Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. |
Nandharia ya muziki ni masomo ya mazoea na uwezekano wa muziki. |
Music theory is frequently concerned with describing how musicians and composers make music, including tuning systems and composition methods among other topics. |
Nandharia ya muziki inahusikana na miundomusingi ambazo wanamuziki wanatumia kutengeneza muziki, na pia huhusu mitambo na uandikaji wa muziki na mambo mengine. |
Because of the ever-expanding conception of what constitutes music (see Definition of music), a more inclusive definition could be that music theory is the consideration of any sonic phenomena, including silence, as they relate to music. |
Kwasababu muziki hujumuisha mambo memgi, ufafanuzi nandaria ya muziki ni kuhusu matukio mepesi, tukizingatia kimya kwaababu hio pia huhusu muziki. |
This is not an absolute guideline; for example, the study of "music" in the Quadrivium liberal arts university curriculum that was common in medieval Europe was an abstract system of proportions that was carefully studied at a distance from actual musical practice. |
Hii sio mwongozo kamili, kwa mfano kwa masomo ya muziki katika chuo kikuu cha Quadrium liberal arts ilioyo kuwa kawaida katika enzi za kale za ulaya, ilikuwa wazi kwa kiwango kilichosomwa kwa umbali na muziki ilivyo chezwa. |
However, this medieval discipline became the basis for tuning systems in later centuries, and it is generally included in modern scholarship on the history of music theory. |
Hata hivyo, haya masomo ya kale yalikuwa msingi wa kubadilisha miundo mssingi kwa karne zilizokuja, na hii ni pamoja na udhamini wa historia ya nandharia ya muziki. |
Music theory as a practical discipline encompasses the methods and concepts composers and other musicians use in creating music. |
Nandharia ya muziki kama mazoezi inahussu njia na miundo msingi ya waandikaji na wanamuziki wengine wanaotumia kutengeneza muziki. |
The development, preservation, and transmission of music theory in this sense may be found in oral and written music-making traditions, musical instruments, and other artifacts. |
Maendeleo, kuhifadhi, na usambazaji wa nndharia ya muziki unaweza patikana katika uimbaji na uandikaji wa tamaduni za miziki, vyombo vya muziki, na mabaki maengine. |
For example, ancient instruments from Mesopotamia, China, and prehistoric sites around the world reveal details about the music they produced and potentially something of the musical theory that might have been used by their makers (see History of music and Musical instrument). |
Kwa mfano, vyombo vya kale kutoka Mesopotamia, Uchina, na eneo za kihistoria ulimwengu wote zaonyesha mitindo za muziki iliyochezwa na pengine nandharia ya muziki ambayo iikuwa yatumika na wenyeji. |
In ancient and living cultures around the world, the deep and long roots of music theory are clearly visible in instruments, oral traditions, and current music making. |
Enziza kale na utamaduni wa sasa katika ulimwengu wote, mizizi ya nadaria ya muziki inaonekana wazi kwa vyombo, mila, na utengenezaji wa muziki siku hizi. |
Many cultures, at least as far back as ancient Mesopotamia and ancient China, have also considered music theory in more formal ways such as written treatises and music notation. |
Tamaduni mingi, ukienda nyuma hadi enzi za mesopotamia an hapa enzi za kale za uchina, zimeangalia nadharia ya muziki kwa njia rasmi kama matukio na tamko za muziki. |
Practical and scholarly traditions overlap, as many practical treatises about music place themselves within a tradition of other treatises, which are cited regularly just as scholarly writing cites earlier research. |
Vitendo na uanafunzi hazitangamani, kama vitendo rasmi kuhusu muziki huweka watu kwa mila za rassmi, na hizi zapatikana mara mingi kama uanafunzi wa utafiti wa awali. |