Lake Como is situated in Como (Province) in Lombardy, Northern Italy. |
Liqeni i Komos shtrihet ne provincen e Komos ne Lombardi, ne Italine veriore. |
It is part of the Italian Lake District. |
Eshte pjese e drejtorise se liqeneve |
Popular with visitors for well over 100 years for its combination of fresh air, water, mountains and good weather, it's still worth a visit. |
Popullohet nga vizitoret prej me shume se 100 vjetesh per arsye te kombinimit te ajrit te paster, ujit, maleve dhe klimes se mire, ja vlen akoma te vizitohet. |
The Lake is shaped rather like an inverted 'Y', with two 'legs' starting at Como in the South-West and Lecco in the South-East, which join together half way up and the lake continues up to Colico in the North. |
Liqeni ka nje forme y-je me dy kembe qe fillojne ne Komo ne jugperendim dhe ne Lecco ne juglindje, ato bashkohen ne gjysem te rruges dhe liqeni vazhdon deri ne Koliko ne veri. |
The first few kilometres of the 'legs' at the southern end of the lake are relatively flat, but Lake Como becomes more mountainous as you head northwards into the Alps. |
Kilometrat e pare te "kembeve" ne pjesen jugore jane relativisht fushore, por liqeni i Komos behet me malor duke u drejtuar ne veri drejt Alpeve. |
Some of the nearby peaks go slightly above the tree-line so the views are really impressive. |
Majat e maleve aty afer arrijne pak mbi majat e rreshtit te pemeve keshtu qe pamja eshte vertet impresionuese. |
In the winter, there is skiing in the nearby valleys. |
Ne dimer, ne luginat aty afer behet ski. |
The area around Lake Como, or "Lago di Como" in Italian, is pretty characteristic. |
Zona perreth Liqenit te Komos, ose "Lago di Como" ne italisht, eshte shume karakteristike. |
It has a kind of flair and sense of history that tends to impress its visitors in a sense deeper than only from a touristic point of view. |
Ka nje aftesi dhe ndjesi historike qe tenton te impresionoje vizitoret ne nje sens me te thelle sesa vetem nga pikepamja turistike. |
It has been appreciated for its beauty and uniqueness for ages, and even as early as the Roman Times. |
Eshte vleresuar per bukurine e tij dhe per vecantine e tij nder kohera, deri ne ato Romake. |
Its atmosphere and natural surroundings have been the inspiration for an important part of the creation of Naboo, in the Star Wars movies. |
Atmosfera dhe zhurmat natyrale kane qene nje inspirim per nje pjese te rendesishme ne krijimin e Naboo, ne serialet e Luftrat e Yjeve. |
(In the same way as the atmosphere in Tozeur and Matmata have been recreated in Episode IV, "A New Hope"). |
( njesoj si dhe atmosfera e krijuar per Tozeur dhe Matmata, ne episodin IV, "Nje Shprese E Re |