarii ûtuîke wa kûgîa ndûgû na ûikari wa andû na nyamû. |
Eco-tourism helps local communities, wildlife and produces much less pollution than mass tourism. | Ûtarii ûtarî na waanangi nîûteithagia andû matûûra-inî maao, nyamû, na ûkaaga gûthûkaangia ta ûrîa ûtarii wa andû aingî wîîkaga. |
But are the general public willing to tour in eco-tourist destinations? | No andû arîa aingî nî meendaga gûthiî kûrîa gûtarî waanangi? |
Muestra de traducción Food
Food Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Kikuyu) |
Of course, it doesn't mean we should save ourselves from the flavor enhancing powers of marinades. | Ûguo ti kuuga atî nî twagîrîire kwîhoonokia kwî marinîîndi cia kuongerera mûcamo. |
Basically what it does is soften the texture of the meat or vegetables you are marinating and usually adds infused flavors into the food. | Ûrîa ciîkaga nî kuororoiya nyama kana mîtheemba ya mboga iria ûroongerera marinîndi na ikoongerera irio icio mûcamo. |
In this case, sos means: 'Seasoning Oil-Something' that is oil/fat or spice such as salt and pepper. | Haaha, sos yuugaga: "maguta ma kuongerera kîndû mûcamo" icio nî thararî/maguta kana indo ingî cia kuongerera irio mûcamp ta cuumbî kana biribiri. |
The thing about marinades, unlike brines, is that typically the flavor is concentrated on the surface of the food source. | Marinîndî ti ta thubu. ici ciongagîrîra mûcamo irio igûrû. |
It works on the principles of how acids denature or breakdown proteins, resulting in a more tender texture. | Irutaga wîîra oota acîndi îkeenyûranga protîini, îgatûma irio ciororoe. |
Mi experiencia
20 años.
- 2003 MA/MS en Africa Nazarene University
- 1998 BA/BS en Africa Nazarene University
- 1991 AA/AS en Kenya Medical Training College
disponible Hoy
January 2025
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