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- S'est inscrit il y a presque 7 ans
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Passionate linguist with an eye for detail
Unités de traduction
Concepts terminologiques
Domaines de Spécialisation Principaux
medical (clinical trial)
Mon travail
Extraits de Traduction Medical
Medical Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Clinical trials are experiments done in clinical research. | Klinička ispitivanja su eksperimenti koji se rade u okviru kliničkih istraživanja. |
Such prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies on human participants are designed to answer specific questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions, including new treatments (such as novel vaccines, drugs, dietary choices, dietary supplements, and medical devices) and known interventions that warrant further study and comparison. | Takve potencijalne biomedicinske i bihevioralne istraživačke studije radjene na ljudima dizajnirane su da odgovore na specifična pitanja u vezi sa biomedicinskim ili bihevioralnim intervencijama, uključujući nove vrste lečenja ( kao što su nove vakcine, lekovi, izbor ishrane, dijetetski dodatci i medicinski aparati) i već poznate terapije koje zahtevaju dalje proučavanje i upoređivanje. |
Clinical trials generate data on safety and efficacy. | Klinička ispitivanja generišu informacije o sigurnosti i efikasnosti. |
They are conducted only after they have received health authority/ethics committee approval in the country where approval of the therapy is sought. | Ona se sprovode samo pošto dobiju odobrenje od zdravstvene uprave/etičke komisije u zemlji u kojoj se traži odobrenje terapije. |
These authorities are responsible for vetting the risk/benefit ratio of the trial - their approval does not mean that the therapy is 'safe' or effective, only that the trial may be conducted. | Ovi organi vlasti odgovorni su za odmeravanje odnosa rizika/koristi ispitivanja - odobrenje ne znači da je terapija "bezbedna" ili efektivna, već samo da se sprovelo ispitivanje. |
Depending on product type and development stage, investigators initially enroll volunteers and/or patients into small pilot studies, and subsequently conduct progressively larger scale comparative studies. | U zavisnosti od tipa proizvoda i stepena razvoja, istraživači u početku uključuju dobrovoljce i/ili pacijente u male pilot studije, a zatim postepeno sprovode obimnije komparativne studije. |
Clinical trials can vary in size and cost, and they can involve a single research center or multiple centers, in one country or in multiple countries. | Klinička ispitivanja mogu varirati u veličini i troškovima, a mogu da uključe samo jedan istraživački centar ili više centara, u jednoj zemlji ili u više zemalja. |
Clinical study design aims to ensure the scientific validity and reproducibility of the results. | Dizajn kliničke studije ima za cilj da osigura naučnu validnost i ponovljivost rezultata. |
Trials can be quite costly, depending on a number of factors. | Ispitivanja mogu biti prilično skupa, u zavisnosti od više faktora. |
The sponsor may be a governmental organization or a pharmaceutical, biotechnology or medical device company. | Sponzor može biti vladina organizacija ili farmaceutska kompanija, biotehnološka ili kompanija koja proizvodi medicinske aparate. |
Certain functions necessary to the trial, such as monitoring and lab work, may be managed by an outsourced partner, such as a contract research organization or a central laboratory. | Određenim funkcijama neophodnim za ispitivanje, kao što su praćenje i laboratorijski rad, mogu upravljati spoljni partneri, kao što je ugovorena istraživačka organizacija ili centralna laboratorija. |
Extraits de Traduction Recipes
Recipes Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
- Cut a full chicken into medium size pieces of about 5 to 7 cm each and slice them at edges with a knife. | Isecite celo pile na komade srednje velicine od otprilike 5 do 7 cm i nožem zarežite krajeve. |
- Make a solution of 150ml Yoghurt, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp Red chilli powder, 1~2 tsp garam masala powder, 1 tsp red pepper powder, 4 to 6 cloves of cut garlic, 10 to 20 coriander leaves, half tsp black pepper powder ground. | Napravite smesu od 150ml jogurta, 1 kašičice soli, 1 kašičice mlevene ljute papričice, 1-2 kašičice začina garam masala, 1 kašičicu aleve paprike u prahu, 4 do 6 čena belog luka, 10 do 20 lista koriandera, pola kašičice mlevenog crnog bibera. |
