Approved Statistical Terminology

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Statistical terms approved by the National Terminology Committee.

Price €0,00
Seller kasparsmelkis71611 Kaspars Melkis
Language Pair English to Latvian
Fields statistics
medical (pharmaceuticals)
Term Concepts 822
Sales 4
Seller available to work in this field Yes (View Profile)

Packaged for your productivity

Statistical terminology can be very overwhelming to many translators, however, that should not be the case with comprehensive approved glossaries. In this glossary a translator will find all commonly statistical terms, such as hazard ratio, incidence vs. prevalence, precision vs. accuracy and even obscure names of statistical tests, e.g., log-rank test and many others. Care should be taken that many terms are domain specific and should not be used indiscriminately in all areas. This glossary was prepared by the Association of Latvian Statisticians in collaboration with the University of Latvia and formatted and converted by me. This terminology package includes the following files:

  • TBX
  • CSV (UTF-8, UTF-16LE BOM, and CafeTran)
  • XLSX


The buyer of this package created by Kaspars Melkis is entitled to use it for her/his own translation work. Redistribution (reselling, publicizing or any other form of multiplication) is expressly forbidden.