Sobre mí
- China
- Miembro hace alrededor de 9 años
- marketing, video games, copywriting, computers (software), advertising
- MemoQ
- PayPal, Wire transfer
- United States Dollar (USD - $)
$0,10 to $0,20/ palabra*
$40 to $60/ hora*
I'm an English-to-Simplified-Chinese translator. Having studied both Marketing Management and Marketing Communication, I have an acute sense of the local market and professional knowledge of international marketing in China.
*Las tarifas listadas representan el rango general para este traductor. Cada proyecto es distinto y muchos factores influyen en las tarifas de traducción, como, por ejemplo: la complejidad del texto de origen, el formato de archivo, la fecha y hora límite de entrega, etc. Ponte en contacto con este traductor con los detalles de tu trabajo de traducción para que tengas una cotización más específica. En TM-Town, las tarifas siempre se muestran en USD para ser consistentes. Un traductor puede tener una moneda de preferencia distinta.
Unidades de traducción
Conceptos terminológicos
Mi trabajo
Muestra de traducción Marketing
Marketing Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
BE RECKLESS. | 打破规则的束缚 |
BE RESPECTED. | 抛开一切 荣耀无界 |
Muestra de traducción Tech/Engineering
Tech/Engineering Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
1. You will be guided through the steps to set up an account. | 1.接下来将会有一系列步骤来指引您添加一个账户。 |
To get started, please provide the following information: | 请填写下列信息从而开始该过程: |
2. Unibox can try to detect your mail server settings automatically by querying a webservice or you can provide the settings yourself. | 2.Unibox可以查询webservice并自动检测您的邮件服务器设置或者您可以提供自己的设置。 |
3. Unibox will try to detect your mail server settings automatically by querying a webservice for a configuration of your email domain. | 4.点击“继续”从而来确认邮件的设置,或者点击“返回”进行更改,您也可以选择手动输入设置。 |
4. Click next to confirm the settings or go back to change them or enter the settings manually. | 5.大部分新闻邮件和通知邮件包含嵌入式图像,这些图像必须从服务器中读取。 |
5. Most newsletter and notification emails contain embedded images that must be loaded from a server. | 如果您选择禁用该设定,这些图像仅会在您点击邮件中的下载按钮后才会被读取。 |
If you disable this setting those images will only be loaded after you clicked the download button on the email. | 6.很多人使用“”来将他们的邮件地址同图像进行关联。 |
6. Many people use "" to associate their email address with a picture. | 若您选择开启该设定,Unibox将会检查邮件中发送者的地址是否有关联图像可用。 |
With this setting enabled Unibox will check if a picture is available for the sender address of your emails and display it as avatar. | 如果有,则将该图像作为邮件头像来显示。 |
7. Unibox provides a backend service to check for icons of the domains of the sender address of your emails. | 7. Unibox提供后台服务来检测邮件发送者地址的域名图标。 |
With this setting enabled many company logos will be displayed as avatar. | 若您选择开启该设定,很多公司的logo将会被作为邮件头像来显示。 |
8. Many emails contain invisible images that are used by the sender to find out if you opened an email. | 8.很多邮件包含了由发件人所放置的不可见图像来获知您是否打开过其发送的邮件。 |
With this setting enabled Unibox will try to block them. | 如果您开启了本项设置,Unibox将会尝试阻挡这些图像。 |
9. Do you want to subscribe to our newsletter? | 9.您是否想要订阅我们的新闻邮件? |
Occasionally we send information about Unibox, e.g about new versions and features or news about our upcoming iOS app. | 我们偶尔会发送一些关于Unibox的信息到您的邮箱,例如Unibox的新版本以及新特性,或者是同我们即将到来的iOS应用相关的新闻。 |
Click "Yes" to subscribe with @@EmailAddress@@. | 点击“是”将会用@@EmailAddress@@来订阅。 |
We won't give this email address to third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time. | 我们不会将该邮箱地址泄露给任何第三方,您可以随时取消订阅。 |
Muestra de traducción Marketing
Marketing Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
Create your city with British style! | 打造英伦风情城市! |
Build Big Ben, Shakespeare’s Globe Theater, and more... | 您可以建造大本钟、莎士比亚环球剧场等建筑物。 |
