Below you can find information on the top translators across all language pairs on TM-Town. TM-Town matches expert translators with clients in need of high quality, professional translation. TM-Town's proprietary matching technology directs work to the translators with the most relevant expertise. On TM-Town translators upload their previous translation work to improve their rank within their area of expertise.
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3d printing | abbreviations | academic | access control | accessibility | accounting | acronyms | activism | adult | adventure | advertising | aeronautical | aerospace | agreement | agriculture | agronomy | airline | alternative medicine | aluminum | anatomy | animal husbandry | animation | annual report | anthropology | anthroposophy | aquarium | archaeology | architecture | art | art history | art philosophy | arts & crafts | astronomy | audioguide | audiovisual | audit | automation | automation systems | automotive | aviation | banking | beauty | bible | bicycles | bids tender | bilingualism | biochemistry | biofuel | biology | biomedical sciences | biotech | birth certificate | book discussion | books | botany | building | business | business correspondence | cards | care instructions | casino | casting | catering | ceramics | certificates | chemistry | children | children's literature | cinema | civil engineering | climate | clothing | coal mining | comic books | commerce | communications | communities | computers | computer science | computers (general) | computers (hardware) | computers (networking) | computers (software) | computers (systems) | conservation | construction | contracts | cooking | copyediting | copywriting | corporate | corporate media | cosmetics | crime | culinary | culture | curriculum | customs | data protection | deed | defense | dentistry | design | development cooperation | disabilities | documentary | drama and theater | drilling | drugs | earth sciences | ecology | e-commerce | economics | economy | education | e-learning | electrical engineering | electrics | electronics | employment | energy | engineering | engineering (aerospace) | engineering (chemistry) | engineering (electrical) | engineering (general) | engineering (industrial) | engineering (mechanical) | engineering (nuclear) | enterprise resource planning | entertainment | environment | equine | erotica | esoteric | ethics | european union | fashion | fiber optics | fiction | film | finance | financial markets | fine arts | fisheries | fitness | folklore | food | food industry | food processing equipment | football | forest management | forestry | fruit | furniture | games | gaming | gastronomy | gems | genealogy | general | genetics | geography | geology | geophysics | geopolitics | government | graphic arts | graphic design | graphics | handbooks | hardware | health | health care | health education | history | home appliances | home automation | hotels | humanities | human resources | human rights | humor | hunting | hydraulics | imaging | immigration and refugees | industrial | industrial safety | information technology | instructions | insurance | integrated management system | integrative medicine | intellectual property | international law | international organizations | international relations | internet | investment | job | journalism | labor | language | lasers | law | law (contracts) | law (copyright) | law (general) | law (patents) | law (taxation & customs) | law (trademarks) | lease | lease agreement | legal | legislation | leisure | licence agreement | life sciences | lifestyle | linguistics | literature | livestock | localization | logistics | lubricants | machinery | machine tools | magazine article | management | management consulting | manuals | manufacturing | maritime | marketing | market research | materials | mathematics | mechanical engineering | mechanics | media | medical | medical (cardiology) | medical (clinical trial) | medical (dentistry) | medical (health care) | medical (instruments) | medical (pharmaceuticals) | medical (psychiatry) | merchandising | metallurgy | metals | microbiology | military | mining | ministry | mobile application | modern art | motorcycles | motor mechanics | motorsport | mountain biking | multimedia | museums | music | names | nature | naturopathy | networking | newspaper articles | newspapers | novel | nuclear | nuclear energy | nutrition | occupational safety | oenology | official documents | offshore drilling | oil & gas | ophtalmology | painting | paper | paper manufacturing | patents | pedagogy | pediatrics | personal documents | petroleum | pharmaceuticals | pharmacology | philosophy | photography | physics | plants | plastic | poetry | police | politics | power | press release | printing | privacy | process management | products | project management | promotions | psychology | public agency | public policy | public procurement | public relations | publishing | quality control | radio | railway technology | real estate | recipes | recreation | regulations | religion | report | research | resources | retail | road cycling | robotics | rubber | safety | sailing | sales | school | science | securities | shipping | ships | shopping | short story | slang | smartphones | soccer | social media | social networking | social science | social security | social work | sociology | software | soil | solar technology | space | special needs | sporting competitions | sport medicine | sports | statistics | steiner education | subtitles | supply chain management | surgical instruments | surveying | sustainability | symbols | taxes | tax law | technical | technical documentation | technical regulations | technology | telecommunications | tender bids | textiles | tools | tourism | trading | traffic management | trains | transportation | travel | TV | urbanism | veganism | veterinary | video editing | video games | viticulture | war | water | web | web design | website translation | wine | wood | wood industry | woodworking | word processing | work regulations | work safety | zoology |
Rank | Field | Translation Units |
1 | Technical | 12,365,781 |
2 | Marketing | 11,933,519 |
3 | Automotive | 11,291,617 |
4 | Information Technology | 9,184,562 |
5 | Medical | 8,795,126 |
6 | Computers (Software) | 7,656,142 |
7 | Business | 7,431,716 |
8 | General | 6,437,210 |
9 | Legal | 6,263,641 |
10 | Machinery | 5,705,792 |
Rank | Language Pair | Translation Units |
1 | English to French | 20,343,449 |
2 | English to Russian | 10,147,721 |
3 | English to Romanian | 9,534,092 |
4 | English to Spanish | 7,867,662 |
5 | English to Italian | 4,873,433 |
6 | English to German | 3,822,378 |
7 | Spanish to French | 3,783,907 |
8 | English to Dutch | 3,077,458 |
9 | English to Polish | 2,634,081 |
10 | English to Portuguese | 2,596,182 |
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* Please note that a document may be tagged with up to 3 fields of expertise; therefore, the total unique translation units on TM-Town is less than the total in the center purple circle.