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Esempio di traduzione Religion
Religion Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (English) | Arrivo (Swahili (generic)) |
God is a mystery that is experienced best when enlightened. | Mungu ni siri ambayo ina uzoefu mzuri wakati wa kuangaziwa |
We can only say that it is good to live in God. | Tunaweza kusema tu kuwa ni vizuri kuishi katika Mungu. |
It is better to be enlightened than not enlightened. | Ni bora kuelimishwa kuliko kutoelimika |
Enlightenment is the deeper purpose of life. | Mwangaza ni kusudi la kina la maisha. |
Through enlightenment, we reach the kingdom of God. | Kupitia mwangaza, tunafikia ufalme wa Mungu |
Enlightenment means inner peace, inner happiness and all-encompassing love for all beings. | Mwangaza unamaanisha amani ya ndani, furaha ya ndani na upendo unaojumuisha wote kwa viumbe vyote. |
An enlightened person lives in God. | Mtu mwenye nuru anaishi ndani ya Mungu. |
He or she sees God as a kind of light in the world. | Yeye humwona Mungu kama aina ya nuru ulimwenguni |
He or she feels God in him or herself and around him or herself. | Anahisi Mungu ndani yake na karibu naye |
He or she feels God as inner happiness, inner peace and inner strength and is aware that he or she is in a higher truth that can only be described as universal love. | nahisi Mungu kama furaha ya ndani, amani ya ndani na nguvu ya ndani na anajua kuwa yuko katika ukweli wa hali ya juu ambao unaweza kuelezewa tu kama upendo wa ulimwengu wote |
In each of the major religions, there are varied definitions of God. | Katika kila dini kuu, kuna ufafanuzi anuwai wa Mungu |
In the religions we also find the personal and abstract term of God. | Katika dini tunapata pia neno la kibinafsi na la kufikirika la Mungu |
Many enlightened mystics think of God as a person and some others as a higher dimension in the cosmos. | Mafumbo mengi yaliyoangaziwa hufikiria juu ya Mungu kama mtu na wengine kama mwelekeo wa juu katika ulimwengu |
In Buddhism and in Hinduism the abstract term of God dominates. | Katika Ubudha na katika Uhindu neno la kufikirika la Mungu linatawala |
In Buddhism, the highest principle is called Nirvana and in Hinduism it’s called Brahman. | Katika Ubudha, kanuni ya juu kabisa inaitwa Nirvana na katika Uhindu inaitwa Brahman |
Jesus referred to God as father. | Yesu alimtaja Mungu kama baba |
Moses referred to God more in an abstract fashion. | Musa alimtaja Mungu zaidi kwa njia isiyo ya kawaida |
His central definition of God was described with the words “I am.” | Ufafanuzi wake mkuu wa Mungu ulielezewa na maneno "mimi ndiye." |
These words refer to God as a happy state of being where one experiences enlightenment. | Maneno haya humtaja Mungu kama hali ya furaha ya kuwa mahali ambapo mtu hupata mwangaza |
In the words “I am” we find the main way to enlightenment. | Katika maneno "mimi ndimi" tunapata njia kuu ya kuelimishwa. |
People need to develop a cosmic consciousness, a consciousness of the unity of all things. | Watu wanahitaji kukuza ufahamu wa ulimwengu, ufahamu wa umoja wa vitu vyote |
Thus the ego consciousness is lost. | Kwa hivyo ufahamu wa kujithamini unapotea |
Then one experiences pure consciousness, is one with everything and can only say: “I am.” | Halafu mtu hupata fahamu safi, ni moja na kila kitu na anaweza kusema tu: "Ndimi." |
He or she cannot say “I am so and so.” | Hawezi kusema "mimi ni hivi na hivyo." |
He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness. | He or she identifies with everything and everyone and is personally nothing and is simply consciousness |
God as a being who can take action helps us along the spiritual way. | Mungu kama kiumbe anayeweza kuchukua hatua hutusaidia katika njia ya kiroho |
All enlightened beings are an incarnation of God. | Viumbe vyote vilivyoangaziwa ni mwili wa Mungu |
If you connect with God or an enlightened being daily, you will be lead in the light. | Ukiungana na Mungu au kiumbe aliyeangazwa kila siku, utakuwa kiongozi katika nuru |
Esempio di traduzione Sociology
Sociology Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (English) | Arrivo (Swahili (generic)) |
