Translation of scripture into the vernacular (such as English and hundreds of other languages), though a common phenomenon, is also a subject of debate and criticism. |
Tafsiri ya maandiko katika lugha za kienyeji (kama vile Kiingereza na mamia ya lugha nyingine), ingawa ni jambo la kawaida, pia ni mada ya mjadala na ukosoaji. |
For readability, clarity, or other reasons, translators may choose different wording or sentence structure, and some translations may choose to paraphrase passages. |
Kwa ajili ya kusomeka, kueleweka, au sababu nyinginezo, watafsiri wanaweza kuchagua maneno au muundo wa sentensi tofauti, na tafsiri zingine zinaweza kuchagua kufafanua vifungu. |
Because many of the words in the original language have ambiguous or difficult to translate meanings, debates over correct interpretation occur. |
Kwa sababu maneno mengi katika lugha ya awali yana maana yenye utata au vigumu kutafsiri, mijadala juu ya tafsiri sahihi hutokea. |
For instance, at creation (Gen 1:2), is רוח אלהים (ruwach 'elohiym) the "wind of god", "spirit of god" (i.e., the Holy Spirit in Christianity), or a "mighty wind" over the primordial deep? |
Kwa mfano, wakati wa uumbaji (Mwa 1:2), ni רוח אלהים (ruwach 'elohiym) "upepo wa mungu", "roho ya mungu" (yaani, Roho Mtakatifu katika Ukristo), au "upepo wa nguvu" juu ya ulimwengu. zilizopo au kutoka mwanzo wa wakati kina? |
In Hebrew, רוח(ruwach) can mean "wind","breath" or "spirit". |
Katika Kiebrania, רוח (ruwach) inaweza kumaanisha "upepo", "pumzi" au "roho". |
Both ancient and modern translators are divided over this and many other such ambiguities. |
Wafasiri wa zamani na wa kisasa wamegawanyika juu ya hii na mengine mengi ya utata. |
Another example is the word used in the Masoretic Text [Isa 7:14] to indicate the woman who would bear Immanuel is alleged to mean a young, unmarried woman in Hebrew, while Matthew 1:23 follows the Septuagint version of the passage that uses the Greek word parthenos, translated virgin, and is used to support the Christian idea of virgin birth. |
Mfano mwingine ni neno lililotumiwa katika Maandiko ya Wamasora [Isa 7:14] kuonyesha mwanamke ambaye angemzaa Emanueli linadaiwa kumaanisha msichana ambaye hajaolewa katika Kiebrania, huku Mathayo 1:23 ikifuata toleo la Septuagint la kifungu kinachotumia. neno la Kigiriki Parthenos, lililotafsiriwa bikira, na hutumiwa kuunga mkono wazo la Kikristo la kuzaliwa na bikira. |
Those who view the Masoretic Text, which forms the basis of most English translations of the Old Testament, as being more accurate than the Septuagint, and trust its usual translation, may see this as an inconsistency, whereas those who take the Septuagint to be accurate may not. |
Wale wanaoona Maandishi ya Kimasora, ambayo yanaunda msingi wa tafsiri nyingi za Kiingereza za Agano la Kale, kuwa sahihi zaidi kuliko Septuagint, na kuamini tafsiri yake ya kawaida, wanaweza kuona hili kuwa hali ya kutofautiana, ilhali wale wanaoichukulia Septuagint kuwa sahihi. inaweza isiwe hivyo. |
More recently, several discoveries of ancient manuscripts such as the Dead Sea scrolls, and Codex Sinaiticus, have led to modern translations like the New International Version differing somewhat from the older ones such as the 17th century King James Version, removing verses not present in the earliest manuscripts (see List of omitted Bible verses), some of which are acknowledged as interpolations, such as the Comma Johanneum, others having several highly variant versions in very important places, such as the resurrection scene in Mark 16. |
Hivi majuzi, uvumbuzi kadhaa wa hati-mkono za kale kama vile hati-kunjo za Bahari ya Chumvi, na Codex Sinaiticus, umesababisha tafsiri za kisasa kama vile New International Version kuwa tofauti kwa kiasi fulani na zile za zamani kama vile King James Version ya karne ya 17, na kuondoa mafungu ambayo hayapo katika Biblia. hati za mapema zaidi (ona Orodha ya mistari ya Biblia iliyoachwa), ambayo baadhi yake inakubaliwa kuwa tafsiri, kama vile Comma Johanneum, nyingine zikiwa na matoleo mengi tofauti katika sehemu muhimu sana, kama vile mandhari ya ufufuo katika Marko 16. |
The King-James-Only Movement rejects these changes and uphold the King James Version as the most accurate. |
Vuguvugu la King-James-Only linakataa mabadiliko haya na kushikilia toleo la King James Version kuwa ndilo sahihi zaidi. |