شجرة بودهي |
The Bodhi Tree |
في الجزء الغربي من ماهابوندي ستوبا في بودهاجايا تقف شجرة تاريخية ضخمة التي استنار تحتها شاكياموني بوذا، |
At the western side of the Mahabodhi Stupa in Bodhgaya stands the large and historic Bodhi Tree under which Shakyamuni Buddha, then known as Gautama, attained enlightenment some 2540 years ago. |
كان غوتاما يمارس التقشف لمدة ست سنوات في منطقة وادي نيرانجانا قرب بودهاجايا. |
Gautama had been practicing austerities for six years in the area of the Niranjana River near Bodhgaya. |
ترك التقشف وفي قرية سيناني المجاورة (المعروفة الآن بسوجاتا) عرضت عله الفتاة البراهمانية حليب الأرز. |
Finally understanding that this could not lead to realisation, he abandoned his austerities and in the nearby village of Senani (now also known as Sujata) the Brahmin girl Sujata offered him milk-rice. |
ثم أخد بعض أعشاب الكوشا وجعل منها حصيرة جلس عليها تحت شجرة التين الندي قبالة الشرق. |
Strengthened by this, he took some kusha grass for a mat and sat under the pipal tree facing east. |
بعد أن جلس في جلسة تأمل عميق حاول مارا إله الوهم تشتيت انتباهه عن هدفه بتجسيد أوهام العقل الخاصة بالمرء. |
He resolved not to rise until he attained enlightenment. |
ثم لمس غوتاما الأرض داعيا إياها لتكون شاهدا على فضيلة الأةقات التي لا تحصى التي قادته إلى مكان التنوير هذا. |
As he sat in deep meditation, Mara, Lord of Illusion, symbolising the delusions of one's own mind, tried tirelessly to distract him from his purpose. |
أطلق مارا جيشه من الشياطين لإلهاء و إغراء غوتاما عن هدفه، |
Gautama then touched the earth, calling it to bear witness to the countless lifetimes of virtue that led him to this place of enlightenment. |
وكان الهدوء التام يعم فكره و عقله. |
The earth shook confirming the truth of his words. |
واصل بوذا التأمل تحت الشجرة لسبعة أيام من التنوير دون ان يتحرك من مكانه. |
Mara unleashed his army of demons to distract and tempt Gautama from his purpose, but Gautama triumphed over the inner obstacles and the power of his compassion transformed the demons' weapons into flowers. |
توجد السجلات الأولى على الشجرة في 'كالينغابودهي جاتاكا'، |
His mind was utterly subdued. |
و"الأسوكافادانا" التي تروي قصة اعتناق الملك أشوكا البوذية (في القرن الثالث قبل الميلاد). |
For seven days after the enlightenment, Buddha continued to meditate under the tree without moving from his seat. |
جمع أشوكا الأرض حول الجذع وسكب الحليب على جذوره. |
Another week passed in walking meditation, and for a third the Buddha contemplated under the Bodhi Tree. |
بعد ذلك أحاط الشجرة بجدار حجري ارتفاعه حوالي 3أمتار لحمايتها. |
The earliest records on the tree are in the 'Kalingabodhi Jataka', which gives a vivid description of the tree and the surrounding area prior to the enlightenment, and the 'Asokavadana', which relates the story of King Ashoka's (3rd century B.C) conversion to Buddhism. |
السليل الرابع المباشر من شجرة بودهي الأصلية لايزال يزهر إلى اليوم وهي أقدم شجرة موثقة في العالم باستمرار. |
His subsequent worship under the sacred tree apparently angered his queen to the point where she ordered the tree to be felled. |
م دُمرت الشجرة من جديد؛ وهذه المرة من قبل الملك سيسانكا القوي. |
Ashoka then piled up earth around the stump and poured milk on its roots. |
سجل هيوان تسانغ الحدث إلى جنبب زرع شتلة من شجرة بودهي 'مأخوذة من الشجرة الأصلية) من قبل الملك بورنافارما في سنة 620 ق. |
The tree miraculously revived and grew to a height of 37-metres. |
م. |
He then surrounded the tree with a stonewall some three-meters high for its protection. |
وتقديم الزهور والموسيقى. |
Ashoka's daughter Sangamitta, a Buddhist nun, took a shoot of the tree to Sri Lanka where the King, Devanampiyatissa, planted it at the Mahavihara monastery in Anuradhapura. |
يمكن للمرء أن يرى خندقا كبيرا على شكل حوض. المصلون يؤدون العبادة مع اللبن الرائب والحليب والعطور مثل خشب الصندل والكافور وهلم جرا ". |
The fourth direct descendant of the original Bodhi Tree still flourishes today and is the oldest continually documented tree in the world. |
في وقت لاحق من ذلك بكثير سجل عالم الآثار الإنجليزي كننغهام، |
In 600 AD, the tree was again destroyed; this time by the zealous King Sesanka. |
'في سنة 1862 وجدت الشجرة فاسدة، |
Hiuen T'sang recorded the event, along with the planting of a new Bodhi Tree sapling (taken from the original) by King Purnavarma in 620 AD. |
لكن الأغصان الأخرى كانت ميتة وفاسدة. |
At this time, during the annual celebration of Vaisakha, thousands of people from all over India would gather to anoint the roots of the holy tree with perfumed water and scented milk, and to offer flowers and music. |
ثم بعد ذلك بقريب في سنة 1876 وكل الجزء الوحيد المتبقي من الشجرة سقط على الجدار الغربي خلال العاصفة، |
Hiuen T'sang wrote, "The tree stands inside a fort-like structure surrounded on the south, west and north by a brick wall. It has pointed leaves of a bright green colour. Having opened a door, one could see a large trench in the shape of a basin. Devotees worship with curd, milk and perfumes such as sandalwood, camphor and so on." |
ومع ذلك تم جمع العديد من بذور الشجرة الشابة ابنة الشجرة الأم وكانت جاهزة مسبقا لتحل محلها. |
Much later the English archaeologist Cunningham records, "In 1862 I found this tree very much decayed; one large stem to the westward with three branches was still green, but the other branches were barkless and rotten. I next saw the tree in 1871 and again in 1875, when it had become completely decayed, and shortly afterwards in 1876 the only remaining portion of the tree fell over the west wall during a storm, and the old pipal tree was gone. Many seeds, however, had been collected and the young scion of the parent tree were already in existence to take its place." |
ولا تزال تلعب دورا مهما للبوذيين في كل التقاليد. |
The present Bodhi Tree is most probably the fifth descendant of the original tree to be planted at this site. |
البعض يراها كبوذا الفعلي، |
It still performs a very important role to Buddhists of all traditions. |
رمز للسلام، |
Being viewed as the actual Buddha by some, it is a reminder and an inspiration, a symbol of peace, of Buddha's enlightenment and of the ultimate potential that lies within us all. |