Sociology is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. | Sosholojia ni somo la tabia ya kijamii au jamii, ikijumuisha asili, maendeleo, shirika, mitandao na taasisi zake. |
It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, disorder, and change. | Ni sayansi ya kijamii inayotumia mbinu mbalimbali za uchunguzi wa kimajaribio na uchanganuzi muhimu ili kukuza maarifa mengi juu ya mpangilio wa kijamii, machafuko na mabadiliko. |
Many sociologists aim to conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. | Wanasosholojia wengi wanalenga kufanya utafiti ambao unaweza kutumika moja kwa moja kwa sera na ustawi wa jamii, huku wengine wakilenga hasa kuboresha uelewa wa kinadharia wa michakato ya kijamii. |
Subject matter ranges from the micro-sociology level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure. | Mada ni kati ya kiwango cha sosholojia ndogo ya wakala binafsi na mwingiliano hadi kiwango cha jumla cha mifumo na muundo wa kijamii. |
The traditional focuses of sociology include social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularization, law, sexuality and deviance. | Malengo ya kimapokeo ya sosholojia ni pamoja na utabaka wa kijamii, tabaka la kijamii, uhamaji wa kijamii, dini, usekula, sheria, ujinsia na ukengeushi. |
As all spheres of human activity are affected by the interplay between social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to further subjects, such as health, medical, military and penal institutions, the Internet, education, social capital and the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge. | Kwa kuwa nyanja zote za shughuli za binadamu zinaathiriwa na mwingiliano kati ya muundo wa kijamii na wakala wa mtu binafsi, sosholojia polepole imepanua umakini wake kwa masomo zaidi, kama vile afya, matibabu, jeshi na taasisi za adhabu, mtandao, elimu, mtaji wa kijamii na jukumu la shughuli za kijamii katika maendeleo ya maarifa ya kisayansi |
The range of social scientific methods has also expanded. | Mbinu mbalimbali za kisayansi za kijamii pia zimepanuka. |
Social researchers draw upon a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques. | Watafiti wa kijamii wanatumia mbinu mbalimbali za ubora na kiasi |
The linguistic and cultural turns of the mid-twentieth century led to increasingly interpretative, hermeneutic, and philosophic approaches towards the analysis of society. | Mabadiliko ya kiisimu na kitamaduni ya katikati ya karne ya ishirini yalisababisha kuongezeka kwa mikabala ya kifasiri, kihemenetiki, na kifalsafa kuelekea uchanganuzi wa jamii |
Conversely, the end of the 1990s and the beginning of 2000s have seen the rise of new analytically, mathematically and computationally rigorous techniques, such as agent-based modeling and social network analysis. | Kinyume chake, mwisho wa miaka ya 1990 na mwanzoni mwa miaka ya 2000 kumeonekana kuongezeka kwa mbinu mpya za uchambuzi, hisabati na hesabu, kama vile uundaji wa msingi wa wakala na uchanganuzi wa mitandao ya kijamii. |
Esempio di traduzione Environment
Environment Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (English) | Arrivo (Swahili (generic)) |
Environmental assessment' (EA) is the term used for the assessment of the environmental consequences (positive and negative) of a plan, policy, program, or project prior to the decision to move forward with the proposed action. | Tathmini ya mazingira' (EA) ni neno linalotumika kwa tathmini ya matokeo ya kimazingira (chanya na hasi) ya mpango, sera, programu, au mradi kabla ya uamuzi wa kuendelea na hatua iliyopendekezwa |
In this context, the term 'environmental impact assessment' (EIA) is usually used when applied to concrete projects and the term 'strategic environmental assessment' applies to policies, plans and programmes (Fischer, 2016). | Katika muktadha huu, neno 'tathmini ya athari za mazingira' (EIA) kwa kawaida hutumika linapotumiwa kwa miradi madhubuti na neno 'tathmini ya kimkakati ya mazingira' hutumika kwa sera, mipango na programu (Fischer, 2016) |
Environmental assessments may be governed by rules of administrative procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision making, and may be subject to judicial review. | Tathmini ya mazingira inaweza kutawaliwa na sheria za utaratibu wa utawala kuhusu ushiriki wa umma na uwekaji kumbukumbu wa kufanya maamuzi, na inaweza kuwa chini ya mapitio ya mahakama |
