À propos de moi
- Serbia
- S'est inscrit il y a plus de 5 ans
- management, business, economics
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- United States Dollar (USD - $)
$0,03 to $0,08/mot*
$10 to $24/heure*
Deep understanding of American culture. Familiar with southern American dialect and British English. I fully understand Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin. Student at state university in Niš.
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Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Domaines de Spécialisation Principaux
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Business
Business Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
The overall marketing strategy of an organization should focus on developing relationships with customers to understand their needs, and to develop goods, services, and ideas to meet those needs. | Opšta marketing strategija organizacije trebalo bi da bude fokusirana na razvoj odnosa sa kupcima, na takav način da bi se razumele njihove potrebe i da bi se razvili proizvodi, usluge i ideje koje će zadovoljiti te potrebe. |
Information Gathering: research potential customers, their needs, and spending habits in order to understand what sort of product, service, or idea they wish to buy. | Prikupljanje informacija: istraživanje potencijalnih kupaca, njihovih potreba i potrošačkih navika sa ciljem da se razume koju vrstu proizvoda, usluge i ideje žele da kupe. |
Evaluation of Organization Capabilities: decide what your organization can produce relatively well, and what your organization is not capable of producing based on the organization's specific strengths and weaknesses. | Procena organizacionih sposobnosti: donošenje odluke o tome šta organizacija može proizvoditi relativno dobro, a šta organizacija nije u stanju da proizvodi dobro, zasnovano na specifičnim snagama i slabostima organizacije. |
Identify Market Opportunities: research the current market for a product idea, and look for an opportunity; such as no competition or strong demand. | Uočavanje Marketing Šansi: istraživanje trenutnog tržišta u potrazi za idejom proizvoda i traženje takve šanse koja ne uključuje konkurenciju i snažnu tražnju. |
Set Objectives of Marketing Strategy: decide what results need to be achieved in order to reach the organization's goals; such as a specific increase in sales, or net profits. | Postavljanje Ciljeva Marketing Strategije: donošenje odluke o željenim rezultatima sa ciljem dostizanja organizacionih ciljeva; kao što su specifični porast prodaje ili neto profita. |
Formulate an Action Plan: List the specific steps the organization needs to take in order to implement the marketing plan, and assign the responsibilities to specific staff members. | Formulisanje Akcionog Plana: Lista specifičnih koraka koje organizacija mora preduzeti sa ciljem implementacije marketing plana i rasporedele odgovornosti pojedinačnim članovima osoblja. |
Monitor & Evaluate: Study the marketing plan regularly, at least once per quarter, to track performance against the set objectives. | Praćenje i Ocenjivanje: Redovno proučavanje marketing plana, najmanje jednom po tromesečju, da bi se pratio napredak postavljenih ciljeva. |
Extraits de Traduction Argentine Civil Wars
Argentine Civil Wars Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
The Argentine Civil Wars were a series of civil wars that took place in Argentina from 1814 to 1880. | Argentinski Gradjanski ratovi predstavljaju niz gradjanskih ratova koji su se odigrali u Argentini izmedju 1814. i 1880. godine. |
These conflicts were separate from the Argentine War of Independence (1810–1820), though they first arose during this period. | Ovi konflikti su odvojeni od Argentinskog rata za nezavisnost (1810-1820), iako se njihov početak vezuje za ovaj period. |
The main antagonists were, on a geographical level, Buenos Aires Province against the other provinces of modern Argentina, and on a political level, the Federal Party versus the Unitarian Party. | Glavni protivnici su bili, na geografskom nivou, Provincija Buenos Arijesa protiv ostalih provincija moderne Argentine, a na političkom nivou, Federalna partija protiv Unitarne partije. |
The central cause of the conflict was the excessive centralism advanced by Buenos Aires leaders and, for a long period, the monopoly on the use of the Port of Buenos Aires as the sole means for international commerce. | Glavni povod za ovaj konflikt bio je prekomerni centralizam koji je sprovodila vlast Buenos Arijesa kao i, tokom dugog perioda, monopol na upotrebu luke Buenos Arijesa kao jedinog vida medjunarodne trgovine. |
