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Score your first client


Vitor Machado commented on September 7, 2017

Hello, everyone.
First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Vitor Machado and I am 22 years old. As of June 2017, I have finished my Bachelor's degree in Administrative Assistance and Translation.
Since then, I have been working on creating my online profile in various Freelance + Translation websites, in order to score some jobs. I have also started to do some work for TWB(Translators Without Borders) to help the less fortunate while enriching my portfolio.
I have always loved to translate and work with languages, and now I have the academic and (some) professional experience to help me book at least some clients. The problem is that I just can't seem to be able to do that.
Does anyone have any tips for someone who is eagerly looking to enter in the freelance translation market? And maybe tell me what I am doing wrong for this lack of clientele.
Thanks in advance for reading this!


ESPANED.COM commented on September 7, 2017

Hello Vitor,

The magic word here is 'acquistion', and I mean active acquisition = more than only creating accounts and waiting for the clients to come. That is not the way it works

You'll have to invest some (maybe a lot) of time in searching translation agencies which fits your profille and contact them with a good and unique written letter.

Proz and Translatorcafe are good sources to find them.

Another tip, be patient. Building up a client base may take as long as at least 3 years.



Ariane Windler commented on October 28, 2024

What I love about bitlife is its unpredictability! You never know what life will throw at you, making each decision feel meaningful and exciting.


Bez Chillwell commented on November 12, 2024

Hi Vitor, it sounds like you're on the right track with building your portfolio and gaining experience through TWB, but consider enhancing your online presence by networking on LinkedIn, reaching out to agencies directly, and joining translator forums or groups where you can connect uno online with potential clients and showcase your skills.

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Forrest Higgins commented on February 19, 2025


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