The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to proceed with a project. | Madhumuni ya tathmini ni kuhakikisha kuwa watoa maamuzi wanazingatia athari za mazingira wakati wa kuamua kama kuendelea na mradi au la |
The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) defines an environmental impact assessment as "the process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made." | Jumuiya ya Kimataifa ya Tathmini ya Athari (IAIA) inafafanua tathmini ya athari za mazingira kama "mchakato wa kutambua, kutabiri, kutathmini na kupunguza athari za kibayolojia, kijamii, na athari zingine muhimu za mapendekezo ya maendeleo kabla ya maamuzi makubwa kuchukuliwa na ahadi kufanywa. |
EIAs are unique in that they do not require adherence to a predetermined environmental outcome, but rather they require decision makers to account for environmental values in their decisions and to justify those decisions in light of detailed environmental studies and public comments on the potential environmental impacts. | Tathmini za athari za mazingira ni za kipekee kwa kuwa hazihitaji ufuasi wa matokeo ya kimazingira yaliyoamuliwa kimbele, bali zinahitaji watoa maamuzi kuwajibika kwa maadili ya mazingira katika maamuzi yao na kuhalalisha maamuzi hayo kwa kuzingatia tafiti za kina za mazingira na maoni ya umma kuhusu athari zinazoweza kujitokeza kwa mazingira |
Esempio di traduzione Economy
Economy Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (English) | Arrivo (Swahili (generic)) |
A multinational corporation (MNC) is usually a large corporation incorporated in one country which produces or sells goods or services in various countries. | Shirika la kimataifa (MNC) huwa ni shirika kubwa linalojumuishwa katika nchi moja ambalo huzalisha au kuuza bidhaa au huduma katika nchi mbalimbali |
The two main characteristics of MNCs are their large size and the fact that their worldwide activities are centrally controlled by the parent companies. | Sifa kuu mbili za Shirika la kimataifa ni saizi yao kubwa na ukweli kwamba shughuli zao za ulimwenguni kote zinadhibitiwa na kampuni mama |
Importing and exporting goods and services | Kuagiza na kuuza nje bidhaa na huduma |
Making significant investments in a foreign country | Kufanya uwekezaji mkubwa katika nchi ya kigeni |
Buying and selling licenses in foreign markets | Kununua na kuuza leseni katika masoko ya nje |
Engaging in contract manufacturing—permitting a local manufacturer in a foreign country to produce their products | Kujihusisha na utengenezaji wa kandarasi-kuruhusu mtengenezaji wa ndani katika nchi ya kigeni kuzalisha bidhaa zao |
Opening manufacturing facilities or assembly operations in foreign countries | Kufungua vifaa vya utengenezaji au shughuli za kusanyiko katika nchi za nje |
MNCs may gain from their global presence in a variety of ways. | Shirika hizi za kimataifa zinaweza kufaidika kutokana na uwepo wao duniani kwa njia mbalimbali |
First of all, MNCs can benefit from the economy of scale by spreading R&D expenditures and advertising costs over their global sales, pooling global purchasing power over suppliers, and utilizing their technological and managerial know-how globally with minimal additional costs. | Kwanza kabisa, Shirika hizi za kimataifa zinaweza kufaidika na uchumi wa kiwango kwa kueneza matumizi ya utafiti na maendeleo, na gharama za utangazaji juu ya mauzo yao ya kimataifa, kuunganisha uwezo wa ununuzi wa kimataifa juu ya wasambazaji, na kutumia ujuzi wao wa kiteknolojia na usimamizi ulimwenguni kote na gharama ndogo za ziada |
Furthermore, MNCs can use their global presence to take advantage of underpriced labor services available in certain developing countries, and gain access to special R&D capabilities residing in advanced foreign countries. | Zaidi ya hayo, Shirika hizi za kimataifa zinaweza kutumia uwepo wao wa kimataifa kuchukua fursa ya leba ya gharama ya chini iinayopatikana katika baadhi ya nchi zinazoendelea, na kupata ufikiaji wa uwezo maalum wa utafiti na maendeleo ya wanaoishi katika nchi za juu za kigeni. |