Don't add water to it. | Ne dolivajte vodu. |
- Soak chicken pieces in the above solution and let that marinade for about 8 hours. | Ubacite komadiće piletine u gore navedenu smesu i ostavite da se marinira oko 8 sati. |
Store the above in a fridge overnight. | Gore navedenu smesu ostavite u frižideru preko noci. |
- When you start cooking, cut 2 onions into large rings and fry them in olive or sunflower oil over low heat. | Kada počnete sa kuvanjem, isecite 2 crna luka na krupne kolutove i pržite ih na maslinovom ili suncokretovom ulju na tihoj vatri. |
- Add 1 tsp garam masala, red chilli powder, two or three green chillis and fry them in 3 or 4 table spoons of oil until onions are light yellow in color. | Dodajte 1 kašičicu garam masale, mlevenu ljutu papričicu, dve ili tri zelene ljute papričice i pržite ih sa 3 ili 4 kašike ulja, dok crni luk blago ne požuti. |
Add two or three cashew nuts which are grounded. | Dodajte dva ili tri mlevena indiska oraha. |
Add one finely chopped tomato if desired. | Po želji dodati sitno seckani paradajz. |
- Add chicken pieces to the above oil and fry them for about 5 minutes while stirring them. | Dodajte komade piletine u gore navedeno ulje i pržite ih oko 5 minuta mešajuci ih. |
After this, Add the solution prepared above and add water until all chicken pieces are completely immersed in water. | Zatim dodajte smesu koju ste ranije pripremili i dolijte vode dok potpuno ne pokrije komade piletine. |
You would need a large cooking pot which is vertical for better results. | Za najbolji rezultat bice vam potrebna veća duboka šerpa. |
- Heat the above under low to medium heat for about 30 to 45 minutes or slightly more. | Podgrejte gore navedeno oko 30 do 45 minuta ili malo duže, na tihoj ili srednjoj vatri. |
Add 100ml coconut milk if desired. | Dodajte 100ml kokosovog mleka po želji. |
- Wait for a few minutes until the chicken pieces are tender and have absorbed the solution. | Sačekajte nekoliko minuta dok komadi piletine ne omeksaju i upiju sos. |
- When serving, use a small onion and sprinkle some juice over chicken. | Kada servirate, iseckajte mladi luk i prelijte piletinu sa malo sosa. |
This recipe works well with long grain Basmati rice. | Ovaj recept odlicno ide uz duguljasti Basmati pirinač. |
- Serve with rice. | Servirati uz pirinač. |
Extraits de Traduction Travel
Travel Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Lake Como is situated in Como (Province) in Lombardy, Northern Italy. | Jezero Komo nalazi se u provinciji Komo u Lombardiji, Severna Italija. |
It is part of the Italian Lake District. | Deo je italijanskog jezerskog okruga. |
Popular with visitors for well over 100 years for its combination of fresh air, water, mountains and good weather, it's still worth a visit. | Popularan kod posetilaca već više od 100 godina zbog svoje kombinacije svežeg vazduha, vode, planina i dobre klime, i dalje ga vredi ga posetiti. |
The Lake is shaped rather like an inverted 'Y', with two 'legs' starting at Como in the South-West and Lecco in the South-East, which join together half way up and the lake continues up to Colico in the North. | Jezero ima oblik sličan obrnutom 'Y', sa dve 'noge' koje kreću od Koma na jugo-zapadu i Leka na jugo-istoku, koje se spajaju na pola puta i jezero se nastavlja gore do Kolika na severu. |
The first few kilometres of the 'legs' at the southern end of the lake are relatively flat, but Lake Como becomes more mountainous as you head northwards into the Alps. | Prvih nekoliko kilometara počevši od južne strane 'noge' jezera su relativno ravne, ali jezero Komo postaje više planinsko kada krenete ka severu prema Alpima. |
Some of the nearby peaks go slightly above the tree-line so the views are really impressive. | Neki od obližnjih vrhova malo prevazilaze visinu okolnog drveća, tako da je pogled veoma impresivan. |
In the winter, there is skiing in the nearby valleys. | Zimi se skija u okolnim dolinama. |
The area around Lake Como, or "Lago di Como" in Italian, is pretty characteristic. | Oblast oko jezera Komo ili na italijanskom 'Lago di Como', je veoma karakteristična. |
It has a kind of flair and sense of history that tends to impress its visitors in a sense deeper than only from a touristic point of view. | U vazduhu se oseća miris istorije, koja uvek uspeva da impresionira posetioce malo vise nego samo kao turistička atrakcija. |
