Atoms, the smallest particles of matter that retain the properties of the matter, are made of protons, electrons, and neutrons. |
Atomet, particelat me te vogla te materies qe permbajne dhe vecorite e materies, perbehen nga protonet, electronet dhe neutronet. |
Protons have a positive charge, Electrons have a negative charge that cancels the proton's positive charge. |
Protonet kane nje ngarkese posizitve. Elektronet kane nje ngarkese negative qe neutralizojne ngarkesen pozitive te protoneve. |
Neutrons are particles that are similar to a proton but have a neutral charge. |
Neutronet jane particela qe jane te ngjashme me protonet por kane nje ngarkese neutrale. |
There are no differences between positive and negative charges except that particles with the same charge repel each other and particles with opposite charges attract each other. |
Nuk ka diference midis ngarkesave pozitive dhe negative perves se particelat me ngarkese te njejte shtyjne njera tjetren dhe particelat me ngarkese te ndryshe terheqin njera tjetren. |
If a solitary positive proton and negative electron are placed near each other they will come together to form a hydrogen atom. |
Nese vendosim afer nga nje proton pozitiv dhe elektron negativ te vetem ata do te bashkohen bashke per te formuar nje atom hidrogjeni. |
This repulsion and attraction (force between stationary charged particles) is known as the Electrostatic Force and extends theoretically to infinity, but is diluted as the distance between particles increases. |
Kjo shtytje dhe terheqje ( forca mes particelave me ngarkese te pa ndryshueshme) njihet si Forca Elektrostatike dhe teorikisht shtrihet deri ne infinit, per humbet me rritjen e distances ndrmjet particelave. |
When an atom has one or more missing electrons it is left with a positive charge, and when an atom has at least one extra electron it has a negative charge. |
Kur nje atomi i mungojne nje ose me shume elektrone ai ngelet me ngarkese pozitive, dhe kur nje atom ka te pakten nje elektron me shume ai ka nje ngarkese negative. |
Having a positive or a negative charge makes an atom an ion. |
Duke pasur nje ngarkese pozitive ose negative atomi kthehet ne ion. |
Atoms only gain and lose protons and neutrons through fusion, fission, and radioactive decay. |
Atomet fitojne ose humbin protone ose neutorne vetem nepermjet fuzioneve, shkrirjeve dhe shperthimeve atomike |
Although atoms are made of many particles and objects are made of many atoms, they behave similarly to charged particles in terms of how they repel and attract. |
Megjithese atomet perbehen nga shume particela dhe objektet perehen nga shume atome, ato sjellje te njejte ndaj particelave te ngarkuara lidhur me menyren se si terhiqen ose shtyhen. |
In an atom the protons and neutrons combine to form a tightly bound nucleus. |
Ne nje atom protonet dhe neutronet kombinohen per te formuar nje berthame te lidhur fort. |
This nucleus is surrounded by a vast cloud of electrons circling it at a distance but held near the protons by electromagnetic attraction (the electrostatic force discussed earlier). |
Kjo berthame eshte rethuar nga nje re e madhe elektronesh qe i vijne reth e rrotul ne distance por qe mbahen afer protoneve nga kampi elektomagnetik (forca elektrostatike qe diskutuam me siper) |
The cloud exists as a series of overlapping shells / bands in which the inner valence bands are filled with electrons and are tightly bound to the atom. |
Reja ekziston si nje seri mbivendosjesh levoresh / fashash ku valencat e fashave te brendeshme jane mbushur me elektrone dhe jane lidhur ngushte me atomin. |
The outer conduction bands contain no electrons except those that have accelerated to the conduction bands by gaining energy. |
Fashat percuese te jashtme nuk permbajne elektrone pervec atyre qe kane pershpejtuar fashat percuese duke perfituar energji. |
With enough energy an electron will escape an atom (compare with the escape velocity of a space rocket). |
Me energji te mjafueshme nje elektron mund te largohet nga atomi (e ngjashme me shpejtesine e nje rakete kozmike) |
When an electron in the conduction band decelerates and falls to another conduction band or the valence band a photon is emitted. |
Kur nje elektron ne fashen percuese ngadaleson dhe bie ne nje tjeter fashe percuese ose ne fashen e valences nje Foton leshohet. |
This is known as the photoelectric effect. |
Kjo njihet si efekti fotoelektrik. |