The problem of moral and legal constraints upon the behavior of multinational corporations, given that they are effectively "stateless" actors, is one of several urgent global socioeconomic problems that emerged during the late twentieth century. | Tatizo la vikwazo vya kimaadili na kisheria juu ya mienendo ya mashirika ya kimataifa, ikizingatiwa kuwa ni watendaji "wasio na utaifa", ni moja ya shida kadhaa za dharura za kijamii na kiuchumi ambazo ziliibuka mwishoni mwa karne ya ishirini. |
Potentially, the best concept for analyzing society's governance limitations over modern corporations is the concept of "stateless corporations". | Inawezekana kuwa, dhana bora ya kuchambua mapungufu ya utawala wa jamii juu ya mashirika ya kisasa ni dhana ya "mashirika yasiyo na utaifa |
Coined at least as early as 1990 in Business Week, the conception was theoretically clarified in 1992: that an empirical strategy for defining a stateless corporation is with analytical tools at the intersection between demographic analysis and transportation research. | Iliyoundwa angalau mapema kama 1990 katika Wiki ya Biashara, dhana hiyo ilifafanuliwa kinadharia mnamo 1992: kwamba mkakati wa kisayansi wa kufafanua shirika lisilo na uraia ni pamoja na zana za uchambuzi kwenye makutano kati ya uchambuzi wa idadi ya watu na utafiti wa usafirishaji |
This intersection is known as logistics management, and it describes the importance of rapidly increasing global mobility of resources. | Makutano haya yanajulikana kama usimamizi wa vifaa, na inaelezea umuhimu wa kuongeza uhamaji wa kimataifa wa rasilimali |
In a long history of analysis of multinational corporations we are some quarter century into an era of stateless corporations - corporations which meet the realities of the needs of source materials on a worldwide basis and to produce and customize products for individual countries. | Katika historia ndefu ya uchanganuzi wa mashirika ya kimataifa tuko katika robo ya karne katika enzi ya mashirika yasiyo na uraia - mashirika ambayo yanakidhi uhalisia wa mahitaji ya nyenzo asili ulimwenguni kote na kutengeneza na kubinafsisha bidhaa kwa nchi moja moja |
One of the first multinational business organizations, the East India Company, arose in 1600. | Moja ya mashirika ya kwanza ya biashara ya kimataifa, Kampuni ya India Mashariki, iliibuka mnamo mwaka wa 1600 |
After the East India Company, came the Dutch East India Company, founded March 20, 1602, which would become the largest company in the world for nearly 200 years. | Baada ya Kampuni ya East India, ikaja Kampuni ya Dutch East India, iliyoanzishwa Machi 20, 1602, ambayo iliweza kuwa kampuni kubwa zaidi ulimwenguni kwa karibu miaka 200 |
The main characteristics of multinational companies are: | Sifa kuu za makampuni ya kimataifa ni: |
In general, there is a national strength of large companies as the main body, in the way of foreign direct investment or acquire local enterprises, established subsidiaries or branches in many countries; | Kwa ujumla, kuna nguvu ya kitaifa ya kampuni kubwa kama chombo kikuu, kwa njia ya uwekezaji wa moja kwa moja wa kigeni au kupata biashara za ndani, tanzu zilizoanzishwa au matawi katika nchi nyingi; |
It usually has a complete decision-making system and the highest decision-making center, each subsidiary or branch has its own decision-making body, according to their different features and operations to make decisions, but its decision must be subordinated to the highest decision-making center; | Kawaida huwa na mfumo kamili wa kufanya maamuzi na kituo cha juu zaidi cha maamuzi, kila kampuni tanzu au tawi lina chombo chake cha kufanya maamuzi, kulingana na sifa zao tofauti na shughuli za kufanya maamuzi, lakini uamuzi wake lazima uwe chini ya uamuzi wa juu zaidi. - kituo cha utengenezaji; |
MNCs seek markets in worldwide and rational production layout, professional fixed-point production, fixed-point sales products, in order to achieve maximum profit; | Mashirika ya Kimataifa hutafuta masoko katika mpangilio wa kimataifa na wa kimantiki wa uzalishaji, uzalishaji wa kitaalamu wa uhakika, bidhaa za mauzo ya uhakika, ili kupata faida kubwa; |
Due to strong economic and technical strength, with fast information transmission, as well as funding for rapid cross-border transfers, the multinational has stronger competitiveness in the world; | Kwa sababu ya nguvu kubwa ya kiuchumi na kiufundi, na upitishaji wa habari haraka, pamoja na ufadhili wa uhamishaji wa haraka wa kuvuka mpaka, kimataifa ina ushindani mkubwa zaidi ulimwenguni; |