It has been appreciated for its beauty and uniqueness for ages, and even as early as the Roman Times. | Vekovima je cenjeno zbog svoje lepote i jedinstvenosti, jos u doba starih Rimljana. |
Its atmosphere and natural surroundings have been the inspiration for an important part of the creation of Naboo, in the Star Wars movies. | Njegova atmosfera i prirodno okruženje inspirisali u velikom delu nastanak Naboo-a iz filmova Ratovi Zvezda. |
(In the same way as the atmosphere in Tozeur and Matmata have been recreated in Episode IV, "A New Hope"). | (Na isti način na koji je rekreirana atmosfera u Tozeuru i Matmati u Epizodi IV, 'Nova Nada') |
Extraits de Traduction Biology
Biology Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Cell biology and otherwise known as molecular biology, is a branch of biology that studies the different structures and functions of the cell and focuses mainly on the idea of the cell as the basic unit of life. | Ćelijska biologija inače poznatija kao molekularna biologija, je grana biologije koja proučava različite strukture i funkcije ćelije i fokusira se uglavnom na ideji ćelije kao osnovnoj jedinici života. |
Cell biology explains the structure, organization of the organelles they contain, their physiological properties, metabolic processes, signaling pathways, life cycle, and interactions with their environment. | Ćelijska biologija objašnjava strukturu, organizaciju organela koje one sadrže, njihove fiziološke osobine, metaboličke procese, signalizaciju kanala, ciklus života i interakciju sa njihovom okolinom. |
This is done both on a microscopic and molecular level as it encompasses prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. | Ovo se ogleda kako na mikroskopskom tako i na molekularnom nivou, jer obuhvata i prokariotske ćelije i eukariotske ćelije. |
Knowing the components of cells and how cells work is fundamental to all biological sciences it is also essential for research in bio-medical fields such as cancer, and other diseases. | Poznavanje ćelijskih komponenata i njihovo funkcionisanje je fundamentalno za sve biološke nauke i takodje je esencialno u istraživanjima na polju bio-medicine kao sto je rak i ostale bolesti. |
Research in cell biology is closely related to genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, and developmental biology. | Istraživanje ćelijske biologije je usko veyano sa genetikom, biohemijom, molekularnom biologijom, imunologijom i razvojnom biologijom. |
Extraits de Traduction Medical (Clinical Trial)
Medical (Clinical Trial) Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
Because a doctor's belief in the value of a treatment can affect his or her behavior, and thus what his or her patient believes, clinical trials are usually conducted in "double-blind" manner: that is, not only are the patients made unaware when they are receiving a placebo, the doctors are made unaware too. | Pošto lekarso mišljenje o vrednosti terapije može da utiče na njegovo ili njeno ponašanje, a time i na ono što veruje njegov ili njen pacijent, klinička istraživanja se obično sprovode po "dvostruko-slepom" principu: to znači da nisu samo pacijenti neobavešteni da primaju placebo, vec su takođe neobavešteni i lekari. |
Nearly all studies conducted find benefit in the placebo group. | Skoro sve sprovedene studije potvrđuju korist placebo grupe. |
For example, Khan published a meta-analysis of studies of investigational antidepressants and found a 30% reduction in suicide and attempted suicide in the placebo groups and a 40% reduction in the treated groups. | Na primer, Khan je objavio meta-analizu studija o istraživanju antidepresiva i našao da je u placebo grupama stopa samoubistava i pokušaja samoubistva umanjena za 30%, dok je u grupama koje su primale terapiju umanjena za 40%. |
However, studies generally do not include an untreated group, so determining the actual size of the placebo effect, compared to totally untreated patients, is difficult. | Međutim, studije uglavnom ne uključuju grupu koja ne uzima nikakve lekove, tako da je teško utvrditi stvarni uticaj placebo efekta, u poređenju sa pacijentima koji ne primaju nikakvu terapiju. |
Extraits de Traduction Health
Health Extraits de Traduction
Source (English) | Cible (Serbian) |
