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Esempio di traduzione Literature
Literature Esempio di traduzione
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文学是指以语言文字为工具形象化地反映艺术,包括戏剧、诗歌、小说、散文等,是文化的重要表现形式,以不同的形式(称作体裁)表现内心情感和再现一定时期和一定地域的社会生活、文化。 | Literature refers to the using language as a tool to reflect farts, including drama, poetry, fiction, prose, etc. It is an important manifestation of culture, using different forms (called genres) to express inner feelings and reproduce the social life and culture of a certain period and a certain area. |
“文學”並不一定是客觀的,一名成功的文學家能在自己的文學作品中,展現自己對於文學的主觀看法,抒發自己的情緒和感觸,但藉由嘗試建立一個「客觀的標準」,有時對能幫助作家了解「讀者的感受」以求將內心之情感與藝術表現完整的體現在讀者心中。 | "Literature" is not necessarily objective. A successful writer can show his subjective view regarding literature and express his sentiments and feelings in his literary work. But by trying to establish an "objective criteria", it can sometimes help writers to understand "readers' feelings" in order to completely reflect his inner emotions and artistic expressions in readers' hearts. |
有時也能藉此作家的主觀想法帶給社會不同面相省思現況,例如女性文學的興起。 | Sometimes the writer's subjective opinion can also give society different reflections of the current status, such as the rise of female literature. |
Esempio di traduzione Finance
Finance Esempio di traduzione
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尽管经常被交替使用,合併和收购略有区别。 | Although often used interchangeably, mergers and acquisitions are slightly different. |
当一个公司收购了另一个公司並以新业主自称,这项购买被称为收购。 | When a company acquires another company and takes over as the new owner, this purchase is known as an acquisition. |
从法律上来说,目标的公司不再存在,买家已经“吞食”了卖家的生意,而买家的股票仍旧在正常交易。 | Legally, the acquired company no longer exists, the buyer has "swallowed" the seller's business, while the buyer's stock is still trading normally. |
然而严格来说,合併是两个公司一起同意合成一个公司,拥有权和经营权都合二为一。 | However, strictly speaking, a merger when two companies agree to consolidate into one company, the ownership and management rights are combined. |
这样的行为可以更准确地被称做“平等兼併”。 | Such behaviour can be more accurately called "merger of equals". |
通常这两家公司规模相当。 | Usually, the two companies are of similar sizes. |
两家的股票都下市,取而代之的是新公司的股票发行。 | Both their stocks are delisted, replaced by the issue of the new company's stock. |
比如在1999年格蘭素威康(Glaxo Wellcome)和史克必成(SmithKline Beecham)公司的合併中,两家公司都不复存在,取而代之的是新公司格蘭素史克。 | For example, in the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham in 1999, the two companies ceased to exist, replaced by the new company, GlaxoSmithKline. |
平等兼併事实上並不常发生。 | A merger of equals in fact seldom happens. |
而是被收购的公司会在收购条款中要求对外称为平等兼併,即使它是一次实质上的收购。 | But the company being acquired will request in the terms of acquisition to announce to outsiders that it is a merger of equals even though it is essentially an acquisition. |
因为被收购通常被认为会带来负面影响,所以把它称为兼併。 | Since being acquired is usually associated with negative impacts, it is called a merger. |
Esempio di traduzione Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Esempio di traduzione
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维基百科,自由的百科全书 | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
土木工程是指一切和水、土、文化有關的基礎建設的計劃、建造和維修。 | Civil engineering refers to the planning, construction and maintenance of all infrastructure related to water, soil and culture. |
現時一般的土木工作項目包括:橋梁、渠務、道路、交通及水利等。 | At the present time, common civil engineering work projects include bridges, drainage, roads, traffic, irrigation, etc. |
過去曾經將一切非軍事用途的民用工程項目,歸類入本類,但隨著工程科學日益廣闊,不少原來屬於土木工程範圍的內容都已經獨立成科。 | In the past, all civil engineering projects with no military purposes are classified into this category, but with the increasingly broadening of engineering physics, a lot of former content in the scope of civil engineering have already became independent disciplines. |
土木工程乃以提高國民之生活品質,促進國民之公共福祉為目的,進而改造國土,整治環境及防治災害發生的一種公共工程。 | Civil engineering is a kind of public works which purpose is to improve people's quality of life and promote public welfare, and then reform land, remediate the environment, and prevent and mitigate the occurrence of disasters. |
又因衣食住行為國民生活之四大需要,並與國民之福祉息息相關,故土木工程亦爲直接或間接地解決民生四大問題之基本建設工程。 | The basic necessities of life are closely linked with citizens' welfare, therefore civil engineering projects also directly or indirectly solve the problems of the basic necessities of life. |
Esempio di traduzione Finance
Finance Esempio di traduzione