Many large multinational companies have varying degrees of monopoly in some area, due to economic and technical strength or production advantages. | Makampuni mengi makubwa ya kimataifa yana viwango tofauti vya ukiritimba katika eneo fulani, kwa sababu ya nguvu za kiuchumi na kiufundi au faida za uzalishaji. |
Esempio di traduzione Environment
Environment Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (English) | Arrivo (Swahili (generic)) |
The 1960s marked the beginning of modern environmental policy making. | Miaka ya 1960 iliashiria mwanzo wa uundaji wa sera za kisasa za mazingira |
Although mainstream America remained oblivious to environmental concerns, the stage had been set for change by the publication of Rachel Carson's New York Times bestseller Silent Spring in 1962. | Ingawa Amerika ya kawaida ilibakia kutojali maswala ya mazingira, jukwaa lilikuwa tayari kubadilishwa na uchapishaji wa kitabu cha Rachel Carson, muuzaji bora wa gazeti la New York Times mnamo mwaka wa 1962 |
Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. | Mwanzilishi wa Siku ya Dunia Gaylord Nelson, wakati huo akiwa Seneta wa Marekani kutoka Wisconsin, baada ya kushuhudia uharibifu wa umwagikaji mkubwa wa mafuta wa 1969 huko Santa Barbara, California |
Administrator Ruckelshaus was confirmed by the Senate on December 2, 1970, which is the traditional date used as the birth of the agency. | Msimamizi Ruckelshaus alithibitishwa na Seneti mnamo Desemba 2, 1970, ambayo ni tarehe ya jadi inayotumika kama kuzaliwa kwa wakala. |
Five months earlier, in July 1970, President Nixon had signed Reorganization Plan No. 3 calling for the establishment of EPA in July 1970. | Miezi mitano mapema, Julai 1970, Rais Nixon alikuwa ametia saini Mpango wa Kupanga Upya nambari 3 akitaka kuanzishwa kwa wakala wa ulinzi wa mazingira, EPA mnamo Julai 1970 |
At the time, Environmental Policy was a bipartisan issue and the efforts of the United States of America helped spark countries around the world to create environmental policies. | Wakati huo, Sera ya Mazingira ilikuwa suala la pande mbili za siasa na juhudi za Marekani zilisaidia nchi kote ulimwenguni kuunda sera za mazingira |
[14] During this period, legislation was passed to regulate pollutants that go into the air, water tables, and solid waste disposal. | 14] Katika kipindi hiki, sheria ilipitishwa ili kudhibiti vichafuzi vinavyoingia kwenye hewa, maji, na utupaji wa taka ngumu. |
President Nixon signed the Clean Air Act in 1970 which set the USA as one of the world leaders in environmental conservation. | Rais Nixon alitia saini Sheria ya Hewa Safi mwaka 1970 ambayo iliiweka Marekani kuwa moja ya viongozi wa dunia katika uhifadhi wa mazingira. |
Esempio di traduzione International Relations
International Relations Esempio di traduzione
Partenza (English) | Arrivo (Swahili (generic)) |
The global human rights movement has become more expansive since the 1990s, including greater representation of women's rights and economic justice as part of the human rights umbrella. | Harakati za haki za binadamu duniani zimeenea zaidi tangu miaka ya 1990, ikiwa ni pamoja na uwakilishi mkubwa wa haki za wanawake na haki ya kiuchumi kama sehemu ya mwavuli wa haki za binadamu |
Economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights gained new prominence. | Haki za kiuchumi, kijamii na kitamaduni (ESC) zilipata umaarufu mpya |
Advocates for women's human rights (sometimes identifying as part of the feminist movement), criticized the early human rights movement for focusing on male concerns and artificially excluding women's issues from the public sphere. | Wanaharakati wa haki za binadamu za wanawake (wakati mwingine wakijitambulisha kama sehemu ya vuguvugu la utetezi wa haki za wanawake), walikosoa vuguvugu la awali la haki za binadamu kwa kuzingatia masuala ya wanaume na kuwatenga kiholela masuala ya wanawake katika nyanja ya umma. |