Build your city, then bring it to life! | 缔造无限活力之城! |
Customize with London landmarks and more... | 使用伦敦地标性建筑来定制您的城市。 |
Build your city with style! | 建造英式格调城市! |
Customize with exciting London attractions for your ciHzens... | 使用充满生命力的伦敦景点来为您的市民打造别具一格的城市。 |
Build your city, your way! | 随心所欲构建城市! |
Add international appeal with classic London attractions... | 使用经典伦敦游览胜地来为您的城市增添国际魅力。 |
Create your London Town! | 创建属于您的伦敦城! |
Customize with new neighborhoods, British landmarks, and more... | 使用全新的居民区和英伦地标性建筑来定制您的城市。 |
Build your city and customize it with unique buildings, iconic landmarks, and more! | 使用特色建筑和地标性建筑来建造和定制您的城市! |
Muestra de traducción Marketing
Marketing Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
Join EPIC real-time multiplayer battles in The Ember Conflict, the most action-packed strategy game on the App Store! | 若您想要驰骋在史诗般的战场,体验实时多人对战的乐趣,那么就请立即加入《余烬战争》--App Store中最为精彩纷呈的战略游戏! |
Command unique forces using fast and intuitive controls. | 快速直观的操控模式让您在战场中轻松指挥战队。 |
Team up with an ally or lead the fight alone, the choice is yours. | 不管是和您的好友共赴战场亦或是在战斗前线孤军奋战,一切由您抉择。 |
NOTICE: The first connection may take some to time to activate the game! | =游戏特色= |
We are resolving this issue in the next update. | –与真人玩家实时对战。 |
= GAME FEATURES = | 在游戏中,您可以选择与对手独自较量,也可以选择寻求好友的帮助。 |
– Play in real-time against real players. | –您只需花费两分钟就能够激战一场,所以您的现实生活并不会受到游戏影响。 |
Take them on by yourself, or enlist the help of a friend. | –您可以在屏幕上划线操作,从而来精准地控制您的单位。 |
– Control your units with precise line-drawing controls. | –游戏拥有超过六十种装备,您可以尽情依照自己的玩法来定制您的单位。 |
– Customize your units to fit your playing style with over 60 gear choices. | –游戏逼真的3D画面将带您进入美不胜收的余烬之岛。 |
– Set foot on the Ember Isles, a land of untold beauty, painted in high-fidelity 3D. | –没有付费即赢! |
– Battle in two-minute bursts that don’t interfere with your real life. | 无需花费分文,您也能够顺畅体验游戏。 |
– No Pay-to-Win! | =看看别人怎么说= |
Play as much as you want for FREE. | “游戏的精髓就是我能按照我自己的意愿和玩法来调整军队阵容...游戏在这方面的设计简直太棒了”– |
= WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING = | “短时高强度游戏类型的最佳选择” |
"It's all about tweaking the lineup to how I want to play... and the design on them is absolutely lovely" – | =若想获得最佳游戏体验,请在以下设备上运行《余烬战争》= |
"Perfect for short bursts of intense gameplay" – | – iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPad (第四代)。 |
– iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, iPad (4th Gen.). | - iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus |
– Requires iOS 6.0 or later. | –需要iOS 6.0或者更新系统版本。 |
Note: You’ll need a network connection to play The Ember Conflict. | 注意:您的设备需要连接网络才能正常运行《余烬战争》。 |
Muestra de traducción Marketing
Marketing Muestra de traducción
Origen (English) | Destino (Chinese) |
NVIDIA is one of our awesome sponsors for the 2015 NA and EU Autumn Season Live Finals! | 我们很高兴NVIDIA能成为我们2015北美和欧洲秋季现场决赛的优秀赞助商之一! |
NVIDIA has been wonderful to work with and we wanted to give them special thanks for helping to make the Live Finals a reality. | 我们与NVIDIA的合作非常愉快,我们想要在此向NVIDIA致以由衷的感谢,正是因为有了NVIDIA的大力支持,我们的现场决赛才得以顺利实现。 |
NVIDIA has been pioneering computer and technology inventions for decades, but their recent transition into the portable gaming universe has been especially beneficial to the touch-screen community. | NVIDIA几十年以来一直是计算机和科技产业的先锋,而近几年来,NVIDIA将目光转向了移动游戏领域,这对于移动社区的发展起到了巨大的作用。 |
On Black Friday and beyond, keep your eyes open for great deals on NVIDIA SHIELD products! | 在黑色星期五来临之际,请关注NVIDIA SHIELD优秀产品的促销活动! |
You can get tickets for the Autumn Season Live Finals in Santa Ana by clicking here. | 您可以通过点击此链接来获取在美国加州圣安娜举行的秋季现场决赛门票。 |
We hope to see you there! | 到时候见! |
Mi experiencia
1 año.
- 2013 MA/MS en City University of Hong Kong
disponible Hoy
January 2025
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. |