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从广义上说,政府、个人、组织等市场主体通过募集、配置和使用资金而产生的所有资本流动都可称之为金融。 | Generally, all capital flows of market participants, such as governments, individuals, organisations, etc., by the raising, allocation and use of funds can be called finance. |
因此,不仅是金融业者,有关政府的财政,行业企业的行为、以及个人的理财都是金融的一部分。 | Therefore, finance does not only include financiers, but also relevant authorities' finances, industries'. and enterprises' activities as well as personal finances. |
金融可以看作为资金的募集配置(籌資)、以及投资和融资(借錢買股)三类经济行为。 | Finance can be seen as three types of economic activities: raising and allocation of funds (funding), investment and financing (borrowing money and buying shares). |
行业企业募集资金的方法一般可以分为以下两类: | Methods industries and enterprises use to raise funds can generally be divided into the following categories: |
直接融资:不经由金融機構(FI),而是通过出售股票、债券等形式从投资者手中获得资金。 | Direct finance: not through financial institutions (FI), but through forms such as selling shares, bonds, etc., to obtain funds from investors. |
间接融资:通过金融機構(FI)间接地从投资者手中获得资金。 | Indirect finance: through financial institutions (FI) to indirectly obtain funds from investors. |
金融的核心是跨时间、跨空间的价值交换,所有涉及到价值或者收入在不同时间、不同空间之间进行配置的交易都是金融交易,金融学就是研究跨时间、跨空间的价值交换为什么会出现、如何发生、怎样发展,等等。 | The core of finance is value exchange across time, across space. Everything related to value or income at different times, in different spaces to is a financial transaction. Finance is the study of why value exchange across time, across space arise, how it occur, how it develop, etc. |
Esempio di traduzione Engineering
Engineering Esempio di traduzione
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工程学、工程科学或工学,是通过研究与实践应用数学、自然科学、社会学等基础学科的知识,来达到改良各行业中现有建筑、机械、仪器、系统、材料、化學和加工步骤的设计和应用方式一门学科。 | Engineering or engineering physics, is a discipline using research and practical application of knowledge in foundation subjects, such as mathematics, natural science and sociology, to achieve improvements in industries of the designs and application modes of existing buildings, machinery, equipment, systems, materials, chemicals and processing procedures. |
实践与研究工程学的人叫做工程师。 | Practicers and researchers of engineering are called engineers. |
在高等学府中,将自然科学原理应用至工业、农业、服务业等各个生产部门所形成的诸多工程学科也称为工科和工学。 | In institutions of higher education, applying the principles of natural science to various production sectors such as industry, agriculture and services that form many engineering disciplines is also known as engineering. |
Esempio di traduzione Journalism
Journalism Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (Chinese) | Arrivo (English) |
维基百科,自由的百科全书 | Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
新聞學是一種包含搜集、撰寫及報導新聞的學科。 | Journalism is a subject that contained gathering, writing and reporting news. |
在廣義上,它亦包含了編輯和演示新聞專題的過程。 | Generally, it also includes the process of editing and presentation of news topics. |
新聞學在報業、電視、電台以及网络新媒体等各種傳播媒介上均起著重要的作用。 | Journalism plays an important role in various media such as newspapers, television, radio and new media. |
多數的傳媒機構皆希望「先發制人」,爭先發佈資訊,而處於這種壓力下,傳媒機構通常會先對新聞進行編輯和校對,以使其內容符合該機構在準確性、素質和式樣等方面的標準。 | Most media hope to seize the initiative, competing to be the first to publish information, but under such pressure, media organisations usually will edit and proof read news to make the content consistent with the organisations' standards on accuracy, quality and style. |
有很多傳媒機構均聲稱他們是政府機關和官員的監察者,由此監督政府對人民負責,並為這傳統感到自豪。 | Many media organisations claim that they are watchdogs of government agencies and officials, thereby making the government accountable to the people, and are proud of this tradition. |
但同時,批評者則對傳媒本身能否向大眾負責而提出質疑。 | But at the same time, critics of the media question whether it can be responsible to the public. |
二十年代初,傳統新聞工作者都是受僱的畢業於相關學士學位的專業人士。 | In the early twenties, traditional journalists are employed professionals who graduated with related bachelor's degree. |
可是到了九十年代,隨著新聞製作數碼化及互聯網的普及程度日益上升,傳統、專業的新聞文化正在受到挑戰。 | But in the nineties, with the digitalisation of news production and the increasingly spread of the Internet, traditional and professional news cultures are being challenged. |
民間記者的概念應運而生,網絡上的記者可以透過不同渠道來把自己製作的新聞發放,而不只限於透過專業的媒體渠道。 | The concept of the citizen journalist emerged, reporters on the Internet are not limited to professional media channels but can disseminate their own news through different channels. |
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