Women's rights have nevertheless gained prominence in the international human rights movement, particularly insofar as they include protection from gender-based violence. | Haki za wanawake hata hivyo zimepata umaarufu katika harakati za kimataifa za haki za binadamu, hasa kwa vile zinajumuisha kulindwa dhidi ya unyanyasaji wa kijinsia |
In Latin America, the issue of women's human rights intersects with the struggle against authoritarian governments. | Katika Amerika ya Kusini, suala la haki za binadamu za wanawake linaingiliana na mapambano dhidi ya serikali za kimabavu |
In many cases (see: the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo) women's groups were some of the most prominent advocates of human rights in general. | Katika hali nyingi (tazama: Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo) vikundi vya wanawake vilikuwa baadhi ya watetezi mashuhuri wa haki za binadamu kwa ujumla. |
Mainstream acceptance of women's human rights within the international human rights movement has increased since 1989. | Kukubalika kwa haki za binadamu kwa wanawake ndani ya vuguvugu la kimataifa la haki za binadamu kumeongezeka tangu mwaka wa 1989 |
The authority of the United Nations human rights framework diminished in the 1990s, partly due to the emphasis on economic liberalization that followed the Cold War. | Mamlaka ya mfumo wa haki za binadamu wa Umoja wa Mataifa yalipungua katika miaka ya 1990, kwa sehemu kutokana na msisitizo wa ukombozi wa kiuchumi uliofuata Vita Baridi. |
The 1990s also saw a call to "defend the defenders" of human rights—to protect human rights activists from violence and repression. | Miaka ya 1990 pia iliona wito wa "kutetea watetezi" wa haki za binadamu-kuwalinda wanaharakati wa haki za binadamu dhidi ya vurugu na ukandamizaji. |
Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the number of attacks on the activists. | Kwa bahati mbaya, kumekuwa na ongezeko la idadi ya mashambulizi dhidi ya wanaharakati |
The movement has come to a standstill as individuals continue to push for liberation but are unable to report their findings out of fear of harm or death. | Vuguvugu hilo limesimama huku watu binafsi wakiendelea kushinikiza ukombozi lakini hawawezi kuripoti matokeo yao kwa kuhofia madhara au kifo |
The number of female activists has been growing since the beginning of the Feminist movement however, there have been increased number of attacks on women. | Idadi ya wanaharakati wa kike imekuwa ikiongezeka tangu kuanza kwa vuguvugu la Watetezi wa Haki za Wanawake hata hivyo, kumekuwa na ongezeko la idadi ya mashambulizi dhidi ya wanawake. |
Recently, the Taliban targeted the female activists to send a message. | Hivi majuzi, Taliban ililenga wanaharakati wa kike kutuma ujumbe |
The internet has expanded the power of the human rights movement by improving communication between activists in different physical locations. | Mtandao umepanua nguvu za harakati za haki za binadamu kwa kuboresha mawasiliano kati ya wanaharakati katika maeneo tofauti ya kimaumbile |
This is known as mediated mobilization. | Huu unajulikana kama uhamasishaji wa upatanishi |
Individuals who are using their voices to communicate about the injustices are now able to communicate with like minded people who use their voices through participatory journalism. | Watu ambao wanatumia sauti zao kuwasiliana kuhusu dhuluma sasa wanaweza kuwasiliana na watu wenye mawazo kama hayo wanaotumia sauti zao kupitia uandishi wa habari shirikishi. |
The human rights movement has historically focused on abuses by states, and some have argued that it has not attended closely enough to the actions of corporations. | Vuguvugu la haki za binadamu kihistoria limezingatia unyanyasaji unaofanywa na mataifa, na baadhi ya watu wamesema kuwa halijahudhuria kwa karibu vya kutosha vitendo vya mashirika. |
In the 1990s, some first steps were taken towards holding corporations accountable for human rights abuses. | Katika miaka ya 1990, baadhi ya hatua za kwanza zilichukuliwa kuelekea kuwajibika kwa mashirika kwa ukiukaji wa haki za binadamu |
For example, the Parliament of Britain approved a resolution to censure British Petroleum for funding Colombian death squads. | Kwa mfano, Bunge la Uingereza liliidhinisha azimio la kushutumu British Petroleum kwa kufadhili vikosi vya vifo vya Colombia. |
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