Other participants at specific times included Uruguay, which became independent from the United Provinces of Río de la Plata in 1828, and the British and French empires, notably in the French blockade of the Río de la Plata of 1838 and in the Anglo-French blockade of the Río de la Plata that ended in 1850. | Drugi učesnici u odredjenim vremenima uključuju i Urugvaj, koji dobija nezavisnost 1828 od Ujedinjenih provincija Rio de la Plate, zatim Britanska i Francuska monarhija, u čijem slučaju se posebno izdvajaju Francuska blokada Rio de la Plate 1838. i Anglo-Francuska blokada Rio de la Plate koja je okončana 1850. godine. |
Regionalism had long marked the relationship among the numerous provinces of what today is Argentina, and the wars of independence did not result in national unity. | Regionalizam je dugo obeležavao odnos izmedju brojnih provincija koje danas sačinjavaju Argentinu, a ratovi za nezavisnost nisu doveli do nacionalnog jedinstva. |
The establishment of the League of the Free Peoples by the Banda Oriental Province, Entre Ríos Province, Corrientes Province, Misiones Province, and Córdoba Province, in June 1814 marked the first formal rupture in the United Provinces of South America that had been created by the 1810 May Revolution. | Uspostavljanjem Lige slobodnih naroda od strane provincija "Banda Orijental", "Entre Rios", "Korijentes", "Misiones", i "Kordoba" provincije, juna 1814. započinje prvo formalizovano pucanje Ujedinjenih provincija Južne Amerike koja je stvorena Majskom revolucijom 1810. godine. |
The Battle of Cepeda (1820) thwarted the goal of Buenos Aires leaders to govern the country under the Argentine Constitution of 1819, and following a series of disorders and a short-lived Constitutional Republic led by Buenos Aires centralist Bernardino Rivadavia in 1826 and 1827, the United Provinces established in 1810 again became divided, and the Province of Buenos Aires would emerge as the most powerful among the numerous semi-independent states. | Bitka kod Sepede (1820) osujećuje planove vlasti u Buenos Arijesu da vladaju zemljom pod argentinskim Ustavom iz 1819 godine. Nakon niza poremećaja i Ustavne republike predvodjene Buenos Arijeskim centralistom Bernardinom Rivadaviom, koja je bila kratkog veka i trajala izmedju 1826. i 1827., Ujedinjene provincije koje su uspostavljene 1810. godine, ponovo bivaju razdeljene, nakon čega se Provincija Buenos Arijesa nameće kao najmoćnija medju brojnim polu-nezavisnim državama.se |
Extraits de Traduction Business Strategy
Business Strategy Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Business (or Strategic) management is the art, science, and craft of formulating, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. | Biznis ( Strategijski ) menadžment predstavlja umetnost, nauku i veštinu oblikovanja, primene i procene organizacionih odluka koje će joj omogućiti ostvarenje sopstvenih dugoročnih ciljeva. |
It is the process of specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs. | Radi se o procesu odredjivanja organizacione misije, vizije i ciljeva, izrada politika i planova, često u vidu projekata i programa, koji su osmišljeni zarad postizanja ovih ciljeva, a zatim rasporedjivanje resursa kako bi se implementirale politike i planovi, projekti i programi. |
Strategic management seeks to coordinate and integrate the activities of the various functional areas of a business in order to achieve long-term organizational objectives. | Strategijski menadžment teži koordinaciji i integraciji aktivnosti raznih funkcionalnih oblasti biznisa sa ciljem postizanja dugoročnih ciljeva organizacije. |
A balanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives. | Sistem uravnoteženih pokazatelja se često koristi sa ciljem procene ukupnih performansi biznisa i njegovog napretka ka zadatim ciljevima. |
Strategic management is the highest level of managerial activity. | Strategijski menadžment predstavlja najviši nivo menadžerske aktivnosti. |
Strategies are typically planned, crafted or guided by the Chief Executive Officer, approved or authorized by the Board of directors, and then implemented under the supervision of the organization's top management team or senior executives. | Strategije se uglavnom planiraju, oblikuju i usmeravaju od strane Generalnog Direktora, koga postavlja Odbor direktora, a zatim se strategije implementiraju pod nadzorom top menadžmenta organizacije, odnosno višeg menadžmenta. |
Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies. | Strategijski menadžment pruža sveukupno usmerenje biznisu i blisko je povezan sa poljem Organizacionih Nauka. |
