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Welcome Nate Hill to TM-Town

Welcome Nate Hill to TM-Town

Hi everyone, this is Kevin. I'm excited to announce that TM-Town is growing! Nate Hill is joining TM-Town as a developer and today is his first day. Nate is a very talented and hard working individual and I'm looking forward to working with him as we strive to improve TM-Town. Please give him a warm welcome. Now I'll turn it over to Nate and let him introduce himself -

Hey there, TM-Town community! What a pleasure to join you and start working on the next stage of TM-Town’s promise to create tools that help translator’s grow their business and utilise technology to make your work more enjoyable.

First, I’d like to tell you a little bit more about me. Originally from a small Texas town, I’ve been living in Japan since 2006. I’ve traveled to almost twenty different countries, and have always loved foreign languages. In fact, when I was six years old, I used to drive my parents crazy by running around the house with Spanish, German, and French picture dictionaries, calling out all of the different items in their respective language. While Japanese is the only language I can speak fluently now, my love of languages has been a major influencing factor in the types of projects I’ve always worked on. For example, I created Fluentli, a Q&A community with audio for language learners. If you’d like to find out more about what I’ve worked on in the past, please take a look at the about page.

While I’m not a translator, it’s an amazing profession that I look forward to learning more about as I begin talking to several of you. By learning more about what your translation process looks like, it’s my goal to discover new, exciting possible ways to help you and your business.

Besides language, another one of my first loves was creating art, so I’m much more leaning in the design sense as a developer. One of the first projects I’m pumped to start is the revamping of your translator profiles on TM-Town. In fact, if you have some ideas on how you’d like to see profiles improved, please leave a comment below! It’s my goal to give translators an easy way to have a beautiful home online where potential clients will be impressed by your work, even if you have no web development skills whatsoever. Exciting stuff coming this way I think, so stay tuned and let me know your thoughts!

I’ll leave it at that for today, but please say hello in the comments! If comments aren’t your thing, feel free to drop me a line at nate at tm-town.com. Be sure to let me know what you’re looking forward to most about TM-Town. I’ll read every one of them and get back to you as I can.

Alright, TM-Towners, that’s all for now. Stay classy!

Nate Hill at TM-Town

About the Author

Nate Hill
TM-Town Developer

Nate is building TM-Town to help translators optimize their work, hone their art, and find better paying work based on their expertise. More about me

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Comments (5)

lifestar natalia
Posted oltre 9 anni fa.

Exciting news! Welcome Nate!

natanio Nate Hill
Posted oltre 9 anni fa.

Thanks Natalia! I'm looking forward to working with you :-)

hans Hans van den Broek
Posted oltre 9 anni fa.

Selamat datang, mas Nate!

natanio Nate Hill
Posted oltre 9 anni fa.

Terima kasih, Hans! I appreciate the welcome, and look forward to working with you.

User Avatar alex suhoy
Posted oltre 9 anni fa.


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