The definition of health has evolved over time. | Definicija zdravlja evoluirala je tokom vremena. |
In keeping with the biomedical perspective, early definitions of health focused on the theme of the body's ability to function; health was seen as a state of normal function that could be disrupted from time to time by disease. | Iz biomedicinske perspektive, rane definicije zdravlja fokusirale su se na sposobnost tela da funkcioniše; zdravlje je posmatrano kao stanje tela da normalno funkcioniše, koje bi s vremena na vreme bilo prekinuto bolešću. |
An example of such a definition of health is: "a state characterized by anatomic, physiologic, and psychological integrity; ability to perform personally valued family, work, and community roles; ability to deal with physical, biologic, psychological, and social stress". | Primer takve definicije je zdravlje kao: "stanje okarakterisano anatomskim, fiziološkim i psihološkom integritetom; sposobnost za izvršavanje značajnih porodičnih, poslovnih i društvenih uloga; sposobnost da se nosi sa stresom fizičke, biološke, psihološke i socijalne prirode." |
Then, in 1948, in a radical departure from previous definitions, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a definition that aimed higher, linking health to well-being, in terms of "physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity". | Onda je 1948 godine došlo do radikalnog raskida sa prethodnim definicijama, kada je Svetska Zdravstvena Organizacija predložila definiciju zdravlja koja obuhvatala mnogo više, povezujući zdravlje sa blagostanjem u smislu "fizičkog, mentalnog i socijalnog blagostanja, a ne samo kao puke odsutnosti bolesti i slabosti". |
Although this definition was welcomed by some as being innovative, it was also criticized as being vague, excessively broad, and was not construed as measurable. | Iako su ovu definiciju neki prihvatili kao inovaciju, takodje su je kritikovali kao nejasnu, preterano opširnu i nisu je smatrali merodavnom. |
For a long time it was set aside as an impractical ideal and most discussions of health returned to the practicality of the biomedical model. | Dugo vremena ostavljenja je po strani kao nepraktični ideal i većina rasprava na temu zdravlja vratilo se na praktičnost biomedicinskog modela. |
Just as there was a shift from viewing disease as a state to thinking of it as a process, the same shift happened in definitions of health. | Kao što je došlo do promene od gledanja na bolest kao stanja do mišljenja da je u pitanju proces, tako je došlo i do promene u definisanju zdravlja. |
Again, the WHO played a leading role when it fostered the development of the health promotion movement in the 1980s. | Ponovo je SZO igrala vodeću ulogu kada je podstakla razvoj pokreta za promociju zdravlja 80-tih godina. |
This brought in a new conception of health, not as a state, but in dynamic terms of resiliency, in other words, as "a resource for living". | To je dovelo do novog koncepta o zdravlju, ne kao stanju, već kao otpornosti u dinamičnim uslovima, drugim rečima, kao "izvoru života". |
The 1984 WHO revised definition of health defined it as "the extent to which an individual or group is able to realize aspirations and satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". | Revizirana definicija zdravlja SZO iz 1984 godine definiše ga kao "stepen do koga pojedinac ili grupa može da realizuje aspiracije i zadovolji potrebe, kao i da promeni ili da se nosi sa okolinom. Zdravlje je resurs za svakodnevni život, a ne cilj življenja, to je pozitivan koncept, stavljajući akcenat na društvene i lične resurse, kao i na fizičke kapacitete " |
Thus, health referred to the ability to maintain homeostasis and recover from insults. | Prema tome, zdravlje se odnosi na sposobnost da se održi homeostaza i oporavi od povreda. |
Mental, intellectual, emotional, and social health referred to a person's ability to handle stress, to acquire skills, to maintain relationships, all of which form resources for resiliency and independent living | Mentalno, intelektualno, emotivno i socijalno zdravlje odnosi se na sposobnost pojedinca da se nosi sa stresom, stiče veštine, održava odnose, a sve to formira resurse za otpornost i samostalan život. |
Mon expérience
18 ans.
- 2004 Graduate (Other) à University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology
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