In the field of business administration it is useful to talk about "strategic alignment" between the organization and its environment or "strategic consistency". | Što se tiče menadžmenta preduzeća korisno je govoriti o "strategijskom poravnanju" izmedju organizacije i njene okoline, odnosno "strategijskoj konzistentnosti". |
According to Arieu (2007), "there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and the context." | Prema Arijeu (2007), "postoji strategijska konzistentnost kada su postupci organizacije konzistentni sa očekivanjima menadžmenta, i samim tim, očekivanja menadžmenta bivaju konzistentna sa tržištem i sa okruženjem organizacije. |
Extraits de Traduction Principles of Economics - Economic modeling
Principles of Economics - Economic modeling Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
As a science, economics follows the scientific method. | Kao nauka, ekonomija se upravlja prema naučnom metodu. |
Hypotheses are developed from observations, and are tested to ensure validity (usually in economics this simply involves more observation). | Hipoteze se razvijaju iz opažanja i testiraju se da bi se osigurala validnost (u ekonomiji to obično znači još više opažanja). |
For results to be valid, an hypothesis must be capable of predicting an outcome more than once. | Da bi rezultati bili validni, hipoteza mora posedovati sposobnost predviđanja ishoda više od jedanput. |
Economists are usually involved in theoretical economics and use their observation of facts to interpret them in a meaningful way. | Ekonomisti se uglavnom bave teorijskom ekonomijom i koriste svoja zapažanja ili činjenice da bi ih tumačili na smislen način. |
They use cause and effect relationships to establish economic theories or principles. | Koriste uzročno-posledične veze da bi uspostavili ekonomske teorije i principe. |
Over time, a theory or principle may become accepted as universally true, at which point it becomes a law. | Vremenom se teorija ili princip mogu prihvatiti kao univerzalno tačni i tada postaju ekonomski zakoni. |
A law is generally always considered to be true. | Uglavnom se uvek smatra da je zakon tačan. |
A caveat to all of this is that all economic theories, principles, and laws are generalizations or abstractions. | Upozorenje vezano za ovo gledište je da su sve ekonomske teorije, principi i zakoni u stvari generalizacije i abstrakcije. |
They simplify the actual picture, even more so because of ceteris paribus. | Oni uprošćuju realnu sliku, time više što se vode principom nepromenjenih ostalih konstanti. |
A law, though almost always true, may prove false under special circumstances. | Zakon, iako skoro uvek tačan, može se pokazati netačnim pod posebnim okolnostima. |
Like other social sciences, economics cannot apply universal rules because humans sometimes act irrationally. | Kao i druge društvene nauke i ekonomija ne može primeniti univerzalna pravila jer ljudi nekad postupaju iracionalno. |
Extraits de Traduction God and religious toleration - The basics about God
God and religious toleration - The basics about God Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. | Bog je tajna koja se najbolje spoznaje prosvetljenjem. |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. | Možemo samo reći da je dobro živeti sa Bogom. |
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. | Bolje je biti prosvetljen nego biti neprosvetljen. |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. | Prosvetljenje je dublji smisao života. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. | Kroz prosvetljenje dostižemo Carstvo Nebesko. |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. | Prosvetljenje predstavlja unutrašnji mir, radost i sveprisutnu ljubav ka svim bićima. |
An enlightened person lives in God. | Prosvetljena osoba živi sa Bogom u sebi. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. | Prosvetljeni vide Boga kao svetlost sveta. |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. | Prosvetljeni osećaju Boga u sebi i oko sebe. |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. | Prosvetljeni osećaju Boga kao unutrašnju radost, mir i snagu i svesni su da su dosegli višu istinu koja se samo može opisati kao univerzalna ljubav. |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. | U svakoj od velikih religija postoje različite definicije Boga. |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. | U religijama takodje nalazimo lični i abstraktni pojam Boga. |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. | Mnogi prosvetljeni mistici misle o Bogu kao o osobi, a deo njih o Njemu misli kao o višoj dimenziji kosmosa. |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. | U budizmu i hinduizmu preovladava abstraktni pojam Boga. |
