What is “governance”? |
Utawala" ni nini? |
The term governance often gives rise to confusion because it is (erroneously) assumed that it must refer solely to acts or duties of the government. |
Neno utawala mara nyingi huzua mkanganyiko kwa sababu (kimakosa) inachukuliwa kuwa lazima lirejelee tu vitendo au majukumu ya serikali. |
Of course, governments do play an important role in many kinds of governance. |
Bila shaka, serikali zina jukumu muhimu katika aina nyingi za utawala. |
However, in fact, the concept is far broader, and extends beyond merely the State. |
Hata hivyo, kwa kweli, dhana hiyo ni pana zaidi, na inaenea zaidi ya Jimbo pekee. |
For example, we have seen increasing reference recently to the notion of “corporate governance”, a process that involves oversight both by the State and by a host of non-State bodies, including corporations themselves. |
Kwa mfano, tumeona marejeleo yanayoongezeka hivi majuzi kwa dhana ya "utawala wa shirika", mchakato unaohusisha uangalizi wa Serikali na mashirika mengi yasiyo ya Kiserikali, yakiwemo mashirika yenyewe. |
Don McLean points out that the word governance derives from the Latin word “gubernare”, which refers to the action of steering a ship. |
Don McLean anaonyesha kwamba neno utawala linatokana na neno la Kilatini "gubernare", ambalo linamaanisha hatua ya uendeshaji wa meli. |
This etymology suggests a broader definition for governance. |
Etimolojia hii inapendekeza ufafanuzi mpana zaidi wa utawala. |
One important implication of this broader view is that governance includes multiple tools and mechanisms. |
Maana moja muhimu ya mtazamo huu mpana ni kwamba utawala unajumuisha zana na taratibu nyingi. |
Traditional law and policy are certainly among those mechanisms. |
Sheria na sera za kimapokeo hakika ni miongoni mwa mifumo hiyo. |
However, as we shall see throughout this primer, governance can take place through many other channels. |
Hata hivyo, kama tutakavyoona katika somo hili la kwanza, utawala unaweza kufanyika kupitia njia nyingine nyingi. |
Technology, social norms, decision-making procedures, and institutional design: all of these are as equally important in governance as law or policy. |
Teknolojia, kanuni za kijamii, taratibu za kufanya maamuzi, na muundo wa kitaasisi: yote haya ni muhimu katika utawala sawa na sheria au sera. |