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. | U budizmu, najviši princip je Nirvana, a u hinduizmu je to Braman. |
Jesus referred to God as father. | Isus Hristos je o Bogu govorio kao o Bogu Ocu. |
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. | Mojsije je o Bogu govorio više u abstraktnom smislu. |
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” | Njegova glavna definicija Boga se opisuje rečima "Ja jesam." |
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. | Ove reči se odnose na Boga kao stanje sreće gde se dostiže prosvetljenje. |
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. | U rečima "Ja jesam" nalazimo glavni put do prosvetljenja. |
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. | Ljudi moraju razviti kosmičku svest, svest jedinstva svih stvari. |
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. | Samim tim, svest ega iščezava. |
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” | Tada dostižemo čistu svest, jedno smo sa svime i možemo reći: "Ja jesam." |
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” | Ne možemo reći "Ja sam ovo i ono." |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. | Poistovećujemo se sa svime i sa svakim, gubimo sebe i postajemo jednostavno, svest. |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. | Bog kao biće koje može uticati na nas, pomaže nam na našem duhovnom putu. |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. | Sva prosvetljena bića inkarnacija su Boga. |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. | Ako se povezujemo sa Bogom ili prosvetljenim bićem svakodnevno, vodiće nas ka svetlosti. |
Extraits de Traduction What do Cyber Security professionals need to know
What do Cyber Security professionals need to know Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Do cyber security courses teach you coding like C# and Python? | Da li nas kursevi sajber bezbednosti uče kodiranju kao što to čine C# i Python? |
Not usually. | Ne baš. |
The “cyber security” profession is huge. | Profesija "sajber bezbednosti" je ogromna. |
The biggest group of cyber security professionals I work with are essentially bureaucrats who make sure that systems are secured by working with IT administrators and code reviewers to make sure that the systems are secured by the standards prescribed to them. | Najveća grupa profesionalaca sajber bezbednosti sa kojima radim su u suštini birokrate koji se staraju da su sistemi obezbeđeni, radeći sa IT administratorima i pregledačima koda da bi se postarali da su sistemi sigurni po standardima koji za njih važe. |
They write up documents to note any shortcomings and why those shortcomings exist. | Oni pišu dokumente da bi zabeležili bilo kakve nedostatke i zašto oni nastaju. |
Other groups include: | Druge grupe uključuju: |
Intrusion detection specialists who sit in a room waiting for alarms to go off all day. | Specijaliste detekcije intruzije koji sede u prostoriji po ceo dan čekajući da se alarmi upale. |
The good ones understand what the alarms mean, others just play games while they wait for something to go wrong. | Oni dobri znaju šta alarmi podrazumevaju, a oni drugi se samo igraju dok čekaju da nešto pođe po zlu. |
White hat hackers — This is the group that everyone envisions when they think of cyber security, the guys that proactively hack systems to find vulnerabilities. | Hakeri belih šešira - Oni su grupa koju svi zamišljaju kada misle o sajber bezbednosti, momci koji proaktivno hakuju sisteme da bi pronašli slabosti. |
Professionally, this is a small group and many of the vulnerabilities are accidental discoveries. | U profesionalnom smislu, oni su mala grupa i mnoge slabosti se otkrivaju slučajno. |
Security developers — this group writes the software for the virus detection and intrusion detection. | Developeri bezbednosti - ova grupa piše softvere za detekciju virusa i detekciju intruzije. |
The guys that write the guidelines. | Momci koji pišu smernice. |
These are also a desired landing spot. | Oni predstavljaju poželjno zanimanje. |
The administrators and developers that implement the security controls. | Administratori i developeri koji primenjuju sigurnosne kontrole. |
Physical security controls — the physical access control guards manually checking authorization where applicable. | Kontrola fizičke bezbednosti - kontrola fizičkog pristupa gde se manuelno provera autorizacija, tamo gde je to primenljivo. |
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- 2013 HSD à Commerce School in Niš
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